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Ongoing loss of controls issue which is quite game breaking (per mission anyway)


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I hadn't seen one of these digging through the forums and I thought it was about time to bring this up again, as I've definitely seen it on reddit a number of times but was surprised I'd not seen it here. This bug is driving me MAD and I seriously hope you can get on it so here goes:

What's happening is a high level loss of character control, making the game effectively not playable for most of the mission if not all depending on circumstance. Upon transferring back into frame from operator mode (and I have had this happen with drifter and operator both it isn't specific) you will occasionally, lose any amount of control that is useful. While you will still be able to move, shooting, powers, transference, interaction with objects is all dead. Falling in holes DOES NOT reset this. A full death may, though sometimes I've had it not, last grasp usually does. (or I should say it does, since the more recent update that cleaned up last grasp's UI and made you do the knockdown blast when the frame reawakens anyway, the old last grasp did not fix this actually.) However, keep in mind how even more insanely annoying this is, with newer modes where you cannot intentionally die to fix these issues, and quite honestly, with some of my builds, I have trouble dying in the first place. Even then, it often happens again! Some of us actually use operator mode, many do not much and won't run into this but for those of us trying to use our characters to the maximum of our abilities, I feel like this is a risky penalty to even use now, and I will add this has been going on for months and I'm not even close to the only person effected.

I will say there are a few things I have noticed in relation to this that I hope to god will help you track it down, #1 is it seems to be one of those classic, infamous, host/client issues. I have come to realize that I have never, not once, had this happen when playing solo, and I primarily play solo more than in a group! I'm about 99% sure this only happens as a client, and you don't necessarily need to be lagging either, I have my ping requirement set low enough myself that the game warns me I might have matchmaking issues. As for how long this has been going on, I will say it has been a while, probably a few months now. I believe this has something to do with the changes for client authoritative transference, it wasn't happening back then, or if it did, it was a rare occurrence, which again, I only ever saw as a client, not as a host/solo.

Also, this bug can manifest in various ways it's quite strange. Much of the time, when it does it it'll lock the camera on your character in a weird way so it's not centered, when it does this the bug setting in stands out like a massive, huge, sore thumb. But it's a weird one, sometimes jumps still work, sometimes they don't. Sometimes you inherit momentum from earlier and keep moving in a wrong direction the entire time (only had this one happen once but man that was weird.) Also sometimes the weird camera thing mentioned earlier doesn't happen. Another, is sometimes the chat hotkey stops working, sometimes it doesn't, this one is very odd to me as very few things tend to break the chat UI compared to other things. Personally tonight I just did an archon map, and had the loss of control, with jumping not working, but the camera being fine, but the chat button was broke (was able to open it by clicking in the esc menu though) for example. Some of the symptoms are slightly different, but the key here is the loss of being able to do literally anything useful.

I cannot stress enough for people that actually use operator mode, especially people that spam zenurik energy bubble constantly, how irritating this is (also I should say I typically use zenurik I dunno if that has anything to do with it but I doubt it. Oh also I have magus elevate and magus lockdown slotted too but again, doubt it's related) To put this in perspective, out of every map (3 per of course) for each Archon mission we've had since their recent implementation, I have had about 3/4 of the maps, if not more throughout that time, cause a loss of character control. I cannot stress enough that while I sometimes am known for my exaggerations, this is not one of those. I literally have not had a single archon run that was completely clean of this and usually at least 2/3 of the maps it becomes a problem.

If you want logs of when this happens, let me know, I would rather not post those publicly of course but I doubt it would take much play to intentionally generate one of those, especially if it's on high tier content, as I said before, archon missions are insanely easy to trigger it on, why? I couldn't tell ya. Maybe just because they last longer and I use other things like arcane elevate more so the chance of it happening goes up perhaps. But in any case this bug can break entire missions for a player very easily.

To wrap up, this is a bit off topic but I think with as much as this game has going on, I don't know how crazy difficult it might be to implement, maybe it's not, but I kind of wonder if it isn't about high time to add a /reloadUI command to chat? It might not be perfect, but with the amount of bizarre bugs that seem to often be caused by host/client desync, being able to reload everything as if a host migration occurred or something would be very useful, especially since the chat box rarely breaks, or at least, like I had said earlier, can still be opened via the esc menu and clicked on.

Edit: Happened again on final archon mission this week as well, definitely seems to happen on those a lot?

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  • 1 month later...

I agree with OP. This has been a bug for a long time and if you can't keep it from happening, then give us a way to manually fix it like you did with /unstuck. It's really frustrating when I'm supposed to be protecting something - like in a mobile defense mission - and suddenly I can't use any weapon or ability. Just have to hope they kill me before they kill what I'm defending. Then I have to hope that reviving will restore my ability to do something.

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I do wonder if they fixed something that helped, I didn't recall seeing any in any notes, but I have managed to do a few archon hunts without having it happen lately which is definitely out of character since those started haha

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  • 6 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Yep, been happening for I dunno maybe about a year now I suppose, definitely more noticeable in some content than others, but I think that's just because people might use operator more in those :T

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