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-I hit the elevator button before people can get on, so they have to wait.

-I randomly make waypoints in hopes people will go to it and see nothing there.

-I wait right next to extraction, and then extract when it's at 5 seconds.

-I purposely ignore downed teammates and don't make any attempt to revive them.

-I AFK in ODD on top of the buildings, and let my teammates do all the work while I do something else.

You sir must be proud.

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- I don't like clearing the infested before getting the vault artifact because it's time-consuming.


- I slot Rush on every frames I use except Nekros.


- I give free stuffs when my mood is good.


- I frequently use Wormhole to help my team catch up.


- When a player harass me in chat, I report the player instead of ignoring him.

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- I think Nekros is more useful than only Desecrate builds.

- I've started to lvl up my freshly polarized Boltor, knowing that Boltor Prime came out. 
- I prefer Obex than Kogake. 
- I've never builded any Primed Warframe. Still waitin' for Loki Prime. 

- I like sittin' in my Dojo alone, chatting on clan chat. 
- I think DE_Megan is cuter than DE_Rebbeca. :) Sorry, Rebbeca. 

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-Mag Prime is hawt.


-I don't res downed Loki/Booben's if they've been trolling me.


-I almost trolled a player out of malice and boredom. (Player was being S#&$ehead and swore he and 30 of his closest friends would get me banned for something I didn't do)


-Soma is my guilty pleasure


-Potato'd my MK-1


 -I stalk the forums when I should be working.

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my favorite frame, primary, secondaries, and melee are as follows


Zephyr one forma

Phage six forma

Acrid two forma

Akstiletto three forma

Embolist two forma

Obex two forma


I love rushing when im farming and lowbies aren't around.


I love bringing my ubers to any content and smashing it to bits.


I love helping anyone i DO happen to be in a run with (usually im running all over the place trying to cover everyone as i have insane mobility)


I want to be able to sell my founders exclusives (in broken down blueprint fashion) to players who want the skana, lato, and excal prime seeing as i've literally not used any in over eight months.( https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/240967-let-us-liquidate-our-founders-assets/ )



edit: it is irrelevant whether Rebecca or Megan is hotter, as both at the same time would be infinitely more rewarding.

Edited by ObviousLee
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-My favorite warframe is nova

-My favorite weapon is Boltor Prime

-I tried jacking off to warframe...

-Tried it again with bondage after failing the first time...

-My favorite game

-Get bored a lot of the time

-I make sure I look good when I go and play on warframe

-I alaways try to save my teammates if I can, unless it would jepordize the mission

-I'm Valkyrs submissive slave

-Pretended to be a girl for half a year on warframe. (WON 200 BUCKZ!!)

I have more but ill say em later :D

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-My favorite warframe is nova

-My favorite weapon is Boltor Prime

-I tried jacking off to warframe...

-Tried it again with bondage after failing the first time...

-My favorite game

-Get bored a lot of the time

-I make sure I look good when I go and play on warframe

-I alaways try to save my teammates if I can, unless it would jepordize the mission

-I'm Valkyrs submissive slave

-Pretended to be a girl for half a year on warframe. (WON 200 BUCKZ!!)

I have more but ill say em later :D

Oh, I use novas portals to block the way to extraction, tele peole out of the map, tele peeps out of their camping spot to a group of infested, or just tele myself top the top of a t3 room and just cast AMD's down at enemies, and I troll peeps by putting a lot of damage on my MP on ODD so it casts through the whole map and takes forever to get a wave done! :D

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-I don't really think the Dragon Nikana is all that cool


-I have yet to potato/forma anything


-I have yet to purchase/craft/use a warframe except my starting Excalibur (although Volt is currently in the works)


-I edited the third one just to put that stupid pun in

Edited by (PS4)FoxtrotFourZero
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-I routinely forget that I'm holding the mobile defense datamass and sometimes even don't realize it when people are calling for me to use it on the terminal. Almost like clockwork.


-I actually like being in Eclipse and think it's a cool alliance even with the various drama involved in it.

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-- I sold all my volt frame mods to pay for trade tax for the Stretch mod.


-- using Valkyr and Stetch, i pull alies onto the really long jupiter lifts.


-- I noticed how Zephyr with the agile animation set, looks like she has a giant triangular *phallus*

Edited by DeltaSquad
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7. I never liked the catch-phrase "ninjas play free" (sorry DE). Every time it was mentioned in promo videos or interviews, my heart bleeds for DE (really). It's like watching your favorite actor tells a bad joke to a big audience.  Then again, maybe the audience is different enough from me to accept it well?


It's honestly the one thing bout this game that embarrasses me to see.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I got Banshee about two months before she was available in the Tenno Lab. I'd spent two days grinding Caloris on Mercury to get her Chassis, stumbled across her systems while lazily playing online and then spent a WHOLE WEEK grinding Xini to get her helmet.


The day Tenno Lab came out I died a little inside.

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I sold Excalibur, Frost and Mag to make space for my Valkyr, Saryn and Nyx.

I think Mag is completely useless.

I think Oberon's Reckoning is better than Mag's Crush.

I hate Paris Prime fanboys.

I love Dread and hate Paris Prime.

I don't like Brakk.

I love my Marelok.

When I was starting the game, I joined random Tower Missions and got a Boltor Prime Blueprint. Didn't know the price then and traded it with Energy Siphon because I felt I was a Generous God (Xerxes).

I hate Boltor Prime even at 4-forma (probably because of that ^).

I love my 4-Forma Soma.

I rub it into people's faces that it only took me 4 runs using 4 keys to get all 4 parts of Loki Prime.

RNG Hated me afterwards...

I made a 6-Forma Synapse just to have the feeling of having a 6-forma Weapon... no regrets...

I love my Dragon Nikana and faithfully believes that Crimson Dervish will be nerfed and those Dakra Prime Fanboys will be put on their proper places.

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