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The energy color of the prime items affects the original appearance/Prime物品的能量色影响了原本的外观


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This problem exists since energy is divided into emissive and energy,or shortly after the launch.

Copy the original color of melee weapons to attachments,you can see that many or possibly all of the melee energy colors are blue and yellow.

The energy of most prime items will not change the appearance of the weapons themselves,But it will affect some weapons and warframes that take energy as a part of the appearance before the color of energy and emissive splitting changes.

As for the solution, I think we can directly refer to the zenistar: after the energy and emissive splitting changes, the zenistar becomes a fiery red flame, but then its energy color is cleared. The energy color is consistent with the emissive color by default, and its sacred blue flame is returned.As shown below.

As for whether this change is necessary or not, I think there are still some. After all, the first prime resurgence showed new publicity pictures, but the appearance of the prime items in the pictures is still old,while the prime items in the game affected by the energy color are inconsistent with the publicity,this may make people feel cheated by publicity.

In the following comments, I will show the current prime items affected by energy color and their previous appearance in the codex









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