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Running Forward while looking back and shooting backward



This might be silly that i dont know this at this point.  While watching some videos on the net about defeating the Archon bosses , i see players runnung forward while looking back and shooting backwards at the enemy.  How do i do that ?? is it something in my settings ??  Thanks 

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16 minutes ago, Heiner999 said:

I'm running out the door. i just googled defeating Archon Amar in warframe.  players are running away from enemy while shooting their arrows back at the enemy

There's no way to fire in any other direction other than where your crosshair points. Just sounds like walking backwards and firing straight forward as usual. Buggy animations, maybe.

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16 hours ago, Heiner999 said:

I'm running out the door. i just googled defeating Archon Amar in warframe.  players are running away from enemy while shooting their arrows back at the enemy

Bow firing animations generally use the entire torso since both arms are needed to fire. So if a player is holding their 'S' key while shooting an enemy, their legs turn one way and their upper half turns the other, I'm guessing this is what you were seeing. There's also a sweet spot where you can snap your frame's spine left and right while you do this. It probably happens with other weapons too but its definitely the most prominent with bows.

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