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Survival missions' music doesn't fit the game flow


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I love warframe,
but i have to admit something , the music, while good, need a lot more pumps to reach that flow state.

After listening to overdrive i realised something,
first i though  "oh what a cool music, it would be perfect to play a warframe survival mission"
one of my best experience in the game are 1h+ long session of grinding with nekros, tekko prime von infested ship.
you can reach a flow, and it's incredible but then i realised why i could reach the flow, and i don't in other mission :

I turned off the music long ago, because it didn't fit well the feeling in game
I often turn on the payday 2 assault OST when playing these mission , just to reach that state.

this means that almost everything is on point to reach the flow, the music is just behind in that case,

when i play survival i wanna feel overwhelmed, i wanna feel like i'm swarmed, i'm a one man army and i have 1 mission , to hold on
and the current OST just doesn't get that right.

I don't get the danger, the rhythm, the power i should from the music.

it's too underwhelming, and while the ambient sounds are good, the music just doesn't follow.
you should try it for yourselves,  pump on payday 2 music, go on a survival, stay the playlist with when you hack the console, go only with a melee weapon,put on combo mode, and feel that flow

it's immediate and crazy how good i feels.
and it believe that should be a feature.

edit: there is however one music above the other in regard to flow, it's "march of the moa"

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