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Nova Getting Nerfed!?


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you are a master.........




Oh, DE_Cwierz, ............
You assume much ...........


you are a master.........



I am doubting the entire basis of your argument. There is a point where the argument is something I don't agree with, but there is a whole 'nother point where the other argument is just terrible. And you have met that point.


It would be impossible for us to agree it seems.  I have an "anything goes" mentality about games.  There is no objectivity in games, at all.  It's all a matter of "taste".  Games can accomodate a variety of play styles through game modes/missions.  I appreciate happy accidents and radical situations.


You have a one size fits all mentality, happy accidents and all things radical be damned.



Edited by ThePresident777
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Dont you understand, there is no fun without balance.  And this 'same S#&$ all the time' is what you get when one-two guns and one-two frames completely outshine the others. Crappy frames should be buffed and OP ones nerfed to bring back variety into the game and fun for everyone. 


I understand that there is more to a game besides the player characters and their gear.   There are enemies and environments.  This fixation on the player character/gear throws away the opportunity to have interesting enemies and environments.  For instance, not one nerfer has taken into consideration Nightmare Mode where the balance of power is different from the "normal" game.  All this hyper comparison between the player character/gear forces everything to be the same all the time which is utterly boring.

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Holy crap this useless thread is still alive?


Damn it was a Bug that is fixed now everything is fine with nova best designed warframe so far


Haters gonna hate OR

Nerfers gonna nerfs its the same


and respect to you president777 i couldnt say it better:


I also would spend zero cent on a game designed by Cwierz philosohpy.

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tl;dr. I have all the warframes except Vauban. I sold his ugly butt. Not for me, ugly in my opinion. What with the clown shoes and train-head... and he's so slow and squishy! And I'm someone who could stand that wonky shoulder protrusion on Banshee. Anyway, people complain about Nova, but I stopped caring. We all get that exp, and Nova is even great on T3 Defense runs. But you don't need her. Another thing is that Nova is a 'caster' frame in my eyes. She's meant to deal out the damages. Also, I'd like to point out that I've had a run with over 1k kills as Ember with a nova in the group. Pfft. Her 50 kills were so OP compared to my 1k. I have a screenshot on Steam in my showcase, too. - Yes, I main Ember over other frames religiously.



Edited by Katzenwolf
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I read most but not all of your post.

I have to say that Nova's ultimate is over powered, but not because it can clear rooms. It is OP because it fits all 3 roles an ability can fit.

It is a damage amp, it is a high damage output and it is a crowd control and it does them all very well.

That is what is wrong with it.

This type of unnecessary whining about any valuable frames is why I will be leaving Warframe soon. Seems like everytime you find a frame/weapon that is highly useful you guys kill it for a myriad of unjustifiable reasons.

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and respect to you president777 i couldnt say it better:


I also would spend zero cent on a game designed by Cwierz philosohpy.

You do realize that almost every game ever designed today is designed with a form of balance right? 

Here is snipit from an article about game balance.

Gameplay is all about making choices and in a poorly-balanced game, many of the choices available to the player are essentially rendered useless. And this, in a nutshell, is why game balance is so important -- it preserves your game elements from irrelevance. In an imbalanced game, one or more "dominant strategies" quickly emerge, limiting other strategies useless except for some un-intended purpose (such as getting used as a handicap mechanism, or comedic reasons).

Balance is a integral part of game design, and this isn't some sort of "me" philosophy. This is a common concept across all games of every type, be it starcraft, or halo.

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You do realize that almost every game ever designed today is designed with a form of balance right? 

Here is snipit from an article about game balance.

Gameplay is all about making choices and in a poorly-balanced game, many of the choices available to the player are essentially rendered useless. And this, in a nutshell, is why game balance is so important -- it preserves your game elements from irrelevance. In an imbalanced game, one or more "dominant strategies" quickly emerge, limiting other strategies useless except for some un-intended purpose (such as getting used as a handicap mechanism, or comedic reasons).

Balance is a integral part of game design, and this isn't some sort of "me" philosophy. This is a common concept across all games of every type, be it starcraft, or halo.

im glad this time you dont try to convince me and others with links to fascism websites.


And from all the threads/posts i know from you i can tell what you understand as balance means nerfing stuff into crap.


Frist of i would like to know the source of this snipit and keep in mind that balance in a pvp game have to be different than in a pve game


second: And from all the threads/posts i know from you i can tell what you understand as balance means nerfing stuff into crap (for me and others, probably the majority). So i wouldnt compare your opinion to this article just to make you stay in the correct spotlight.


My conclusion about your philosophy that you spreaded on the forums is that unlike in the article you usually dont talk about real balance like how to buff the really bad frames and make them useful

NO its usually what i read from you that you like to NERF the very well made frames into crap so that everyone is on the level of crappy loki or ash


well you may call that balance but form my perspective im free to call that bullS#&$ and still i wouldnt pay a cent on a game made by your nerfers philosophy from all i can tell this game would look similar to chess because with all your logical decisions you nerfed almost all fun out of the game.


It can be possible that logic =|= fun

i hope you understand that and tolerate the opinion of others who like to keep the game fun if not i have nothing to tell you anymore.

Edited by zzang
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You do realize that almost every game ever designed today is designed with a form of balance right? 

Here is snipit from an article about game balance.

Gameplay is all about making choices and in a poorly-balanced game, many of the choices available to the player are essentially rendered useless. And this, in a nutshell, is why game balance is so important -- it preserves your game elements from irrelevance. In an imbalanced game, one or more "dominant strategies" quickly emerge, limiting other strategies useless except for some un-intended purpose (such as getting used as a handicap mechanism, or comedic reasons).

Balance is a integral part of game design, and this isn't some sort of "me" philosophy. This is a common concept across all games of every type, be it starcraft, or halo.



And they all have nerfers ripping them apart.  Form of balance, nice try to avoid the fact that they are not balanced and that being imbalanced is the least of their problems.


That quote is nothing more than just another opinion attempting to sound otherwise.    Craft all the theories you want.  It will not stop the "perfect" game from being the most neglected boring thing in the world.


It actually does not argue against anything I have said.  You could "balance" the game with more missions, like Nightmare Mode challenges, that upset the "balance of power", so to speak.  


You're trying to pass off your agenda as "balance" when in reality there are many more options for preserving variety in the game.


You say that you are in favor of buffs.  Mind sharing some of those?

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take about "balance", sure, no frame is allow to be op in DAMAGE than other frame, but a frame can be op in SURVIVAL/ DEFENSE than other frames/ is this the balance most people are talking about? 


No?  Who said we shouldn't nerf Vauban and Frost's defensive capacity as well?  I love them both, but I hate that they're "Defense Missions: The Warframe" each.


That would be addressed by nerfing their problematic abilities (bastille, snowglobe) and buffing their other abilities to compensate.  Same should be done here.

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This type of unnecessary whining about any valuable frames is why I will be leaving Warframe soon. Seems like everytime you find a frame/weapon that is highly useful you guys kill it for a myriad of unjustifiable reasons.

Byee....one less spammy Nova to worry about.

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No?  Who said we shouldn't nerf Vauban and Frost's defensive capacity as well?  I love them both, but I hate that they're "Defense Missions: The Warframe" each.


That would be addressed by nerfing their problematic abilities (bastille, snowglobe) and buffing their other abilities to compensate.  Same should be done here.


I say we shouldn't nerf Vauban of Frost or Trinity or anything in Warframe.  As simple as these ideas are(i.e. the things you want to nerf), they are a huge part of what makes Warframe unique and better than crap games like ME3 and Neverwinter Online.


The nerfs make Warframe into just another game.  That's what all these vague design philosophies are conducive too.  They are just a way to make nerf nerf nerf seem creative when it's anything but.  Nerfs are just regressive.

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Byee....one less spammy Nova to worry about.


Incidentally, I'm leveling up Oberon and I notice people killing a lot more than me with their weapons than I am with my powers.  I've got a Warframe to level up.  I should be like you and cry that I can't level up my warframe because weapons are OP.  Right?


And, incidentally, again, If you leach a game, you get 25% XP for all weapons and warframe.  If you solo a game and kill everything with one particular weapon, you get 50% of the XP towards that one particular weapon.  That is double the XP for soloing compared to leaching in coop for that one particular weapon.  Doesn't that mean that you are wasting your time complaining about Nova, AND, that you should just go solo for the XP?

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1.)And they all have nerfers ripping them apart.  Form of balance, nice try to avoid the fact that they are not balanced and that being imbalanced is the least of their problems.


2.)That quote is nothing more than just another opinion attempting to sound otherwise.    Craft all the theories you want.  It will not stop the "perfect" game from being the most neglected boring thing in the world.


3.)It actually does not argue against anything I have said.  You could "balance" the game with more missions, like Nightmare Mode challenges, that upset the "balance of power", so to speak.  


4.)You're trying to pass off your agenda as "balance" when in reality there are many more options for preserving variety in the game.


5.)You say that you are in favor of buffs.  Mind sharing some of those?

1.) What does that mean? Please clarify before I respond to it.


2.) It isn't an opinion. Game balance is key to create a good game, with longevity. Buffing the crap content is a form of balance, yet here you say that we don't need it.


3.) That is currently impossible with the current AI structure we have and the way math works. I don't think it matters what type of enviroment you have, 1600 damage, slowing, reducing DPS of enemies, and raw increases to your damage will always be better than a radial javelin. 


4.) I don't have an agenda, that is so illogical I find it unfathomable you can actually  Seriously think that I do. This is me seeing a blatant problem, and calling it out.


5.) Sure.


Ash- Free Roam teleportation, faster cast times on blade storm, a completely new skill for shuriken.

Volt- Electric shield follows him as he moves.

I have a list of more, but I have to leave now. 


1.)im glad this time you dont try to convince me and others with links to fascism websites.

Frist of i would like to know the source of this snipit and keep in mind that balance in a pvp game have to be different than in a pve game


2.) And from all the threads/posts i know from you i can tell what you understand as balance means nerfing stuff into crap (for me and others, probably the majority). So i wouldnt compare your opinion to this article just to make you stay in the correct spotlight.


3.)My conclusion about your philosophy that you spreaded on the forums is that unlike in the article you usually dont talk about real balance like how to buff the really bad frames and make them useful

NO its usually what i read from you that you like to NERF the very well made frames into crap so that everyone is on the level of crappy loki or ash


4.)well you may call that balance but form my perspective im free to call that bullS#&$ and still i wouldnt pay a cent on a game made by your nerfers philosophy from all i can tell this game would look similar to chess because with all your logical decisions you nerfed almost all fun out of the game.

1.) That argument is terrible and you should feel bad for thinking it is relevant.


2.) I think many things in this game also need buffs, but one does not make the other true. Nerfs and Buffs, not one or the other.


3.) I don't have a "philosophy" nor have I spread a doctrine of beliefs. You should feel terrible for thinking that I am some sort of cult leader or whatever.  Of course I want to nerf the frames that are game breaking it makes a lot more sense to remove the weed from the garden then to move the garden from the weed.


4.) I don't have a "nerfers" philosophy. Again, that argument is S#&$. This is about how we are letting powercreep take hold, encouraging it, and ignoring balance. You seem to think I am just out to nerf everything in the game, and that is stupid. Stop putting words in my mouth and why don't you please...


follow this link to learn how to properly express your side of an argument


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follow this link to learn how to properly express your side of an argument


atleast you understood to make a image link instead of linking to your fascism website and no i dont feel terrible but you should ;)


hate on nerf on whatever man

happy chrismas


i got better things to do than to agrue with people who want to destroy games with crappy nerf suggestions you can call it logical you can call it good from my perspective every aspect of your nerf suggestions was bad for the game and for my fun.


By the way: i dont consider power creep something bad or evil i consider it neccessary in content driven pve games.


And remeber what i said about tolerance if you dont know the word you should check it out its something important in life you wont have a nice time with other people without it.


so far you opinion is some frames are gamebreaking mine is some frames are weak and bad and the one you consider gamebreaking are what I consider good.


you see how opposite this opinions are? we will never meet in the middle because your philosophy or what you understand as fun or balance =!= mine philosophy or my fun or my understanding of balance in a pve game.

Edited by zzang
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1.) What does that mean? Please clarify before I respond to it.


2.) It isn't an opinion. Game balance is key to create a good game, with longevity. Buffing the crap content is a form of balance, yet here you say that we don't need it.


3.) That is currently impossible with the current AI structure we have and the way math works. I don't think it matters what type of enviroment you have, 1600 damage, slowing, reducing DPS of enemies, and raw increases to your damage will always be better than a radial javelin. 


4.) I don't have an agenda, that is so illogical I find it unfathomable you can actually  Seriously think that I do. This is me seeing a blatant problem, and calling it out.


5.) Sure.


Ash- Free Roam teleportation, faster cast times on blade storm, a completely new skill for shuriken.

Volt- Electric shield follows him as he moves.

I have a list of more, but I have to leave now. 



1)  I'm at a loss as to how to clarify this to you because it seems obvious to me.  I'm not trying to be cryptic here.


2)  My perspective has nothing to do with balance at all.  I see content that I enjoy more and content that I enjoy less.  So I ask that the less enjoyable content be made more enjoyable without destroying the more enjoyable content.  That is all.  Or, maybe my view of balance is not so simple.


  If I were to apply your thinking to movement speed, I would calculate the mean speed among warframes, 1.04, then make them all equal to the mean.  The problem with that is, 1.04 feels too slow.  Sure, I just buffed a bunch of slow warframe speeds, but, they still feel too slow and I broke all the ones that I liked!  It's an excellent way to ruin a game.


 3)  That is not true at all, and no shields energy drain Nightmare Mode is some example of that.  In such a case, higher health and health mods become much more important than in the regular game and some other things become outright useless even.  It also forces players to play differently regardless of the optimality of their load out.  It's a radical departure from normal.  You seem to be allergic to radical departures from normal.  Not I.


Just because something is arithmetically better does not mean that it is significantly better.  Significant is a subjective term.  If people are having fun with their activity, they don't care what the math says, unless they are strange about math.


4)  Call it what you want, your approach to balance is destructive.  It is not the only or best way to further variety.


5)  Those are nice suggestions.  Don't see why mprime should be held hostage for them.

Edited by ThePresident777
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I say we shouldn't nerf Vauban of Frost or Trinity or anything in Warframe.  As simple as these ideas are(i.e. the things you want to nerf), they are a huge part of what makes Warframe unique and better than crap games like ME3 and Neverwinter Online.


The nerfs make Warframe into just another game.  That's what all these vague design philosophies are conducive too.  They are just a way to make nerf nerf nerf seem creative when it's anything but.  Nerfs are just regressive.


That doesn't make any sense.  Bad game balance makes Warframe unique?  Plenty of other games have horrible game balance too, that's not unique.


I don't think you know what a nerf really is.  A nerf isn't "make this useless and unusable," a nerf is "bring this in line with the rest of the game's power curve so it isn't more powerful than other things."

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1)  I'm at a loss as to how to clarify this to you because it seems obvious to me.  I'm not trying to be cryptic here.


2)  My perspective has nothing to do with balance at all.  I see content that I enjoy more and content that I enjoy less.  So I ask that the less enjoyable content be made more enjoyable without destroying the more enjoyable content.  That is all.  Or, maybe my view of balance is not so simple.


  If I were to apply your thinking to movement speed, I would calculate the mean speed among warframes, 1.04, then make them all equal to the mean.  The problem with that is, 1.04 feels too slow.  Sure, I just buffed a bunch of slow warframe speeds, but, they still feel too slow and I broke all the ones that I liked!  It's an excellent way to ruin a game.


 3)  That is not true at all, and no shields energy drain Nightmare Mode is some example of that.  In such a case, higher health and health mods become much more important than in the regular game and some other things become outright useless even.  It also forces players to play differently regardless of the optimality of their load out.  It's a radical departure from normal.  You seem to be allergic to radical departures from normal.  Not I.


Just because something is arithmetically better does not mean that it is significantly better.  Significant is a subjective term.  If people are having fun with their activity, they don't care what the math says, unless they are strange about math.


4)  Call it what you want, your approach to balance is destructive.  It is not the only or best way to further variety.


5)  Those are nice suggestions.  Don't see why mprime should be held hostage for them.

1.) I still can't tell what that means.



a. Just because something is enjoyable does not mean it is suddenly exempt from being balanced.

b. I think you fail to see just how badly M Prime shadows over the other skills in this game. It has the highest potential damage output, along with CC that all other nuking ults have only 1/3 of. It is simply ridiculous, but everybody ignores it, or tries to justify it illogically.


3.) It doesn't matter if there is a shield drain, or energy drain on. 

1600 base damage + 4 CC effects will always be better than 1000 base damage. 

And because of the way the AI and spawning in this game works, there is no possible way in which a 1000 damage ult will be doing better than a M It really just does not matter how much you try to hide it, or avoid it. M Prime is a sore thumb sticking out from the rest of the game. 


Justify why it is allowed to be so much better than all other abilities.

And because you are arguing with balance, why don't you justify unlimited invulnerability.


4.) Why don't you explain how first? Making baseless claims adds nothing to your argument. I have said that I think that M Prime should be nerfed to make room for other caster warframes to actually have a shot at being relevant again, and the entire game itself benefits from it because it is helping to alleviate power creep.


5.) Who said that I am holding something hostage. DE can implement whatever the damn hell they want, I am simply posting feedback and supporting it.

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That doesn't make any sense.  Bad game balance makes Warframe unique?  Plenty of other games have horrible game balance too, that's not unique.


I don't think you know what a nerf really is.  A nerf isn't "make this useless and unusable," a nerf is "bring this in line with the rest of the game's power curve so it isn't more powerful than other things."


Other than how Mpirime is affected by corrupted mods, I'm happy with the way Nova is, compared to other classes.  I would increase the movement speeds on all of them and banish Stamina to Nightmare Mode.  I'm not happy with the "rest of the games power curve".  For example, Saryn, Oberon, Nekros, Valkyr, Ash.  Although, I do try to find a niche for them.  For instance, I can use Ash in no shield + energy drain Nightmare Mode, if I can find that challenge and people to play it with.  Loki is great fun except that Radial Blind is virtually worthless against infested.  Etc.  But, none of the issues I have with the game are solved by nerfing Nova.  


I just leveled Oberon to 30.  Oh what a boring character, so sedate.  I'm lucky to have a rage mod so I pair that with Vitality, even equilibrium and play with that.   Which is different from how I usually play other characters.  But, it's a chore.  He just doesn't have enough mod slots to make up for his short comings.  He might be much better with corrupted mods.  But, if a warframe requires rare mods to come alive, then that warframe is dead.  Nekros and Valkyr also bore me.  I'm still trying to find their sweet spot but, it's a chore at times.


As I mentioned in another post, if you tried to balance sprint speeds, for example, by averaging the run speeds and making all warframes move at the average speed you would have, technically, buffed a bunch of slow warframes.  Unfortunatley, the average speed is boring and in the process you would have broken the faster warframes.  So, blind "balance" is no solution to any problem.


Nova is the most fun warframe for me.  She is the epitome of Warframe as far as I'm concerned.  Nerf her and I'm going to want my money back.  There's just no substitute.

Edited by ThePresident777
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1.) I still can't tell what that means.



a. Just because something is enjoyable does not mean it is suddenly exempt from being balanced.

b. I think you fail to see just how badly M Prime shadows over the other skills in this game. It has the highest potential damage output, along with CC that all other nuking ults have only 1/3 of. It is simply ridiculous, but everybody ignores it, or tries to justify it illogically.


3.) It doesn't matter if there is a shield drain, or energy drain on. 

1600 base damage + 4 CC effects will always be better than 1000 base damage. 

And because of the way the AI and spawning in this game works, there is no possible way in which a 1000 damage ult will be doing better than a M It really just does not matter how much you try to hide it, or avoid it. M Prime is a sore thumb sticking out from the rest of the game. 


Justify why it is allowed to be so much better than all other abilities.

And because you are arguing with balance, why don't you justify unlimited invulnerability.


4.) Why don't you explain how first? Making baseless claims adds nothing to your argument. I have said that I think that M Prime should be nerfed to make room for other caster warframes to actually have a shot at being relevant again, and the entire game itself benefits from it because it is helping to alleviate power creep.


5.) Who said that I am holding something hostage. DE can implement whatever the damn hell they want, I am simply posting feedback and supporting it.


1)  Whatever.  we're going in circles here.



a)  Enjoyment is the entire purpose of video games.  You just argued against playing video games.

b)  Buff the rest.


3)  Mprme has no base damage.  It's a damage multiplier.  The AI and spawning can be altered and new missions made out of the alterations, Horde Mode, Elite  Mode, etc.  It would solve problems in this game that are much bigger than mprime.


4)  I've explained it many times, like just now ^^.  Also, nerfing mprime is not a buff to other other warframes.  If 1000 damage is pathetic, it is not going to be any less pathertic if you nerf mprime, it will actually be worse for obvious reasons.


5)  Nerfing Nova seems to be your primary goal by far.

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1)  Whatever.  we're going in circles here.



a)  Enjoyment is the entire purpose of video games.  You just argued against playing video games.

b)  Buff the rest.


3)  Mprme has no base damage.  It's a damage multiplier.  The AI and spawning can be altered and new missions made out of the alterations, Horde Mode, Elite  Mode, etc.  It would solve problems in this game that are much bigger than mprime.


4)  I've explained it many times, like just now ^^.  Also, nerfing mprime is not a buff to other other warframes.  If 1000 damage is pathetic, it is not going to be any less pathertic if you nerf mprime, it will actually be worse for obvious reasons.


5)  Nerfing Nova seems to be your primary goal by far.


a- No I did not. Things can be balanced and enjoyable, balance isn't a bad thing, and did you know... warframe has balance? It might not be the best right now, but it does have it!

b- No. Nononononono. A thousand god damn times no. That solution only leads to more problems.... we will go in an endless cycle of buffing, and it will lead to nowhere. This is the same thing that happens with nerfs. That is why Nerfs AND Buffs are required, so we do not get caught up in a cycle of redundancy.


3.) The explosion damage when an enemy dies. That is base. It is usually 800, but M Prime doubles it. It doesn't matter how strong you make the other enemies, M Prime will still be better in every way possible.


4.) Maybe because we need nerfs and buffs, buffing the other frames does not mean nova is any less OP. The same concept applies in reverse, you NEED both. You cannot simply ignore one because it makes you feel bad when your x formad catalyst weapon is brought into line.


5.) I would love to see Rhino nerfed, and I would like to see a lot of other frames, namely valkyr, ash, bansee, frost, nyx, nekros and oberon to expansions on skillsets-

IE: Hallowed ground now slows enemies, and buffs tenno who stand on it, Warcry gives a RoF boost to all weapons, Paralysis ragdolls, Frost has reworks on his 1, 2 and 4 to make him more fun to play, nekros can use soul punch to mark an enemy to be attacked by the shadows, there is a huge list trust me, I just am not posting them here.

Edited by Cwierz
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Other than how Mpirime is affected by corrupted mods, I'm happy with the way Nova is, compared to other classes.  I would increase the movement speeds on all of them and banish Stamina to Nightmare Mode.  I'm not happy with the "rest of the games power curve".  For example, Saryn, Oberon, Nekros, Valkyr, Ash.  Although, I do try to find a niche for them.  For instance, I can use Ash in no shield + energy drain Nightmare Mode, if I can find that challenge and people to play it with.  Loki is great fun except that Radial Blind is virtually worthless against infested.  Etc.  But, none of the issues I have with the game are solved by nerfing Nova.  


I just leveled Oberon to 30.  Oh what a boring character, so sedate.  I'm lucky to have a rage mod so I pair that with Vitality, even equilibrium and play with that.   Which is different from how I usually play other characters.  But, it's a chore.  He just doesn't have enough mod slots to make up for his short comings.  He might be much better with corrupted mods.  But, if a warframe requires rare mods to come alive, then that warframe is dead.  Nekros and Valkyr also bore me.  I'm still trying to find their sweet spot but, it's a chore at times.




Sounds to me you're just too used to how overpowered Nova is, and therefore you find everything else "underpowered."  A lot of people have a similar bias; that's why most people are bad at balance design.


As I mentioned in another post, if you tried to balance sprint speeds, for example, by averaging the run speeds and making all warframes move at the average speed you would have, technically, buffed a bunch of slow warframes.  Unfortunatley, the average speed is boring and in the process you would have broken the faster warframes.  So, blind "balance" is no solution to any problem.


Nova is the most fun warframe for me.  She is the epitome of Warframe as far as I'm concerned.  Nerf her and I'm going to want my money back.  There's just no substitute.


That... doesn't make any sense.  Sprint speeds are balanced because faster frames tend to be squishier.  You don't look at one single statistic and determine balance by that, else every frame would be the same.


The reason people want Nova nerfed is because she has the best AoE in the game.  That would be fine if she had sufficient drawbacks, and to a degree she does.  The rest of her kit is very lackluster.  But that's a problem.  Warframes should not be one-button affairs; their kits should be varied, each skill should have a use, be it to contribute to cohesive synergy with the rest of the kit, or to provide distinct uses.


MPrime is just too good of a swiss army knife.  It slows enemies down, it makes them easier to kill, and causes massive AoE damage that isn't dependent on a status radius; it leaps from enemy to enemy.  It needs adjustment.  Would it be acceptable to buff her other abilities to make sure she's not left in the dust?  Of course.  Do we want MPrime to be useless?  No, it should still have a use.  use.

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