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Necralisk Infinite Excavation stops giving you reward after 2 hours.


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I had an infinite Necralisk mission with rising Mother Tokens after every wave, but after 26th wave I stopped receiving reward, and my teammates too. The reward spoiler at the top of the screen was appearing, but nothing was on it, where it usually shows the reward.  By checking Total mission rewards (Tab button), we tried 1 more wave, and the Token number didn't rise up.

It was full party, other players were: Kisyak (host), The.Ordi, LOSTL1ING.

Mission was at October 6, 10:40 PM by Greenwich (approximate), it lasted 2 hours at least.

There was more than 2600 Tokens, and an odd number of Endo, exactly 8000. I am not sure, but maybe there is a limit on Endo for this mission (there was 2880 Endo in the middle, and it isn't possible to get an exact number at the end of any mission).
No screenchots, unfortunately.

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