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The Upcoming Corrections with Regal Aya: Next Steps


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Absolutely love to see it. Thank you for doing this.

I dont think the issue was so much that players wanted the platinum. It's that by removing the platinum, you reduced the overall value of what people were paying for, without adjusting the price to accommodate. Certainly players don't buy these for the platinum. In fact I think a lot of players even disliked that the platinum was there before, because it's presence was perceived to be inflating the cost.

The cynical side of me wonders if you were planning to do this from the beginning to get people to stop complaining about that perceived inflation.

But now this system makes vaulted accessories cheaper than they use to be if you buy the 7 or 15 bundle. So I'm here for it. I might even consider buying some once I get a job.

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Unsuccessful idea: the inability to use the purchased boost to double the resources. Without introducing anything new into the game, you force those who paid for the sake of saving time to hang around in the game sometimes without getting out, because the drop ayah is unstable. What is your benefit? You have not given the opportunity to transmit ayah. So speculation is ruled out by them. Why not leave the opportunity to use the purchased boosts? Including the drop rate.

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For Me, as a kinda New old player, it was very exciting to wait for the upcoming reaccessable Primes an prime accessories. But im a bit dissapointed now. 

Me yesterday : Correct me if i'm wrong, but the prime cosmetic accessory items only reachable for us if we spend real money and buy some regal aya? (except that one syndana now, what costs 20 aya if I remember correctly)  

Why don't you just tag it with real money currency Than? There is no other option for getting them either? 

Now answer from De with this step: people easy, we give some plat with RegalAya too!

From marketing side it's genious indeed.From ethics, its another question.... 

Peace and cheers!

Tenno on Day195





Edited by (PSN)xezekielhunx
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2 часа назад, Flannoit сказал:

We don't need two premium currencies.

What difference does it make if there is a second currency or not? For players who are willing to pay money, this system is even more convenient than the previous one, if you do want to buy one of the accessories separately from the full set.

The system has hardly changed in any way. F2p players will get relics, and paying players will get prime accessories.

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7 hours ago, Darren said:
9 hours ago, Flannoit said:

We don't need two premium currencies.

What difference does it make if there is a second currency or not? For players who are willing to pay money, this system is even more convenient than the previous one, if you do want to buy one of the accessories separately from the full set.

The system has hardly changed in any way. F2p players will get relics, and paying players will get prime accessories.

Sums up my sentiments pretty well. As long as this stays the "Prime Vault stuff" premium currency, it's basically just the old Prime Vault in a new package, plus the old Twitch stuff of course. One middle man in the form of a currency as a trade-off for more buyer choice without DE needing to sell every single Prime thing for real life cash.

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17 minutes ago, CurseOfFilth said:

Royal Aya NOT including plat shrinks the supply of plat flowing into the economy to balance out plat being spent in the market

Royal Aya DOES include plat, though. They already changed that.


12 minutes ago, (XBOX)C11H22O11 said:

Nah, you know prime vault packs were always real money only right? That's Regal Aya use now, it's the equivalent of the pack.

This ☝️

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20 minutes ago, CurseOfFilth said:

It's genius really if you are wanting to squeeze out F2P players ability to live comfortably within the ecosystem. Normal Aya allows players to get the exact relics they want, devaluing those rare and valued prime parts (glaive prime disc, nova prime, ember prime, etc etc.) This causes market prices to drop for those parts outside of the prime trash submarket. Royal Aya NOT including plat shrinks the supply of plat flowing into the economy to balance out plat being spent in the market (which removes plat from the system.) Royal Aya being untradeable and ungiftable leaves players unable to engage in anything that currency is used for without putting money on the table. We, the vocal minority, will look at Endo and rightly go 'this is garbage it is nowhere near an equivalent.' Yet to a new player just starting out due to all the hype about the New War, that sudden influx of endo just quietly scoots them along so they're feeling GREAT about the purchase til they get to the end of the star chart, unlock railjack, and realize how it is relatively easy to just passively farm up the kind of endo these packs are offering. The damage is already done though. Those new players are weeks into the new system and have been singing its praises, shouting down people who are trying to steer them away from the scammy scummy nature of it all, and their satisfaction can be used as a shield when outside entities come knocking. In short? DE has, of their own volition mandate or other instigation, turned to the dark side of monetization. Combine that with players who seem OK with 'oh juuuust this oooonce' when to DE it doesn't matter if i's a few players buying regularly, or waves of people buying once. The metrics are going to look similar with cash flowing in, which will tell them 'Hey this works!' Since we are in a very delicate period where DE acting, or not, has a major influence on things. I won't speculate on what they will or won't do. Just that we the players should vote by closing our wallet.


The Whales will kill this game just like they did to Vindictus.

Box of cigarettes LETS SAY cost 2$
Now price of that box of cigarettes goes up to 10$
What ppl will do? they gonna smoke less but keep smoking
Now price go even higher up to 20$ per box
And what now? At this point ppl will realize that their 20$ can be spent better and will learn not to smoke
BUT if someone really like to smoke he will pay that 20$

Who in the mother of F*** you are to tell any1 is it ok or not ok to spend his money as he please?
Who are you to tell cigarettes manufacture to tell him for how much and how you he should sell his product?

In both cases i dont see you worrying about paying bills of both sides so what argument you have there?
That you also want to buy cigarettes but they are too expensive?
IF they are to expensive dont buy them and problem solved

Do you have any idea why i picked cigarettes as a example? Such a bad idea dont you think?
Well simple answer is because no one needs to smoke
Sure we can but you do not need to i dont need to no1 is forced to do it or forcing any1 to do it

How about primed packs? How about tennogen cosmetics? Do YOU need them to play this game?
Well i sure dont and tons of ppl dont then where is the problem? In seller or or buyer?

Why its not logical to you that if product is good but price is wrong ppl wont buy it? Well most wont some will but that will quickly be established by ppl wallets
Sending clear signal to seller that either change price or the product or feel free to GTFO

Now i have over 1m endo all my mods (that i use and some which i dont) are max ranked
I go put my $ on the table do you have any idea how my money would went back to my wallet if i see endo as a part of a product (which i cant trade or sell)
But when it would offer plat then umm

Prices prices prices economy 101
Prices are dropping you buy supply stops prices go up then you sell
So in the end you are your biggest enemy

And as i see what i can buy for Raya that crap was never available to someone who didnt shove in real moneyz
So whats your problem here?

As i see it you are just angry because crap you want to sell is not worth much
I wish you would be exactly in same stance when you want to buy them
Like "ow you want 10p for whole set? no no no ill pay you 100 its worth much more"

You look pretty blinded by only 1 side of the story

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Cosmetics are the only thing that can only be bought with money, as they always did


You can farm the rest for free, & it's not even a hard grind; in a single evening, I helped a friend farm some Aya & open the relics after that, & we got everything that was available this week


You're just salty that you can't get the armor & syandanas for free

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36 minutes ago, CurseOfFilth said:

Royal Aya NOT including plat shrinks the supply of plat flowing into the economy to balance out plat being spent in the market

You're what, a week late to the party? Plat's already been put back in the packs, bro. It was put back in last Wednesday.

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I don't have problem with new Aya system. I'm just a little dissappointed about actual pricing. There are BlackFriday sales everywhere.. And RegalAya is just not very appealing to me.

I just bought the cheapest pack 3RegalAya+200plat. I want to buy Vauban Prime with RegalAya, Vauban is expensive to build.

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Dani a question about prime resurgence because prime noogles cost aya regia and something just aesthetic I don't think anyone would pay just to have the dolls on the ship it would be much better if you could get on the free way ex 10 ayas would be a noogle myself I got interested in them but buy regia just for that and waste of money

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I have to say, I'm surprised to see the amount of posts from people thanking DE for something they should have done from the start.

It just goes to show, that in the end, they played this in their favour, and a lot of players have fallen for it, because now everyone can safely say that DE listens to feedback.

On 2021-11-19 at 10:28 AM, (PSN)Flatulent_Draco said:

To start with I'm not blaming the messenger here.

As nice as it might seem that you lot at DE finally added the platinum to better the value of these Raya packs... you still tried to scam your customers nonetheless. I will not praise nor jump in with others thanking you for what should of been done right at the start. Instead it had to come to getting backlash from both constructive and "toxic" criticism from a lot of people to adjust the value of these Raya packs. When it comes to money and the value of using it most will get toxic whether you like it or not.


While you lot did adjust the value of Raya with the added platinum rather fast despite saying you couldn't add it... that right there is the problem, you lied and tried to get away with it. I really was looking forward to trying out the upcoming New War update but with how greedy you lot got with shoehorning in a new premium currency and attempting to overprice it without taking in feedback, nor thinking about the repercussions beforehand, I won't be participating. Granted everyone is human (I hope) and mistakes are made, but this comes off as blatant greed that tried to run rampant and you only reined it in when you got caught.


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On 2021-11-29 at 4:37 AM, (PSN)drollive96 said:

This is something no other company but DE would do. Changing prices based on customer feedback is something rarely seen in todays gaming world, this alone makes DEa better developer then 99% of all other game companies. 

When Mesa's prime access happened ppl said it was too expensive for what it is. DE added mesa p alt helmet and during devstream Steve said it will be farmable in the future. Future is here so as 0 content and constant glitchfest since 2017 poe, bunch of broken promises and many lies and yet DE needed more money and they want more and direct payments by introducing another premium currency. What f2p got to do? farm relics AND non prime 3 accessory items? WoW what a generosity, what used to be an event reward, no its another storefront item to grind for. After all these years i do struggle to recall how many storefronts do we have in the game, prolly like 20-25 and almost non of em offers anything distinct. But what i've noticed is that instead of getting an update almost each 1-2 month with actual content to play now we getting 1, maybe 2 patches a year that do nothing but fix what shouldn't have been in such a poor state to begin with. PoE broken fiasco, Vallis was in a barely acceptable state but still a buggy mess, PoE revisit just to add Doma and so much needed QoL? ok, Jupiter rework sure wasnt bad except for new Corpus Ship def/interception map, RJ.... it wasnt even funny at this point including nemesis system, we had to wait until the NEXT BIG UPDATE bcz apparently wf players do like only big updates and not so needed quality of life updates asap and yet DE been launching updates for consoles leaving em as is for 1-2 month w/o any hotfix/update. What did we got next? "We will ship something playable this year" @DE and oh boi they did. What a broken and empty clusterheadache Deimos is. i can keep salting all day long and remind de all their lies and point fingers at, hey @DE_Scott, thanks for canceling promised kuva economy changes and riven rerolls w/o an official statement.

Nothing personal mate, but my point is de isnt the developer to be hyped about. Stay away from that [b]trap[/b].

And yes i have purchased most of what this event has to offer years ago, but amazon exclusives.

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