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4 hours ago, Hokkis31 said:

Sorry for a late response. I was sound asleep. You make good points, my friend, and I agree with you. There has definetly been a hint of elitism going on, and I understand better that the "only personal opinion" shield is fairly brittle when you at the same time try to convince someone by using facts and data. I'm of the opinion that the raya-prices should be lowered instead of include platinum. That is because when you include platinum you also incentivise people to spend more to get the most platinum for your buck. It is also creates the problem of giving people two types of currency when you buy a single pack. This shouldn't be a possibility in my opinion. Not because players would necessarily dislike it, but because it's convoluted, especially for newer players (and they are probably the largest buyer of raya). And the more convoluted a system is, the less you bother with math, and just buy it anyway, or get the more expensive one so that you are sure to get enough, plus the "bonuses" (which we should be aware don't exist considering a "bonus" in any pack, in any game is just a marketing tool to lure in buyers). By lowering the prices you avoid this problem entierly.

Also. Thank you for a very constructive argument.


No worries, we all have different schedule. I appreciate your sentiment and likewise offer gratitude. 

I agree its definitely going to be convoluted. I am not sure what the right price is either. I do personally want some of the Twitch exclusive items, but I might hold off to see if there is a next time. I also feel sorry for the people in DE that have to rely such messages, I doubt they are the ones who make the final decision. Oh well. 

Thank you, and all the best to you! 

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How to botch a basically good idea ... Remove Accessories Packs and replace Platinum with no-value Endo. Royal Aya has to go ...

Next time on Prime Access ... "We replaced the Platinum in the Prime Access packs with 1200 Orokin Cells, Alloy Plates and Neurodes, because they have the same value on the market"

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5 hours ago, Ungorisz said:

Next time on Prime Access ... "We replaced the Platinum in the Prime Access packs"

It's "speculated" that this is what they plan to do, the Prime Vault will be replaced by Aya Access and all the "Platinum" in packs will be removed in favor for something like Endo, due to the excuse they made. I can be wrong tho, but its implied that this will be the case, meaning that Plat will be MUCH harder to get now. (and perhaps more expensive). I won't be srupised if Plat becomes un tradeable.  

Edit: I can't bealive I have to point this out, this is purely speculated with what people have been ranting about and with what I've been hearing chatter on steam and such, tho to be fair steam is a bad place to have a talk. This doesn't mean this is true

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7 minutes ago, Hokkis31 said:

Because here we have twists and turns. We get adrenalin flowing through our veins and grit our teeth to fight for a type of cause. We unite as one and battle titans! Feel the surge of battle! The unbrideled and untainted rage of 26 million registered losers! The voices of many, but the body of one!


Or something like that, I donno :P

You sound like those dudes who shouted inspirational speech to soldiers at war… 

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On 2021-11-03 at 2:05 AM, [DE]Danielle said:
  • Release evergreen rewards (rewards that are permanent) in Varzia’s store:
    • For purchase with Regal Aya:
      • Non-Program Prime Gear:
        • Burston Prime
        • Fang Prime
        • Lex Prime
        • Braton Prime
    • Premium Twitch Prime and other Prime Gaming content that has yet to be re-released since their original run. 


Avia Prime Armor and Syndana was PRIME ONLY IN NAME. It is obtainable via Amazon Prime, which means it's FREE REWARDS. Therefore, it should be purchaseable with normal Aya.

We don't care if it's gonna cost like 50 Ayas for armor set or something like that. But backpedalling for what you guys already told us to squeeze more money? That's blatant swindling.

DE's greed knows no bounds. Or was it Tencent?

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Been here since before the game was Warframe & this is the saddest "event" I have ever witnessed in gaming. 100% a straight up money grab.


I already own the majority of stuff currently for sale, just from playing over the years (minus the noggles & maybe 1 or 2 of the prime accessories), but I was just shocked at the complete & utter lack of any reason for me to care about this event. Like the only reason I have to do this event, is to farm relics to later sell I guess? like what is the point of this event for anyone that played for any amount of time? we already have all the stuff. We've already gone out & farmed it or bought it outright.

Which circles me around to my original point, that it's NOT an event, This is just a cash grab during the holidays ... in the middle of a pandemic. just seems extra scummy to me.

I would like to also add, that the price for the regal aya, is just beyond ridiculous. We don't mind giving you money to support the game, but this is just blatant gouging & you should be ashamed of yourselves.

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Yesterday i got 1 Aya by farming nearly 1 hour. So i spent this aya for 1 Relic. Yeah i got Soma Prime Blueprint. (don´t have the soma prime at the moment. After that i bought a few relic packs for syndicate points. After that i had around 5 or 6 Aya. So happily traded them for new relics. Can you imagine how frustrating it is, that i got ONLY BULLS#&$ out of all of my hard earned relics ?. Even i spent void points to get a higher chance for better drops. NO... only BullS#&$ drops (forma etc). 

So i come to the conclusion, that the only faster way to get some needed blueprints etc is when a few players with relics get together. 

For me i have decided to let this event go. My spare time is worth more then farming aya hours and hours with a relatively low drop chance. And after that i have the low drop chance that i get the needed parts out of the relic. 

DE... this event is bullS#&$ and the only way to get the primes is buying regal aya with money. I often spent money for PA.. but this time: NO.

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You really need to read more news if you think this is the saddest event in gaming.

I always thought prime vault was for those people who missed past prime access packs. This is not so different, if you don't need anything then don't do it. Or just farm the items to sell alter, as you yourself said. It's not that complicated.

The only thing debatable about the event is the price of regal aya; if you don't like it just vote with your wallet, it is the most effective way to show the devs your dissatisfaction.

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Prime Resurgence would have been a better idea if they AT THE VERY LEAST didn't frame it in such a misleading way.

Since they waited til basically the very end of the post to actually tell us about Regal Aya, my first impression was that Regal Aya would just be a much harder / converted pseudo-currency, or at least something buyable with plats.

Whether you have the primes or not, the fact they're introducing yet another premium currency is a severe red flag, as this is the stuff S#&$ty gacha mobile games do all the time for their events, and those literally get more expensive every time a new event happens.

If DE doesn't stop in its tracks with this garbage event, then we'll be seeing an event that first cost $100 then cost $200. Then $300, $400, $500.... And platinum is already really expensive as it is. Not to mention rumors (or might actually be proven at this proof idrk) that regal aya has a much costlier USD:RA conversion than USD:Plats, which also means the prices from other countries to RA will also be a lot more expensive.

It is a blatant cash grab, and is basically the front door to making Warframe a severely more expensive game for no reason other than to see where they can milk extra $$$, especially from newer players who missed when it was cheaper or in a handful of cases free.

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Of course the price should be half, or the amount doubled, in the case of Regal Aya. 

To say that the Platinum usually found in these packs is irrelevant is erroneous and disingenuous - it is a primary driver for every person I’ve personally ever spoken to on the matter, since the value proposition of just the items without the Platinum is unpalatable. 

That being said, even if I were to buy some Regal Aya (I would if reasonably priced), I am confused as to why the prices on the Warframe website are not the same as in the PlayStation Store. You advertise 3 Regal Aya as £13.99, yet in PS Store it is £15.99 🤔 £26.99 vs £30.99 for 7 and £52.49 vs £57.99 for 15…

How many times would you guys like to try to rip me off exactly? It’s completely shady and I’ve lost a lot of faith in you guys over this to be perfectly honest.

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Sorry if this was posted before. But i must ask.... 

I buyed prime accesories a couple of times feom obvious reasons. Bling bling dont drop in game. But whats gonna happen with those 3 month boosters we could get via accesorie packs. Not to mention the plat we had there. It will be gone?. If i want to have 3mth boosters now i need to buy 3x200 drop and 3x200p xp separate?  Thats some serious BS here. Its 1200p......

Thats obvious money grab from my point ov view.... 

Ps sry for bad english. 


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All the players out here in denial that the game has a problem makes me laugh because DE are charging them a ridiculous price and they still defend it.

Been on this game since 2013 and this is blatantly disrespecting the players who support the game financially. 

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2 hours ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

It's speculated that this is what they plan to do, the Prime Vault will be replaced by Aya Access and all the "Platinum" in packs will be removed in favor for something like Endo, due to the excuse they made. I can be wrong tho, but its implied that this will be the case, meaning that Plat will be MUCH harder to get now. (and perhaps more expensive). I won't be srupised if Plat becomes un tradeable.  

This is an incredible level of chicken littling and doomsaying with absolutely nothing whatsoever to back it up.

Take a deep breath for goodness sake this is getting out of hand. 

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13 minutes ago, Granith said:

All the players out here in denial that the game has a problem makes me laugh because DE are charging them a ridiculous price and they still defend it.

Been on this game since 2013 and this is blatantly disrespecting the players who support the game financially. 

lol for real


if i ever make a videogame i wish my player base were these players

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Hello, I am going to make this quick, but I do not think regal aya is a good idea.  The fact that players have to grind for hours just to get a few aya and then they aren't able to use them except for some relics and a syndana, it is stupid.  Players that are just willing to spend money are able to get all the prime weapons and warframes which is very unfair.  We should not have to grind and farn for hours just to get a relic or a syndana that isn't that great.  They should put regal aya into missions but only able to get them in bounties in order for some players that do not waste money(like me) on a video game.  All this prime resurgence is is DE is trying to convince us to pull out our debit/credit cards and spend money.  Tell me how you fell about this.

Demiwolf0606- Warlord of the Wolves of the guard

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Ah yes, we definitely needed yet another thread about this.

Aya doesn't take hours to grind if you just run some high level bounties. Players have been able to pay money to get primes while everyone else needs to spend time grinding since Prime Access has existed. And everything that's sold for raya in the event are items that have only ever been obtainable (or obtainable pre-built) by spending money on them.

If you don't want to spend money then you get to farm relics (aya) or go through trade chat just the same as ever.

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7 minutes ago, (XBOX)Demiwolf0606 said:

Players that are just willing to spend money are able to get all the prime weapons and warframes which is very unfair.

Yes. This is basically how Prime Vault has always worked, this way players can buy what they want, either a pack or parts of a pack without needing to wait for that particular Prime Pack to be unvaulted as that can be years between unvaultings


9 minutes ago, (XBOX)Demiwolf0606 said:

We should not have to grind and farn for hours just to get a relic or a syndana that isn't that great.

That’s… how the game works though. And with this system, people can get relics that have been vaulted for ages much faster than having to wait for it to be unvaulted.


11 minutes ago, (XBOX)Demiwolf0606 said:

They should put regal aya into missions but only able to get them in bounties in order for some players that do not waste money(like me) on a video game.

How do you think f2p games are funded? Without some kind of premium currency and premium items that can only be bought with said premium currency, they can’t pay their staff lol


as trst said, if you don’t want to spend money, then you just have to grind Arya to buy the relics. Do bounties in open world and you’ll get a couple, you can also get them from relic packs from Syndicates.

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21 minutes ago, (XBOX)Shodian said:

It's fine the way it is. People are making a mountain out of a molehill.

I bet you emulate all your games you play.

Passive aggressive responses like this are not helping the situation.

I personally feel this whole thing boils down to poor communication on DE's part. They should not have rushed this event out as they did, nor marketed the event as they did.

People are rightfully pissed because of it. People are rightfully confused due to it. People are rightfully concerned for the future of the game if the current responses to their concerns are anything to go by (doubling-down, future 'promises', and in some cases, lying, though the latter is probably down to poor communication once more.)

Imo, this could have all been averted if more time was put into planning this event... along with informing the community weeks beforehand to address potential concerns. Instead, they did not practice what they often preach (caring about community feedback) and dropped the event anyway, regardless of the blatant price hike/awful value.

TLDR: Great idea to address the unvaulting/dilution of relics and cross-play/multiple platform concerns. Absolutely terrible execution.

For me personally, if Regal Aya is here to stay and it remains as it is, then I genuinely fear for the future of this game. Please, for the love of everything, don't pull a Bethesda. Don't throw away everything and the community you long built, destroying yourselves in the process all for short term gains. It worked out so very well for them... /s

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1 hour ago, Tesseract7777 said:

This is an incredible level of chicken littling and doomsaying with absolutely nothing whatsoever to back it up.

Take a deep breath for goodness sake this is getting out of hand. 

That might be a bit extreme but I can see more stuff, including non prime cosmetics, being stuck behind regal aya though. 

What better way to 'devalue' traded plat than to stop using it on the stuff people actually want....

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