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So I've finally worked up the nerve to post my ideas for a Hydroid rework. I've been thinking about it for the last couple of days and I think I've come up with a decent rework. Of course it could sound good in my head, but in reality isn't that good. So anyway, for the time that I've played hydroid it seems that his abilities don't really support each other or do a whole lot for himself or a team. There are warframes that can do what he does a lot better. So my ideas aim to change that while still sticking with his theme. My ideas will cover his passive, abilities, and ability mods. I will provide information on damage types and numbers, duration, power cost, range, intended effects, and a description of my thoughts and intent of the change where I can or when I feel it is necessary.  All of the numbers provided are treated as if Hydroid was at max level. If I don't mention a mod or an ability I either forgot about, didn't know, didn't think it was worth mentioning, or don't think it's a real problem at this time. Thank you for taking the time to check out my ideas.


Update, 10/25/2022: So I feel my first rework and the modified rework were not as well thought out and became bloated. As such, I decide to make a new rework idea that, hopefully, is not as bloated or complicated while still improving Hydroid. I took ideas from my old rework and brought them over to the new rework. I will leave the old rework up on this post but separated from the new rework by a divider.


NEW REWORK IDEA, 10/25/2022



Description: Enemies damaged by Hydroid's abilities take 50% increased damage from Electricity and Magnetic damage.

Thoughts: So, I was kind of struggling to come up with a passive that would work with Hydroid and maybe his teammates while sticking with at least his water theme. It does help both Hydroid and teammates like Volt, Gyre, and Mag, but I’m not 100% happy with it. At the moment this is the best I could think of, but if I come up with something better, I will change this. I'm also welcomed to ideas if anyone has one that would fit this rework.


1st Ability: Tempest Barrage

Cast Cost: 25 Energy

Radius: 12 Meters

Duration: 15 Seconds

Damage Type: Impact

Damage: 500

Status Chance: 100% Chance to proc an impact status effect

Mechanics: Press the cast button once to activate and hold the button to aim it. Remove the charge mechanic on this ability. It doesn't serve a purpose and creates an extra step in order to getting the full benefits of the ability. When in Undertow the radius of Tempest Barrage will shrink to the radius of Undertow and concentrate the projectiles on Undertow even while moving.

Thoughts: I've always thought of this ability as a light softening and crowd control ability. It reasonably reduces the amount of shields a target has since it does impact damage as well as reduce the amount enemies attacking you because it keeps knocking them to the ground. However, I also want it to make it easier to soften/kill heavy units and set up for his other abilities. By giving it a 100% proc chance, heavy units will need less health taken away before you can do a mercy/finisher kill, especially if the procs stack. I also want the procs to stack in order to set up for Undertow and Tentacle Swarm.


1st Ability Augment(s)

Corroding Barrage

Effect: Each projectile has a 100% chance to inflict a corrosive status effect. Enemies hit by Tempest Barrage permanently loss 10% of their armor.  (The corrosive status effect does not replace the impact status effect but is added to the ability. So, the ability will trigger an impact proc and a corrosive proc.)


New Augment: Implosive Cavitation

Effect: Each projectile has a 100% chance to inflict a heat status effect. Tempest Barrage gains 100% ability strength. (The heat status effect does not replace the impact status effect but is added to the ability. So the ability will trigger an impact proc and a heat proc.)

Thoughts: I wanted a mod that would improve the ability's "softening" capabilities by not only effecting armor but also flesh.

Inspiration: I watched this YouTube video about the Mantis Shrimp…. also exploding cannonballs. Time starts around 2:22 :


2nd Ability: Tidal Wave

Cast Cost: 50 Energy

Radius: 12 Meters

Damage Type: Impact and Magnetic

Damage: Impact - 500 , Magnetic - 500

Damage Status Chance: 100%

Disarm Chance: 50%

Description: When cast a wave surrounding Hydroid either travels out from him or comes toward him. Enemies caught in the wave get damaged and have a chance to be disarmed.

Mechanics: Tap cast button to send wave out and briefly press and hold cast button to have the wave comes towards Hydroid.

Thoughts: So I've been trying to leave Tidal Surge as ability, but make it better. After giving it some thought it might not work well as an ability by itself. Instead it could combined with Undertow to make an ability that would do the same thing that Tidal Surge and Undertow did separately. As such that left an ability slot open. In my other rework idea I decide to give hydroid an ability that could improve his melee damage in the form of an additional damage type and increase status duration. While I don't think that's a bad ability idea and might still work it did feel a little tacked on. After giving it some thought I decide giving him an ability that would improve his defensive capabilities, his crowd control, and would make it easier for Tentacle Swarm and Undertow to get a hold of enemies. So I came up with this ability.


2nd Ability Augment(s)

New Augment: Tidal Flood

Damage Type: Magnetic

Damage: 250 per second

Duration: 15 Seconds

Radius: Equal to Tidal Wave

Status Chance: 100%

Knock Down Chance: 35%

Description: When Tidal Wave is cast a pool of water is left on the field when the ability finishes.


Tidal Impunity

Effect: Clears status effects and grants 12s of status immunity for yourself and allies that come in contact with it. Reduces Tidal Wave's energy cost to 25.

Mechanics: If Tidal Flood is equipped the curative effect of Tidal Impunity is extended to the puddle.


3rd Ability: Undertow

Cast Cost: 25 Energy

Burst Travel Cost: 10 Energy

Sustain Cost: 3 Energy per second

Traverse Speed: Equal or slightly less to warframe sprint speed

Burst Travel Speed: 30 m/s

Burst Travel Range: 7 Meters 

Distance / Energy: 0.2

Radius: 6 Meters

Damage Type: Impact and Puncture

Damage: Impact - 300 , Puncture - 30

Damage Increase / Second: 3%

Mechanics: Press the fire button to travel quickly across the ground. The burst travel does the impact damage. The water trap does the puncture damage and is effected by the damage per second increase.


3rd Ability Augment(s)

Curative Undertow

Effect: Allies can stand in the pool to regain 30% Health every 1.5 seconds. Hydroid will restore 12% Health.


New Augment: Creeping Current

Effect: Can pass through lasers and barriers that would trigger alarms. Unalerted enemies that are submerged into Undertow take stealth strike damage.

Mechanics: When an unalerted enemy is submerged the enemy takes a single instance of stealth strike damage. After that the enemy receives that damage, if they're still alive, the enemy will take the normal damage of Undertow.

Thoughts: I wanted something that would help with spy missions and alike while still improving Undertow.


New Augment: Endless Torrent

Effect: The burst travel becomes the normal travel speed. Increases cast cost by 25 and drain by 10. Increases damage by 100%, (doesn't effect the damage/second increase).

Mechanics: The initial contact with an enemy does impact and after that the enemy takes puncture damage.

Thoughts: This mod idea was inspired by this video by MrWarframe Guy:


4th Ability: Tentacle Swarm

Cast Cost: 100 Energy

Duration: 20 Seconds

Radius: 15m

Grab Range: 15m

Number of Tentacles: 20

Damage Type: Impact and Puncture

Damage: 200

Mechanics: Press cast button to cast Tentacle Swarm. Press and hold the cast button to aim Tentacle Swarm. Remove charge mechanic because of same reasons as Tempest Barrage. Tentacle Swarm will move with Undertow. When exiting Undertow while Tentacle Swarm is active will expand Tentacle Swarm to its radius.

Effects: When in Undertow, casting Tentacle Swarm will increase the the puncture damage of Undertow by 20 and he sustained energy cost of by 2 .  When enemies have stacked a certain number of impact status procs or the enemies are at a certain health with impact status procs on, the tentacles will do finisher damage. This will also happen if enemies are in Undertow while Tentacle Swarm is active.


4th Ability Augment(s)

Mod: Pilfering Swarm

Change Name: Enriched Waters

Effect: Enemies damaged or killed by Tentacle Swarm or Undertow has a 100% chance at additional drops.


Side Notes: Helminth Abilities

Abilities like Aquablades and Elemental Ward should work in side Undertow instead of either sitting on top or not working at all.






OLD REWORK IDEA, 10/13/2022



Description: (OLD) When Hydroid slams the ground an 10m radius wave emanates from Hydroid that knocks over enemies and then pulls them towards Hydroid.

(NEW, 10/3/2022) When Hydroid slams the ground, a wave that surrounds Hydroid travels out knocking over enemies. Once the wave finishes a puddle with a radius is left on the ground.

Mechanics: The wave does impact damage and the puddle does magnetic damage. The puddle has a chance to knock over enemies that move through it. Enemies hit by the wave or effected by the puddle suffer an accuracy penalty. Heavy slam attacks increase the damage and range of the wave and the range of the puddle. Also, Ability Strength and mods like Heavy Impact increase the damage of the wave. If the puddle is hit by Tempest Barrage or Tidal Surge the duration of the puddle is refreshed. If either of those abilities have mods that add or change damage type(s), that damage type is added to the puddle.

Wave Damage Type: Impact

Wave Damage: 300

Wave Radius: 8 m

Wave Damage Status Chance: 50%

Wave Accuracy Penalty: 35%

Heavy Slam Attack: 600

Heavy Slam Attack Radius: 10 m 

Puddle Duration: 15 seconds

Puddle Damage Type: Magnetic

Puddle Damage: 150 per second

Puddle Radius: 8 m

Heavy Slam Attack Radius: 10 m

Puddle Knock Down Chance: 40%

Puddle Accuracy Penalty: 20%

Thoughts: (OLD) The idea of this passive is to support Undertow by bringing a decent amount of enemies close as well as make it easier to do melee attacks.

(NEW, 10/3/2022) So after some suggestions from others, I decided I was going to bring the original passive to Tidal Surge and make a new passive. So this new passive is passed on the past passive, ideas I've had regarding puddles, and slightly adding to Hydroids crowd control capabilities.


1st Ability: Tempest Barrage

Cast Cost: 25 Energy

Radius: 12 m 

Duration: 15 Seconds

Damage Type: Impact

Damage: 500

Status Chance: 100% Chance to proc an impact status effect

Mechanics: Press the cast button once to activate an hold button to aim it. Remove the charge mechanic on this ability. It doesn't serve a purpose and creates an extra step in order to getting the full benefits of the ability. When in Undertow, holding the cast button for a brief period of time will shrink the radius of Tempest Barrage to the radius of Undertow and concentrate the projectiles on Undertow even while moving.

Thoughts: I've always thought of this ability as a light softening and crowd control ability. It reasonably reduces the amount of shields a target has since it does impact damage as well as reduce the amount enemies attacking you because it keeps knocking them to the ground. However, I also want it to make it easier to kill heavy units and set up for his other abilities. By giving it a 100% proc chance, heavy units will need less health taken away before you can do a mercy/finisher kills, especially if the procs stack. I also want the procs to stack in order to set up for Undertow and Tentacle Swarm.


1st Ability Augment(s)

Corroding Barrage

Effect: Each projectile has a 100% chance to inflict a corrosive status effect. Enemies hit by Tempest Barrage permanently loss 5% of their armor.  (The corrosive status effect does not replace the impact status effect but is added to the ability. So the ability will trigger an impact proc and a corrosive proc.)


New Augment: Implosive Cavitation

Effect: Each projectile has a 100% chance to inflict a heat status effect. Tempest Barrage gains 100% ability strength. (The heat status effect does not replace the impact status effect but is added to the ability. So the ability will trigger an impact proc and a heat proc.)

Thoughts: I wanted a mod that would improve the ability's "softening" capabilities by not only effecting armor but also flesh.

Inspiration: I watched this YouTube video about the mantis shrimp…. also exploding cannonballs. Time starts around 2:22 :


2nd Ability: Boon of the Seas

Cast Cost: 50 Energy

Damage Type: Magnetic

Damage: 20%

Duration:  20 Seconds

Status Duration: + 100%

Effect: Provides a magnetic damage to melee weapons. Increases the status duration of melee weapons and Hydroid's abilities.

Thoughts: I wanted an ability that would provide benefits to Hydroid and potentially his allies without being another direct damage ability.


2nd Ability Augment(s)

New Augment: Sharing the Bounty

Effect: The ability can be cast on all allies within a 15m radius.

Mechanics: Press and briefly hold the cast button.

Thoughts: I wanted Hydroid to have a way to directly help teammates.


3rd Ability: Tidal Surge

Mechanics: Tap cast button for Hydroid to travel with wave. (OLD) Press and hold to launch a wave from Hydroid. (NEW, 10/3/2022) Press and briefly hold to summon a water current surrounding Hydroid that brings enemies to him.

Tap Cast

Cast Cost: 75 Energy

Travel Range: 8m 6m (How wide the ability is)

Duration: 3 seconds (Show this stat in the ability stat screen)

(OLD) Reach (Horizontal Range): 6m; (Can be effected by range mods)

Damage Type: Impact

Damage: 300

Damage / Sec: 300 per 0.5 0.75 seconds

Status Chance: 50%

Speed: 30m / s

Effect: Tidal Surge has a 50% chance to disarm an enemy trapped in the ability. The 50% chance is a 1 time occurrence that happens when the enemy gets pulled in.

Hold Cast

Cast Cost: 75 Energy

Radius: 12 m

Damage Type: Impact

Damage: 800

Status Chance: 50%

Effect: Tidal Surge has a 50% chance to disarm an enemy trapped in the ability. The 50% chance is a 1 time occurrence that happens when the enemy gets pulled in.

Thoughts: So I saw this power more as a crowd control and utility ability than a damage dealer. It can do a little damage but was mostly there to move Hydroid around or to stop and displace enemies trying to attack you and your allies. Unfortunately, for the energy cost it took and how minimally effective it was, it didn't really serve a point. So instead, I decide that at the cost of increased energy it would be far more useful. First change was to make the damage that the ability does not a one time thing upon contact with an enemy, but something that is continuously occurring to enemies trapped in the wave. This would not only help with damage but also help build impact status procs for other abilities. Second was to increase the range at which it could gather enemies because if the ability was to narrow than it would be competing with your arsenal and usually the arsenal beats powers in terms of small groups or single targets when it comes to damage. By effecting a larger group of enemies it helps separate itself from your weapons. Following similar lines of thinking, to prevent the ability from being just another damage ability I added the effect that enemies will be disarmed.

(NEW, 10/3/2022) After some suggestions from others I decide to change the second version of this ability from what it was to an altered version of my first idea for Hydroid's passive. I realized that this new version would be more beneficial for him. Not only does help with crowd control but it also works well in supporting Undertow and Tentacle Swarm.


3rd Ability Augment(s)

Tidal Impunity

Effect: Clears status effects and grants 12s of status immunity for yourself and allies that come in contact with it. Reduces Tidal Surge's energy cost to 25.

Mechanics: For regular Tidal Surge it's 25. If combined with Endless Torrent, the cast cost is 15 Energy and the energy drain is 5 Energy/Second.


New Augment: Endless Torrent

Effect: Tidal Surge becomes a continues ability rather than a duration ability. However, you lose the hold cast version of the ability. Tidal Surge strength is increased by 100%

Mechanics: Tidal Surge costs a small amount of energy to activate and then it starts draining energy at a certain rate. The ability can be used in Undertow, but instead of a short burst of movement, the speed of Undertow is increased

Cast Energy: 20 Energy

Drain Energy: 10 Energy/second

Thoughts: This mod idea was inspired by this video by MrWarframe Guy:


4th Ability: The Depths

Thoughts: I wanted to combine both Undertow and Tentacle Swarm while making them more effective. This is also where all the impact status procs come into play.


Mechanics: Tap the cast button to activate the ability.

Cast Cost: 25 Energy

Sustain Cost: 3 Energy per second

Traverse Speed: Equal or slightly less to warframe sprint speed

Distance / Energy: 0.2

Radius: 5m

Damage Type: Puncture

Damage: 30

Damage Increase / Second: 2

Effect: Casting Tidal Surge in Undertow will reduce Tidal Surge's cost by 25 energy.

Tentacle Swarm

Mechanics: Press and briefly hold the cast button to cast Tentacle Swarm. Tentacle Swarm can be aimed. Remove charge mechanic because of same reasons as Tempest Barrage. Tentacle Swarm will move with Undertow. When exiting Undertow while Tentacle Swarm is active will expand Tentacle Swarm to its radius. Casting Undertow within the radius of Tentacle Swarm will shrink Tentacle Swarm to the radius of Undertow.

Cast Cost: 75 Energy

Duration: 20 Seconds

Radius: 15m

Grab Range: 15m

Number of Tentacles: 20

Damage Type: Impact and Puncture

Damage: 200

Effects: When in Undertow, casting Tentacle Swarm will increase the base damage by 20 and increase the sustained energy cost of Undertow by 2 .  When enemies have stacked a certain number of impact status procs or the enemies are at a certain health with impact status procs on, the tentacles will do finisher damage. This will also happen if enemies are in Undertow while Tentacle Swarm is active.


4th Ability Augment(s)

Mod: Pilfering Swarm

Change Name: Enriched Waters

Effect: Enemies killed by The Depths has a 100% chance at additional drops.



New Augment: Creeping Current

Effect: Can pass through lasers and barriers that would trigger alarms. Unalerted enemies that are submerged into Undertow take stealth strike damage.

Mechanics: When an unalerted enemy is submerged the enemy takes a single instance of stealth strike damage. After that the enemy receives that damage, if they're still alive, the enemy will take the normal damage of Undertow.

Thoughts: I wanted something that would help with spy missions and alike while still improving Undertow.


Ability Augment Mods (10/5/2022)

I moved the ability augments that I had on my rework idea to post a little bit lower.


Side Notes: Helminth Abilities

Abilities like Aquablades and Elemental Ward should work in side Undertow instead of either sitting on top or not working at all.


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How about swapping some things around a bit. Make his passive: When you use roll, he instead performs tidal surge, knocking down enemies and possibly disarming them. Limbo gets to be immune to damage for the most part, I don't see how this would be overpowered. 

Make his 3rd, tap to send a tidal wave out, hold press to make a tidal wave from max distance appear and drag the enemies to you (a bit like a mage pull). Each cast in succession reduces the energy cost.

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On 2022-09-17 at 4:57 AM, Arcticblizzard said:

How about swapping some things around a bit. Make his passive: When you use roll, he instead performs tidal surge, knocking down enemies and possibly disarming them. Limbo gets to be immune to damage for the most part, I don't see how this would be overpowered. 

Make his 3rd, tap to send a tidal wave out, hold press to make a tidal wave from max distance appear and drag the enemies to you (a bit like a mage pull). Each cast in succession reduces the energy cost.

Thank you for the post. Those are some interesting ideas and gives me something to think about. I'll let you know if these could work in my reworks.

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On 2022-09-17 at 6:57 AM, Arcticblizzard said:

How about swapping some things around a bit. Make his passive: When you use roll, he instead performs tidal surge, knocking down enemies and possibly disarming them. Limbo gets to be immune to damage for the most part, I don't see how this would be overpowered. 

Sounds like a cool passive.

As for changing his abilities.

1st ability: Make his 1 be acid rain. Put it over an area and the enemies are passively armor striped give it a longer duration too. The augment can heal or vice versa. Get rid of the cc element as it knocks them away from the armor strip.

If we use this passive and get rid of the two. Then his two can be a new ability. 

2nd ability: Water trident, he summons and throws a water trident. The area surrounding the trident then attacks enemies nearby enemies for the duration. Multiple can be thrown.

3rd ability: Similar to now, but dashing in the undertow make you form above the water, and liquidate upon landing in your new spot. Any area you have been leaves the effect of curative undertow on a duration(a puddle). Enemies in puddles take increased damaged or are procced with magnetic or radiation.

4th ability: Tentacle swarm. Needs to crowd control by wrapping enemies in tentacles and holding them in place. Other free tentacles attack the stuck enemy. 

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On 2022-09-17 at 4:57 AM, Arcticblizzard said:

How about swapping some things around a bit. Make his passive: When you use roll, he instead performs tidal surge, knocking down enemies and possibly disarming them. Limbo gets to be immune to damage for the most part, I don't see how this would be overpowered. 

Make his 3rd, tap to send a tidal wave out, hold press to make a tidal wave from max distance appear and drag the enemies to you (a bit like a mage pull). Each cast in succession reduces the energy cost.

So I thought about the passive change and I don't think it would really work with the Hydroid setup I have in mind, sorry. However, the change to Tidal Surge could be useful while still working with the setup. Though I wouldn't reduce the energy cost because if a lot of enemies over a wide area could be dragged for a noticeable period of time while having the ability doing what is listed in my rework that might be a bit much. If I update the ability with this change in mind I'll need to make a second stat description for Tidal Surge, one for a tap cast and one for a hold cast. Also, I might need to change his passive.

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On 2022-09-21 at 1:36 PM, (XBOX)elementXGHILLIE said:

Sounds like a cool passive.

As for changing his abilities.

1st ability: Make his 1 be acid rain. Put it over an area and the enemies are passively armor striped give it a longer duration too. The augment can heal or vice versa. Get rid of the cc element as it knocks them away from the armor strip.

If we use this passive and get rid of the two. Then his two can be a new ability. 

2nd ability: Water trident, he summons and throws a water trident. The area surrounding the trident then attacks enemies nearby enemies for the duration. Multiple can be thrown.

3rd ability: Similar to now, but dashing in the undertow make you form above the water, and liquidate upon landing in your new spot. Any area you have been leaves the effect of curative undertow on a duration(a puddle). Enemies in puddles take increased damaged or are procced with magnetic or radiation.

4th ability: Tentacle swarm. Needs to crowd control by wrapping enemies in tentacles and holding them in place. Other free tentacles attack the stuck enemy. 

Thank you for the post.

Regarding the 1st ability suggestion I think the armor strip would work as in improvement to his current augment corrosive barrage. However, I want keep the ability as a cheap cc tool that will soften and setup enemies for his other abilities rather than a cheap armor stripping damage dealing tool. 

The 2nd ability suggestion feels like a slight variation of Styanax's first ability just with a focus on damage and it doesn't really synergize with the rest of his abilities. It's just ends up being an isolated damage ability that Hydroid would have and if I try working it to be a partner to his other abilities it will probably end up being Styanax's first ability. So I don't think it would work with my rework. Sorry.

Your suggestion regarding the 3rd ability might work for the rework. I've definitely thought about the whole idea about leaving puddles behind. Maybe it could be made into an augment if I can't make it work in the main ability.

And last but not least your 4th ability suggestion basically sounds like the idea I suggested in the rework. I want Tentacle Swarm to be both a cc and damage/killing ability. Each tentacle would capture an enemy and deal damage; if certain conditions are met then the tentacles would do massive damage if not outright kill the ensnared enemies.

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So here are some new mods I came up with and some changes to current mods. Some of the mods were originally in my rework suggestions but I decide that it would be better to let the rework focus on Hydroid's core abilities. This list will go in order in regards to Hydroid's abilities. Without further ado, here are my mod ideas.


1st Ability: Tempest Barrage

Corroding Barrage

Effect: Each projectile has a 100% chance to inflict a corrosive status effect. Enemies hit by Tempest Barrage permanently loss 5% of their armor.  (The corrosive status effect does not replace the impact status effect but is added to the ability. So the ability will trigger an impact proc and a corrosive proc.)


New Augment: Implosive Cavitations

Effect: Each projectile has a 100% chance to inflict a heat status effect. Tempest Barrage gains 100% ability strength. (The heat status effect does not replace the impact status effect but is added to the ability. So the ability will trigger an impact proc and a heat proc.)

Thoughts: I wanted a mod that would improve the ability's "softening" capabilities by not only effecting armor but also flesh.

Inspiration: I watched this YouTube video about the mantis shrimp…. also exploding cannonballs. Time starts around 2:22 :


2nd Ability: Boon of the Seas

New Augment: Sharing the Bounty

Effect: The ability can be cast on all allies within a 15m radius.

Mechanics: Press and briefly hold the cast button.

Thoughts: I wanted Hydroid to have a way to directly help teammates.


3rd Ability: Tidal Surge

New Augment: Endless Torrent

Effect: Tidal Surge becomes a continues ability rather than a duration ability. However, you lose the hold cast version of the ability. Tidal Surge strength is increased by 100%

Mechanics: Tidal Surge costs a small amount of energy to activate and then it starts draining energy at a certain rate. The ability can be used in Undertow, but instead of a short burst of movement, the speed of Undertow is increased

Cast Energy: 20 Energy

Drain Energy: 10 Energy/second

Thoughts: This mod idea was inspired by this video by MrWarframe Guy:


Tidal Impunity

Effect: Clears status effects and grants 12s of status immunity for yourself and allies that come in contact with it. Reduces Tidal Surge's energy cost to 25.

Mechanics: For regular Tidal Surge it's 25. If combined with Endless Torrent, the cast cost is 15 Energy and the energy drain is 5 Energy/Second.


4th Ability: The Depths

Mod: Pilfering Swarm

Change Name: Enriched Waters

Effect: Enemies killed by The Depths has a 100% chance at additional drops.



New Augment: Creeping Current

Effect: Can pass through lasers and barriers that would trigger alarms. Unalerted enemies that are submerged into Undertow take stealth strike damage.

Mechanics: When an unalerted enemy is submerged the enemy takes a single instance of stealth strike damage. After that the enemy receives that damage, if they're still alive, the enemy will take the normal damage of Undertow.

Thoughts: I wanted something that would help with spy missions and alike while still improving Undertow.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Love the ideas! You have my full support. I was on the earlier dev stream calling for a hydroid rework but the moderators tried to silence me 😈😭 Lmaoo ngl aside from hydroid getting buffed IMO water needs to be it’s own elemental within the game and given its own unique attributes so that any frame that gets released with the theme being water isn’t dumpster juice ;-; What do you think about that and do you have any ideas? Would love to brainstorm 

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13 hours ago, Trickst3rGawd said:

Love the ideas! You have my full support. I was on the earlier dev stream calling for a hydroid rework but the moderators tried to silence me 😈😭 Lmaoo ngl aside from hydroid getting buffed IMO water needs to be it’s own elemental within the game and given its own unique attributes so that any frame that gets released with the theme being water isn’t dumpster juice ;-; What do you think about that and do you have any ideas? Would love to brainstorm 

Water supposedly can be used help regulate temperatures, meaning it can both make and keep something cold or hot faster or longer. Id take that concept and apply it to all elements just cause. It will apply a 5 second debuff to increase status proc chance by a flat 50%, maybe even allow you to apply multiple procs at the same time meaning instead of 1 corrosive proc youll get 4.

Harrow increases Crit achance by a flat percentage, we dont have a warframe that increases status chance by a flat percentage.

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being able to make pools that u can shoot in for damage and status spread separate from becoming one would be epic,

the dmg of 3 is ridiculous if u have 100% armor shred (it's max health percentage based) and a donkey amount of strenght, i think the character should be designed around that

the tentacle pull from pool should be aoe and u should be able to pick up items in pool, (remove the invulnerability in pool)

1 and 4 should not ragdoll at all (a stagger is much more manageable) and u could give 4 slash if u want it to not be underwhelming to new players

passive should be a 100% chance and have a spawn limit of like 5 or something(moddable pls)

idk how hard it would be but tentacles should also swing in a smarter pattern so they would feel like the creature of the deep is actually trying to help u and not just flailing around aimlessly 

also make the tentacles different lengths for a more chaotic evil look and feel


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7 hours ago, (PSN)Frost_Nephilim said:

Water supposedly can be used help regulate temperatures, meaning it can both make and keep something cold or hot faster or longer. Id take that concept and apply it to all elements just cause. It will apply a 5 second debuff to increase status proc chance by a flat 50%, maybe even allow you to apply multiple procs at the same time meaning instead of 1 corrosive proc youll get 4.

Harrow increases Crit achance by a flat percentage, we dont have a warframe that increases status chance by a flat percentage.

That’s a really good idea it would be very useful and create a new meta :O

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6 hours ago, ArdeKakka said:

being able to make pools that u can shoot in for damage and status spread separate from becoming one would be epic,

the dmg of 3 is ridiculous if u have 100% armor shred (it's max health percentage based) and a donkey amount of strenght, i think the character should be designed around that

the tentacle pull from pool should be aoe and u should be able to pick up items in pool, (remove the invulnerability in pool)

1 and 4 should not ragdoll at all (a stagger is much more manageable) and u could give 4 slash if u want it to not be underwhelming to new players

passive should be a 100% chance and have a spawn limit of like 5 or something(moddable pls)

idk how hard it would be but tentacles should also swing in a smarter pattern so they would feel like the creature of the deep is actually trying to help u and not just flailing around aimlessly 

also make the tentacles different lengths for a more chaotic evil look and feel


I absolutely love that concept for making water more of an element with a status affect. My take on the abilities: it honestly is they should just make undertow be an area of affect that enemies slowly sink into like quicksand ?(*another idea I don’t know if you’re familiar with Naruto but there is this character named Kisame and he has a “Water Prison Jutsu” and even an option to bubble a group of enemies in water is some sexy cc I’ll leave a vid:


  instead of turning you stationary, and relying on PUDDLE form since he’s water based he should most definitely get a wave based dash a water based damage reduction like a certain a amount of projectiles phase and splash through him. It would leave space for a new 2nd ability. 

His 1 should be similar to aqua blades that way he can run around and cc so the water just follows hydroid and shotgun shoots high pressurized water pellets keeping them staggered or knocking people down

I’m very conflicted about his 4. I think they should give his KRAKEN XD some Ai capability to be able to move around, defend hydroid by batting sway projectiles with the tentacles, it would be able to eat and fully devour enemies and I guess wherever you’re aiming they target specifically that would be epic !! What do you think ?


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1 hour ago, ArdeKakka said:

i was trying to think of a low effort somewhat easy to implement rework that doesnt require new assets, but if we are talking a full scale ability rework then yes, the kraken fantasy and control over water should be expanded upon

Much love for your discourse and receptivity. Hehe my imagination kind of popped out a bit, yes I was thinking about a full scale rework as Hydroid already got a low effort rework a while back so there’s most definitely some wiggle room if it’s brought up to DE that he needs a straight up full overhaul. The same happened with Volt, Mag, Excal, limbo where their reworks started out as small tweaks but they ended up getting that big love 

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I will say the rework to tentacle swarm augment can be a nerf due to wording, as the augment always worked if you killed enemies affected by the tentacles with normal gunfire. Bit of an after thought, the rest is gold. I like how you kept his identity intact and only went on to further improve the kit he was given, as honestly, that’s probably the most he needed for the role he fills. 

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