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Old Geezer, New Player


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Hiya folks.  New Warframe player here on the PS4.  I was aware of Warframe on the PC but didn't really look into it since I'm an old(-ish) coot and shooters aren't exactly my forte'.  However, I find I'm really enjoying myself with the game, and am really looking forward to learning more about it.  Speaking of learning, the learning curve is pretty formidable, but I've been watching a ton of streams and YouTube vids about the game.  I'm still exceedingly n00bish, but find myself enjoying it nonetheless.


One thing I think I erred in early on: after the "tutorial" I wound up selecting the Loki.  I subsequently found out afterward that Loki is something of an advanced warframe and I would have been better off with something like the Excalibur.  Is there any way new players can get an "oopsie" reset, or should I just keep plugging away until I can get another frame?


So anywho, feel free to shoot your ol' buddy StarGeezerTim an invite and drag his sorry butt around the solar system for a while.  I may not do much good, but I'm good for a laugh or two. :)

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Whilst you may feel even more squishy and ineffective in your Loki, when you eventually climb the learning curve you will start to see why more advanced players love him so much. Unltil then my biggest recommendation for you is to just keep on trucking through the solar map up through Venus until you get to "Fossa" which is a boss-fight.


If you play that mission enough you can get the parts for a "Rhino" Warframe, that you may find much more forgiving and easy to learn due to his beefy, tanky nature.

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eh, starting as loki is far more difficult (admittedly)

however, it's not impossible and it will definitely teach you the ropes rapidly.

focus on mod aquisition primarily for now. (hit up apollodorus in mercury -- this will net you many of the critical mods)


use the wiki liberally to determine which mods you need and weapons that might interest you.


gunplay and tactics are loki's bread and butter but he's very mod dependent.

don't give up. :P

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Hi and welcome to warframe :)


I did the same "misstake" as you, but would'nt call it a misstake, sure loki has his downs, but maaaaan when you get to play him forabit, youll notice that he has more ups! I'd recommend sticking to ash if you like a stealthy approve, and if you dont, i guess a ticket to the support centre might help you out. But there are ATON of stuff out there how to get around, and climb the learning ladder faster!


Edit: Once the "rainbow bridge" Merge pc and ps4, i will defo hit up StarGeezerTim with an invite :)

Edited by Ziiklz
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Echoing the sentiments above and offering a few other tidbits...

Best advice I can give you with your choice is to use Decoy and Invis liberally.I would advise that you lean on only those two for some time.


Save your money for the next level Braton and a Sentinel (I suggest Shade or Carrier).


Be patient. The learning curve with Loki is a little steeper but guarantees you will be able to play the subtle and movement oriented portions of the game like a Boss. Loki also excels in melee with Invisible active which is a huge help in the early levels given the way you will tear through ammo and the quality of melee weapon you will be relegated to early game.


Lastly... Know that once you start tagging bosses you become open game for The Stalker.

Loki's Powers don't work on him. Shoot him or run, don't try melee.

Stalker gets his pound of flesh so death against him is nothing to be ashamed of.

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Welcome to Warframe. How old do you have to be to be a geezer?


Let me put it this way...I likely have socks that are older than many of the people I play with. LOL  Seriously, I'm not ancient (yet), but I'm staring my second half-century square in its beady little eyeballs. 


Whilst you may feel even more squishy and ineffective in your Loki, when you eventually climb the learning curve you will start to see why more advanced players love him so much. Unltil then my biggest recommendation for you is to just keep on trucking through the solar map up through Venus until you get to "Fossa" which is a boss-fight.


If you play that mission enough you can get the parts for a "Rhino" Warframe, that you may find much more forgiving and easy to learn due to his beefy, tanky nature.


I watched a guy playing a Rhino on Twitch, and they seem pretty durable.  Rhino and Trinity are definitely on my short list of must-gets.


eh, starting as loki is far more difficult (admittedly)

however, it's not impossible and it will definitely teach you the ropes rapidly.

focus on mod aquisition primarily for now. (hit up apollodorus in mercury -- this will net you many of the critical mods)


use the wiki liberally to determine which mods you need and weapons that might interest you.


gunplay and tactics are loki's bread and butter but he's very mod dependent.

don't give up. :P


Thanks, this gives me some hope, I'll just keep plodding along and relying on the kindness (and bullets) of strangers to carry me through. Heheh!


Hi and welcome to warframe :)


I did the same "misstake" as you, but would'nt call it a misstake, sure loki has his downs, but maaaaan when you get to play him forabit, youll notice that he has more ups! I'd recommend sticking to ash if you like a stealthy approve, and if you dont, i guess a ticket to the support centre might help you out. But there are ATON of stuff out there how to get around, and climb the learning ladder faster!


Edit: Once the "rainbow bridge" Merge pc and ps4, i will defo hit up StarGeezerTim with an invite :)


Looking forward to the cross-platform migration as well.  I've got a friend who is a dyed-in-the-wool PC gamer ("I just can't get used to those controllers!") who I might be able to drag kicking and screaming to play with me once they get it all hashed out.  Ironically, he just bought his son a PS4 as well, so it'd be pretty awesomeballs for the three of us to go all space-ninja on stuff.


Will be looking for your invites!  Thanks to all for the warm welcome!  Peace! :)

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loki is good once u get 4 or 3 mods that let him abuse invisibility.


continuity which is the normal power duration mod that goes to 30%

constitution which is the nightmare dual stat mod that gives 28% more duration and some knockdown recovery

narrow minded which adds 60%+ or something but costs alot of money and fusion cores to get to that point


ull most likely use the essense helm u can get for ur loki from alert so unlock as many mission nodes as u can or refer to the warframe alert twitter and call out in recruiting chat


ull also need energy siphon from alerts, flow mod for extra energy pool and streamline for energy save


keep in mind that charge attack melee is given a 100% damage boost when undetected/invisible


also ull need a really high dps weapon(effective range doesnt matter since ur invisible) so that u can make full use of invisibility. i would recommend the ignis since u barely need to aim and it may become really powerful(most likely be one of the strongest weapon w/ element combinations if u refer to the old damage 2.0 spreadsheet).


as for the other frames, excalibur becomes less useful once u start facing +lv40 enemies since they'll most likely insta-gib u after u dash. mag is amazing on mid level play once u fully mod her for range. her pull can kill an entire room and maybe a few guys in the next room. she also has a ton of shields once u get redirection mod. ALSO if u plan on spending like $20 i would buy excal,loki and volt and pick mag as a starter since 75plat for a ready made frame w/ frame slot(20plat) and orokin reactor(another 20plat) is a really good deal actually. u can get mastery really fast and u can probably use rhino by the time u reach kappa(the grinding mission) in sedna

Edited by lkkie
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Echoing the sentiments above and offering a few other tidbits...

Best advice I can give you with your choice is to use Decoy and Invis liberally.I would advise that you lean on only those two for some time.


Save your money for the next level Braton and a Sentinel (I suggest Shade or Carrier).


Be patient. The learning curve with Loki is a little steeper but guarantees you will be able to play the subtle and movement oriented portions of the game like a Boss. Loki also excels in melee with Invisible active which is a huge help in the early levels given the way you will tear through ammo and the quality of melee weapon you will be relegated to early game.


Lastly... Know that once you start tagging bosses you become open game for The Stalker.

Loki's Powers don't work on him. Shoot him or run, don't try melee.

Stalker gets his pound of flesh so death against him is nothing to be ashamed of.


Excellent advice, thank you!  I was wondering about the sentinels, so this is pure gold right here.  I have Invis slotted, and am slowly leveling up to put more goodies on.  I haven't spent my intro plat or credits yet, so I'm banking that in the hopes of getting ahead of the curve a little bit down the road with some prudent acquisitions. 


The Stalker sounds like a meanie. LOL :D

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I'd recommend this Loki guide: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/66636-the-power-effecient-loki-loadout-no-flow-required/?hl=%2Bpower+%2Beffecient+%2Bloki


Other than that, you should keep chugging along! While beginning as Loki is difficult, it gives you a massive bonus in epicness when you've left the newbie stage!


P.S: I'd HIGHLY recommend dropping your beginning platinum in a warframe slot and weapon slots. Everything else can be gotten for free, if you don't wish to pay, except for cosmetic items such as color palettes and sentinel accessories 

Edited by Kamal965
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I'd recommend this Loki guide: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/66636-the-power-effecient-loki-loadout-no-flow-required/?hl=%2Bpower+%2Beffecient+%2Bloki


Other than that, you should keep chugging along! While beginning as Loki is difficult, it gives you a massive bonus in epicness when you've left the newbie stage!


P.S: I'd HIGHLY recommend dropping your beginning platinum in a warframe slot and weapon slots. Everything else can be gotten for free, if you don't wish to pay, except for cosmetic items such as color palettes and sentinel accessories 


Great guide, thanks.  Gives me something to aim for. :)

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So, I got my buddy to download the PC version tonight, and since I'm only slightly ahead of the curve than he is, I went ahead and also downloaded the PC version to help walk him through it.  I'm not all that great at shooters to begin with, even less so with a KB/mouse, but even so managed to do the first couple of missions with him.


I think he's hooked.  He's already planning what he wants for his next warframe/weapons/etc.  Mission: Accomplished.  Now depending how soon the "bridge" goes in, we should be good to go. :)

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So, I got my buddy to download the PC version tonight, and since I'm only slightly ahead of the curve than he is, I went ahead and also downloaded the PC version to help walk him through it.  I'm not all that great at shooters to begin with, even less so with a KB/mouse, but even so managed to do the first couple of missions with him.


I think he's hooked.  He's already planning what he wants for his next warframe/weapons/etc.  Mission: Accomplished.  Now depending how soon the "bridge" goes in, we should be good to go. :)

Excellent plan!

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Excellent plan!


I didn't get this old by bein' stupid! LOL! Hehehe! :)


39 y.o. player here, we should get all us old farts together and make a clan... Something properly named like... hmm... Spring Chickens =)


Anyways, welcome to the game.


You may be onto something here!  We can all plan our raids around reruns of Matlock and Murder She Wrote! ;)


Welcome Aboard!


Thank you, kindly! :)

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Just an FYI, Loki is NOT a mistake.  Excalibur seemed approachable, so I clicked that.  My friend took Loki, and we're double teaming the game's missions as a duo.  He takes 2/3 of the kills in a typical mission.


Oddly, I do usually 65% of the damage, but I think he's just good at aiming for headshots with his sword.  He almost never even uses guns.  Just goes all cuisinart on the enemies until things get hairy, and then he turns invisible to finish off the crowd or skate to safer, less crowded grounds.


I'd be &!$$ed, but I get all the bonus xp from his shredding of the bad guys, so it helps me level up both my guns and my sword.

Edited by EvilKam
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Just an FYI, Loki is NOT a mistake.  Excalibur seemed approachable, so I clicked that.  My friend took Loki, and we're double teaming the game's missions as a duo.  He takes 2/3 of the kills in a typical mission.


Oddly, I do usually 65% of the damage, but I think he's just good at aiming for headshots with his sword.  He almost never even uses guns.  Just goes all cuisinart on the enemies until things get hairy, and then he turns invisible to finish off the crowd or skate to safer, less crowded grounds.


I'd be &!$$ed, but I get all the bonus xp from his shredding of the bad guys, so it helps me level up both my guns and my sword.


The Loki does take some getting used to, but I'm enjoying him well-enough.  The starter frame that I REALLY like is the Mag.  I've been playing the PC version in anticipation of the migration/bridge, and I love the Mag.  Perhaps not as beefy as the Excalibur but slightly more than the Loki, plus that Pull.


Oh. Em. Gee. That Pull.


Part of my problem using the sword on ANY toon is timing/aim.  I'm getting better but there's still quite a few times when I duff the timing and either way under- or over-swing.  Since there isn't really any "aiming" that I can discern with the sword, and certainly no lock-on, learning to use the melee weapons is apparently a skill that needs to be developed through much practice (and having your arse unceremoniously handed to you repeatedly.)  As it stands now, Invisibility lets me get the hell out of Dodge when things get real hairy, but I can't quite get the whole "pop invis, go all Veg-A-Matic on the enemy" trick.

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