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The Upcoming Corrections with Regal Aya: Next Steps


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vor 13 Minuten schrieb Devil_Zeldris:

DE given us 1 week for 2 completly Warframes and their weapons. ONE WEEK
Drop Chance for Aya - 1.01% - 51% 
I was think always: The Void is alternative of Open Worlds. 
I have a weak computer and can't playing as much longer on Orb Vallis: i see downgrade in FPS. 
I can't farming Aya in Void due 1.01% - 8.33% drop chance. Its very low. 
DE given us extremal conditions for getting current Primes and their Weapons. 
My suggession: Increase dropable Aya to 5
Or leave 1 but make as additional reward in all missions with 100% chance, where we can receive the Relics.

I fully understand what you are talking about. MY PC isn't the best either and I have a hard time playing in the Orbis Valley for longer than 30 Minutes. After that I get some nasty bugs which stop me from finishing Missions and I get kicked out of the Valley for no reason.
Even with a bunch of Tipps I got so far I made 12 Aya in four hours (!) of farming two missions on the Plains of Eidolon.
And this intense Grind for a Resource we need for two Warframes ADN their Weapons in one week. This is just insane for everyone who can't afford to play 24/7 because most of those players already know they won't be able to enjoy the grind for Aya. Instead it turns into a mad Race against time nobody enjoys anymore.
It's like trying to farm that stupid last part for Harrow where my Squat already spent hours and hours without getting it. But this time you run out of time every week.
And bringing all the relics back in the last two weeks of the Event doesn't help either if DE doesn't rework the Dropchance at all.

And this is what really makes me sad. How DE treats their F2P Playerbase. I happily threw in money to get Platinum more than once. But slowly I overthink if I still should give them money if they keep on ignoring most of the feedback they get and only react if ther's a huge backlash.

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I'm the player who has grinded for everything and this is just greed in the face in my opinion. Making it easier for newer players lmao....


As a player this is what I want... I want 2 additional mod slots for all warframes and weapons and nechromech. 

I want a dagger for my operator 

I want helmith fully unlocked to take any abilitie and add it to any frame and maybe add 3 different abilities to 1 frame making an ultimate frame. And let eat primes and give us better health numbers and states. 

You had a good thing with trade among players your trying to snuff out trades and bringing in a grinding that's pointless... 


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1 hour ago, BlackLioness said:

This is a nice step in the right direction. But farming the first two parts of Ghul stuff is still not a good way to get Aya. Give it a decent drop chance in the Void too. Below 10 %, Like some other users stated to me as I asked for help, is far from being good for an Event where you only got one week for certain Warframe Relics. Especially when you only have 6 out of the 16 which are about to come. Because the other way it still is a "Well you can grind. But we will tempt you do buy the Prime Warframe with our new shiny Premium Currency because you don't have enough time to farm enough Aya for all the Relics you need"

With the first two Ghul Mission stuff we at least have a chance of 25 % of getting Aya. But when the Ghul thing is gone, how and where do we get another decent chance of farming some Aya? Not all of us can spend 24/7 in Missions farming Aya but still are interestaed in getting as much Warframes as possible without touching our wallet again.

I did some studying into this.  It has about a 1/12 drop rate.  1 out of every 12 missions.  That is if you spend only one minute in the mission

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This is an exceptionally good response to criticism many developers would ignore. I commend DE in the clear and open way in which they have explained their own thought process, which has been consistent throughout.

In comparison to other similarly funded games (many of whom also lack the depth, variety etc on Warframe) the pricing of non-compulsory game items plus the availability of a player run 'black market' on the same items often at much cheaper rates is reasonable. It suprises me how they have chosen not to monetise so many elements of the game, others would have.

Warframe is one of the only games I've seen that still runs a near 100% free to play and still enjoyable game.

Thank you DE please keep it this way.


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I love that they have made this change, but there is still one problem, what about the players who don't have any money to spend on games.  So I am making this proposal to DE, they don't have to listen, but it would help some of us.  You could make it to where we are able to purchase the regal aya stuff with aya.  Like the warframes and weapons, they are 2 regal, so we would pay 20 aya.  Or the items that are 1 raya, we pay ten.  I feel like this would make the evnt more accessable to players that do not have the money to spend on the game(like myself)  The only times I am able to spend money on this game is september 7 and december 26.  Birthday and christmas.  And this event does not revole around those times, so I will not be able to get the soma prime like i wanted.  Mainly because even if i get the relics with it in them, there is still a small chance i will actually get that part.

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21 minutes ago, BlackLioness said:

I fully understand what you are talking about. MY PC isn't the best either and I have a hard time playing in the Orbis Valley for longer than 30 Minutes. After that I get some nasty bugs which stop me from finishing Missions and I get kicked out of the Valley for no reason.
Even with a bunch of Tipps I got so far I made 12 Aya in four hours (!) of farming two missions on the Plains of Eidolon.
And this intense Grind for a Resource we need for two Warframes ADN their Weapons in one week. This is just insane for everyone who can't afford to play 24/7 because most of those players already know they won't be able to enjoy the grind for Aya. Instead it turns into a mad Race against time nobody enjoys anymore.
It's like trying to farm that stupid last part for Harrow where my Squat already spent hours and hours without getting it. But this time you run out of time every week.
And bringing all the relics back in the last two weeks of the Event doesn't help either if DE doesn't rework the Dropchance at all.

And this is what really makes me sad. How DE treats their F2P Playerbase. I happily threw in money to get Platinum more than once. But slowly I overthink if I still should give them money if they keep on ignoring most of the feedback they get and only react if ther's a huge backlash.

I agree there's bugs onto of bugs, and issues and wants that have been formed up all over but yet don't care and don't say anything unless they don't hit projected marks so they scramble to make a fast fix to help get it rolling...


Corporate America 

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23 minutes ago, CyberneticSusurrus said:

Are you genuinely asking for exclusive premium cosmetic items in exchange for in-game resources?

Dear pc player,

To address some of your earlier assertions: items on xbox cost significantly higher plat in trade etc. 

Your argument about premium items is moot. Why? 

  • Twitch drops: i.e Loki Prime, noggles, palettes, boosters, platnium (free premium items)
  • Events: Palettes, floofs, noggles, skins/armor, boosters and weapons (some can be bought with in-game resources).
  • Twitch Prime: Ember, skins, palettes, skins, kavat armor, domestic drones (premium for free)

DE ultimately makes the choice what can be offered. 

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This is not what we need, if this is a way to help the new players. You are only helping those who have the money to spare. if you want to make it fair you should make it where we can farm regal. So if you truly care about your the players make it where we can farm it, but dont make it easy. Do not say thats what the relics are for, because we both know new players will not be able to access this.


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4 minutes ago, (XBOX)cryingvulf said:

This is not what we need, if this is a way to help the new players. You are only helping those who have the money to spare. if you want to make it fair you should make it where we can farm regal. So if you truly care about your the players make it where we can farm it, but dont make it easy. Do not say thats what the relics are for, because we both know new players will not be able to access this.


The Regal Aya isn't made farmable cause due to stuff like the Prime Accessories weren't brought with plat to begin with. The whole Regal Aya thing is basically like a Prime Vault Access as they were brought with cash only.

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1 minute ago, lacwman7274 said:

Alright so here me out what if you could turn Aya into reagal Aya.By trading 25 or so Aya pieces to form one reagal Aya.Maybe make it so there is a trader the come every once in a while that can preform this action.

Not going to happen because Prime Accessories are payed exclusives and one of the main reasons people buy Prime Access. So allowing normal Aya to be turned into Regal would make obtaining them too easy and bore a hole in DE's pockets which they surely dont want.

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Hi guys im a new tenno only been playing since jan/feb. I do like the new change that they added. However as being new, I was hoping to also see the possibility of buying with plat the frames and weapons. Like the store. I sadly work and can't farm like everyone else. My time is limited on the game. I also have a family that needs my attention. So buying said frames or weapons with plat. Makes it easier on people like me. It's just a thought and suggestion.



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7 minutes ago, (XBOX)CountessaJay said:

Hi guys im a new tenno only been playing since jan/feb. I do like the new change that they added. However as being new, I was hoping to also see the possibility of buying with plat the frames and weapons. Like the store. I sadly work and can't farm like everyone else. My time is limited on the game. I also have a family that needs my attention. So buying said frames or weapons with plat. Makes it easier on people like me. It's just a thought and suggestion.



With so many vaulted frames being made available now, you'll be able to pick them up with plat by trading. No idea what the prices are like on other platforms, but they've never been cheaper on Xbox than they are now - the days of things like Ember and Rhino costing 1000p in trade are long gone, which is great :)


Edit: I see Hokkis31 has already made that point, my typing is slow XD

Edited by (XBOX)DS Monkfish
slow typing
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Glad you made this decision. 

I logged on yesterday, went to Maroo's, saw the new trader (she looks awesome btw) with the voice lines, fancy ui and all the hype going on for the event but felt kinda disappointed...

So I dropped a bless on those in the bazaar and logged off.

Now, I'll be happy to buy some Regal Aya and maybe that Zephyr Deluxe skin that I haven't got yet.

DE have a history of being very reasonable when it comes to monetization in this game. It is the reason why I don't feel so guilty about spending a little here from time to time. Maybe the data will show that people like me are a minority of the spenders, but there are quite a few of us nonetheless. This will be a better event for everyone because of the decision you made.

I know that the community managers are genuine people who work hard to play the hands that they are dealt. They don't make the monetization decisions and they don't deserve the vitriol. However, I will say that the words you use here are important. 

Players didn't value plat the most from the vaulted packs. What the vast majority of players were objecting to was the loss in value in the Regal Aya packs. It is of vital importance that people understand what they are saying to each other in order to have a constructive dialogue.

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13 minutes ago, (XBOX)CountessaJay said:

(Psst) still learning the trade thing, didn't think about that. Thank you

Yes, just as they said, it would be easier just to get them from maroos bazar in trade, however you will still need to farm the resources to build them.  But if you would like I could add you to my clan and help you whenever you are online.  Also i i am ever offline i have an alliance that will help you.  

Demiwolf0606-Warlord of the Wolves of the guard

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17 minutes ago, lacwman7274 said:

I mean yeah but honestly I don't know if it's just me but I think there should be a better way to get the prime pieces than either buying or being r.n.jesus

Well, bear in mind that the Aya is just a more streamlined way of getting vaulted packs that works for all platforms. Functionally its no different from how it was before where you paid real money for it or farmed for the relics. It just means that in future instead of altering all the drop tables they can just change the offerings in the store.

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