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Index Freezes If You Get Host Transfer After The First Round


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I was casually running index missions as I usually would. Then, when I got a host transfer after the first round, the index froze and the game got stuck on the index loading screen. I thought it was a  problem at my end, I restarted the game and tried again, it happened for 3 times in a row. Don't know if I am the only one facing this issue.

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It's a well known bug been happening for years. Rule of thumb, if someone is leaving The Index, leave with them, to avoid this bug. I've had it happen to me quite a bit too in the past, caught up in the moment, carrying a ton of coins and remain through a host migration only to be frozen to the spot, with the only option to force close warframe, incredibly annoying.

You've learned the hard way, so I doubt you'll forget in a hurry, good luck )

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