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Old Geezer, New Player


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I started with Loki as well, and I think it was a good decision. I recommend that you attempt to acquire a vasto and then dual vastos as soon as possible. They reward accuracy, have a high damage output, and good ammo economy. They also boast a decent variety of the three base damage types to you won't feel useless against any appropriately leveled enemies.


Another tip, don't worry about losing any void keys you get. If you fail a void mission, you keep the key until you succeed!

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I started with Loki as well, and I think it was a good decision. I recommend that you attempt to acquire a vasto and then dual vastos as soon as possible. They reward accuracy, have a high damage output, and good ammo economy. They also boast a decent variety of the three base damage types to you won't feel useless against any appropriately leveled enemies.


Another tip, don't worry about losing any void keys you get. If you fail a void mission, you keep the key until you succeed!


I'll keep that  in mind, thanks.  I already put together my new sword (Cronus, I think) and bought the Braton to upgrade my primary.  Oddly enough, I haven't had a single mod drop for my primary, isn't that weird?  I maxed my Invisibility, but still have a hard time getting sword strikes to actually hit right, especially when "invizzed!" ;)  When it works, it's a thing of beauty.  More often than not, I either whiff on a charged attack, or wind up swinging at nothing while spamming the melee button.  For a "class" that relies so heavily on speed, stealth and melee, I'm apparently sucking hard at all three.  I'm sorely tempted to just buy the plat and get a Mag, Rhino or Trinity and see how they work out instead, and then after I get some experience coming back to the Loki.

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I'll keep that  in mind, thanks.  I already put together my new sword (Cronus, I think) and bought the Braton to upgrade my primary.  Oddly enough, I haven't had a single mod drop for my primary, isn't that weird?  I maxed my Invisibility, but still have a hard time getting sword strikes to actually hit right, especially when "invizzed!" ;)  When it works, it's a thing of beauty.  More often than not, I either whiff on a charged attack, or wind up swinging at nothing while spamming the melee button.  For a "class" that relies so heavily on speed, stealth and melee, I'm apparently sucking hard at all three.  I'm sorely tempted to just buy the plat and get a Mag, Rhino or Trinity and see how they work out instead, and then after I get some experience coming back to the Loki.


get the gram, galatine or orthos.

they all have a wide AOE and hit multiple targets. meaning that accuracy isn't as much a problem.

besides, going invisible and standing in a huge crowd of mobs and charge attacking with the galatine is very similar to using a scythe on a field of wheat. >:)

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get the gram, galatine or orthos.

they all have a wide AOE and hit multiple targets. meaning that accuracy isn't as much a problem.

besides, going invisible and standing in a huge crowd of mobs and charge attacking with the galatine is very similar to using a scythe on a field of wheat. >:)


Hadn't considered that, thanks. :)

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I'm sorely tempted to just buy the plat and get a Mag, Rhino or Trinity and see how they work out instead, and then after I get some experience coming back to the Loki.


I'd advise against spending platinum on frames, or to be honest, spending platinum on anything other than weapon or warframe slots, just to be efficient with the starting platinum, but since you said you were an older player and you obviously have disposable income to spare, you can if you want. However, Mag can be attained from Mars (4th planet I think), Rhino drops from Venus, the second planet, and Trinity drops from Earth, the third planet you have access to. Still, Warframes take 3 days to build in the foundry, so it's not entirely a bad idea to buy a full frame with plat.


Don't worry about getting Loki instead of Excalibur. Rhino is somewhat similar to Excalibur (I use the word 'somewhat' lightly), but more durable, whereas Excalibur is more mobile. Both frames have forward charges as their first abilities, and their fourth 'ultimate' skill damages everyone in a radius around them - although Rhino's also suspends any surviving enemies in the air for several seconds.

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I think I found something of a groove for Loki, at least at his current level/loadout.  I finally got a Reach mod which has helped some as far as actually hitting things with a melee weapon.  I make copious use of Decoy to draw enemy fire and when I can get a good clump of them all relatively close, I'll use the Radial Disarm, sometimes followed by an Invis and start mowing 'em down.


Speaking of which, is it possible there's a bug with the report?  I did the above (Invis/melee) on one match earlier and I know I killed multiples, yet the Mission Report after the match said I only had one melee kill.  

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  • 1 month later...

Well, after taking a bit of time off for the holidays and playing the sniznit out of Neverwinter (loving my Hunter Ranger, BTW), I'm back.  Part of my dilemma was my difficulty with Loki.  I solved that by ponying up the plat and picking up Mag (as well as Trinity and Ember.)  Don't get me wrong, Loki isn't dead...just on the back burner until I can get some decent mods for him.  


Would love to get together with some PS4 badarses and farm Jackal for Rhino parts, if anyone is interested.

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  • 6 months later...

Now then me old cober (StargeezerTim) how ya doin,was just lookin at your posts,i'm a Pc user myself but have only been playing the game about a week or two now. I'm like you i enjoy playin Warframe ( considering i got three of em rofl ) and i play the game the hard way( levelling up and building stuff ) without plat if i can help it , and as far as age goes i dont think it really matters lol,( even tho i,m just over my half century mark ) so your not on your own  lol anyway dude, have fun playing the game and if your doing any mercury missions look out for Basteal , Shakani or Nolaphec i,m always somewhere around, anyway take care mate see ya round and keep kicking those bad guy's butts lmao :).

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Well, that's rather new, didn't know there were older members in this community. It's a welcome surprise. Glad to meet you, and if you ever find yourself on the PC platform, feel free to message me or hit me up for a run. As an avid Loki user, it's always fun to show someone exactly what can be done with such a manipulative frame. Oh, and call me Upgrade. It's a mouthful otherwise.

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Welcome to Warframe!


While it's pretty safe to say that all Frames are (or can be made to be) viable, Loki's unique skill set can enable you to empty rooms untouched.  The secret to Loki lies in invisibility combined with melee attacks.  While invisible, enemies will not be alerted to your presence, and connecting with melee in this state will grant a large stealth bonus to damage - like critting, except you can still crit on top of that.  With fully-loaded melee weapons, I've seen critical hits in the tens of thousands from this strategy alone.


And that's just Invis.  Need to drop heat off of an objective - or a teammate?  Decoy!

Switch Teleport is typically used to aggravate your team until you run out of Energy, but I've had many a last-second revive or life support activatin because an enemy - or ally - was in just the right place.  Not to mention your Decoy is a valid target for S. Teleport.

Radial Disarm is your "oh s#!t" button, when the gunfire is just too much to handle.  It forces your opponents to battle you with melee - and we ALL know how Loki likes melee.


Slap some duration and efficiency Mods on to make Invisibility and Decoy long-lasting and spammable, along with something like Redirection to counteract Loki's papier-mache build quality, and you've got a monster on your hands!


It's easy to think that choosing Loki is a mistake, but he is a gem when used right.  While he may lack in abilities that AREN'T self-serving, which can make using him for Defense-style missions seem less desirable, creative use of his powers makes him one of the most uniquely adaptable Frames out there.


Some other Frames to look into include Trinity, Rhino and Mag, as you've mentioned; Rhino is tank central, while Trin and Mag are godly supports that can deal good damage on their own.  Frost is great for defending things, Vauban throws grenades and doesn't afraid of anything, and Valkyr... just DOES.  NOT.  DIE.  Ever.


Okay, I promise I will never subject you to this level of bleh-FAQ-dump again, but again, welcome.  We hope you enjoy your stay as much as your sword enjoys its stay in that Grineer Lancer over there.

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So, I got my buddy to download the PC version tonight, and since I'm only slightly ahead of the curve than he is, I went ahead and also downloaded the PC version to help walk him through it.  I'm not all that great at shooters to begin with, even less so with a KB/mouse, but even so managed to do the first couple of missions with him.


I think he's hooked.  He's already planning what he wants for his next warframe/weapons/etc.  Mission: Accomplished.  Now depending how soon the "bridge" goes in, we should be good to go. :)

Oy, oy, Tim! If you were ever interested in playing PC version, I'd suggest looking into purchasing an Xbox 360 controller to play with on PC. I've been using one up until recently (as in, the past 72 hours recently), and I've gotta say, I'm a lot better at games with it than with a kb/mouse. If your friend tries to seriously convince you to play PC games, try picking one up! I've seen some good ones going for about $20-25!

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Wow, imagine my surprise in seeing this old thread necro'd back to life!  LOL


Okay, some updates since November-ish when I started:


1) I'm still old.  Older, actually.  Finally hit the Big 5-0 in June in fact.  Sooo, first half-century...NAILED IT! :D


2) While I keep the PS4 version updated, I've been playing largely on the PC.


3) I've since reached Mastery Rank 12 on the PC, my buddy reached 10 (he'd probably be a 12, but he decided it's more important to golf. Seriously, I gotta have a chat with him about his priorities.) ;)


4) I've acquired every frame in the game, including all the primes.  There's still a few prime weapons I haven't scored yet, but I'm getting there.


5) Did I mention I'm old?  Yeah...you know what they say, memory is the first to go.  Can't recall the second...


6) I'm strongly considering migrating the PC account over to PS4, now that I have a bit more to play with.


7) To the rest of my fellow "gentlemen of a certain age" (ie, old farts, coots, curmudgeons, and yes, geezers) feel free to shoot me a friend request. The name is the same for both the PC and PS4.  


8) Oh yes, BTW...LOVE my Loki now!  A fully tricked out Loki is a thing of beauty to behold.  And frankly, I don't even bother with Radial Disarm most of the time.  I go for extended duration and can walk around virtually non-stop in Invis.  That and a couple of Dual Ichors...yeah. You know how that's gonna end for them, right? :)



Thanks for the little trip down memory lane with this old thread, guys!  Look forward to seeing you around! :)

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I migrated my PC account over to the PS4.  Very happy with everything that carried over (color packs, all my frames, weapons, sentinels, etc.)  As I understand it, once U14 rolls out on the PS4, I'll get my Mirage and (hopefully) kubrows right off the bat too, so yay!


Might be more inclined now to play on the PS4 more frequently, since I now have a few more resources to draw from.  Go on ahead and feel free to add me if you need help on some runs or just want to go blow stuffs up. :)

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Well, that's rather new, didn't know there were older members in this community. It's a welcome surprise. Glad to meet you, and if you ever find yourself on the PC platform, feel free to message me or hit me up for a run. As an avid Loki user, it's always fun to show someone exactly what can be done with such a manipulative frame. Oh, and call me Upgrade. It's a mouthful otherwise.

 Hi upgrade, i should of checked my posts sooner thnx for the welcome, pleased to meet you too, i am on the Pc platform ,i had three warframes before now i have four lmao. just cant seem to get enough of them ha ha,yeah i really enjoy the game,so if your around and want a run look out for ...Bastael...Shakini....Nolaphec and Gizmo52, but i only have mercury , earth ,venus  on most of them just now and still learning :) See you online somewhere one day have fun .:)

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