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Lotus wants to move in with you


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And now for 261-270:

  • "You should let the Drifter come by once in a while. I don't want the only time we share to be me in a coma."
  • "You should let the Operator come by now and then. I've literally been waiting hundred of years to speak face to face after all."
  • "With Lua returned, the ecology on Earth will start recovering more rapidly. New Loka was so happy one of them hugged a nearby Cephalon Suda operative. Both of them started to blush and stammer. And now we all have a 'ship' to gossip about."
  • "The Helminth can eat Sentient parts endlessly. It's reminded me what a good decision it was to move here rather than to suggest your Orbiter."
  • "Maroo is such a--no, I'm the mature one; I won't say it. But I just got this: 'Hey 'Slow-tus,' when are you going to start paying me my cut? Your Tenno are using my Endo to enhance their arsenal! What do you even do? How lonely can one woman be, hogging all the Tenno for herself?' ...I saved her life! Ungrateful disrespecting little--."
  • "How many people do you think can actually get their hands on Prime Warframe parts? Just Tenno, right? So why do you think every Syndicate demands one for their final membership level? They don't. Everyone else they just pays half a million credits."
  • "Have you actually had Kahl's Kuaka Stew? Perfection. In fact I even heard Kaeli's mother say: 'When is that nice young man who makes that delicious stew going to visit again?'"
  • "The Orokin's view of 'science' is not science at all. They did things like expose slaves to void energy, hoping to find patterns in the madness it caused. They called themselves 'scientists,' but all they did was torture innocents and hand the data off to Archimedeans to do the real work."
  • "It's no surprise we keep finding new Warframe models. Orokin loved traumatizing and mutilating innocent people. So if their entertainment could produce soldiers that secured their dominance over the system, then you can imagine how enthusiastic they'd be in replicating the process."
  • "I'm making a new weapon for you! I'm a perfectionist though so you can't see it until it's ready. But let's just say that when I'm done, Blast Damage will be your favorite!"
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I was all set to pull an all-nighter to get an assignment done for work, but miraculously I managed to code the entire thing without a single error. 100's of lines of code: worked on the first try (and this is an infrastructure-as-code assignment, so unlike a website or application it either works or it doesn't). I'm not by any stretch of the imagination a world-class programmer. For that to happen is the equivalent of bullet jumping from behind a corner and clearing the room with perfect headshots all before your aim-glide expires. (Which I also can't do) So because I now have unexpected hours added to my night, I'm going to come up with more Lotus Lines. 271-280:

  • "I worry that you might think I put all the burden on you. But I want you to know that I work hard for you! For instance: ...
    • "You don't think all those resources fit on your orbiter, do you? I've got secret warehouses and a small army of workers cataloging and couriering it all."
    • "Who do you think manages the relays? I can't let any syndicate control a Tenno facility; preferential treatment would spark chaos."
    • "I've got hundreds of Operatives that monitor Invasions, scout out missions to map objectives, and spy on the activities of our enemies."
    • "I hire mercenaries to clear bounties on Cetus, Fortuna, and Zariman when you're not available. I want you to feel like you can choose what mission to do."
    • "I handle the aftermath. Providing homes for defecting refugees, arranging therapy for rescue targets, debriefing reinforcements after defense objectives, etc."
  • "I'll level with you. The hidden caches you help locate have so much more in them. Just one of those caches provide about a month's worth of funding for our operation. But I always give you the most interesting item they contain."
  • "You probably take this for granted, but did you know that lasers and camera focus lights are invisible to most people? You see them so clearly though, right?"
  • "I took a nasty spill in a K-Drive race the other day. I've got a big bruise on my thigh. Needless to day I did not get first place."
  • "Ew! Guh! *cough* I thought the smell of Ceres would have worn off between there and the Dojo! Hooo! My eyes are watering."
  • "Infinite blueprints are very strange. As you know, it's common sense for digital artifacts to self-delete on access unless a Cephalon consciously prevents it. That's how it's been for as long as anyone can remember! But those infinite blueprints defy common sense; they're freaks in the digital world."
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This will be my 155th post. There's nothing significant to me about that number, but I felt impelled to point it out. I looked up what happened on this day 155 years ago. Not much; not much at all (sorry Mr. $&*^ens). Now for Lotus Lines 281-290:

  • "Other Tenno might try to tell you that they experienced the same things; the battle with Ballas, spending years caring for me in a secret camp, and so on. Don't believe them. I only remember you and I going through that."
  • "Atlas challenged me to a foot race. At first I was so proud of myself for winning. But afterward he had this face as if to say: 'It pays be be the slowest sprinter.'"
  • "Most Warframes wore out or went into endless sleep after centuries disconnected from their Operators. But Valkyr kept going into our modern era. Just what drove her? Unfortunately we'll never know because of Alad V."
  • "There's a mention of 'articulating worm-ships, ringed in glowing discs' in one of the Codex entries. That's just not a Murex. But the entry is clearly talking about battling Sentients from their use of low tech weaponry. So I've been wondering: Are there... other Sentients? Ones that were sent to places different than the Tau system?"
  • "We don't always know about the people behind the Warframes, but we do have some history on Ember. Her name was Kaleen. She was on the rescue team sent to the Zariman. Do you remember her?"
  • "There's something beautiful about the relationship between Tenno and Warframe. The Warframes feel constant pain and mourning, while the Tenno hunger to consume and remove the suffering of others. The Warframes provide the sustenance, and the Tenno provide the relief. An endless river, flowing into a bottomless pit."
  • "Nullifier Crewman have special shields that interfere with void based abilities. So why don't they just charge the entire ship with that field? Because that would be expensive, and because they're Corpus."
  • "I must say out of all the forms I've taken, human is my favorite. It may not be great for combat or space travel, but it wins at having fun."
  • "I get really into watching the Index. I've spilled a lot of food and drinks while cheering too enthusiastically."
  • "Who would win in a battle of cuteness between Brickie and Synathid? I don't know, but I'm sure I wouldn't be able to handle it."
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We've arrived at our third hundredth! Lotus Lines 291-300:

  • "Remember those colonists that you saved before going to face off against Vor? They just contacted me! Everyone is going fine and one young couple wanted me to tell you that they named their child after you."
  • "I still feel bad that I pressured you to abandon those colonists when you were trying to remove the ascaris. Losing you was just not an option. It's not your fault, okay? I take responsibility for that tragedy."
  • "Arcanes were a prototype before Mods. Their flaw was that a Warframe and Operator need enough cumulative experience before they can activate them. Mods though can be slapped onto complete noobs."
  • "We know that the Orokin were evil, and their corruption led them to imprison many good people. But that doesn't necessarily mean that everyone they punished were good people. Just keep that in mind when you wander through their ancient facilities."
  • "Hey, roomie! Wanna watch something tonight? There's a new disaster movie that just became streamable. It's called:...
    • "The Day Lua Stood Still"
    • "The Perfect Void Storm"
    • "Zephyr's 4th Ability"
    • "Sharracnado"
    • "Into the Thermia Fracture"
  • "I have a weird obsession with sectional faces. The Natah look wasn't the best human face I could do. I just love faces that have separated regions!"
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Who wants more Lotus Lines!? ...Anyone? One great thing about being a born-introvert though is the capacity for self-validation. I'm going to finish these 1000 lines and feel great about it! Time for 301-310:

  • "This other operative was like: 'Isn't it a bit too convenient that there's always blokes with batteries wherever we do excavations?' But he had it backwards. We deploy excavation units where there are enemies that use energy cells."
  • "The mystique behind Warframe abilities is itself a fantastic weapon. This about this: During Mobile Defense Missions, why don't they just cut the power? Because they don't know if it would even help! Can Warframes power the machines themselves? It's just too risky to black out the facility, blind their troops, and not even stop the Warframe."
  • "The theory on the void goes something like this: Our universe is nestled in a bubble of sensibility; a single 'version' of reality among countless others. But what lies between those realities? Nothing? Everything? Or both?"
  • "The fact that the Void manifests things in response to intelligence makes many speculate if our entire universe is itself a manifestation. But if even the smartest minds only manifest disfigured monstrosities, then the progenitor of our entire reality would have to have unimaginably powerful intellect."
  • "New Loka tries to only recruit women. There's nothing wrong with that but... I will not be accepting their invitation to join."
  • "I'm so tired. How about we stay in tonight? I know. The system needs you. I just wish the bad guys took a few days off now and then."
  • "I've been wanting to call you 'Shiny Thing' ever since you got back from Deimos. I just haven't worked up the nerve."
  • "Not like you needed another reason to hate the Orokin, but something caught my attention while you were on the Zariman. A recording said you 'were to be the first to settle a new system.' But that recording is from before the jump failure, right? Did the Orokin... sabotage the Zariman?"
  • "All Warframe are ambidextrous. Your accuracy doesn't diminish when you have to swap which hand you fire your secondary out of."
  • "You can't just grab two of the same pistol and dual wield them. Warframe connect to their weapons with a deep intimacy, so you need to modify two pistols to be perceived by your Warframe as one weapon. The key to that is usually forma."
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On 2022-11-02 at 4:44 PM, (NSW)Probably_Asleep said:

TL;DR: I'm writing a new character; the Lotus when she's around a friend. As a born introvert, I can say confidently that who we are is split between who we do and don't trust.

That's probably for the better at this point. It would be nice to have a character who isn't infinitely more or infinitely less powerful than ourselves. Because the Operator is basically an unstoppable deity compared to most of the people we talk to, I find it hard to value a lot of the characters in the game right now.

I've had a few ideas for how that could be fixed, but none of them are really fleshed out enough to be taken seriously. They all essentially boil down to an existing character becoming stronger because they were "The Operator" in another timeline and ended up in ours during the events of Duviri, or something like that. It's cool to have the Lotus back, but if this scenario were real, I think she would want to spend some time alone, away from Ballas, Hunhow, Erra, and to some degree, us, all trying to convince her that she needs to point at the opposite team and make them not exist anymore. In some sense, we've probably indirectly contributed to her trauma. It is literally a fictional character and I still feel bad for her a year later.

That being said, I think the newer characters have been a breath of fresh air, and I don't find myself wanting to hit them with a chair the same way I do with some of the Syndicate representatives and the Solaris. Cavalero especially was a home run in my opinion.

On 2022-11-02 at 4:44 PM, (NSW)Probably_Asleep said:

But my limit can probably best be described when listening to Varzia. Her dialog is lower than I'd ever see the Lotus going, even among friends.

Yeah, I am not a fan of Varzia's dialogue. I think I need to tread lightly with this, before someone takes what I say and twists it into something it isn't, but the sexual stuff comes off as weird and hurts immersion. Talk to me about how Erra is terrible and you want me to kill him so hard that he dies. Don't talk to me about things that should really just be between you and that one other person. I know this game is technically 17+, and there are going to be people who are into having that stuff, but I am not one of them. I like WF being wholesome :)

Edited by Quest
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3 hours ago, Quest said:

That's probably for the better at this point. It would be nice to have a character who isn't infinitely more or infinitely less powerful than ourselves. Because the Operator is basically an unstoppable deity compared to most of the people we talk to, I find it hard to value a lot of the characters in the game right now.

I've had a few ideas for how that could be fixed, but none of them are really fleshed out enough to be taken seriously. They all essentially boil down to an existing character becoming stronger because they were "The Operator" in another timeline and ended up in ours during the events of Duviri, or something like that. It's cool to have the Lotus back, but if this scenario were real, I think she would want to spend some time alone, away from Ballas, Hunhow, Erra, and to some degree, us, all trying to convince her that she needs to point at the opposite team and make them not exist anymore. In some sense, we've probably indirectly contributed to her trauma. It is literally a fictional character and I still feel bad for her a year later.

That being said, I think the newer characters have been a breath of fresh air, and I don't find myself wanting to hit them with a chair the same way I do with some of the Syndicate representatives and the Solaris. Cavalero especially was a home run in my opinion.

That's an intriguing angle on the Lotus! She's so interwoven into every side of the battle that I could see it making her feel like she can't be herself (or even that she doesn't know herself). I do feel bad for her as well. Actually that's a factor in why I had this idea; Lotus started off as a guide and an anchor for a character waking up without memory or direction. She seemed reliable and dedicated to our self-interests. But when the New War came around it became clear that she was holding a lot in and keeping herself together for the sake of others. I really like that complexity that was added to her character, and I can relate to it; I'm one of those never-says-no types that people love to take advantage of. I feel like I can't have a breakdown because I need to be the pillar holding things up when everyone else decides they can't handle it anymore. Going through the New War made me think: "This person needs a quiet place to be herself." And I want DE to let us provide that quiet place for her!

3 hours ago, Quest said:

Yeah, I am not a fan of Varzia's dialogue. I think I need to tread lightly with this, before someone takes what I say and twist it into something it isn't, but the sexual stuff comes off as weird and hurts immersion. Talk to me about how Erra is terrible and you want me to kill him so hard that he dies. Don't talk to me about things that should really just be between you and that one other person. I know this game is technically 17+, and there are going to be people who are into having that stuff, but I am not one of them. I like WF being wholesome :)

Totally agree! I can't argue with the rating, and I get that the Operator is VR'ing into a killing machine and slicing up soldiers. But the Operator still looks like a child! And Dax know what the Tenno are. She's never met you, she knows you're a child, and without skipping a beat she's like: 'Here's whatever raunchy thought occurs to me...' Like, at least ask me how old I am! "Hey, you 18? Okay good, so here's the a tour of the notches on my belt..." But I suppose we all know someone in our real lives that pushes that boundary. Maybe it's a dose of realism? (Or maybe someone at DE is secretly hoping we see it as a cry for help and schedule a welfare check; DE, if that's true, quote this message and respond to it with 90's buzz words like "rad" and "gnarly.")

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12 hours ago, (NSW)Probably_Asleep said:

I'm one of those never-says-no types

Speaking of this, someone asked me to repair device for them. It was this custom made stick with a male-threaded end to secure a female-threaded claw. But the threads got stripped, and it's used in a public place so it can't have any ugliness like duct tape or pipe clamps. So after taking it on I found that the claw part had a deeper set of threads at a smaller diameter, which fit courser, hardier male-threaded bolts. I bot a threaded shaft, cored-out the stick, drilled through both the hollow stick and the new shaft, and then--for the first time ever--I PEENED BRASS to secure it! That's the cool part of this story. I've never tried peening brass, but I needed something small and sturdy and it produced a very low-profile and elegant look. So, long story short, if anyone needs a good mechanical hold on a metal shaft fitting snuggly inside a metal tube, don't discount the beauty and utility of peening brass. Oh and here's Lotus Lines 311-320:

  • "At one time I really looked up to my mother. That's probably why I like to work on crafts. I even have an Ostron selling some of my works! Want to guess which booth I'm in?"
  • "I like the quiet and coziness of living in a Ghost Clan. My only complaint is that I love watching scary movies, and these halls echo a lot."
  • "Congratulations on making it to Shadow Clan status! That first expansion is always the hardest."
  • "Are we a Storm Clan? I'm noticing a lot of new faces lately. I'm happy to see that you've made so many friends!"
  • "Good job making it to three digits! You're in a Mountain Clan now, so stand tall! You're kind of a big deal."
  • "Wow, I can't believe we're a Moon Clan now! From humble beginnings, the entire system now sees us as a formidable force."
  • "The bromance between Darvo and Clem is adorable. Have you ever gone to lunch with them? They compete at everything and will laugh at anything!"
  • "Sentients age differently than biological beings. So even though I may look like a vibrant and innocent young lady, to another Sentient I'd be seen as about 33 in human years. It has a lot to do with the trace amounts of radiation coming from my core."
  • "Every once in a while I get a commission that goes like: 'Dear Lotus, we need to construct a Sibear but we've yet to find any cryotic. Can you have your Tenno get it for us? You can name your price.' I always tell them the same thing: 'No.'"
  • "Exalted weapons are a part of the Warframe itself. They cannot be wielded by anyone else. But get this! No one knows why. By all measurements they seem like normal weapons; it's like there's some physical law that prevents others from using it."
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Lotus Lines! Numbers 321-330:

  • "I tend not to create hair for myself. I like hair, don't get me wrong! It's just too much of a weakness. A woman's scalp is like a power switch; any set of nimble fingers can run through it and render her comatose."
  • "Space battles are usually organized on a single pane. Even for beings like Cephalons and Sentients, 3D battles are a strain. Every layer increases the battlefield's complexity exponentially. I remember one schoolmate of mine trying to command a mock battle in 3D and his brain center shut down from overheating."
  • "The Boltace was supposed to be a dual Gunblade, but the designer made an irreversible flaw that permeates through all copies of the design."
  • "Contrary to what you might think, you can't just slap some Infested Flesh on a weapon and make it a Mutalist model. It takes finesse... and juices."
  • "You don't see many wheels in this day and age, but thousands of years ago they were a big thing!"
  • "I heard about this Tenno proposal. He had her to loot while he scouted. When she found an Amber Ayatan Star, he decloaked and proposed to her with it. 'How did you know I'd find this?' she asked. 'I put them in random crates throughout the entire system.' he replied. Now every time you find one on a mission I get misty eyed."
  • "Baro is so funny for insisting on having two names. He's like 'In the age of antiquity, everyone had a first and last names!' PSSHH! No they didn't!"
  • "I've started a dancing class with some of the workers at the Dry Dock. You're not invited, sorry. They're too intimidated by your skill."
  • "I feel like I'm forgetting something... oh no... In that last survival mission, I extracted you but not the other Operative! I've got to schedule a rescue mission now!"
  • "Not going to lie, I'm a sucker for boot trophies."
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Lotus Lines! The more I write these, the more impressed I become with the Warframe universe. There's a lot there to draw material out of. And with that, here's 331-340:

  • "Why haven't we assassinated Nef Anyo? Nobody's paid us for it! I don't send my precious Tenno out for free, you know! Still, it's odd that with all his enemies, nobody has actually ponied up for it."
  • "If I accompanied you on your missions then the 'Golden Instinct' ability would be worthless for you. Why? It's obvious: Because I'd always be your closest treasure!"
  • "Listening to the Exploiter Orb talk to her children like that gave me some very uncomfortable flashbacks of my childhood. I guess they really did use Sentient tech for her."
  • "Maybe I just have a crude sense of humor, but I almost fell out of my chair when the Profit Taker said: 'Squishy pretties come out to play. My two friends, it's you they'll slay.' I mean, I know she was threatening to kill you, but to me it sounded more like she was trying to seduce you."
  • "I went through a phase once where I wanted people to call me 'Legs.' It's one of those super embarrassing memories that I try not to think about. That's why I hardly say anything while you're in Fortuna."
  • "The Ostrons' diet has an affect on their appearance. The Orokin tech didn't exactly design Unum to be eaten, after all."
  • "When you do mission objective out of order in Spy Missions, like CAB, or BCA, I have to remind myself to not say anything. I like order and tidiness."
  • "Sentients can get hiccups. If you start hiccupping around other Sentients, then you can be sure you'll get dozens of home remedies without asking for it."
  • "I met the guy who designed rollers for Grineer. He was such an arrogant tool. 'My rollers will change modern warfare.' That guy was delusional."
  • "Is it chilly in here? I hope we're not leaking air. Warfrmes are fine in a vacuum, but this Dojo has a lot of other crew who cannot."
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Some insomnia days give me more time to do things, but lately they've just made me a useless zombie. But I don't want to go too long without contributing to the Lotus Line pool! DE, I haven't, and I won't give up on my dream of having a post-New-War interactable Lotus NPC with unique missions and a revitalizing application for our Dojos. And to show my dedication, here are lines 341-350:

  • "Did we ever figure out what the hidden agenda was from the Quills during the Profit Taker subjugation? Wouldn't it be funny if they had none, and they're just so embarrassed that they're staying silent and mysterious just to let everyone else come up with an excuse for them?"
  • "There are some Tenno that can defeat all three Eidolons solo! I'm not saying you should try to be like them; I just thought it was impressive is all."
  • "Apparently I'm being included in a Comic Strip that the kids in the Bash Lab are publishing online. They won't tell me which one is doing it, but I suspect it's the little guy that pretends to be asleep whenever you go inside."
  • "You've researched all the Polychrome colors! That's an impressive dedication! What I could never figure out was why the enemies knew and came to battle with the color you were researching. Well, with completing all the research, I guess that will always remain a mystery!"
  • "I'm so sore from my workout two days ago. I know I could just 'adapt' to the damage, but I actually like the feeling! It's like my body is saying: 'I earned this pain.'"
  • "I know I should be traumatized by it, but I actually find the Paracesis fascinating. How does it deal void-like damage without decaying like with Argon Crystals or drawing power from a Tenno like Amps? And why did Ballas design the handle to be so long?"
  • "I think those Narmer 'All-Seeing' Eye gizmos are just for show. We've never had to scrub a spy mission or worry about alarms being raised from one of them."
  • "Business idea: We set up a café in Fortuna and market it based on the industrial/musical vibe. I even have a name! How does: 'Thermal Quenchers' sound?"
  • "Hardly anyone uses Landing Craft apart from the Tenno, but nearly every facility and ship has at least one room that connects to them. It's an interplanetary accessibility law."
  • "People can't see 'energy orbs' and 'health orbs.' Your senses alter your perception to show you what materials you need to restore flesh and stamina."
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Lotus Lines 351-360 (We've gone full circle):

  • "Sentients are against using curse words. But there is a certain area of our bodies that's highly sensitive. If we accidentally stub it against a hard surface, then any of us will curse like a drunken freight captain."
  • "I'm running data analytics to discern what helps you most in successful missions. One is the fancy attachments and colors you use. The other is when you play with squad members who know what they're doing. What do you think the results will be?"
  • "If you smell something like burnt synthetic fiber in the Energy Lab, please activate the vents and power down the room. I didn't have the funds to buy a conduit with recommended load ratings. But I'm sure it'll be fine! And if this works then we'll have homemade treats!"
  • "The Orokin originally used Warframe chest circumference as identification numbers. But Orokin only wore loose clothing, and didn't understand how drastically tight clothes could affect measurements. One particularly famous loss discussed among historians is 'The Busty Blunder of Solar Rail N4.'"
  • "Some damage Warframes sustain is likely psychosomatic. Take the temperature difference between the vacuum of space and the surface of Europa. But space doesn't 'look' as cold as an icy wasteland, so Warframes just don't believe it's going to hurt them."
  • "Prison Wardens don't get a lot of exercise, so their backs are more sensitive to attacks. Just try doing a sneak attack on one and you'll see!"
  • "All melee weapon stances that the Tenno use are based on ancient Dax Martial arts. Teshin trained in Nikana and Glaive arts. Not sure who studied whips... Varzia maybe?"
  • "The Zealoid Prelate is a concerning anomaly among the infested. Not only has it retained its intelligence through centuries, but it doesn't seem to resemble any known enemy. Just what is it?"
  • "Not all Tenno Operatives are actually Tenno children, as I'm sure you've guessed. Many are descendants of people rescued by the Tenno who volunteered to help maintain relays and operations. Some have never even set foot on a real planet in their entire lives."
  • "You used all your revives in that last fight. Do you like hearing me gasp in terror and be worried sick for you?"
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More Lotus Lines! Here's 361-370:

  • "I just heard the saddest thing. You know those Demolishers on Disruption Missions? They're prisoners who are told that, to earn their freedom, they have to go activate a beacon next to a conduit. They've got a bomb strapped to their chest and they think it's a locator beacon!"
  • "The Profit Taker's shield configuration is definitely sentient in nature, but it's a cheap imitation. Sentients can adapt to any damage, and they do it themselves. They don't need a satellite powering it, and they don't need to strengthen other elements by focusing vulnerability on another."
  • "As you might have guessed, Mod Polarities were invented by the different focus schools. But then why haven't we ever heard of the 'Umbra' and 'Penjaga' schools? I wonder if there might be other Tenno out there..."
  • "Did you know that the Orokin language has no question marks? Arrogant tools that they were, it was decided that such punctuation was unnecessary as 'The Orokin are the most knowledgeable race in existence and therefore have no need to ask for more information.'"
  • "Hey, roomie! Wanna watch something tonight? There's a new mystery movie that just became streamable. It's called:...
    • "Murder on the Sentient Express"
    • "Ten Little Ostrons"
    • "Daggers Out"
    • "Rear Porthole"
    • "The Rescue Target"
  • "I've been a on edge ever since the Chains of Harrow incident. This is a little embarrassing, but could you just... hang out for a while? I heard something and I'm... jumpy."
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I was very nearly finished with the next batch when I dozed off for a few seconds. When I came to,  I looked down to see my right ring finger was on the backspace, and I had deleted all be the first two words of my post. I tried CTRL+Z, but that only restored the first two lines. I have no idea what my unconscious self was doing, but I didn't feel like redoing everything after having lost it all. But I'm refreshed and ready for 371-380:

  • (Whispering) "Hey! One second. I'm on hold with the plumbers..." (Normal voice) "Hello? Yes. So, how much longer? Not to nag, but in short order everything that is inside my bladder will be outside my bladder! ...Excu-- WHA? NO I WON'T USE OUR GARDEN!!! HAVE YOU?"
  • "Are you into amateur web novels? I sure am! I'm reading this one series that features the daughter of a rich Corpus Executive who falls in love with a Grineer foot soldier. It's called: 'Can She Afford a Vat Rat?'"
  • "Sometimes when they designed Warframes, they also designed weapons to complement them like Gara and Astilla. The Orokin loved fitting a pattern, so some believe that all frames are supposed to have a signature weapon. Sadly though, much has been lost over the years."
  • "Imagine being assigned to the Eviscerator squad. You show up for training, and they hand you a Miter and say: 'Never shoot this at a corner...' I mean, how many actually even make it through boot camp?"
  • "It's sad to think that you Tenno children were originally studying to colonize and cultivate new life, and were later taught how to destroy colonies and end life."
  • "The Tenno-designed weaponry usually follows the underlying principles of simplicity and reliability. The Grineer and Corpus love making fancy, complicated guns, but the Tenno knew that in the hands of a Warframe, even a few hand thrown blades can be devastating."
  • "Your Parazon has a very long, very strong cable, as you saw in the Jackal fight. But Warframes really hate extending it to full length. It's an odd sort of discomfort that I've heard described as: 'Getting your belly button pulled from an innie to an outie.'"
  • "I'm so proud of you every time you hack a console as an Operator. I'm not sure if you remember this, but I actually taught you how to do that before you entered the Second Dream."
  • "Wouldn't it be disastrous if the enemy just took the Datamass and ran during a Mobile Defense Mission? I'm glad they're idiots, but I worry every time it pops out of the console and you're not nearby."
  • "You know how they say you're better off not knowing how they make the food you order? It's the same with your forge. Don't ask me what role Plastids play inside Banshee's Systems."
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More! 381-390:

  • "One of my favorite Graffiti Artists managed to tag the entrance of a Shipkiller Platform. It's translation works out to: 'DEATH IS REST.' A beautiful piece!"
  • "Did you know Immunodes are habit-forming? That's why we keep them deactivated until intruders arrive. But you might find a Sentient just lingering next to one hoping it turns on."
  • "It costs so much to mail something in this system. The courier pretty much has to hire an armed escort and pay massive tolls at each leg of the journey. It's cheaper to just go there yourself!"
  • "My assignment to infiltrate the Origin system meant I had to be 'sexy.' But we had no idea what that meant! So my mimics captured some travelers and competed to find the best form. Those poor men lived their entire lives doing nothing but eating, sleeping, and being fought over by competitive insecure shapeshifting females...."
  • "To this day I have no idea why some common soldiers carry around weapon blueprints. You'd think you'd find it in a locker, on a research desk, or in a crate! But nope, the soldiers just carry them around."
  • "Oh! You should have called! I just ordered delivery. I'd offer to share mine with you but... I'm hungry, sorry."
  • "Warframes have a thing about symmetrical weapon placement. They just can't stand it. It's always got to be a little cockeyed or they'll get fidgety."
  • "Operators and Warframes are both immune to the Infestation, but for opposite reasons."
  • "Alad V keeps going on about betrayer this and betrayer that, but I'm starting to think it's a cry for help. Maybe he just doesn't think anyone is ever going to stay with him long enough to get to know his heart. I should send him a 'Thinking of You' card or something."
  • "Sometimes I can't fall asleep without laying on my stomach. But my arms lose all circulation by the time I wake up. That's why I can't return your offer for a handshake."
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В 29.10.2022 в 16:13, (NSW)Probably_Asleep сказал:

"Oh, you wanted to know what happens to specters who survive their one mission with you. They pretty much all just live normal lives after. I guess being created in a forge and brought out only in a life-threatening situation is a very dramatic start to life, so they look for the opposite when it's over."

I really like your work and your creativeness! Thank you. Also, apologize for my bad English. 

I would like to note one thing about this line in quote. 

According to Ask A Cephalon:

""How come the Foundry can create live things like Specters and Sentinels, but can't create Kubrows?

...The Foundry, while capable of replicating natural and synthetic materials such as fabric or metals, is not properly equipped for the growth of organic life. ... Infested tissue is the only known exception to this parameter as it can be easily grown and thrives in any environment."


So-o-o... I assume that means that Specters are made from Infections. But I can be wrong

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48 minutes ago, Tosh-Darra said:

I really like your work and your creativeness! Thank you. Also, apologize for my bad English. 

I would like to note one thing about this line in quote. 

According to Ask A Cephalon:

""How come the Foundry can create live things like Specters and Sentinels, but can't create Kubrows?

...The Foundry, while capable of replicating natural and synthetic materials such as fabric or metals, is not properly equipped for the growth of organic life. ... Infested tissue is the only known exception to this parameter as it can be easily grown and thrives in any environment."


So-o-o... I assume that means that Specters are made from Infections. But I can be wrong

*GASP* A reply to one of my obscure Lotus Lines!? I'm so excited! I actually do put a good deal of thought into these, so I'm very grateful for any indication that it is even seen by anyone. What an amazing contribution, too! I've never heard of Cephalon Cordylon. I'm going to start looking through that content now! I'll start with incorporating the one you mentioned because it's interesting. Thank you and thank you! And now for 391-400:

  • "Roommate reminder: It's your turn to handle the 'trash.' And when you see her, tell Maroo to stop calling my Tenno 'Tin Suits.'"
  • "Comparing Warframes is a 'Mapricos to Frostleaves' comparison. They bend the rules of reality itself. That means all frames have some form of 'infinite' power."
  • "Kavat's are great fishing companions! For instance, Smeeta's critical boost can make the wrong fishing pole still one-shot a fish! It's almost as helpful as it is adorable!"
  • "A Smeeta's Charm skill baffles scientists even to this day. I know because I'm a scientist and I'm baffled. It can even double how much gem or mineral you mine. How is that possible!? Is it affecting geology, your mining competency, or maybe space and time itself!?"
  • "Infestation can be used as a building material, much like cheese in cooking. Unlike cheese though, infestation can 'problem-solve' by taking on different properties of hardness, ductility, cohesion, and adhesion. Actually, cheese does that as well... I wonder if Infestation tastes good... Hey, aren't Warframes made of Infestation?"
  • "It's believed that the 'Tenno Council' has nearly 40 members. That may seem like a lot but... wait, why are you laughing? Does that not seem like a lot? I don't hang out with many people, okay? 40 people is a 'lot' to me, all right? Sheesh."
  • "Turning someone into a Cephalon was seen as a punishment by the Orokin. You may think: 'What's so bad about being made immortal?' But remember, the Orokin were hedonistic to the extreme and effectively immortal themselves. So the idea of life without physical pleasures was worse to them than death."
  • "How did a version of you age? Tenno's inability to age was well known. I mean, you all sat in tubes for hundreds of years without aging. Was is perhaps a psychological manifestation of your desire to protect me? AH! YOU'RE BLUSHING! Caught! Admit it; tell me how much you like me! Deniers are liars!"
  • "This probably won't ever happen, but I like to imagine scenarios like a villain disarming you and gloating like: 'What can you do now without your toys?' But just when he thinks he's won, you trigger your Archgun Deployer and he's like: 'Wha--!?' and you blast him to smithereens! So epic, right?"
  • "You always miss this part, but the forge starts looking hilarious during the final assembly for large builds. Like when Grendel was being built, the forge had to flop on, off, and around that small table to stitch each piece together. We could get a bigger forge, but I love watching it make due."
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Wow time has flown since my last installment! I'll just jump straight into the 400-series with 401-410:

  • "If it were me, and a Tenno was going to consoles around my ship to hack them, then I'd start destroying them before the Tenno got there. Our Mobile Defense missions would be impossible then. It's a good thing for us that our enemies are such obedient soldiers and reactionary leaders!"
  • "Nef called. He said: 'If you wanted Toriods, then you could have bought dozens from me. Why did your Tenno slaughter hundreds of people just to get three?' I made up some stuff about being there for justice, but he could tell I was flustered. Maybe next time you should not leave immediately after getting what you're there for."
  • "Sometimes I hear you say 'We fought with honor.' and I don't want to sound facetious but... it's a joke, right? You put them sleep and then broke their backs. They slowly died paralyzed, scared, and confused. I want to laugh but I worry you might be serious."
  • "One theory on why Tenno are immune to the madness of the Void is that you are being guided by entities completely detached from our reality. I didn't say it was a good theory."
  • "Hey, roomie! Wanna watch something tonight? There's a new documentary that just became streamable. It's called:...
    • "An Inconvenient Floof"
    • "Red Planet"
    • "Kavatfish"
    • "Peculiar Growth Me"
    • "Tyl Regor & Me"
  • "I bragged that I could do a Nose Clutch Planker off your Railjack but I... belly-flopped on the deck. Every hole in my body said 'OOF!' at once. The crew has started calling me 'Bloatus.' So I'm sore, and I've been crying. How's your day been going?"
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Next batch! Here's the 411-420:

  • "Some conspiracy theorist like to claim that mankind originated from Mercury. Then why is the Universal Gravity Standard set to Earth's mass? Hmm? Idiots..."
  • "Rivens are thought to be pompous tools because they only like to support the unpopular weaponry. It's like they want to be in something 'before it was cool.'"
  • "The Arbiters of Hexis are suffering from internal conflicts right now. One side believes that any decision a Tenno makes is inherently divine, while the other side thinks that Tenno can be corrupted. The former runs the Arbitration missions and offers it to all Tenno, while the later runs the Syndicate which requires loyalty to their ideals."
  • "Our enemies really don't understand how Tenno think. Take the Assassination Squads for example. I bet you get excited at the opportunity to farm some unique resources, right? If they really wanted to get under your skin, they'd make sure to send zero enemies and no loot."
  • "What's up? Looking to hang out? Or are you right back out the door as usual? I admire your industriousness, but don't forget to unwind sometimes, okay?"
  • "The Furis is an example of 'Inimitable Tenno Tech.' The concept is to make weapons that, even if stolen, are useless. Tenno can make almost any weapon deadly, so they believe that whatever we built is beyond imitation through means they don't understand."
  • "I'm not the one who fails your mission from inactivity, trust me! The comms just cut out for me and before I knew it you're on your way back home and the mission failed. It's very confusing."
  • "It's not like I chose the system over the Tenno. I would have loved to let you continue to stay safely locked away in Lua. But I knew that whoever controls the system would eventually find the Tenno. I decided to wake you up while you still had a chance to fight for yourself."
  • "Somewhere in that head of yours is a lifetime of sealed memories. If you ever need to talk, you know where to find me!"
  • "I like to walk barefoot through the sand in the Garden rooms."
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1 час назад, (NSW)Probably_Asleep сказал:

"The Arbiters of Hexis are suffering from internal conflicts right now. One side believes that any decision a Tenno makes is inherently divine, while the other side thinks that Tenno can be corrupted. The former runs the Arbitration missions and offers it to all Tenno, while the later runs the Syndicate which requires loyalty to their ideals."

I wish something like that was mentioned in the game somewhere. Cuz it really looks strange when you're not on their good side: they offer you to buy stuff from them and the next minute they send goons to screw you over, like hello?

Same thing with Glast's syndicate. Grandpa be like "Would you like to get new fancy weapons in exchange for some irradiated toasters you find in open space? I still hate your guts btw, but business is business I guess".

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On 2022-12-28 at 4:15 AM, CoffeeElemental said:

I wish something like that was mentioned in the game somewhere. Cuz it really looks strange when you're not on their good side: they offer you to buy stuff from them and the next minute they send goons to screw you over, like hello?

Same thing with Glast's syndicate. Grandpa be like "Would you like to get new fancy weapons in exchange for some irradiated toasters you find in open space? I still hate your guts btw, but business is business I guess".

LOL! (I agree) I like imagining how they must feel when you walk in after they sent a team to kill you: "Is tha--? Aw crud... Heyyyyy!"

Okay let's see where am I at... looks like 421-430:

  • "The people of Fortuna don't speak the common Corpus language. That's because public education is not offered, so they pick up their language from travelers."
  • "You had to open up Solar Rails to move about the system, but obviously the Corpus and Grineer were doing so before you took down the Specter. Fact is, they've been using old Orokin access codes. We can delete those codes now, but I'm saving that for when we build up enough strength to take them down once and for all."
  • "We can't just slap armor onto a Warframe for two reasons: First, no material would survive being shot into the hull of a ship. Second, Warframe get grumpy when you mess with their aesthetic; you do not want a Warframe to be grumpy."
  • "How have you been? No really. Now that we're staying together I get to see you more, and I never realized how... busy you've been since you woke up. I want you to know that you're just as important as all the people we save; it's okay to take some time for yourself too."
  • "One of my duties is to coordinate daily tributes. It's common knowledge in the Origin System that Tenno should be given something every day while they're in service. It's a tradition that dates back to the old days. I of course love making sure you get presents, but it also means I have to talk to Maroo."
  • "We used to think that AI would take over the universe. But after experiments we learned omniscience always causes suicide. Sentients now have a limit to their minds that's been nicknamed the 'blissful ignorance' subroutine."
  • "That little brat Worm Queen crossed a line. She actually offered to send me some 'boy toys' if I agree to stop having you destroy Kuva Syphons. The nerve! They weren't even good loo-- I mean of course I refused her outright!"
  • "The tight, twisting architecture of the Grineer is designed partly because of Archwing technology. They want to limit your mobility to give them time to overwhelm you with numbers."
  • "I rolled out of bed and hit my face this morning. I don't remember exactly what I was dreaming about, but my sensor logs show I was mouthing the letters: 'AOE.'"
  • "If I had to come up with an anti-Tenno plan, then I think I'd focus more on distraction than combat. Tenno are fierce fighters, but they're even more obsessed as collectors."
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  • 3 weeks later...

It's been so long! The new year has been crazy and it's been difficult to actually find any time to game lately. But I'm in a 2-hour meeting right now and my required participation is minimal, so why not keep my brain awake with some more Lotus Lines? I'm sure it'll be awkward getting my thoughts back into this game, but here goes 431-440:

  • "Tenno! I'm trying to come up with a nickname for you and I'd like to see your reaction. How about...
    • 'Sneaky-Pew-Pew?' You hate it... too undignified?"
    • 'Hammer-Slammer?' No reaction... too niche?"
    • 'Master Chief?' You're surprised... too elite?"
    • 'Lord of the Narta?' No enthusiasm... too hoity-toity?"
    • 'Midnight Massage?' You're blushing... why are--wait--what did I say? AH! I meant 'message!'"
  • "Kahl's Garrison looks miserable. I want to send them tents, cots, and heaters, but they won't accept anything! I can't stop worrying they'll get sick."
  • "Wait, are you telling me that the freshwater on the Plains of Eidolon is magnetic? Why am I only hearing about this now? Is that why there are so many non-conductive boots in the water? So many questions...."
  • "Nira is the reason we never tried mass producing Archons. A lot of work went into making her and her brothers. That gluttonous rixatrix literally 'ate' years of development."
  • "Railjack Crew can't breathe in the vacuum of space, which is very inconvenient because we could easily handle Ramsleds otherwise by just opening the airlocks."
  • "You've collected all the Warframes we know of! I should give you something as a reward. What do you want?"
Edited by (NSW)Probably_Asleep
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I'm going to have to pick up the pace again if I want to reach 1000. Here's 441-450:

  • "It requires a good deal of self-control on my part not to ask too many questions like 'Why are you capturing this person?' during Syndicate Missions. You chose to support them, and I respect your choice. I mean, it's not like you'd get someone killed just to get access to a Mod, right?"
  • "Some things in this universe just don't make any sense. Like how Warframes sustained damage from the same element that they themselves manipulate freely."
  • "Eudico doesn't mark the 'Exploiter Orb' mission as 'Complete' out of consideration for Rude Zuud's feelings. It's sweet, but it annoys me for your sake."
  • "That psychic entryway between Saya and Onkko is as much metaphorical as it is literal. Either one could walk past it, but both see it as an impassible wall."
  • "Oh you brought your Kavat! Hey there little cutie! Want snuggles and kisses? ...Why're you looking at me like that? How do you talk to your Kavat?"
  • "Yareli really didn't do so well after her original Operator stopped controlling her. I'm glad to see she's now being guided by someone that understands her potential."
  • "Drusus won't speak to me. I said that his name sounds like someone clearing their throat, which I THOUGHT was funny. He did not."
  • "Warframes have the innate ability to absorb Void energy to supplement their own power. We see this occur when a Void Relic is opened. But as yet we haven't figured out a way to exploit the system. One of my research projects is to make a gear item that doses a Warframe with Void energy, but it always turns out... disastrous."
  • "You know, the story goes that the Orokin wanted Tau to ease the problem of overpopulation. But... that's odd, right? The Orokin could solve overpopulation much easier by just killing people, and it's not like there was anything stopping them. Least of all a conscience... So why did they really want Tau? What was their real goal?"
  • "Why wasn't Rell found with the rest of the Tenno Children? I'm not blaming anyone. I just worry that one of the children may have a darker side."
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  Congradulations on your journey forward! Honestly, if I knew it wasn’t costly to Rebecca and Co, I would likely be sitting in your very same boat!


  Expanding things out a bit more, I feel this could even apply to the Non-Player Characters in the hanger bay. When you install one, there could be a toggle to restrict their access to the hanger like it is currently, or you could relax restrictions and allow the crew and staff to wander, interacting with your Dojo along the way.

They could observe decorations, interact with various consoles, observe Dojo activities, have conversations with one another (voiced, text only, or merely pantomimed), the little bits that make your Dojo feel like a protective hub in the system (and, with the inverse option, a closed secret Dojo for Tenno only, where folks are there only to work and can see nothing else for security reasons.)


  Just my two cents on the matter, but your terrifyingly wonderful “so many conversation options that the character looks like they are alive” is an excellent exercise in possabilities!

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10 hours ago, Unus said:

Congradulations on your journey forward! Honestly, if I knew it wasn’t costly to Rebecca and Co, I would likely be sitting in your very same boat!

Thank you! And you're probably right that it could end up being a large feature request. But in case Rebecca and Co. read this and want to know what I'd say in defense of the effort needed:
Warframe needs more than exciting battles and good guns, it needs culture. It's got to where it is today because of the memes, the lore, and the community obsession. And the Lotus has been in the center of that from the beginning. If you want to strengthen fan loyalty, then this will be a worthwhile investment.

10 hours ago, Unus said:

Expanding things out a bit more, I feel this could even apply to the Non-Player Characters in the hanger bay. When you install one, there could be a toggle to restrict their access to the hanger like it is currently, or you could relax restrictions and allow the crew and staff to wander, interacting with your Dojo along the way.

They could observe decorations, interact with various consoles, observe Dojo activities, have conversations with one another (voiced, text only, or merely pantomimed), the little bits that make your Dojo feel like a protective hub in the system (and, with the inverse option, a closed secret Dojo for Tenno only, where folks are there only to work and can see nothing else for security reasons.)

I love this! Those guys around the hanger have fascinated me too. Like, who's paying them? What do they think when I'm bullet jumping off the Railjack? What happens to them when I destroy the Dry Dock to move it? Why does the Fortuna guy get to be the only one to ride the floating cart? I love those sorts of questions. I also like your idea of a toggle affecting how they interact with you. An open-door policy would create friendlier NPC's, while a secretive stand would make them more respectful and formal.

10 hours ago, Unus said:

Just my two cents on the matter, but your terrifyingly wonderful “so many conversation options that the character looks like they are alive” is an excellent exercise in possabilities!

"Terrifyingly wonderful" are two words I've never see placed together, but it's a great compliment that I will cherish and laugh about. It's so intuitively right but technical contradictory. Like saying "Cower before my tender kindness!" So ya, thanks again.

AND while I'm here, let's squeeze out some creative juices! Lotus Lines 451-460:

  • "I just had a thought. What if the parents didn't go crazy on the Zariman? I mean, we only have the children's side, right? Oh gosh, I shouldn't have said that! I believe you, don't worry! It's just a bad habit of mine; I speculate. Sorry."
  • "I was helping with your inventory and I got a Riven Sliver embedded in my tiny finger. Could you help before I end up crying? I can last about 30 more seconds..."
  • "I was reviewing some of your logs and I couldn't help but notice you mention 'Lofler Berries.' Do you think there are any left? I've never tasted them and I... I want to taste everything at least once."
  • "I think I know why I'm single. Apparently calling myself a "Mother" scares men off. Last night I tried backpedaling. I was all: 'No! No! My kids are all either stuck in pods on Lua or out killing people. Don't worry!' He said he had to use the restroom and I never saw him again."
  • "You mentioned something interesting when speaking to the Holdfasts. You said that you learned about Conceptual Embodiment in 'T.A.' What does that stand for? It couldn't have been 'Tenno Academy,' right? The term 'Tenno' was coined from the numerical ID of the Zariman decades after its construction."
  • "I felt something on the back of my neck and when I reached back it was one of Nidus' maggots. I screamed the most girly scream I've ever heard come out of anyone ever. So I look at the door, and there's Nidus, on the floor, laughing so hard he's in the fetal position. I'm still not speaking to him."
  • "You may wonder why Narmer missions primarily contain either Grineer or Corpus, but not both. Veils aren't absolute. Intense emotions can weaken their control. So because Grineer and Corpus have intense hatred of one another, they'd need to keep them separate."
  • "Have you seen my sandals? I left them by the shower but they're missing. And yesterday when I was showering I reached for the shampoo and it wasn't there. But when I reached for it a second time it was where I thought it would be."
  • "One of my sources is demanding more credits. I think they're scared because of that failed Rescue Mission the other day. I told her we paid the next of kin handsomely!"
  • "Maroo told me I'm as pretty as Paris Prime. I thought she was trying to make amends until Varzia pulled me aside and showed me one. 'Just 40 more years and she'll be dead' I told myself."
Edited by (NSW)Probably_Asleep
"But in case you Rebecca and Co" wasn't supposed to have "you," sorry
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