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Tenno Are Hypocrites!


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Grineer fans are trying to throw Alad in the Spotlight fo Evil because of the Zanuka Project Trailer. But be honest, how many times have you dismemebered Corpus and grineer?


The Grineer are souless clones that are being mass-produced.


The Corpus are made up mostly of robotics which are also being mass-produced and souless.


You attempt at trying to invoke my compassion and empathy has failed, good sir.

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Grineer fans are trying to throw Alad in the Spotlight fo Evil because of the Zanuka Project Trailer. But be honest, how many times have you dismemebered Corpus and grineer? Slashed them to pieces, or pin them to the walls with bows. Cut them in half and let them suffer as they die in torment. also, what do you think the Lotus does with all those Capture targets? She obviously doesn't keep them alive forever, she has to kill them. 


The Lotus (us) did not start this.

The Lotus (us) are not the aggressor.

The Lotus (us) are trying to stop everyone else from experimenting on us.


And we dont know what the Lotus does with capture targets. I think it's likely that we dont dissect them like the other factions do. 

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to bad a lot of Grineer people are doing this sadly. Downing people who like corpus.


Funny thing is: You'd call me a "Grineer person". I wouldn't be. I'd never say that I am a Grineer ally. You, on the other hand, decided to affiliate yourself with the Corpus to the point of allegiance. And that is what people can and will despise you for. As soon as you see the Corpus as your friends, allies or partners, you are a traitor to the Tenno. Corpus and Grineer are our enemies. Allying with either is treason.

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Actually I have also asked myself what happens to the capture targets.


Shooting someone who surrenders makes me feel like S#&$ :(




this might be a little off topic but I was just remembering the Aired Fear event


we had to track down targets like normal and then the louts would say something along the lines of "initiate capture protocol"


and I guess in the Tenno hand book, capture protocol looks alot like to 4 guys beating the piss out of a nerdy kid for his lunch money and then stealing his soul.


lol we Tenno are some brutal mofos

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We don't sell their corpses.


And we don't stroke them before we kill them, like Alad did to mag.


We rip out parts of their bodies for our use just like the other factions do: Neurodes? Implanted cybernetics in Grineer; Neural Sensors? Harvested from the remains of sick people (i.e. the Infested). :-P


Actually I have also asked myself what happens to the capture targets.


Shooting someone who surrenders makes me feel like S#&$ :(


Personally, I'm of the opinion the capture target is a bizarre merger of Waldo and Keyser Soze - the same guy keeps appearing on Corpus, Grineer and Infested ships, as well as the Orokin Towers and the Derelicts. Lotus wants to capture him so she can learn the secrets of his godlike power; hence how he apparently keeps escaping and she keeps sending us after the exact same guy. :-P And by the time you actually realize his importance? Poof, he's gone, sucked into your hand, until the next capture mission.


As I've said elsewhere, the most innocent faction out of the bunch (Tenno included) is the Infested. The lore tab on the Infested itself pegs them as being victims of their disease... and no matter your prior crimes or affiliation, they accept you with open er... arms. ;-)

Edited by Taranis49
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Grineer fans are trying to throw Alad in the Spotlight fo Evil because of the Zanuka Project Trailer. But be honest, how many times have you dismemebered Corpus and grineer? Slashed them to pieces, or pin them to the walls with bows. Cut them in half and let them suffer as they die in torment. also, what do you think the Lotus does with all those Capture targets? She obviously doesn't keep them alive forever, she has to kill them. 


We give what we get.


Our enemies are trying to kill us? We kill them.


We're just better at it than they are.


My Tenno is personally out for blood. As much of it as he can spill.

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Good sir. We're just having fun and getting hyped. You shouldn't be taking our nonsense seriously.

This, If you ever actually thought that any of the arguments made during this event was seriously made, then you are quite wrong. I doubt anyone took them actually seriously. I know I didn't.

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implying that we are the only ones to do that.

every country (that can afford to) does that to some degree.

not saying its something we should ignore, just that nobody is innocent.

Major big countries with a lot of influence yes. US and Russia comes to my mind, however, that is hardly every country and far as I can tell, there aren't many more but that is what power brings, it is only a logical choice albeit a nasty one as well. That is why corporations like EA or Activision continue to do what they do, milk money. Because they can.

EDIT: I will also stop posting, I derailed for no reason, sorry.

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Major big countries with a lot of influence yes. US and Russia comes to my mind, however, that is hardly every country and far as I can tell, there aren't many more but that is what power brings, it is only a logical choice albeit a nasty one as well. That is why corporations like EA or Activision continue to do what they do, milk money. Because they can.

Activision isn't as bad as EA.

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Well it really doesn't matter since its a video game, you can RP for a little OP but at some point ya gotta realize this.


So, eh... you're saying that just because its a video game, lore shouldn't matter? We shouldn't care about the characters, and the game world in a video game?


I'm trying to get what you mean here.

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Well it really doesn't matter since its a video game, you can RP for a little OP but at some point ya gotta realize this.

People get invested in different ways. I think it is widely accepted that a gargantuan amount of players get invested in a game because of the lore. For example, in games where story is key like Shadow of the Colossus or Heavy Rain, the story is oftentimes what keeps people invested.


You can't say that lore doesn't matter when lore is what brings "soul" to a game in the first place. You can have all the excellent gameplay and mechanics that you want, but without some sort of lore, no matter how small, it'll be little more than an empty shell.

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People get invested in different ways. I think it is widely accepted that a gargantuan amount of players get invested in a game because of the lore. For example, in games where story is key like Shadow of the Colossus or Heavy Rain, the story is oftentimes what keeps people invested.


You can't say that lore doesn't matter when lore is what brings "soul" to a game in the first place. You can have all the excellent gameplay and mechanics that you want, but without some sort of lore, no matter how small, it'll be little more than an empty shell.


Lore doesn't Always bring soul to a game, look at most NES games.


Some of the most-loved NES games had.... almost no lore whatsoever and were still awesome. How many people dumped hours into Solar Jetman when it had an excuse plot, only because the gameplay was awesome, for example? Well, okay, not Everybody liked its gameplay, but I did. It was such a refreshing change from most other games at the time.


But for games that DO have Lore, then yes, such Lore tends to be a very nice addition to the game when it is done right.

Edited by Xylia
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I'm not saying "Death to Murica" nor should you be getting that out of what I said.


You should be finding truth in what I said or facts.

Only reason I use America as an example of hypocrisy is because of our foreign policies. We claim to represent Freedom and Democracy, yet at the same time we support dictators in other countries while oppressing their people if it's within the interest of our own country. Not to mention the racism that goes on in this country and prejudice.

ok, I can get the foreign policy thing, but really racism and prejudice? You make it sound like it's unique to America....

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