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What is Nyx good for?

(XBOX)Ancient Mutt

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I just read the title thread and wanted to say that as someone that really enjoys playing Nyx, she shines in Interception missions. Her Chaos makes would-be hackers stop in their tracks and just generally makes it so that the enemies are more focused on killing each other rather than capturing points. Can pretty easily solo steel path interceptions with her.

Like you said she generally tends to be successful in armor stripping and other CC situations, but not stand-out.

In some ways, she is just a less tanky Revenant. Which is why if I'm going full try-hard I tend to bring Revenant more than Nyx even though I enjoy playing her a bit more. Honestly, I'm not sure that the changes made to Absorb are going to make it better than just subsuming Defy, and the other things don't really address the main things that hold Nyx back (tankiness, Mind Control being lackluster, and Absorb being not really worth it) enough to make a difference. I'm still probably only going to use Mind Control occasionally, still probably going to use Defy over Absorb due to the cheaper cost and free mobility (opposed to absorb requiring a mod), though the change to Psi Bolts does sound nice.

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2 hours ago, _Tormex_ said:

Her Chaos makes would-be hackers stop in their tracks and just generally makes it so that the enemies are more focused on killing each other rather than capturing points.

Actually I heard that the AI will still attempt to Hack the Console even if affected by Chaos....

2 hours ago, _Tormex_ said:

Can pretty easily solo steel path interceptions with her.

I managed with Booben.... He was Pretty Energy Intensive though 😱 !!!


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Il y a 20 heures, (XBOX)GearsMatrix301 a dit :

Fashion frame.

Everything else is people just overvaluing her abilities and ignoring the fact that almost every other frame does what she does but better.

I don't agree. No other frame has at the same time the best crowd control ability in the game, an ability that makes you invulnerable and a defense stripping ability. Xaku can strip all defenses, but it's limited to a zone of effect, and his CC is also limited, and it's normal as Xaku has his own set of abilities and his own and unique gameplay. Frames are very different and have different ways to be played : each one is unique and cannot be compared like that. Some frame are more efficient than others for some missions, that's true, but each frame is unique and irreplaceable.

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On 2021-09-28 at 6:36 PM, (XBOX)GearsMatrix301 said:

Fashion frame.

Everything else is people just overvaluing her abilities and ignoring the fact that almost every other frame does what she does but better.

Ok I agree and don’t agree.

Depending on the situation, frames CAN armor strip better. Imagine radial javelin but armor strip. Good range and versatility right?

now look at frost’s avalanche. Much smaller range, good for swarms.

who wins?

nobody, it depends on the situation.

third yes her abilities are a bit overvalued but that’s because she is a bit limited to certain situations. She does what’s she’s good at and does it WELL.

The same thing happened to limbo and after asking around and researching I learned how to use him, and guess what? Found out he was… no the word isn’t op… just that he is THE best defensive frame, THE best life saver, THE best trapper (he can trap people in rift forever) and the KING of rescue, arbitration Defense, sabotage, mobile Defense, Defense and capture. He isn’t op, he’s just convenient and works (except for the people who don’t know how to use him or use him for trolling, lol. His abilities underexplained though). 

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5 hours ago, (NSW)AegisFifi said:

I don't agree. No other frame has at the same time the best crowd control ability in the game, an ability that makes you invulnerable and a defense stripping ability. Xaku can strip all defenses, but it's limited to a zone of effect, and his CC is also limited, and it's normal as Xaku has his own set of abilities and his own and unique gameplay. Frames are very different and have different ways to be played : each one is unique and cannot be compared like that. Some frame are more efficient than others for some missions, that's true, but each frame is unique and irreplaceable.


This is false. Rhino can be immortal for a long time. Harrow can make you immortal, keep you overcharged with energy, heal thousands of health in seconds, and convert damage into millions of crit.

Ok no frame? Each frame is unique (like you said) and chaos/hysteria or whatever is very close with terrify. VERY close. 
Never played Xaxu so I can’t state my opinion.  The last statements “Frames are very different and have different ways to be played, snip snip snip” is true and I 100% agree with it. 

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8 hours ago, Marvelous_A said:


Nyx is supposed to be a damage returner, dealing damage with mind control enemies. 3 of her 4 abilities involve reflecting enemy damage or make them target allies.  Except enemies' bullets gib you instantly when they hit you but hardly scratch themselves when they shoot each other.

Enemies are meant to kill YOU not each other so it kind of makes sense. Just load some &)2(=;#(&;2 broken strength and duration like I do on Nekros THEN they will actually kill everything in 3 seconds lol.

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11 hours ago, RichardKam said:

Right......Xaku can armor strip, Revenant has mind control (7 enemies!), Limbo can CC......

But DE does not allow me to play 3 frames at once, so for the time being I will stay with Nyx thanks very much.

Revenants Thralls are CC. You can’t mention 2 different instances of CC and act like they’re 2 complete different things.

Also Xaku has armor strip and CC.

Xakus pretty much just a better version of Nyx.

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17 hours ago, Dunkelheit said:

I put Ensnare from Khora on her 1. Works flawlessly and makes her a CC monster.

There is a bug where I shoot the bolts, they clearly hit, but they do nothing. Other than that, she is one of my fav frames, because she makes every fight super easy.

I did the same thing on my Valkitty. Ensnare is the best CC ability in the whole game. Key it up with Lenz/Staticor/Stahlta and your gravey.

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Il y a 4 heures, (PSN)Reaper330011 a dit :

This is false. Rhino can be immortal for a long time. Harrow can make you immortal, keep you overcharged with energy, heal thousands of health in seconds, and convert damage into millions of crit.

Ok no frame? Each frame is unique (like you said) and chaos/hysteria or whatever is very close with terrify. VERY close. 
Never played Xaxu so I can’t state my opinion.  The last statements “Frames are very different and have different ways to be played, snip snip snip” is true and I 100% agree with it. 

Please, learn to read what other people say. There is nothing false in what I said. I didn't say IMMORTAL, but INVULNERABLE: Rhino tanks, but he still takes damage. Nyx just ignores damage and, if you know how to build her, she can be invulnerable all the mission long. Harrow can make you immortal for some time only. No other frame has the SAME SET of Abilities than Nyx, or, better saying, there are not two frames in the game with the same set of abilities. Even though Rhino could make you invulnerable (which is not the case) he doesn't strips all enemy's defenses. Harrow can make you invulnerable for a couple of seconds, but he does not have a large CC ability as Nyx.

Chaos is very different from Terrify. Terrify will make enemies run from you, they will not attack. Chaos will make enemies attack on each other : you can get rid of a large wave of enemies with chaos, but not with terrify. You can finish a Defense mission just with Chaos (except for the last one alive), but you cannot do it with Terrify 5just try and you'll see). Chaos, as said by others, is more like a Radiation status effect zone. They are not close at all. They are Crowd Control abilities, that's what they have in common, but they work differently.

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16 hours ago, Lutesque said:

Actually I heard that the AI will still attempt to Hack the Console even if affected by Chaos....

I managed with Booben.... He was Pretty Energy Intensive though 😱 !!!


The AI will be affected by the confusion first, so they will need to start the hacking process over again if they aren't interrupted by your or one of the other enemies gunfire. So the CC is enough to prevent the hacking in most cases.

And yeah Vauban is my second favorite frame for interception. He's less energy intensive if you use his Flechette Orb primarily, but he's kinda ugly and fashion frame is endgame lol



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6 hours ago, (NSW)AegisFifi said:

Please, learn to read what other people say. There is nothing false in what I said. I didn't say IMMORTAL, but INVULNERABLE: Rhino tanks, but he still takes damage. Nyx just ignores damage and, if you know how to build her, she can be invulnerable all the mission long. Harrow can make you immortal for some time only. No other frame has the SAME SET of Abilities than Nyx, or, better saying, there are not two frames in the game with the same set of abilities. Even though Rhino could make you invulnerable (which is not the case) he doesn't strips all enemy's defenses. Harrow can make you invulnerable for a couple of seconds, but he does not have a large CC ability as Nyx.

Chaos is very different from Terrify. Terrify will make enemies run from you, they will not attack. Chaos will make enemies attack on each other : you can get rid of a large wave of enemies with chaos, but not with terrify. You can finish a Defense mission just with Chaos (except for the last one alive), but you cannot do it with Terrify 5just try and you'll see). Chaos, as said by others, is more like a Radiation status effect zone. They are not close at all. They are Crowd Control abilities, that's what they have in common, but they work differently.

They are both CC abilities. Both of them redirect attention from the Defense objective.

1 has the affect of a radiation status 1 does NOT.

1 let’s enemies hit you, one does NOT.

1 makes the enemies run away from you and your allies, giving you breathing time. One does NOT.

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1 minute ago, (PSN)Reaper330011 said:

1 has the affect of a radiation status 1 does NOT.

The effect of Chaos =/= the effect of the radiation status effect. Radiation is far less versatile. For example, Chaos can be used on Sentients and radiation has no effect.

3 minutes ago, (PSN)Reaper330011 said:

1 let’s enemies hit you, one does NOT.

Lol get good. If you are worrying about taking damage during Chaos, then you're doing something wrong.

3 minutes ago, (PSN)Reaper330011 said:

1 makes the enemies run away from you and your allies, giving you breathing time. One does NOT.

Cause that's what we want in a game where killing things as fast as possible is the META. For them to run away and be harder to shoot. Personally, I prefer for them to be standing still with their head in their hands. Makes killing them easier.

And again, how exactly is Chaos not giving you breathing time? Either you aren't paying attention to the game that you're playing very well or you're just trolling at this point.


Anyway, Terrify isn't even the best CC move on Nekros. Shadows is better since it gives multiple targets with aggro and they deal damage and can increase your survivability with the right mods.

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1 minute ago, _Tormex_ said:

The effect of Chaos =/= the effect of the radiation status effect. Radiation is far less versatile. For example, Chaos can be used on Sentients and radiation has no effect.

Lol get good. If you are worrying about taking damage during Chaos, then you're doing something wrong.

Cause that's what we want in a game where killing things as fast as possible is the META. For them to run away and be harder to shoot. Personally, I prefer for them to be standing still with their head in their hands. Makes killing them easier.

And again, how exactly is Chaos not giving you breathing time? Either you aren't paying attention to the game that you're playing very well or you're just trolling at this point.


Anyway, Terrify isn't even the best CC move on Nekros. Shadows is better since it gives multiple targets with aggro and they deal damage and can increase your survivability with the right mods.

Huh didn’t know radiation didn’t work on sentients….

As a Nekros main I can’t even tell you how many times terrify saved my life when I was weak. He was the second frame I got and terrify has been THE most useful ability when I was fighting enemies too strong for me.


What I meant was chaos causes enemies to still attack you, terrify just makes the map full of footsteps and let’s your shields restore.

oh yes that’s true. Only problem is casting time which can be fixed with natural talent but it’s a waste of mod slots.

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10 hours ago, (XBOX)GearsMatrix301 said:

Revenants Thralls are CC. You can’t mention 2 different instances of CC and act like they’re 2 complete different things.

Also Xaku has armor strip and CC.

Xakus pretty much just a better version of Nyx.

I can’t really comment on Xaxu but I agree with what you said about revenant. They can be killed and don’t deal good damage but work the same way that shadows do. 


10 hours ago, (XBOX)GearsMatrix301 said:

Tell that to Valkyr who’s entire kit gets overshadowed By Sevagoths 4th ability.



Hmm… I never noticed. Seems true.

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13 minutes ago, (PSN)Reaper330011 said:

I can’t really comment on Xaxu but I agree with what you said about revenant. They can be killed and don’t deal good damage but work the same way that shadows do. 


Hmm… I never noticed. Seems true.

Thralls don’t work exactly as Shadows do (I already had this argument with someone else. I don’t want to repeat that headache). There’s similarities, but ultimately Enthrall is more a CC ability and Shadows are more of a summons ability.

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She's for smartly picking then mind-controlling AI targets that have infinitely scaling damage or defensive skills to help against the faction you're fighting,* incredibly strong targeted armor and shield stripping,** mass confusion to minimize incoming damage to self and objectives,*** and tanking/escaping high burst damage attacks while opening up escape routes by knocking folks on their ass long enough to get out of trouble.****

*This power is of slightly inconsistent in the value department 'cause enemy units lists are kind of all over the map. Between its reliance on its augment (currently) and the general tendency of mind-controlled enemies to be utterly scattershot in their ability to be somewhere useful it can be pretty inconsistent when dealing with factions where your best picks lack ranged attacks, extremely aggressive AI that attacks & moves effectively, or passive defensive skills.

**It speeds up mobbing a bit, but is really there to make hardened targets extra squishy. Probably the biggest benefit is that it makes running automatics in Steel Path way less painful in the ammo consumption department vs Grineer, Corrupted, and bosses to the point that the actual modding and base power level the weapon needs to be reasonably enjoyable drops substantially.

***Most folks do not, in my experience, understand enough about AI targeting to understand this power. You get a lot more out of it when you pair it with a silent weapon to make sure the (confused) enemy's perception of you is limited only to line of sight and choosing between you and an enemy that's nearer along that line. If massively reduces the amount of firepower flying at you specifically, but still requires some situational awareness to make the most of. Pairs wonderfully with Banshee's Silence since shooting enemies under silence won't cause them to react to the hits of the gunfire (remember to have your weapon silenced).

****Tanking is really more the purview of the augment here, and you'll need to mod accordingly and think about when to turn it off and on. I usually subsume over this 'cause I don't find it particularly useful to me on Steel Path or elsewhere.

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10小时前 , (XBOX)GearsMatrix301 说:

Revenants Thralls are CC. You can’t mention 2 different instances of CC and act like they’re 2 complete different things.

Also Xaku has armor strip and CC.

Xakus pretty much just a better version of Nyx.

But Xaku requires high strength and energy requirement to completely strip armor, and is definitely not suitable for fast mission because by the time you set things up, they are dead already.

And most importantly, I don't want to keep watching a skeleton boy running around. Nyx is far better in terms of fashion, and we all know fashion is endgame.

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12 minutes ago, RichardKam said:

But Xaku requires high strength and energy requirement to completely strip armor, and is definitely not suitable for fast mission because by the time you set things up, they are dead already.

And most importantly, I don't want to keep watching a skeleton boy running around. Nyx is far better in terms of fashion, and we all know fashion is endgame.

I like skeletons. I have 3/4 of the reaper/undead/skeletal frames.

Harrow, Sevagoth, Nekros.

I just need Xaku. 

Energy can be solved with pads.

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1 hour ago, TheGrimCorsair said:

You get a lot more out of it when you pair it with a silent weapon to make sure the (confused) enemy's perception of you is limited only to line of sight and choosing between you and an enemy that's nearer along that line.

This is why Glaives are amazing with Nyx (or just in general)

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1 hour ago, RichardKam said:

But Xaku requires high strength and energy requirement to completely strip armor, and is definitely not suitable for fast mission because by the time you set things up, they are dead already.

And most importantly, I don't want to keep watching a skeleton boy running around. Nyx is far better in terms of fashion, and we all know fashion is endgame.

I never said Xaku was a good frame. I just said she’s a better version of Nyx.

I tried pushing for some stat changes so Xaku wouldn’t require such absurd modding requirements just to put her abilities effects and range with-in acceptable parameters. But when DE starts responding with things like “GoL will not be buffed because it’ll become an AFK ability like World on Fire” you know you’re not dealing with logical people anymore.

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