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Operator cosmetics - Ephemera question



Is there a force field ephemera? I am looking for something that is near identical in appearance to the operator's frostfall ephemera. Except, I don't want the snow flakes. I just want that glowing outline look that frost fall has.


Edit: I finally managed to get rid of the snow flakes somehow, but I lost that tinted color making it difficult to notice the "force field" on my operator.



Also I'm looking for a eye attachment of some kind that somewhat resembles the power scouter meters from DBZ. Because I am not exactly the biggest fan of my current face visor. It just seems goofy looking on her to me.


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5 answers to this question

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Try Vengeful Chill Ephemera it looks to be the closet imo.

Or try Seraphayre Ephemera, another one that might come close but hmm not sure is Spinneret Ephemera, Verv Ephemera if you have it and the last one which does look ugly but I'm going to mention it is Spore Ephemera.


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