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Confession Thread


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1. Still like using the Soma 

2. Check out mercury to see if I can make friends with newbies. 

3. AFK to make food when I see a booben in the squad during defense missions. 

4. Didn't like using Zephyr so I ranked her to 30 and sold her. 

5. Sold Banshee and Excal for more frame slots.

6. Whenever I see door heroes I stand away from the objective and watch the mission fail.

7. I like joining other sessions just so I won't be alone during the mission. /cut wrist 

8. If I'm certain about liking a weapon or frame. It'll have a catalyst/reactor on it asap. 

9. I hit Z to watch everyones health just in-case a revive will be needed. 

10. I never check Squad chat.

11. Don't see the point in conclaves or dueling. Never bothered with it after I met some moron in conclave. 

12. Stalk recruiting chat for anyone who might need help 

13. Hate it when people rush a Void capture/mobile defense mission. 

14. Don't really use switch teleport on Loki unless I need to get somewhere high, help someone get through a door (which is closed on their end) or move myself around faster if my entire team is 50 miles away from me, ignoring the mobs. 

15. I like staring at everyones frames to see what colours are used. 

16. Dislike the typical black + every other colour combo.
17. Most of my hours on warframe are because I AFK. 

18. Don't really like using the ogris or orthos/orthos prime

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1. I hate Volt players because they're always hitting Speed when I'm trying to do trick jumps, or when I'm running and shooting, and because they rush to the objective when I'm farming void MD and they get the objective destroyed before anyone else can get in range to help them defend.

2. I don't like the angstrum.

3. I have quit every clan I've ever joined because they always get full of douchbags.

4. I think Vauban is mad ugly so I rarely play him

5. I spend way to much time customizing the colors of my frames

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1. I sold my potato'd soma and potato/once forma'd nova because I felt like a massive piece of crap for using them.

2. I can't bear to sell my Burston, even though I now own Burston prime. I've had that thing since I started ;-;

3. Volt best frame. Even balance of damage, CC (with the shock proc), mobility and defence.

4. Everyone i've seen constantly sings their praise about the Drakgoon yet I absolutely hated it.

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- When I play Nova, I use Worm Hole to teleport people away. 

- Whenever I see a hallway hero, I secretly hopes he dies (in-game of course) and I can teabag his corpse.

- I'm only forma-ing my Synapse, because at this point I just want to see what a 6 forma weapon feels like.

- I beg and pray every dev stream that the devs release the Tethra and Cicero mods for those whom missed it. 


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-I built Nova to do nothing but ALL THE MP SPAM to killsteal because of how WF counts kills with powers

-I take perverse glee in running Radiation on ALL my weapons- incuding my Penta and Angstrum

-I only made Volt so I can run around with an Amprex quoting Emperor Palpatine all the time

-I quote Kodachi Kuno while playing Saryn+Lecta

-I think the Spectra is friggin awesome even though it's damage isn't

-I spend inordante amounts of time coming up with elaborate personalities for my tenno, everything from favorate color to who their best pony is

-I have as much fun faffing around mercury and venus with maxed multiforma gear as I do running things actually at level

-I spend hours fiddling with color schemes

-I run my own music playlist instead of WF's music, which includes songs from MLP and various Disny films

-I take perverse glee at picking up groups of newbes in pub groups at Mercurey and dragging them to Ceries Survival missions as Valkyr, then not rezzing anyone while killing everthing while invincible

-I think the whole 'OH NORE ELCIPSE' thing is stupid because EXP isn't taxed (because everything else from DSD/DSS is, let's be honest, gravy to taking unranked guns, 'LOLMAXEDPENTA'-ing out to wave 30, and coming out with ~15 levels on a gun that hasn't fired a shot)

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Before the Trinity nerf in-game players who have called my Suicide Trinity "broken" "bugged" or called me a hacker, were all using Rhinos.  Vindictively, I feel like I'd love to see Rhino get nerfed hard just to spite them.


I still believe they were just angry that their e-penis size shrank when their rhino/rhino-prime got massively beat on number of kills, by a little girl in a skirt.

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Ever since Radiation was tweaked early in damage 2.0... Whenever I get procced by it I go out of my way to murder my squad before the proc wears off. 


Depending on how they have been acting the entire run, I may or may not revive them. I have a criteria someone has to meet in order for me to revive them, and if that person is irritating me enough during a run I'll go out of my way in void missions to down them multiple times so they run out of revives during the run. 

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-My Ash has been potato'd twice.

-I modded my Banshee to Sound Quake whole rooms.

-I greatly regretted selling my Excalibur.  I later farmed him and built him again when I spent plat for an inventory spot.

-My Frost is made to both clear rooms and globe areas.

-I rely on my weapons instead of abilities unless the frame is purely offense oriented.

-I prefer tank frames or utility frames due to using my weapons instead.

-I love Volt with a passion.

-I find Oberon perfectly viable for any situation by not using his flaming carpet.

-I use Rhino for roar to boost damage for my team if I'm with one, and stomp to CC enemies.

-I go mostly solo

-I despise Trinity, but love every part of her skirt design with the exception of the back

-I dodge bullets with Valkyr and only use hysteria to regain lost health - again, I'm more reliant on weapon loadout

-I never use Volt's 4, instead opting to stun groups with shock, provide cover with shield and speed for melee and group running

-I love Zephyr's design over all others, and don't use much turbulence since she has higher shield and health values.  I opt for flying about and getting into positions - again, loadout.

-I sold Mag because Pull and shield polarize weren't doing it for me.

-I love the Supra and have it forma'd 3 times.  I seek to forma it a fourth time.

-My Supra has been colored to fire yellow bolts, with a brown casing in homage to Metal Slug.  HEAVY MACHINE GUN.

-Bolto is my homedawg.

-I still have the vintage machete that was taken out of circulation.

-I adore the Grakata.

-The Burston was one of my favorite weapons and the Burston Prime is my favorite weapon.

-Sicarus was my mid-range homedawg until I sold him.

-I never built the Hek.

-I often find secondaries more viable than my primary.

-I got my damage 1.0 fangs to level 27 and then sold them.  No regrets.

-The angels cried as I sold Booben.

Edited by ZaPhobos
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I set 1million battle pay up for 196 tickets on Sinai, Jupiter and single handedly brought the  Eclipse alliance vault down to 0. Consider this my 24 hour notice of resignation in case i did not make myself clear in the raid call chat earlier.


Good job, a round of applause, maybe this will weaken there monoply

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-Zephyr is my favorite frame at the moment

-I struggle to play frames that are not my gender

-I overly spam emoticons when typing :D

-I hate when I see people with bad color schemes

-I hate when I see people with dumb looking weapons for there frames IE. Rhino with a Bow

-I hate when people act surprised when I tell them my gender

-I spam my Ultimate Ability like it's my first ability

-I hate when people say my username is misspelled when I spelled it like this on purpose

-I use the forum as much as I play the game sometimes while in game with steam overlay

-I hate when people say hat instead of Helmet

-I hate when I ask someone how long they think something will take to be finished and they say "it's right around the corner"


Thanks for reading see you in game ;)

Edited by PixalatedVortex
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I attach castanas on my teammates when doing Jupiter mission just so that when I get radiation proc by enemy detrons I can wipe the whole team.

I love Nyx and will default to her on anything.

I love Nova almsot as much and will spam Anti Drop ever 10 seconds. I will spend more time shooting that ball than at enemeis and still get more kills than everyone else.

I own every warframe except Hydriod simply because I need plat for a slot, he's currently sitting on my foundry. PS all my frames are tatered and I still have 8 frame potatoes.

I spend too much time admiring how my frames look channeling than I should.

I must match everything to everything, all weapons/fraes/sents match match on color. Usually its black/white/blue as default colors for everything.

My love for a weapons looks/sound/feel often fight with my love to min/max the S#&$ out of everything.

I have forma'ed Valkyr's Auara mod slot....twice.

I hate Nyx's Vespa helm and will use her default and use Streamline+Fleeting for 75% because fashion. Again my love for looks vs my love for min/max.

I made Dread then sold it after rank 30, but made another one when they bows buffed.

I use Dread over Paris Prime for looks, but I min/maxed the S#&$ out of that dread.

I check Warframe subreddit almost daily.

I never bought Valkyr's bounds but somehow my game glitch and I got them for free.

I have AkLex, AkMagnus, and AkVastos. All tatered and formaed. And I had AkBolto beforem sold'em, now thinking of getting them again.

I have found a way to cheese 90% of all my mastery tests.

I spent too much time reading this post and finding about peoples dirty little secrets.

I will probably post again when I think of more crap to add.

Edited by KingMe42
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-When someone else uses their ulti (and it's a timed ulti) I ult (with my instantaneous ulti) just to get more kills than them.


-I prefer the VECTIS over any other gun. Cuz logic yo!


-I sold off Trinity... twice.

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I do not play Rhino because I honestly believe it will make me literally stupid. 


I like to stockpile blueprints, components, resources and credits, because I believe that there will be a Warframe apocalypse and drop rates of everything will be non-existent. 

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I use bounce on those little fuck3$ that go melee on a RIFLE DS (sechura) just to see them flying.

Also with Vauban, when they still keep doing that...I spam bounce and vortex on the whole damn map just to make everything lag like hell and make them crash/dc;

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- If you have a Loki + dual Ichor equipped i assume your an idiot who doesn't know how to play and i will never revive you


- i bought and use the Soma purely for the fact the way it reloads and the clip moves up looks awesome to me (i dont care it could be nerfed into the ground i would still use it) Same goes for Lex prime


- I actually like rhino (again simply because it looks really really cool. i don't even use the abilities)


- I liked radial blast more than the new stomp


- I hope Loki is not Primed next just to see the disappointment on all the fan boys faces


- I still keep a level 24 wyrm in my inventory even though i will never use it over my cube

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- I always slot Maglev and Rejuvenation.
- I used to turn on Bloom and HDR just so that Gram would look cooler.
- Arcane Thrak Helmet does not come off. There are no other Rhino helmets.

- My missions usually take around half an hour to complete, because I am incapable of ignoring enemies or cameras.

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-I hate every one in this game

-I love my Duel Cestras cause i belive they are the hidden ''Golden Gun(s)''

-I love my vauban cause i can make a dull gray looking room into a  bouncy room of happiness

-I like bounce cause if players decide to just troll me a bitt i can bounce them in the air the rest of the game... or till they DC

-I like tricking new players into my cellar and say there is a free blue potato down there then i lock it up wait about a week and then i proceed to sacrifice their weak bodys to the lord and savior satan

Wheew that was a load of my chest

-Oh and i forgot to tell you i escaped an mental asylum a few years ago too they said i was too ''Dangerous'' for the people around me but i showed them c:

Edited by Chris1488
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