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Blah Blah Blah "~Lets's Nerf Nova~" Blah Blah Blah [/sarcasm]


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NO! Let's Not.

Now that I've got that out of my system let me explain why she's not in need of a nerf:

Nukers like Nova NEED a large damage output in order to scale late game. Purely because damage numbers stop scaling when the mod stops, the level of enemies and their health does not stop scaling, and unlike Mag's shield polarize, nothing she has passively scales with the enemy.

Does M Prime do too much damage at low levels with a Maxed Blind Rage?

Did you ever stop to think that it might be blind Rage's fault? Or the fact that it's a maxed 'frame at low levels?

Does Anti-matter drop do too much damage?

Have you ever stopped to consider that it's her hardest to use ability? Trying juggle both the "Look at it to slow" and "Move it with the mouse" mechanics so she can pump enough damage in it to clear a room before one of her teammates just uses one of the other two dozen room clearing abilites?

What's that you say? The Soma makes it easy?

Have you stopped to consider that it might be the Soma's fault instead?

No. Because obviously nerfing Blind Rage and Soma would reduce your own ability to kill.

And that's what it's all about right?

Getting your own hand in the fun?

So obviously the issue is that she's not OP. The issue is that She makes it less fun for the players.

Nerfing her only means it's only going to more annoying for even lower level players and even more annoying for higher level players.

So now that we've established the fact that she's not overpowered, just Anti-fun. Let's solve THAT problem rather then chasing after scapegoats:

The only thing about Nova that destroys the enjoyment of others is that her M-Prime wipes a room faster then anything in the game.

Everything else has an animation, an expanding orb, a texture overlay of slowly desolving flesh and metal.

Nova has "Poof!" and a lot of energy colored dust, some XP numbers pop up... ANNNNND that's it. Boring. Laggy. Unfun.

Solution? Delayed Detonation. Let the body fall to the ground normally and explode a full second to second-and-a-half later, as it beings to glow brighter and brighter with Nova's energy. Any Cut in Half, disentigration, or ice shattering animation does not apply here, in order to deal with timing and corpse physics properly... It's going to explode in a gory finish anyhow.

This makes the "Chain Effect" more fun and apparent, as opposed to the instantaneous blur we have right now. And it would be more fitting, of what I believe, the council had imagined when one genius fellow came up with the ability everyone said was a laughably underpowered concept.

This gives your teammates the chance to pump damage into enemies and take part in the fight as more and more enemies begin to explode, one after the other. Doesn't that sound amazing? Doesn't that sound fun?

This also makes Nova the ultimate savior, guardian, and saint of Nekros, rather than his @#&$-blocker, as bodies will stay as whole bodies for a second and a half, instead of being burnt, evaporated, and shattered by allies mods.

People have often also said the +100% damage amp on it is unnecessary. And invalidates Rhino's Roar. While Rhino's roar is something I ALSO have a rant about, let's put that aside for another thread... But yeah, the Amp does make Make Roar invalid.

Yet she also needs that to keep that because of the Apex point where her Ult's damage just doesn't cut it.

So let's be FUN and CREATIVE with diversifying it:

Make any damage against the target damage other enemies in an AOE.

NOT the original receiver of the damage.

And damage caused by this Splash damage buff should not be reflected back, as that would cause an infinite damage loop. That wouldn't be good.

Need a solution to stop the infinite damage loop DE? Just make a secret, special damage type with the properties of Damage 2.0 Blast Damage just for Nova's ult called "mPrime" and if(damageType != mPrime) {//make it do splash damage}

This not only makes her cult's function different from Rhino, and keeps her M Prime as a useful tool in unnecessarily high level play, but it also reaffirms her place as the Exponential Reverb Damage Queen

Also, Exponentially increasing damage Ogris on M Primed Targets? Yes Please. Why SHOULDN'T we be carrying around a rocket launcher on the Queen of Bang?

TL;DR - I'm sick and tired of people screaming "Nerf Nova" when that would only make the problem worse. She's Not OP, she's just Anti-fun. Just make her more fun.

So feel free to go ahead and brainstorm on ways to make Nova more fun for other players, point out technical or grammatical flaws in my ideas, or just berate me and call me an asshat for not agreeing that Nova should be Nerfed. The Internet probably needs to get a hold on my currently throbbing, dripping ego considering how large it's getting.

Edited by Yg-Dosst
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I'm sick and tired of people screaming "Nerf".Nerf - a road into the pit.

I thought Nova hysteria is long time gone >_>

Too long to read the first Bolded, Upscaled sentence or sense the irony in the title.

Or even read the included TLDR

Better up that to Size 12-15 font and add a [/sarcasm] tag.

Edited by Yg-Dosst
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This game progresses towards anti-fun. You work towards getting weapons that 1 shot things up to lvl 120. If Mol. Prime just did a huge nuke of damage with a smaller range I'd be ok with that, but she also slows and gives a huge damage buff. All with one skill.


In my opinion mag is on equal terms as nova for corpus and grineer missions. So much utility on top of damage.

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Too long to read the first Bolded, Upscaled sentence or sense the irony in the title.

Or even read the included TLDR

Better up that to Size 12-15 font and add a [/sarcasm] tag.

This isn't about me can't read. I mean those Nova threads are obsolete. Why bother beating a dead horse?

Edited by 3XT3RM1NATUS
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This isn't about me can't read. I mean those Nova threads are obsolete. Why bother beating a dead horse?

Because the Nerf bat is eminent and it's simply not the answer.

Like I said, nerfing nova would just make endgame S#&$ty nofun and keep low-level just a S#&$ty nofun fest.

I'm against Nova's upcoming nerfs, especially because her raw damage is not what people are TRULY complaining about and am also sick of "Nerf Nova" threads.

Two Birds with one stone? Make her fun to play with teammates. This is a cooperative game after all.

Giving lower numbers to an unfun character makes her JUST as unfun except at lower numbers.

Plus the Title is because I'm a sarcastic turd, coked up on caffeine, and needed a cheap way to get views, up votes, and comments.

EDIT - "nerfing" auto-corrects to "meeting" on my phone. Whoops.

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They already stealth nerfed (or bugged, who knows) MPrime. Whatever they did to "balance" it for Conclave also affected regular gameplay. I don't know if it was the explosion damage, the AoE of the explosion or what got hit, but it did. 


What exactly did they do? I haven't seen anything different so far, and I just got done using my Nova in a few survival and mobile defense runs.

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Because the Nerf bat is eminent and it's simply not the answer.

Like I said, nerfing nova would just make endgame S#&$ty nofun and keep low-level just a S#&$ty nofun fest.

I'm against Nova's upcoming nerfs, especially because her raw damage is not what people are TRULY complaining about and am also sick of "Nerf Nova" threads.

Two Birds with one stone? Make her fun to play with teammates. This is a cooperative game after all.

Giving lower numbers to an unfun character makes her JUST as unfun except at lower numbers.

Plus the Title is because I'm a sarcastic turd, coked up on caffeine, and needed a cheap way to get views, up votes, and comments.

EDIT - "nerfing" auto-corrects to "meeting" on my phone. Whoops.


Well, they may do anything but removing x2 damage from MPrime. If DE does it, Nova's ult will only be useful at low levels = no utility.

Edited by 3XT3RM1NATUS
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They already stealth nerfed (or bugged, who knows) MPrime. Whatever they did to "balance" it for Conclave also affected regular gameplay. I don't know if it was the explosion damage, the AoE of the explosion or what got hit, but it did.

I didn't notice.

I THINK it may have something to do with Long of Sight, cover-detection, or being limited to one cell. Don't take my word for it, but people that were getting primed before aren't getting primed anymore.

I've always had a dislike for things going through walls and killing stuff I didn't even know was there, but that's an opinion.

Some testing is in order, but it'll be tomorrow afternoon until the earliest I can play.

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What exactly did they do? I haven't seen anything different so far, and I just got done using my Nova in a few survival and mobile defense runs.



I didn't notice.

I THINK it may have something to do with Long of Sight, cover-detection, or being limited to one cell. Don't take my word for it, but people that were getting primed before aren't getting primed anymore.

I've always had a dislike for things going through walls and killing stuff I didn't even know was there, but that's an opinion.

Some testing is in order, but it'll be tomorrow afternoon until the earliest I can play.


Instead of just shooting one target and having them all explode, sometimes you have to shoot a few even if they're all clumped together. There's been a few times I haven't even seen damage ticks after explosions. 

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Nukers like Nova NEED a large damage output in order to scale late game. Purely because damage numbers stop scaling when the mod stops, the level of enemies and their health does not stop scaling, and unlike Mag's shield polarize, nothing she has passively scales with the enemy.

Saryn, Ember, Volt...?

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Saryn, Ember, Volt...?


You mean the three people have been screaming for a buff for for the last eon?

That's my point exactly. They don't have the ridiculous base damage and do not scale into late game.

Saryn and ember, are at least functional to an extent.

Volt fails to deliver past the few Corpus missions left on Mars.


Those are problems with those Warframes, not problems with Nova.

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What exactly did they do? I haven't seen anything different so far, and I just got done using my Nova in a few survival and mobile defense runs.


My guess is that damage from the explosions now diminish with range, so that it is only 800 if the exploding enemy is touching another enemy. The few damage numbers I have seen seem to support this as they are below 500 even though I was using Focus (the damage numbers might be from something else, but that is somewhat hard to believe because I was using a Lanka at the time).


This is going in the right direction I think, as we as players can still utilize it to full efficiency if we group the enemies.


And agreed, she does not need a nerf or a buff, her ultimate only needs to be changed slightly so that it is not that instant-room-clearing-button-that-everybody-hates-and-loves.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It appears people have been resurrecting Ancient "Nerf Nova" threads.

So in kind I'm dragging this thread back out of the depths too, in hope that some people can divulge a better way of fixing her ult rather then the uninformed, Gung-ho, and generic "Nerf"

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I agree that she herself doesn't need a nerf(despite the title of my thread). 


Molecular Prime needs a serious tweak though.

There's no compromise here, her squishyness is balanced out by her mobility and her ability to cut all damage dealing sources in half, not to mention delay the opponents by a huge amount, doubling the time they use to move into cover and move out of cover, and when enemies are stuck in animation, they can't fire. You get the best of both worlds, CC and Damage, you even get damage reduction as a bonus thanks to opponents who have their mobility cut in half. Not to mention the range, it's rivaling the size of the entire @(*()$ cosmos.(slight exaggeration.)


Now if people argue that Molecular Prime is what 'makes' Nova, then that's a serious issue. That means that Molecular Prime needs a nerf and that the other abilities need tweaking to give Nova more identity, rather than everybody casting a glance at Nova and immediately thinking "Molecular Prime"

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It appears people have been resurrecting Ancient "Nerf Nova" threads.

So in kind I'm dragging this thread back out of the depths too, in hope that some people can divulge a better way of fixing her ult rather then the uninformed, Gung-ho, and generic "Nerf"


Agreed, most of the suggestions listed here are actually good. Most other suggestions revolve around "nerf her energy", "nerf her speed", "make MPrime useless", "nerf everything", "remove nova". Neither of those are good solutions as they will make Nova be something she is not.


To reiterate: the problem is partially the fact that MPrime is good in most situations and that it clears stuff too fast in low-level areas, and partially that ultimates in general can be spammed too easily, especially with the new Corrupted mods.




One idea might be to separate MPrime, making it into a pure debuff, and moving the secondary explosions to AM drop. Might be a silly suggestion, but it might be something.

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Agreed, most of the suggestions listed here are actually good. Most other suggestions revolve around "nerf her energy", "nerf her speed", "make MPrime useless", "nerf everything", "remove nova". Neither of those are good solutions as they will make Nova be something she is not.


To reiterate: the problem is partially the fact that MPrime is good in most situations and that it clears stuff too fast in low-level areas, and partially that ultimates in general can be spammed too easily, especially with the new Corrupted mods.




One idea might be to separate MPrime, making it into a pure debuff, and moving the secondary explosions to AM drop. Might be a silly suggestion, but it might be something.


Anti-matter drop is already powerful by it's own accord, scaling with your weapons % wise rather then your own base damage.

The Issue is also that MPrime doesn't scale,the same way, and therefor requires massive amounts of damage, a slow and damage amplification in order to function late game.

If there were some way to tilt M Prime into being more reliant on a proper scaling system, either weapon damage or the enemy's health things would be much less of an issue at any level of play.


It still doesn't change the fact that the ability has the disheartening "All is dust" appearance to it.

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