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Besoin D'un Peu D'aide (Anglais)


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salut a tous,


j'ai une réponse a poster dans un sujet traitant du grakata, et vu qu'apparament le bout de communauté présente ici a l'air plutot sympa, j'aurais besoin d'aide en anglais pour être sur que mon futur post ne contienne pas de connerie évidente(un texte remplit de faute est moin convaicant que le meme en parfait anglais/français, z'avez cas regarder ce post la, celui que je fais. imaginez le sans faute! c'est mieu hein?)


Je n'ai pas besoin de votre avis sur mon post(si vous avez quelque chose a dire dessus, c'est sans problème,si vous avez quelque chose d'interessant a dire) mais plutôt pour verifier si l'anglais utilisé est correct(j'ai pas trop confiance en mon anglais...).

si vous avez de meilleures tournures de phrases, sa m'interesse aussi.





We need weapons to fill different roles.

Ofc, more weapons, more play style, more fun.

We don't need 5 guns that all do the same thing.


I love having the choice to choose between different weapon that do the same thing.

cause one can have little more dmg,but less accuracy, or more ammo capacity and less recoil. both of them are assault rifle matching the same play style, but I don't have the same feeling playing both weapon.



grakata(from wiki):


Mastery level 0
Weapon Type Primary
Trigger Type Auto
Projectile Speed Hit-Scan
Damage Type Bullet
Damage 9.0
Crit chance 15.0%
Crit Damage 200.0%
Firing Rate 20.0 RPS
Accuracy 28.6
Clip 60.0 rounds/clip
Max Ammo 540 rounds
Reload Time 2.37s

I underlined interressant things: Mastery level, Firing rate, Clip, Reload time.


Mastery level: 0. Soma has 6.

how much time do a new player need to get the soma? more than 1 month.I'm playing from ~15th September, I'm 5.25. you can climb faster ofc.

Grakata is availible at level 0.


Firing rate: 20>15.

I don't like high firing rate(for me 6.0 RPS a good Firing rate) but I have friends who love high firing rate.


reload time: 2.37<3.00.

faster reload, less trouble.


the soma is far better than the grakata, even with higher fire rate and lesser reload speed it can't stand up against the soma, soma's crit& crit chance doing the job. but what if you remove the Grakata and a beginner want a fast firing crit orientated rifle?







lien du sujet, si sa vous interesse


d'avance, excuses pour les fautes en anglais ET en français.

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Bonjour! J'ai fait quelque correction sur votre Anglais, surtout pour la formulation de certaines phrases. J'ai aussi pris la liberté d'ajouter des détails minimes pour clarifier votre argument. J'espère que ça va vous aidez, et que je n'ai pas ajouté des erreurs de mon coté.


Ofc, more weapons, more play style, more fun.


I love being able to choose between different weapons that are similar.

One can have a little more dmg, but less accuracy, or more ammo capacity with less recoil. Both of them are assault rifles matching the same play style, but I won't get the same feeling playing both weapons.



Grakata(from wiki):


Mastery level 0
Weapon Type Primary
Trigger Type Auto
Projectile Speed Hit-Scan
Damage Type Bullet
Damage 9.0
Crit chance 15.0%
Crit Damage 200.0%
Firing Rate 20.0 RPS
Accuracy 28.6
Clip 60.0 rounds/clip
Max Ammo 540 rounds
Reload Time 2.37s

I underlined interesting things: Mastery level, Firing rate, Clip, Reload time.


Mastery level: 0. Soma has 6.

How much time does a new player need to invest to access the Soma? Most likely more than a month. I've been playing from ~15th September and I'm rank 5.25. Some may be faster at ranking up ofc.

Grakata is available at rank 0.


Firing rate: 20>15.

I don't like high firing rate(for me 6.0 RPS is a good Firing rate) but I have friends who love high firing rate.


reload time: 2.37<3.00.

faster reload, less trouble


The Soma is far better than the Grakata. The latter, even with higher fire rate and lesser reload speed, can't stand up against the Soma, since the Soma's crit damage & crit chance are doing all the work. However what if DE removed the Grakata from the game while a beginner wanted a fast firing crit oriented rifle?


Edited by Casardis
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