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Rangers Regiment Alliance Recruiting active clans of any Rank Tier to build a strong Free Speech driven Community :)


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What does the 75th Ranger Regiment do? - Quora

The Rangers Regiment Alliance is a military themed organized alliance that values & strongly encourages Free Speech as written under the First Amendment to the US Constitution. We are a new alliance formed and founded by me Patriotic Eagle of the Airborne Rangers clan.

We are actively seeking clans that share our 3 core values:

1. Respect each other as you would your own family.

2. Speak your mind freely, while maintaining common sense.

3. Aid each other as best you can and have a blast in the spirit of family based community.

Your clan rank tier is not a factor at the moment as we are new born alliance seeking other clans to join our fellow brothers and sisters in arms.

If you're tired of the same dramatic bs, getting booted just because you voiced your opinion, joked around and someone got butt hurt over it. Give our alliance a try, you may want to stay and spread the word ;)

Then read the following below:

If these values apply to you or you find it to be worth looking into to get more information. Please add me in game and insert a message that states you're a clan leader responding to the warframe forum ad i posted, to ensure you're not some random weirdo lol. If you wish to speak to me offline, my discord handle is Eagle#9706. Be sure to identify yourself when adding me on discord or i will just will reject the request out of habit.


This alliance isn't a "safe space" for people who want to push their little lgbtq insanity, so if that's your thing, just don't bother pestering us :) Or you may not like the response. So don't try us ;) You have been warned in advance. 


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Hey there, I'm not a clan leader but I love the direction you've set for this alliance. Do you know if your clan or any of the others in the alliance you've got so far are currently recruiting? And if so, can you let me know where to get in touch with them? I'm a fairly casual player with about 360 hrs played, most of it solo, and I'd love to join up with folks who share my values.

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