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Lotus wants to move in with you


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Work has been busy lately. I guess companies have "new year's resolutions" as well, so goals always start off ambitious in January. My weekly meeting total has gone up to like 30% of my total time. BUT I'm currently running a very slow, one server at a time Ansible playbook that's only on the C's, so I think this is a good time to fit some more Lotus Lines in! Let's go! 471-480:

  • "Your Orbital consoles are linked to the OSN, or the 'Origin System Network.' That's how I'm able to update your Codex and Navigation without having to board your ship."
  • "FTL communication takes on multiple forms around the system. The Corpus utilize Sentient's entangled particle tech, while the Grineer retrofit Orokin artifacts that use void transport. And the Infested have biotechnical telepathy. It's a bit of a mess, but it all originates from Orokin engineering, so the signals are all compatible."
  • "As the name suggests, Arcanes are very old technology. As such, we don't know the origin of many of their names. Virtuous Trojan for example, applies viral damage. Historians speculate that there had to be some connection to disease and whatever a 'Trojan' was, but we don't know anything beyond that."
  • "Clem sent me a Get-Well-Soon card by courier. It read: 'Clem CLEM!' and was signed: 'Clem' So sweet! Even though I haven't been sick..."
  • "Tenno! I'm trying to come up with a nickname for you and I'd like to see your reaction. How about...
    • 'Snipey?' You just frowned... too specialized?"
    • 'Killer?' Furled brows huh... too simple?"
    • 'Bullet-Jumps-a-Lot?' Not interested... too many hyphens?"
    • 'Supporter?' You're offended... not protagonist enough?"
    • 'Space Baby?' You laughed... but I thought it was good!"
  • "If we strapped enough Gravimags to a Tunguska Cannon, you'd be able to equip it on missions! But you wouldn't be able to fit in enemy hallways, and the recoil would launch you hundreds of meters away. Still would be cool to see though!"
Edited by (NSW)Probably_Asleep
Realized the numbers were off after doing the audit
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Wow, I made it to the 4th page: This one is going to be a scroller I think because when I get to the halfway mark (500), I plan on making a "review post" that numbers all 500 Lotus Lines. (As well as corrects spelling mistakes) While I do have a pretty good intuition to tell me: "No, you've already covered this thought in a previous Lotus Line" I know it's not absolute. So from time to time I need to hunt back through them with some CTRL+F stuff to see if I've made that line before. It'll help then to consolidate the previous ones at that point. Anyway, now on to 481-490:

  • "Maroo was being her typical self and said: 'What a shame you never enter the void, Lotus; maybe that Conceptual Embodiment stuff would let you create someone that would actually want to date you.' I was about to slug her, but then I realized that it's not a bad idea."
  • "Wait, is that a Carmine Penta? Wow! I thought these had gone out of circulation. Where did you even find the blueprint? My respect for you had leveled up, Tenno."
  • "The Helminth can't subsume Prime frames. Have you ever asked why? Prime frames have spent hundreds of years awash in Void energy. They simply are no longer compatible with the Helminth's infested biology. But if you ever find an Ancient variant of a Helminth, then that might change."
  • "Hey, roomie! Wanna watch something tonight? There's a new made-for-Tenno-V movie that just became streamable. It's called:...
    • "Dual"
    • "What the Blind Mag Saw"
    • "The Lanka Leers"
    • "If These Thralls Could Talk"
    • "Don't Be Afraid of the Archwing"
  • "AH! I bith my tongue! Thtupid me thnacking while trying to conthentrate! Where'th the firtht aid? ...Whew okay that's feels... were you here the whole time? And you're in a Wisp!? Maybe a Vitality Mote next time? Thanks a lot..."
  • "You've done nothing but Void Fissure Missions for an hour straight. Are you trying to find something specific? Need any help?"
Edited by (NSW)Probably_Asleep
thirst to firtht; wish I could blame that one on autocorrect...
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I made a thread earlier and made several posts within it back to back, and then they got consolidated into one post. Ever since then, I've been worried that if I post something two close together on the same thread it will gloop together like two water droplets that touch. So even if I have more Lotus Lines, I tell myself I need to wait before I post. (And then I get distracted and forget to go back to it) So yeah, the struggle is real. Anyway, Lotus Lines 491-500:

  • "I really think the Grineer Roller's design was a lost opportunity. They could have armed it with float-in-place timebombs that launch the Rollers upward. If programed correctly, the Rollers could use those bombs to reach great heights."
  • "Thrax Plasm seems to absorb the ambient emotional atmosphere its environment. Zamarin Thrax Plasm has a hopeful but confused flavor. And Lua Thrax Plasm is arrogant and desperate. I wonder what would happen if we made some at a joyous occasion like a wedding..."
  • "Ghouls were thought up as an economical use for leftover cloning material, but it just never caught on. You can't send normal troops down until the Ghouls expire, so you're postponing a full invasion. Grineer Leadership is characteristically impatient, so it wasn't a popular idea."
  • "Samodeus' is hiding something about Rivens. Kuva doesn't have any affect on physical objects; it transfers consciousness. So why does it alter a Riven Mod? I think he made a 'Vessel' for consciousness to flow into. That'd be why Warframes can't use them. But then... who is in your weapon?"
  • "I've been trying to design a system that will give you a 'butt shot multiplier' to help when headshots aren't feasible. Being able to snipe from multiple angles would help you be silent, but deadly."
  • "Some historians believe that the longest uninterrupted war is actually the Vasca Kavats versus the Vomvalysts. The debate hinges on whether or not Kavats and infected Vaska Kavats are the same species."
  • "You've never actually seen my ship, have you? Or did you think I just fly through space looking like this?"
  • "Sentients lose their reddish hue when dying, which is why Exceptional Sentient Cores have to be extracted from live subjects. In fact, when Sentients say 'briz-URN-tik' it actually translates to: 'My color!'"
  • "The story goes that the Sentients wanted to keep the Orokin out of Tau. But why? There would have to be something there worth defending, right? Well, there IS! The terraforming is all done. Eight beautiful verdant planets filled with adorable fuzzy creatures. I wish I could show it to you..."
  • "To be honest, we don't actually know what the Orokin called us originally. But we saw in old data that our creators worried that we'd become sentient, so that's the name we chose for ourselves. The other choice though was 'Terraformers' and everyone hated it. Don't ever call a Sentient that, it's very offensive."
Edited by (NSW)Probably_Asleep
Realized the numbers were off after doing the audit
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This is it, the halfway point. Lotus Lines 501-510:

  • "You should probably look into getting a will drawn up. Cavalero just called and I think he's actually serious about wanting dibs on your stuff."
  • "A Helminth Charger!? Wow! Look at you, big cutie! Wait just a bit, I've got some 'Infesty Treats'... Oh no! They're expired! How does infested flesh have an expiration date!?"
  • "Yareli insisted that I watch some 'C-Dramas' with her. I didn't think I'd like subtitles, but I'm hooked! I even started wearing uncomfortable shoes because I want to trip and have an 'accidental kiss!' Although that hasn't gone to plan..."
  • "The Helminth system was built as a counter to weapons like the Jade Light. Even if completely vaporized, your mental backup with its biological backup can combine in a Transference burst to produce a perfect restoration. It's limited by the Orbiter's energy capacity though."
  • "I think I know why Simaris needs varied amount of samples per target. He's probably setting averages within sample ranges, so the more generic the enemy, the more samples needed. "
  • "Physically speaking, just wat is a 'critical shot?' Think about this: Would you rather get your eyeball licked? Or the palm of your hand? Bullets and blades do far more to a body than tongues."
  • "Being a roommate is really good motivation for keeping this place tidy! Maybe you should have someone live in your Orbiter, too."
  • "You... have a thing on your neck..."
  • "Darvo was going to give your a Crewman's Boot for a daily tribute today, but I guilted him into not doing it."
  • "Vor got to a lot of the Warframes before I could awaken you. I'm not sure if those other Tenno will ever wake up now. I'm so grateful that you made it, you have no idea."
Edited by (NSW)Probably_Asleep
Realized the numbers were off after doing the audit -- little bummed that this wasn't the 500th one.
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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been putting this off because I want to do justice to the previous 500 Lotus Lines. I want to correct spelling, put links to their original posts, and just take a second look at each one to make sure it still lines up with the burgeoning "lore" of "Roommate Lotus." And, most importantly, I want to fit them all on this page so I can search through them to make sure I don't do any repeats. Lot of work, less of time to do it, and I ended up allowing too much time to pass. BUT I'm going to start now. I'll do one page at a time so I have some good stopping points for breaks.

PAGE 1 (1-130):



  • "That 'lone Tenno operative' wanted to pass along a thank you. You kept the enemy distracted for the better part of an hour."
  • "Thank you for rescuing that captive in the last mission. It strengthens our influence in this system when people know they can help us without having to worry about our enemies retaliating."
  • "I'm worried that you drew too much attention in that last mission. I heard disturbing reports that the Stalker may be after you now."
  • "You ended up walking right past a cache. I heard the high pitched whirring over your comms. Sorry I didn't say anything at the time. I was... involved in something else."
  • "That Kavat you consigned to me was such a doll. I found a good home, but honestly I took my time getting the documents finalized. I already miss it."
  • "This is just between us, but I can't stand Maroo. I swear she's copying my look. But you think the bottom half of my face is better than hers, right?"
  • "'CLEM!?' How did I do?"
  • "Ordis shared a joke with me the other day. It was like: 'grrrrfrrrrlllzzzzip.' Haha! He's right, cosmic background radiation is a riot!"
  • "You have a lot of tellurium. Why are you looking at me like that!? I'm not snooping through your inventory! It's not my fault it smells so delicious."
  • "Sometimes I envy mimics. I mean haven't you ever wanted to know what it would feel like to become a brick? Or a window? Or furniture? ...Well I have."


  • "New Loka and I don't really agree on much, but we all seem to really love Kavats. And here I thought only lonely old spinsters liked them! ...Wait..."
  • "The Perrin Sequence has my favorite icon. I'm a sucker for triangles."
  • "Steel Meridian said some awful things about you, but they say really wonderful things about me. I'm very conflicted, but I am sorry for not standing up for you."
  • "Do you want to hear a joke from Red Veil? Me too. I've been waiting for decades."
  • "Ever wonder how the Arbiters of Hexis get their hands on corrupted clones? I asked once, and they said they buy them from the Tenno. Is that true?"
  • "Cephalon Suda must never know who my father is. If she ever asks about my background, just tell her I'm a farm girl who doesn't like to talk about my past."
  • "Teshin's still alive, you know. He sent me a postcard. Has he not contacted you ever since the... oh... I didn't mean to make this awkward."
  • "If the Unum ever wants your help, could you do me a favor and leave me out of it. I just... I still haven't forgiven her for what she said all those centuries ago."
  • "You've seen Eudico's face!? She's blond, right? She's got to be. Don't tell me either way, okay? Just let me have my dream."
  • "Wow, the Entrati have a pretty dysfunctional family, don't they? Did I just see you mouth something about a pot and a kettle?"


  • "I'm really starting to regret using an automatic door for this room."
  • "In case you're wondering why Corpus and Grineer pilots all speak Tenno, it's because I've spent centuries making it the official language of space stations."
  • "Sometimes you defeat the heavy unit before I get done warning you about it. I keep going though because I want you to worry that I may be talking about a second one."
  • "I'm Nora Night... you didn't even flinch!? I could be, you know! Tch! You could have at least played along..."
  • "Sentients and Cephalons hate being compared to each other. I'm not saying you ever have, but just keep that in mind."
  • "I'm a bit worried about the Ventkids in our Dojo. They never leave that room. Maybe we could make a race track or something for them...."
  • "Have you ever noticed any weird transmissions when you're on your way back to the Orbiter? Weird, right"
  • "Ordis tells me that you sometimes just stare at the Codex display as if there's someone there. Are you... feeling okay?"
  • "Who invented the melee stances? I tried one the other day and ended up doing a back-handstand into the wall. No, I won't show you, and try not to imagine it."
  • "The Infested usually avoid immune people, we learned that during the Mycona incident. And yet... the infested will prioritize you above all targets. Strange..."


  • "So in the last mission I said: 'The odds were against us.' But I want you to know I wasn't doubting your ability! I'm just amazed how durable their terminals were."
  • "The other day I heard an enemy on the comms say something hugely inappropriate about me. I was so angry I ended up saying to the operative: 'Change of plans, ignore your original objective, leave nothing alive!' Haha! I guess even I lose my cool now and then."
  • "If you hadn't helped me, I might have ended up like the Eidolon that wanders the plains. I shudder to think of myself as nothing more than livestock being hunted for materials every night."
  • "Those are some great looking shards! A woman would be very lucky to find someone who'd give such a beautiful and powerful gift. No! I'm not saying I want... I'm not saying to give it to me or anything!"
  • "Want to know what the Tau System is like? Let's just say the Old War did not begin without a good reason."
  • "Of all the Tenno I could have awoke back at that temple, I'm glad I found the one who uses the...
    • "Mag Warframe. The downtrodden and oppressed finally have justice with you; an 'angel of death' who renders entire armies powerless."
    • "Volt Warframe. Our allies finally get to savor the taste of victory thanks to you; an 'unstoppable force' who shatters limitations."
    • Excalibur Warframe. Those who cause fear have learned to feel fear from you; a 'space ninja' who epitomizes the strength of the Tenno."
  • "I noticed you use the Mag Warframe a lot. Just between us girls, are there any other frames that you're 'attracted' to? GET IT!? Hahaha! No but seriously, I'm starving for gossip. Have you heard anything juicy? And it can't be about Yareli; too easy."
  • "Cephalon Cy writes me poetry. At first I didn't even open the messages, but he's wearing me down! You've got to help me. Go take some Railjack missions or something. I am NOT going to entertain any more thoughts about a Cephalon."


  • "Ever since you woke up I've noticed you actually say things during the missions. Are you talking to me when you do that? I can never tell."
  • "I know you'd love to be that 'lone Tenno operative' who collects supplies in peace while a squad distracts the enemy. But the truth is you're just too good at your role. I mean, how hard is it really to run around opening lockers and breaking crates? It's sort of an entry level task that is frankly just beneath you now."
  • "What do we do with all those capture targets? Go take a look at the chemistry table over there."
  • "If we can teleport the capture target, then why can't we teleport you? I'm a bit insulted that you don't think I've already thought of that."
  • "Oh, you wanted to know what happens to specters who survive their one mission with you. They pretty much all just live normal lives after. I guess being created in a forge and brought out only in a life-threatening situation is a very dramatic start to life, so they look for the opposite when it's over."
  • "I hope you didn't look inside the pod during that last defense mission. That... thing tends to memorize faces."
  • "Your helminth gains more appetite when it eats sentient materials. I see that as a compliment."
  • "Darvo keeps trying to sell me crewman's boots. He thinks that by just painting flowers on it I'm going to buy it. I probably will though; buying a new look is always worth it."
  • "Those defectors you helped escape said they'd feel like defecting all over again if they got to see you in action once more. I told them that they can't double-defect."
  • "Little Duck is so nice! She's always respectful and patient when asking to take over my comms. Maroo on the other hand is just an ungrateful sa... sorry. I shouldn't say any more."


  • "We keep finding new Warframes. I honestly don't know how many are out there, but it does make you wonder about the next one we find. Maybe one day we'll find a 'Lotus Warframe!' I know... it's just wishful thinking."
  • "Do you mind showing me your mods? Hm...
    • "looks like you prefer to rely on your abilities. That shows a strong bond between you and your Warframe."
    • "looks like you focus on survivability. Am I putting you in too much danger?"
    • "looks like you went all in with enemy radar. I guess I'm not doing a good enough job as your mission director. I'm sorry."
    • "looks like you are using an augment mod! I'm sure you can sense it, but Warframes love how augment mods feel; it's like a missing piece has finally been returned."
    • "looks like you have learned the secrets of min-maxing. It's an ancient art that only the most feared warriors could make work."
  • "Have you checked out my garden? It's right over there. I call the big one 'Big One,' and I call the small one 'Small One.' That's just my sense of humor. I love stating the obvious."
  • "I get a little too obsessed with personalizing my look. I know you may think I never change anything, but that's only because I've spend the last several decades perfecting this look. Maybe in a few more years I'll finally show you the new style I'm working on."
  • "I've never shown anyone my console area until now. Many people would think that I spent way too many credits on the headset, the monitor, and, well, everything. But comfort and style are never a waste of funds in my opinion."
  • "Eximus units. Just what are they? To tell you the truth, I don't have the slightest idea. There's no training facility or anything, and I don't even think the units themselves are aware of their unique nature. It's almost like some external force has empowered them as a way to interfere with your missions. Maybe that's why your void attacks work so well against them."


  • "Have you ever met Skittergirl? I know Yonta says it's just a void manifestation of child anxiety, but I'm not so sure. Anxiety isn't exactly known for thievery right? What if she is another Tenno trapped in the void, trying to get the energy she needs to escape?"
  • "How do you say 'Ducats.' I've heard it argued in many circles."
  • "The Orokin made a lot of Ayatan Statues, but that shouldn't mean they're an inexhaustible resource. Have you ever wondered if they're still being produced by something?"
  • "When you master a weapon, wouldn't it make sense if you had the same mastery over an identical copy of that weapon? But I'm afraid that's not possible. You see, even weapons produced on the same assembly line each have their own unique quirks."
  • "I'm sure you didn't mean to kill the wildlife on Cambion Drift; I'm sorry you got an earful from Son. To be honest, I wouldn't be able to tell the difference down there either."
  • "You beat the Profit Taker! I'm very happy to hear that. Sentient technology should not be messed with. What do you think caused the Old War after all?"
  • "Have you seen that Orb Mother lying dormant on the Vallis? She's not dead, you know. She simply doesn't care about anything. That's the problem with making a machine with a mind of its own. There's no guarantee your interests will align. And in her case, she doesn't have any interests to align with."
  • "If I made a massage room blueprint for your dojo, do you think we could afford to staff it? What about a sentō? Please think about it. There area few syndicates who are interested in us hiring their non-combat members, and I'm brainstorming what positions their talents could be used for."
  • "I know you're probably sore about failing that Mastery Rank Test, but cheer up! There are plenty of Tenno that got killed because they didn't have the exper... I don't know where I'm going with this, sorry. Now that I'm saying it out loud it sounds awful. I'm glad you're alive is all I'm saying, okay?"
  • "Have you seen anything interesting around the Dojo? No? Okay, thanks! Now I just need to find where it went..."


  • "Where did Little Duck get her nickname? What is a 'duck?' I've searched through so many archives and nothing has turned up."
  • "Isn't it odd how mods can be connected to technology from any age? How do they connect? Things like these things keep me up at night."
  • "I really want to see what happens when the void element gets combined with others. Is it a primary one like toxin or heat? Or is it secondary? It's a shame there are no innate void mods or weapons."
  • "You seem pretty annoyed. Is it because the 'Assassination' targets never seem to stay dead? Well, maybe this will cheer you up, I have a secret. Come over here." [whispers] "THEY HAVE ALL STAYED DEAD."
  • "I heard something interesting the other day. It would seem that part of Corpus recruit training includes an entire day dedicated to: 'Keep your lockers locked!' And in that class they say that Tenno are dirty thieves who will go through any unlocked locker they find. Well, get back out there, you dirty thief!"
  • "It just kills me that I can't tell Saya about Onkko. I don't know how you keep a straight face, honestly. Remind me never to play cards with you."
  • "I regret lowering my relationship standards. There is nothing--and I repeat: nothing--more exhausting than asking Cephalon Simaris what his interests and hobbies are. Worst. Date. Ever."
  • "I have a present for you! Or... I had a present for you. I accidentally left it in a Grineer facility. But don't worry! I'll create a mission so you can go and get it."
  • "If you let me help with disruption missions, then I could tell you which direction the demo units are coming from. But Vox Solaris has this dumb notion that everyone involved gets a share in the goods, so they won't let me."
  • "The one thing I miss about my previous form is having longer fingers. I also liked having claws for whenever I was cooking."


  • "I want to like the Entrati, I do. But... those aren't Orokin skulls in the Necramechs..."
  • "You know how the Mausolon syphons life energy to build its secondary fire? Well, I have a riddle for you: Why do robots charge it? Maybe think about that next time you run a Corpus mission."
  • "Oh by the way, I had to buy a new keyboard and it's sort of your fault. The other day you entered a room filled with enemies and wiped them out in one shot. In the silence you said: 'That, was a close one!' And I literally 'erupted' in laughter. My drink went everywhere. I was so glad I had the mic muted."
  • "Any time I wonder if the enemy deserves a Tenno assault, I remember their alert policy. I mean, think about it: An immortal warrior that can bend the very rules of reality, and they tell their comrades to COME and HELP? A good person would get on the intercom and say: 'Evacuate! Run for your lives!'"
  • "You may think that you've only just mastered your void powers, but how do you think wall latching and aim gliding work? You think it's natural for a giant metal soldier to defy gravity just because it wants to?"
  • "I don't know why people always want to add 'hopeless' before 'romantic.' Is it really hopeless to think love is out there? Okay, fine, I may be single going on several hundreds of years but... I'll find it one day!" *sigh* "I does sound hopeless when I say it out loud..."
  • "When's the last time you restrung your bows? If you don't take better care of your weapons, I'm going to 'snap' at you! ... Oh c'mon! Not even a chuckle?"
  • "When you're by yourself, I help out with the double-locks on some doors in your missions. But I don't do it when you should cooperate. I swear it's like herding Kavats with you Tenno."
  • "Have you heard the latest song that the kids in the Bash Lab are listening to? It goes like: 'He was a K-Drive boy, but she never A-rrived, boy. He wasn't flair enough for her.' It's about a K-Drive boy who gets stood up buy a fancy rich girl. But don't worry, he gets the last laugh."
  • "Your Railjack Crew have a lot of nice things to say about you. We actually chat a lot since the Railjack is parked here. They're like: 'We get paid to just sit in a docked ship all day; it's great!'"


  • "I didn't say anything... embarrassing, while I was Natah again, did I? Truth be told, I was kind of a nerd when I was younger. I really liked acting all epic and cool. I just shutter thinking about all the poetic and philosophical rants that I prided myself on those days."
  • "Things never would have worked out between Margulis and Ballas, if we're being real here. She would have left him the moment brought harm to children."
  • "So I've got this theory. Just run with me on this one. First, Tenno don't need any facilities to eliminate... you know. But you do eat, right? So where does it go? It has to be the void, right? If I'm correct, then of course the Man in the Wall hates us! The Tenno have been crapping on his lawn for centuries!"
  • "Sometimes our entire universe 'flips out' for no reason. Doors don't work, people behave weirdly, and so on. If that happens, be sure to get a good night of rest. It might be that the universe wants to change but it can't while you're paying attention to it."
  • "Did you just try to scan me!?"
  • "We don't know how the Parazon does what it does. Even if you change your Warframe, the new one will suddenly have an identical one to the last. I think it's manifest from the Operator's will."
  • "If you get a rapid succession of headshots, it will sound identical to when I sprint barefoot on wet carpets. Just a tiny bit of trivia to brighten your day!"
  • "I just finished this fan-fic romance novel about Councilor Vay Hek falling for a Sister of Parvos, and it was good. I'm so emotional right now!"
  • "Getting hit with void energy for a Sentient feels like a gut punch while spinning. It's nauseating."
  • "Thanks again for letting me stay here. Keeping the system safe is rewarding, but not necessarily fun. Doing it with friends, though? That's fun."


  • "Do you remember The Sergeant from Phobos? Yeah, me neither."
  • "Where does Teshin get off sending you on those awful 'Steel Path' missions!? Most people you run missions for are like: 'Please save us!' But he's like:" [imitating Teshin] "'Go put your life at risk for honor and glory!' or some garbage like that. It really irks me, as you can see."
  • "Margulis believed that the Man in the Wall was created from the Tenno children exposed to the void, but the Entrati say that's impossible because he was there before the Zariman Ten-0 incident. Personally, I agree with Margulis. Time has no meaning in the Void, and my gut tells me we're all caught in a causal loop."
  • "There's no such thing as an 'inferior Warframe.' They were once people, whose interests and skills became the core of their power. People are not superior or inferior to one another, so neither are the Warframes."
  • "The Sentients don't sweat, you know. So just because my clothes are dry doesn't mean I'm slacking off or anything. I'm assuming that's why you keep looking at my armpits."
  • "Don't be offended when I call you 'Tenno' okay? It's just, I deal with so many and I get the names mixed up. I've embarrassed myself way too many times."
  • "I haven't seen you in a while! I'm not mad or anything. It's good for you to take some time off and rest up. Welcome back!"
  • "You didn't take something from the fridge that said: 'celebration dessert for Lotus' right? You can be honest with me. I won't blast a hole in your heart or anything like that."
  • "I took a look at your video feed while you were fishing. You were on fire! It was like: 'fwip', got one; 'fwip', got another, 'fwip', ten more! Amazing. I love spying on your... I mean uh... monitoring... whenever you're in danger and stuff..." [trails off]
  • "It's been a while since you applied for another Mastery Rank. I'm happy if you're happy, but I think it's healthy for the mind to work towards a goal."


  • "When you went to fight the Jackal, I really did think that first moa was it. That was embarrassing. You may not have noticed, but I got a lot quieter after that point in the mission."
  • "I have dreams too, you know. I'm not going to tell you how it ended, but last night I dreamt that everyone was a Noggle statue."
  • "I let Ordis run one of your missions once on Jupiter. He had been begging me for weeks. For some reason he's never asked since..."
  • "Just because they're called 'Sentients' doesn't mean that every one you see can think for itself. Just like how not all Tenno are smart enough to remember the anniversary of my becoming roommates..."
  • "I really like that E'·phem·e·ra! Eph·e'·me·ra? Eph·em·e'·ra? I don't know how to say it!"
  • "Sniper weapons may not seem to have a place in your arsenal when I keep deploying you to enclosed areas, but remember: Just because they're standing close by, doesn't mean they have any less of a skull."
  • "If you're having trouble with Interception Missions, then you might want to try making some friends. NO wait that that came out wrong! I mean make them, in the forge. Specters! I'm sure you have friends!"
  • "After that Hijack Mission, you're probably wondering just how much energy your shields actually have. Let's just say that a dozen Warframes could probably power all of Fortuna."
  • "I tried my hand at drawing a Warframe I would like to see one day. I call it 'Awkwardos.' It's special ability is to make enemies so uncomfortable that they 'literally can't even.' I threw the drawing away though. It was making me too uncomfortable."
  • "Could you teach me one of your Narta's? They look fun."


  • "Some people online said some very hurtful things about the shape of my body. After crying it out, I came up with the perfect response! Anyway, thanks for handling that Capture Mission even though it turned into an Extermination Mission."
  • "Did you know you can refresh your Railjack speed boost quicker by toggling in and out of sprint mode? ...Why are you looking so surprised!? I HAVE HELPFUL THINGS TO SAY SOMETIMES!"
  • "Have you ever wondered why you're invulnerable while performing a finisher? My brother thought this was a dumb theory, but I believe that the laws of this universe will submit to something if it's 'bad' enough. I call it the 'epic force!'"
  • "I actually had a Tenno ask me: 'If a Warframe is strong enough to be shot through the reinforced hull of a starship, then why does it get damaged by someone swinging a stick?' I just chuckled and said: 'Because the starship's hull isn't fighting for its life.'"
  • "Next time you go to Cetus could you pick me up some Mortus Lungfish? I saw a recipe for dip that I wanted to try."
  • "A part of terraforming requires Sentients to be able to eat and convert any material into usable construction components. That's why you hardly find anything unique on Sentient ships; they're basically built out of dirt! That's also why I can always finish my plate no matter how badly its burnt."
  • "Nef Anyo is bald, but he's wealthy. He's a maniacal dictator that oppresses the weak, but he's got that mustache. I'm conflicted."
  • "If you were really good at aiming, then you could fire a weapon with punch-through, and then use another weapon through the same hole. But you're not, so don't try."
  • "Many of the Warframes are based on ancient legends that have long been forgotten. I hope that when 'Legend of Lotus' is long forgotten, there will be a Warframe that still carries the spirit of what I stood for. Although every Warframe is also tortured soul formed by the unspeakable horrors. Tough call..."
  • "Those Corpus Cleaning Drones are amazing! That would make a great gift for someone. Maybe someone that helps so much with missions that she doesn't have time to clean?"

It's been so long since I wrote these that I've forgotten about many of them. I know it's shameless to brag, I'm actually impressed with my past self! Can't wait to do the next two pages. (Of course I WILL wait though because it takes a lot of effort copy/pasting, pulling/inserting hyperlinks, and reviewing each line for spelling/lore errors.)

Edited by (NSW)Probably_Asleep
Apparently you can't write comments too close together in time
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The last index post ended up taking me quite a while (I thought it would just be copy/pasting, but I also wanted to include links and review each line). SO I've been procrastinating doing page 2. But I really want to keep coming up with more Lotus Lines, so I'm going to push through this!

Page 2 (131-270):



  • "Oh you're going out on another mission? Does everyone in your squad have their own metal grate?"
  • "I borrowed your Magistar to do some exercises. And I used your Galvacord to help with some stretches. I know I should have asked, but then you might have said 'no.'"
  • "The Grineer are ran by a few dictators who control people with propaganda and fear, while the Corpus are ran by a the super rich elite who use the concept of financial 'freedom' to enslave the poor. Is this new? Or did people of the past also deal with these kinds of corruption?"
  • "The Gammacor was designed by someone who was obsessed with me in the past. He thought it would impress me. But like, it's a 'secondary' weapon! Am I supposed to be his 'secondary' woman? Pass."
  • "I've been pestering Cephalon Cy to let me try out the Railjack's Slingshot, but he's such a killjoy!"
  • "I didn't expect you to visit of the caves in Orb Vallis so soon! I suppose I 'under' estimated you! *snickering* Sorry, everything is funny to me at this time of night."
  • "I want you to know that we don't inherit our parent's physical traits. I was worried that you might be thinking that ever since you saw Hunhow."
  • "The Loki frame is why I installed locks on my door."
  • "I feel like I'm forgetting something... AH! We left all those other Tenno on the moon! I've... got some things to take care of..."
  • "Who invented the various Focus Schools? They were adapted from Dax philosophies and skills. When the Tenno started to be used for combat, they had to be trained the veteran warriors. Teshin won't tell me what school he was in."


  • "Confession time: I really dropped the ball on that Raptor mission. Had I done my usual research, I could have just sent you in with three bombs."
  • "Whenever I tell you during a Defense mission that reinforcements are available, I actually have them on the other line. I have to look into their Kubrow-pup eyes and tell them whenever you don't need them."
  • "Because I can change my shape, there is literally no man in this entire system that I cannot go out with. And yet: I'M STILL SINGLE!!! It's like: the ones who are nice are too intimidated, and the ones who are not intimidated can't be nice. Ugh."
  • "I can't think of anything more cruel than skewering a Sentient with Bonewidow's Meat Hook, and then just leaving it parked next to an Immunode Pod. But I'll keep trying!"
  • "You may be wondering why I don't send you all the life support modules you'd ever need for Survival missions. Well, it's just cheaper to scrap the mission entirely than it is to pay for too many of those modules. If you take out enemies, though, then I can use existing bounties and contracts to budget for more modules."
  • "The Obelisk that fell on Europa was the largest ever built. Probably the worst spacetime disaster of the last century. The movie was great though."
  • "'Why are there no missions on the sun!?' I swear this Operator who loves her Ember has been nagging me to my wit's end. There's nothing to do at the sun! Sheesh!"
  • "I can tell just by looking at you, you're someone who always gives their pet a little attention when you walk by. Good for you!"
  • "I'm not saying we should, but I would destroy you in a K-Drive race."
  • "Have you been in a Murex? That's why my favorite color is blue."


  • "Nobody is brave enough to admit this, but the Infestation actually smells really nice. Like lightly-toasted flower petal extract."
  • "The Stalker tries to avenge the various bosses running this system, but it's not as though he likes all of them equally. You'll see when you go to Ceres."
  • "Tenno, I'm worried about you. I don't want you to think that the only way people will like you is if you run errands and gather treasure for them. Your 'standing' with me is always maxed out, okay? Not all of your relationships are transactional."
  • "Could you turn around for a second? I need to pick something out of my teeth."
  • "I'm not sure if it's the Operator or Warframes, but you guys are so fidgety! I hardly ever see you just relax or sit still."
  • "There's a rumor that if you build 100 Ascaris Negators, then you'll get a new mission node opened on Mercury. But don't do that. Really, don't."
  • "Hello! Do you think you could do me a favor? I need you to stand right there for a second... good! So, how do you feel? Anything feeling off? No? Hmm... another failure."
  • "Remotely hacking a terminal during Mobile Defense missions is very exciting! I've got an arsenal of payloads I iterate through, and sometimes I even need to construct them on the spot. I'm not sure what's more intense: You slaughtering all those enemies, or me straight-up slaying my keyboard!"
  • "Why didn't the Sentients build a Solar Rail in Tau? Who says we didn't? If you can think of the magic password, then I might even tell you where the other side is!"
  • "There are not many Sentient females. Praghasa was... let's just say she was 'competitive.' Ballas was able to influence my thinking partly because of my intense desire to be a better, more loving mother than her."


  • "Tenno, you're really good at using single target weaponry! Like, really very good. I'm not sure if this counts as a reward, but just know that I brag about you."
  • "I often wonder what sort of people the frames were in their previous lives. I think Nyx must have been a psychologist."
  • "Ever since you awoke, the market for container manufacturing has skyrocketed!"
  • "We weren't allowed to cuss in our developmental stage, but Erra would sometimes signal me over and whisper one. We'd both giggle because we felt like such rebels. I sometimes miss the days when that was seen as pushing our moral limits..."
  • "I've got a 'Pedestal Prime' in my closet. What a waste of credits... that Ki'Teer is a genius salesman."
  • "The Helminth is really the backbone of any war that relies on Warframes. Though practically immortal, the frames will wear out eventually. Our enemies never figured that out, thankfully."
  • "The Orbiter was built to integrate the Listet, but that doesn't mean other landing craft can't be used. I liken it to the age old riddle: 'Is the best underwear the most comfortable? Or the most provocative?' Thousands of years, and people are still arguing about it."
  • "You scanned a Kuria, right? How do you feel about that look as a hair style? I'm weighing my options."
  • "Here's a riddle for you: There are more Tenno than could ever have fit in a classroom. Why? My theory is that students sat on each other's laps and shared seats. With two rows and two columns that could easily amount to... wait no... that's still not enough... hmm... I'll keep thinking about it."
  • "Contrary to what you'd expect, Sentients need two parents of opposite sexes to reproduce. I'm not going to tell you how it works 'in practice,' mind you! And don't try to imagine it! Go do a mission or something!"



  • "Don't feel bad about your incredibly low accuracy. Remember: ammo isn't free, and most of what you use is stolen, so you're actually shooting the enemy's hard earned credits into the floors, walls, and ceilings!"
  • "As you are now no doubt aware, I have a 'hanger management' problem. I'm sorry you had to see it."
  • "Sentients do not expel gas, okay? That's the truth. And if Hunhow tells you anything different, that's only because he's a horrible liar that doesn't know when to keep his ugly lying mouth shut."
  • "Every time you 'bullet jump' in a mission, I quietly say: 'fwoosh' over here. I just started doing it one day, and now it's practically a compulsion."
  • "I've been using the excess energy your Dojo generates for some experiments. Those reactors don't have an 'on demand' feature, so it was just going to waste."
  • "Here's some Corpus hacking advice: Align the 3-prong cells on the outside first; that'll show you where the 1 and 2-prong ones go. Or you can just build cyphers if your brain hates making decisions on a countdown."
  • "Just like Iron Wake, all the syndicates have bases here and there. But unlike Steel Meridian, they'll probably never let you know where they are."
  • "The void mission nodes are unique in that they have no traces of growing infestation, and yet they do have ancient infested. Couple this with how it caused sentient infertility, and a trend emerges: It strengthens old life, but rejects new life."
  • "Your 'Tenno powers' are not useless."
  • "If I were to pick a focus school, I'd go with Unairu. Not because of the skills or anything! I just love the way they move when they're idle."


  • "This jerk came up to me yesterday and was like: 'You look like a girl who prefers Ferrite Armor.' It took me a while, but eventually I got it."
  • "Is that the Basmu!? Let me see! Hmm... mm... Beautiful. It's ju-- wait... Heat and Electric? No Tau damage!? Tch, just a cheap imitation. Take it back."
  • "I also have a glowing orb, but you don't see it because civilized Sentients dress decently."
  • "When you run Defection Missions, you may notice some particularly thick Grineer taking up the rear. If you have to save just one, that's my favorite. I call him 'Growneer.'"
  • "Earth used to have rings like Saturn. Historians believe it was because an ancient people had an odd obsession with satellites that one day led to the collapse of their entire civilization. The rings have since been mined away."
  • "If you've participated in Naberus, then you've probably heard about Blue Kuva. Interesting idea, right? If you could spend a night inside another body, would you? Wait... you're a Tenno; that's what you do every day."
  • "What is THAT!? A 'Mother's Mask?' It's ADORABLE! Who's selling those? Here, let me sign the inside of yours..."
  • "Oh... sorry... it's just, Caliban makes me a little uncomfortable."
  • "Prime frames are the original, but don't let that affect your view of the rest! All Warframes share the same heart with their prime progenitor. Possibly even the same memories!"
  • *sniff sniff* "Mmm! You smell like Archon Shards!" *stomach growl* "Uh... did you... just hear something?"


  • "Legs is a marketing genius. That ugly color? The coat of paint that only he knows how to remove? That's no accident. He knows you'll be back."
  • "You've mastered all your Intrinsics! There's plenty of scuttlebutt going around that you've become a yar-minded captain."
  • "To this day, I still can't understand why the Treasurers get onto the public channels and announce their presence. Are they just idiots? Or are they being controlled?"
  • "What did you dream about all those years while your Warframe was deactivated?"
  • "I'm working on a way to give your Warframe more Mod Slots. So far though all my tests have resulted in disaster."
  • "I've been wondering lately about what happens to Forma when it's bonded to a living beast. I hope the little guy doesn't feel any pain..."
  • "Usually I try to plan missions with standardized strategies, but the Assault Mission at the Kuva Fortress was a special case."
  • "In that last Mastery Rank test, you worked it entirely differently than I had expected. I'm not complaining! I'm happy to see you come up with creative solutions."
  • "Not to sound all 'Orokiny,' but I would love a dedicated foot-rubber. Someone whose sole mission in life was to wait for me sit down so they can work all my knots out."
  • "You've kept emails from me dating back over a year ago!? I didn't know I meant that much to you. I'm touched, Tenno."


  • "Tenno Relay's may seem peaceful, but they might be the most heavily defended outposts in the system. The Grineer don't even try attacking one without a Fomorian class vessel as the vanguard."
  • "When will the war between Corpus and Grineer end? At least the Orokin and Sentients had the decency to obliterate each other and leave the system in relative peace after their war."
  • "You'd think it would be possible to have a Sentinel and a footed companion accompany you at the same time. Wait... have you... never considered that possibility?"
  • "Nef tries to lure you into fighting his Razorback with an upgraded Gorgon. I mean, really? I'm pretty sure he'd get more interest if he agreed to destroy your Gorgon instead."
  • "If you're not planning on using your Moas, then could I borrow them for a while? I need some dance partners for a side project I've taken on."
  • "The Orokin loved the idea of mind control. Just look at Void Fissures! It's not the void that controls them, it's what the void connects them to."
  • "Warframes don't need eyes. Their senses are so sharp in fact that it's believed they see the world in 3rd-person perspective. Are they right?"
  • "How can you put toxin damage into a beam of energy? That question has haunted me for hundreds of years. My best guess? Squirting stuff."
  • "Sure, just come in without giving me any advance notice like you always do!" *sigh* "Sorry, I'm distraught today. We failed a rescue mission."
  • "I can't make the Master Rank tests any easier for you. I'm sorry; it's just that I care too much about you to stifle your growth. That, and they're a pain to reprogram..."


  • "Okay so get this: The Corrupted are being controlled by the Orokin facility to defend itself, right? But the Warframe Cryopods at Taranis and Belenus are a part of the facility! So why is the facility trying to destroy a part of itself? Just what, or who, are in those pods?"
  • "Warframes seem to have the ability to bend the rules of our reality. But contrary to what you might think, it's not an Operator or the void that empowers those skills. It's the intensity of their will, frozen in time by trauma and mutilation. Some call it a 'wish,' but I think it's more like a 'curse.'"
  • "It's a good thing they don't deploy Demolyst units to Defense Missions, but I don't really know why. If I had to guess, I'd say it's because their equipment requires the Conduit itself to operate."
  • "The other day I woke up from a dream screaming: 'Stop kicking the helium barrels!' I have no idea what that dream was, but I had tears in my eyes."
  • "It's very demoralizing to the enemy when you deactivate one of their alarms. They're probably thinking: 'Great, now everyone is going to think it was a false alarm and not come.' That's probably why they don't try turning back on."
  • "I don't necessarily want you to kill, I'll have you know. I'm sure some missions like Mobile Defense would be much easier if I had you exterminate everyone in the facility first before I started the hack. I try to keep the murder to a minimum when I can."
  • "Nora Night, by my guess, is on the ocean floor. I'm talking about Nitain Extract. No one has more of it that she does, but it's produced from ocean vent microbials. She's got everyone looking for the source of her broadcasts in space. They're looking up and can't find her, but she's looking at them from below, laughing."
  • "Solar Rails are categorized as 'Orokin' structures, but they're obviously Tenno architecture. It's an ever-present reminder that the Tenno were at one time a force directed by the Orokin. Those stations are probably the first structures ever built by Tenno hands."
  • "Little Duck is amazing at cards. I thought I had a good 'poker face,' but I've lost a lot of bets to her."
  • "Riven mods have a tiny sliver of their own will. It's almost as if something, or more accurately a 'fragment of someone' has been imprisoned inside one."


  • "What happens when two Tenno try to transfer into the same Warframe? I like to imagine you'd both fit inside, but that's probably wrong."
  • "Archons were created by my brother to keep the peace in Tau. But that does beg the question: 'Was there disunity among the Sentients?' Short answer: Not really; my brother was just a paranoid control freak."
  • "I was at a bar with Little Duck the other day, and I don't know what led up to this, but I remember suddenly seeing her slap someone and yell: 'You don't get the goods, EVAH!'"
  • "Archons are Warframe and Sentient chimeras made in the Tau system by Erra. But Warframes were made in the Origin system when the Sentients returned and started the Old War. They can't both be true, right? I think the 'Prime' frames had to have predated the Old War, and someone is lying about who really invented them."
  • "Did you send me an inappropriate message? No? I wonder who this is from then... oh wow... okay never mind; this couldn't have come from you."
  • "Who was running your missions while I was being controlled as Natah? You didn't just pretend I was there, did you?"
  • "Orokin Towers in the Void are packed with security systems, but why? Sentients avoid the void, but the Orokin never used them as a refuge during the Old War. There has to be something in there even scarier than death. I don't think the security is to ward off intruders. I think it's to keep something from escaping into our reality."
  • "Why haven't you been around to visit me lately? Are you mad? Is it because I accidentally migrated your squad host? I'm sorry, okay? I just dozed off and my head landed on the keyboard."
  • "Perhaps to his credit, Ballas never crossed a certain line when he brainwashed me into thinking I was his deceased lover. Or maybe he knew that would 'break the spell' so to speak, and he was just strengthening his control over time. If that's true, then you saved more than just my life."
  • "♪ Chee bop! Who's that lonely sentient girl!? Nobody wants to date her-- ♪" ... "Oh, hi! How can I help you? You just walked in just now, right? Just now, right!?"


  • "I spoil my pets. Beds, toys, play areas... But when I find someone to adopt them I can't bear to take their toys away. So, I give all of it to the new owner. It's... expensive."
  • "Hey, roomie! Wanna watch something tonight? There's a new rom-com that just became streamable. It's called:...
    • "Must Love Kubrows."
    • "New Messages in Your Inbox, Operator!"
    • "Fortuna Kiss."
    • "What to Expect When Cloning."
    • "My Squadmate's Wedding."
  • "I get why the Corpus and Grineer try to destroy Conduits. But I can't figure out why the Infested have their own Demolyst Units. Why do they care? Maybe those units were originally Demolyst Units before infection, and their intense desire to destroy a Conduit persisted after their mind was taken over."
  • "Is that a Tenebrous Ephemera? It's so cool! That unlight looks great on you! Back in Tau you would have made all the birthing vessels swoon."
  • "We eliminate remaining enemies after a successful interception so no one will learn of our espionage. But you may be thinking: 'Obviously they do know if they keep sending reinforcements!' But au contraire, Tenno! I their personal comms devices can't make it past our signal jamming. The reinforcements are because of the radio silence."
  • "The enemy has a different response for Survival vs Exterminate missions. But those are our categories for mission types; from an outside perspective they look the same. So how do they know? Do we have a mole?"


  • "I hate to burst your bubble, but the enemies aren't actually stronger in the 'Steel Path.' Teshin just retunes your frame and weapons to make you so weak that even the weakest enemies are formidable. I think it's silly, but as long as you're safe and completing the missions, what do I care?"
  • "Sometimes I wonder why your Helminth is so much less ambitious than the hive mind attacking this system. Even when your Orbiter laid dormant for hundreds of years, it never stirred. Perhaps it all comes down to the nature of who became each core."
  • "Physically, it's a strain on your ship to stay at the Drifter's camp. Your 'Orbiter' is meant to--unsurprisingly--orbit. Ordis complains, but I get the sense that he likes the job security."
  • "Want to hear my best pickup line? Okay here it goes: 'Tenno, my body has been updated with a new quest.' ...You look unimpressed. Is it not good? SAY SOMETHING!"
  • "If we made a Warframe out of a Tenno, would that mean it could transfer into itself? Would that create some sort of feedback loop? I guess we should not rip a hole in reality."
  • "Tau Damage is an example of tertiary elemental amalgamation. I won't tell you the recipe, but let's just say it's two opposites contained inside an energy bonding agent."
  • "Warframes of the same model share what's called a 'causal ancestry.' So when one evolves today, the changes travel to yesterday, and they all have that new form today."
  • "Some phenomenon are still unexplained. For example, occasionally you or your Warframe just 'blink out of existence' for a moment. It has something to do with being next to deep chasms; like you dropped down there and then suddenly didn't."
  • "Obviously Warframes do not need to breathe, so why does it matter when the enemy 'cuts off life support' or 'releases toxic spores?' I think it has to do with energy absorption within an enclosed space, but I'm not sure."
  • "I've been keeping quiet about this for a while now, but when are you going to get that thing on your neck removed?"


  • "In my opinion, the Void is just one big 'screw you!' to anyone who tries to make sense of it. On a void mission? With void fissures? Corrupted are already there? But they get corrupted by the fissure? The Void doesn't care! The Void is all: 'Here is what I think of your ability to reason!'"
  • "Have you thought about inviting Ordis along with you on some of your missions? You know Otak and Loid are also Cephalons, and they can go on missions. Ordis needs some fresh air sometimes."
  • "Hey, roomie! Wanna watch something tonight? There's a new action movie that just became streamable. It's called:...
    • "Lithassic Park."
    • "Crouching Kavat, Hidden Nikana."
    • "Profit Taken."
    • "Land Wars."
    • "Frame Fighter: The Legend of Banshee."
  • "My date cancelled. He said a crazed Tenno sabotaged his entire facility and he wants nothing to do with me. So, are you up for a Capture mission?"
  • "At this point Pazuul should just mail us an Archon Shard every week. It's inhumane of him to just keep reviving this fellow Archons when you're around."
  • "As a terraformer, I can consume almost anything. But I cannot, even at gunpoint, stomach Argon Crystals. It's so void-washed that I wretch just thinking about it."



  • "I think I called an operative 'equipment' the other day. Is that how I see my operatives, or am I just tired?"
  • "Thankfully no one kissed me or anything while I was Natah! ...You're not responding ...WHY are you not responding!?"
  • "Tomorrow is 'Archwing to Work Day,' are you planning on taking part?"
  • "Kaeli and I have started to become good friends. She likes venting about the stress of managing operatives, but I can tell she likes it. She's even ended some of her messages by calling herself 'Blue Girl.'"
  • "How did Parvos retrieve Vala from the Granum Void? Can he just enter and exit as he pleases now? Or did she get sent in at a point in time prior to his escape? But if she did, then why didn't she help during the events of the Deadlock Protocol? Ugh! All this thinking is just making me hungry."
  • "Your decision with the Kuva...
    • "...was certainly the right choice. It's dangerous and gross worm-chick blood. Good job."
    • "...made me proud when I heard it. The scientist in me would have also wanted to understand it."
    • "...surprised me. I didn't expect you to be able to stomach that kind of thing. I'm sort of impressed!"
  • "Of course I was listening when you learned about the history of the Eidolon. As an infertile Sentient myself, I admit that it sounded alluring. But I've already made up my mind. I fight for the Tenno now."
  • "Don't feel guilty about subsuming a Warframe. Even if the body gets destroyed, its mind and heart exist in all over copies of itself simultaneously."

Uh oh. So I started consistently tracking the numbers on page 2, and I made a mistake on 221-230. I instead wrote "221-220" but failed to catch that the next time. So now I have a "221-220" and a "221-230" which should have been "231-240." So EVERY number is going to be 10 off after that point. FAN-TAS-TIC. I guess catching these mistakes is why I'm doing this reindexing and audit, but yeesh. For a mistake to happen so early means I'm going to have to account for that for the next 240 Lotus Lines.

Went a little quicker today. I realized I've got a second monitor just begging to be of use. I'll try not to wait so long before I reindex page 3, and then I'll be able to get back to Lotus Lines! (Although I guess I've already gone past 500 without knowing thanks to my error)

Edited by (NSW)Probably_Asleep
Almost made the same mistake! Edited the page link text to end at 270
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The third page! With this, I'll have finished the audit and I can finally get back to making more Lotus Lines. (Because surely when I finally get to 1000 DE will think: "Wow, this guy put a lot of effort into this idea, we should stop everything we're doing and make his dream of an interactable NPC Lotus come true... it's only right after all." Yep! That's how this world works...)

Page 3 (271-470):



  • "You should let the Drifter come by once in a while. I don't want the only time we share to be me in a coma."
  • "You should let the Operator come by now and then. I've literally been waiting hundred of years to speak face to face after all."
  • "With Lua returned, the ecology on Earth will start recovering more rapidly. New Loka was so happy one of them hugged a nearby Cephalon Suda operative. Both of them started to blush and stammer. And now we all have a 'ship' to gossip about."
  • "The Helminth can eat Sentient parts endlessly. It's reminded me what a good decision it was to move here rather than to your Orbiter."
  • "Maroo is such a--no, I'm the mature one; I won't say it. But I just got this: 'Hey 'Slow-tus,' when are you going to start paying me my cut? Your Tenno are using my Endo to enhance their arsenal! What do you even do? How lonely can one woman be, hogging all the Tenno for herself?' ...I just can't with her."
  • "How many people do you think can actually get their hands on Prime Warframe parts? Just Tenno, right? So why do you think every Syndicate demands one for their final membership level? They don't. Everyone else they just pays half a million credits."
  • "Have you actually had Kahl's Kuaka Stew? Perfection. In fact I even heard Kaeli's mother say: 'When is that nice young man who makes that delicious stew going to visit again?'"
  • "The Orokin's view of 'science' is not science at all. They did things like expose slaves to void energy, hoping to find patterns in the madness it caused. They called themselves 'scientists,' but all they did was torture innocents and hand the data off to Archimedeans to do the real work."
  • "It's no surprise we keep finding new Warframe models. Orokin loved traumatizing and mutilating innocent people. So if their entertainment could produce soldiers that secured their dominance over the system, then you can imagine how enthusiastic they'd be in replicating the process."
  • "I'm making a new weapon for you! I'm a perfectionist though so you can't see it until it's ready. But let's just say that when I'm done, Blast Damage will be your favorite!"


  • "I worry that you might think I put all the burden on you. But I want you to know that I work hard for you! For instance: ...
    • "You don't think all those resources fit on your orbiter, do you? I've got secret warehouses and a small army of workers cataloging and couriering it all."
    • "Who do you think manages the relays? I can't let any syndicate control a Tenno facility; preferential treatment would spark chaos."
    • "I've got hundreds of Operatives that monitor Invasions, scout out missions to map objectives, and spy on the activities of our enemies."
    • "I hire mercenaries to clear bounties on Cetus, Fortuna, and Zariman when you're not available. I want you to feel like you can choose what mission to do."
    • "I handle the aftermath. Providing homes for defecting refugees, arranging therapy for rescue targets, debriefing reinforcements after defense objectives, etc."
  • "I'll level with you. The hidden caches you help locate have so much more in them. Just one of those caches provide about a month's worth of funding for our operation. But I always give you the most interesting item they contain."
  • "You probably take this for granted, but did you know that lasers and camera focus lights are invisible to most people? You see them so clearly though, right?"
  • "I took a nasty spill in a K-Drive race the other day. I've got a big bruise on my thigh. Needless to day I did not get first place."
  • "Ew! Guh!" *cough* "I thought the smell of Ceres would have worn off between there and the Dojo! Hooo! My eyes are watering."
  • "Infinite blueprints are very strange. As you know, it's common sense for digital artifacts to self-delete on access unless a Cephalon consciously prevents it. That's how it's been for as long as anyone can remember! But those infinite blueprints defy common sense; they're freaks in the digital world."


  • "Other Tenno might try to tell you that they experienced the same things; the battle with Ballas, spending years caring for me in a secret camp, and so on. But I only remember you and I going through that."
  • "Atlas challenged me to a foot race. At first I was so proud of myself for winning. But afterward he had this face as if to say: 'It pays be be the slowest sprinter.'"
  • "Most Warframes wore out or went into endless sleep after centuries disconnected from their Operators. But Valkyr kept going into our modern era. Just what drove her? Unfortunately we'll never know because of Alad V."
  • "There's a mention of 'articulating worm-ships, ringed in glowing discs' in one of the Codex entries. That's just not a Murex. But the entry is clearly talking about battling Sentients. So I've been wondering: Are there... other Sentients? Ones that were sent to places different than the Tau system?"
  • "We don't always know about the people behind the Warframes, but we do have some history on Ember. Her name was Kaleen. She was on the rescue team sent to the Zariman. Do you remember her?"
  • "There's something beautiful about the relationship between Tenno and Warframe. The Warframes feel constant pain and mourning, while the Tenno hunger to consume and remove the suffering of others. The Warframes provide the sustenance, and the Tenno provide the relief. An endless river, flowing into a bottomless pit."
  • "Nullifier Crewman have special shields that interfere with void based abilities. So why don't they just charge the entire ship with that field? Because that would be expensive, and because they're Corpus."
  • "I must say out of all the forms I've taken, human is my favorite. It may not be great for combat or space travel, but it wins at having fun."
  • "I get really into watching the Index. I've spilled a lot of food and drinks while cheering too enthusiastically."
  • "Who would win in a battle of cuteness between Brickie and Synathid? I don't know, but I'm sure I wouldn't be able to handle it."


  • "Remember those colonists that you saved before going to face off against Vor? They just contacted me! Everyone is doing fine and one young couple wanted me to tell you that they named their child after you."
  • "I still feel bad that I pressured you to abandon those colonists when you were trying to remove the Ascaris. Losing you was just not an option. It's not your fault, okay? I take responsibility for that tragedy."
  • "Arcanes were a prototype before Mods. Their flaw was that a Warframe and Operator need enough cumulative experience before they can activate them. Mods though can be slapped onto complete noobs."
  • "We know that the Orokin were evil, and their corruption led them to imprison many good people. But that doesn't necessarily mean that everyone they punished were good people. Just keep that in mind when you wander through their ancient facilities."
  • "Hey, roomie! Wanna watch something tonight? There's a new disaster movie that just became streamable. It's called:...
    • "The Day Lua Stood Still"
    • "The Perfect Void Storm"
    • "Zephyr's 4th Ability"
    • "Sharracnado"
    • "Into the Thermia Fracture"
  • "I have a weird obsession with sectional faces. The Natah look wasn't the best human face I could do. I just love faces that have separated regions!"


  • "This other operative was like: 'Isn't it a bit too convenient that there's always blokes with batteries wherever we do excavations?' But he had it backwards. We deploy excavation units where there are enemies that use energy cells."
  • "The mystique behind Warframe abilities is itself a fantastic weapon. Think about this: During Mobile Defense Missions, why don't they just cut the power? Because they don't know if it would even help! Can Warframes power the machines themselves? It's just too risky to black out the facility, blind their troops, and not even stop the Warframe."
  • "The theory on the void goes something like this: Our universe is nestled in a bubble of sensibility; a single 'version' of reality among countless others. But what lies between those realities? Nothing? Everything? Or both?"
  • "The fact that the Void manifests things in response to intelligence makes many speculate if our entire universe is itself a manifestation. But if even the smartest minds only manifest disfigured monstrosities, then the progenitor of our entire reality would have to have unimaginably powerful intellect."
  • "New Loka tries to only recruit women. There's nothing wrong with that but... I will not be accepting their invitation to join."
  • "I'm so tired. How about we stay in tonight? I know. The system needs you. I just wish the bad guys took a few days off now and then."
  • "I've been wanting to call you 'Shiny Thing' ever since you got back from Deimos. I just haven't worked up the nerve."
  • "Not like you needed another reason to hate the Orokin, but something caught my attention while you were on the Zariman. A recording said you 'were to be the first to settle a new system.' But that recording is from before the jump failure, right? Did the Orokin... sabotage the Zariman?"
  • "All Warframe are ambidextrous. Your accuracy doesn't diminish when you have to swap which hand you fire your secondary out of."
  • "You can't just grab two of the same pistol and dual wield them. Warframes connect to their weapons with a deep intimacy, so you need to modify two pistols to be perceived by your Warframe as one weapon. The key to that is usually forma."


  • "At one time I really looked up to my mother. That's probably why I like to work on crafts. I even have an Ostron selling some of my works! Want to guess which booth I'm in?"
  • "I like the quiet and coziness of living in a Ghost Clan. My only complaint is that I love watching scary movies, and these halls echo a lot."
  • "Congratulations on making it to Shadow Clan status! That first expansion is always the hardest."
  • "Are we a Storm Clan? I'm noticing a lot of new faces lately. I'm happy to see that you've made so many friends!"
  • "Good job making it to three digits! You're in a Mountain Clan now, so stand tall! You're kind of a big deal."
  • "Wow, I can't believe we're a Moon Clan now! From humble beginnings, the entire system now sees us as a formidable force."
  • "The bromance between Darvo and Clem is adorable. Have you ever gone to lunch with them? They compete at everything and will laugh at anything!"
  • "Sentients age differently than biological beings. So even though I may look like a vibrant and innocent young lady, to another Sentient I'd be seen as about 33 in human years. It has a lot to do with the trace amounts of radiation coming from my core."
  • "Every once in a while I get a commission that goes like: 'Dear Lotus, we need to construct a Sibear but we've yet to find any cryotic. Can you have your Tenno get it for us? You can name your price.' I always tell them the same thing: 'No.'"
  • "Exalted weapons are a part of the Warframe itself. They cannot be wielded by anyone else. But get this! No one knows why. By all measurements they seem like normal weapons; it's like there's some physical law that prevents others from using it."


  • "I tend not to create hair for myself. I like hair, don't get me wrong! It's just too much of a weakness. A woman's scalp is like a power switch; any set of nimble fingers can run through it and render her comatose."
  • "Space battles are usually organized on a single pane. Even for beings like Cephalons and Sentients, 3D battles are a strain. Every layer increases the battlefield's complexity exponentially. I remember one schoolmate of mine trying to command a mock battle in 3D and his brain center shut down from overheating."
  • "The Boltace was supposed to be a dual Gunblade, but the designer made an irreversible flaw that permeates through all copies of the design."
  • "Contrary to what you might think, you can't just slap some Infested Flesh on a weapon and make it a Mutalist model. It takes finesse... and juices."
  • "You don't see many wheels in this day and age, but thousands of years ago they were a big thing!"
  • "I heard about this Tenno proposal. He had her to loot while he scouted. When she found an Amber Ayatan Star, he decloaked and proposed to her with it. 'How did you know I'd find this?' she asked. 'I put them in random crates throughout the entire system.' he replied. Now every time you find one on a mission I get misty eyed."
  • "Baro is so funny for insisting on having two names. He's like 'In the age of antiquity, everyone had a first and last names!' PSSHH! No they didn't!"
  • "I've started a dancing class with some of the workers at the Dry Dock. You're not invited, sorry. They're too intimidated by your skill."
  • "I feel like I'm forgetting something... oh no... In that last survival mission, I extracted you but not the other Operative! I've got to schedule a Rescue Mission now!"
  • "Not going to lie, I'm a sucker for boot trophies."


  • "Why haven't we assassinated Nef Anyo? Nobody's paid us for it! I don't send my precious Tenno out for free, you know! Still, it's odd that with all his enemies, nobody has actually ponied up for it."
  • "If I accompanied you on your missions then the 'Golden Instinct' ability would be worthless for you. Why? It's obvious: Because I'd always be your closest treasure!"
  • "Listening to the Exploiter Orb talk to her children like that gave me some very uncomfortable flashbacks of my childhood. I guess they really did use Sentient tech for her."
  • "Maybe I just have a crude sense of humor, but I almost fell out of my chair when the Profit Taker said: 'Squishy pretties come out to play. My two friends, it's you they'll slay.' I mean, I know she was threatening to kill you, but to me it sounded more like she was trying to seduce you."
  • "I went through a phase once where I wanted people to call me 'Legs.' It's one of those super embarrassing memories that I try not to think about. That's why I hardly say anything while you're in Fortuna."
  • "The Ostrons' diet has an affect on their appearance. The Orokin didn't exactly design Unum to be eaten, after all."
  • "When you do mission objectives out of order in Spy Missions, like CAB, or BCA, I have to remind myself to not say anything. I like order and tidiness."
  • "Sentients can get hiccups. If you start hiccupping around other Sentients, then you can be sure you'll get dozens of home remedies without asking for it."
  • "I met the guy who designed rollers for Grineer. He was such an arrogant tool. 'My rollers will change modern warfare.' That guy was delusional."
  • "Is it chilly in here? I hope we're not leaking air. Warfrmes are fine in a vacuum, but this Dojo has a lot of other crew who are not."


  • "Did we ever figure out what the hidden agenda was from the Quills during the Profit Taker subjugation? Wouldn't it be funny if they had none, and they're just so embarrassed that they're staying silent and mysterious just to let everyone else come up with an excuse for them?"
  • "There are some Tenno that can defeat all three Eidolons solo! I'm not saying you should try to be like them; I just thought it was impressive is all."
  • "Apparently I'm being included in a Comic Strip that the kids in the Bash Lab are publishing online. They won't tell me which one is doing it, but I suspect it's the little guy that pretends to be asleep whenever you go inside."
  • "You've researched all the Polychrome colors! That's an impressive dedication! What I could never figure out was why the enemies knew and came to battle with the color you were researching. Well, with completing all the research, I guess that will always remain a mystery!"
  • "I'm so sore from my workout two days ago. I know I could just 'adapt' to the damage, but I actually like the feeling! It's like my body is saying: 'I earned this pain.'"
  • "I know I should be traumatized by it, but I actually find the Paracesis fascinating. How does it deal void-like damage without decaying like with Argon Crystals or drawing power from a Tenno like Amps? And why did Ballas design the handle to be so long?"
  • "I think those Narmer 'All-Seeing' Eye gizmos are just for show. We've never had to scrub a spy mission or worry about alarms being raised from one of them."
  • "Business idea: We set up a café in Fortuna and market it based on the industrial/musical vibe. I even have a name! How does: 'Thermal Quenchers' sound?"
  • "Hardly anyone uses Landing Craft apart from the Tenno, but nearly every facility and ship has at least one room that connects to them. It's an interplanetary accessibility law."
  • "People can't see 'energy orbs' and 'health orbs.' Your senses alter your perception to show you what materials you need to restore flesh and stamina."


  • "Sentients are against using curse words. But there is a certain area of our bodies that's highly sensitive. If we accidentally stub it against a hard surface, then any of us will curse like a drunken freight captain."
  • "I'm running data analytics to discern what helps you most in successful missions. One is the fancy attachments and colors you use. The other is when you play with squad members who know what they're doing. What do you think the results will be?"
  • "If you smell something like burnt synthetic fiber in the Energy Lab, please activate the vents and power down the room. I didn't have the funds to buy a conduit with recommended load ratings. But I'm sure it'll be fine! And if this works then we'll have homemade treats!"
  • "The Orokin originally used Warframe chest circumference as identification numbers. But Orokin only wore loose clothing, and didn't understand how drastically tight clothes could affect measurements. One particularly famous loss discussed among historians is 'The Busty Blunder of Solar Rail N4.'"
  • "Some damage Warframes sustain is likely psychosomatic. Take the temperature difference between the vacuum of space and the surface of Europa. But space doesn't 'look' as cold as an icy wasteland, so Warframes just don't believe it's going to hurt them."
  • "Prison Wardens don't get a lot of exercise, so their backs are more sensitive to attacks. Just try doing a sneak attack on one and you'll see!"
  • "All melee weapon stances that the Tenno use are based on ancient Dax Martial arts. Teshin trained in Nikana and Glaive arts. Not sure who studied whips... Varzia maybe?"
  • "The Zealoid Prelate is a concerning anomaly among the infested. Not only has it retained its intelligence through centuries, but it doesn't seem to resemble any known enemy. Just what is it?"
  • "Not all Tenno Operatives are actually Tenno children, as I'm sure you've guessed. Many are descendants of people rescued by the Tenno who volunteered to help maintain relays and operations. Some have never even set foot on a real planet in their entire lives."
  • "You used all your revives in that last fight. Do you like hearing me gasp in terror and be worried sick for you?"


  • "I just heard the saddest thing. You know those Demolishers on Disruption Missions? They're prisoners who are told that, to earn their freedom, they have to go activate a beacon next to a conduit. They've got a bomb strapped to their chest and they think it's a locator beacon!"
  • "The Profit Taker's shield configuration is definitely sentient in nature, but it's a cheap imitation. Sentients can adapt to any damage, and they do it themselves. They don't need a satellite powering it, and they don't need to strengthen other elements by deflecting vulnerability to another."
  • "As you might have guessed, Mod Polarities were invented by the different focus schools. But then why haven't we ever heard of the 'Umbra' and 'Penjaga' schools? I wonder if there might be other Tenno out there..."
  • "Did you know that the Orokin language has no question marks? Arrogant tools that they were, it was decided that such punctuation was unnecessary as 'The Orokin are the most knowledgeable race in existence and therefore have no need to ask for more information.'"
  • "Hey, roomie! Wanna watch something tonight? There's a new mystery movie that just became streamable. It's called:...
    • "Murder on the Sentient Express"
    • "Ten Little Ostrons"
    • "Daggers Out"
    • "Rear Porthole"
    • "The Rescue Target"
  • "I've been a on edge ever since the Chains of Harrow incident. This is a little embarrassing, but could you just... hang out for a while? I heard something and I'm... jumpy."


  • (Whispering) "Hey! One second. I'm on hold with the plumbers..." (Normal voice) "Hello? Yes. So, how much longer? Not to nag, but in short order everything that is inside my bladder will be outside my bladder! ...Excu-- WHA? NO I WON'T USE OUR GARDEN!!! HAVE YOU?"
  • "Are you into amateur web novels? I sure am! I'm reading this one series that features the daughter of a rich Corpus Executive who falls in love with a Grineer foot soldier. It's called: 'Can She Afford a Vat Rat?'"
  • "Sometimes when they designed Warframes, they also designed weapons to complement them like Gara and Astilla. The Orokin loved fitting a pattern, so some believe that all frames are supposed to have a signature weapon. Sadly though, much has been lost over the years."
  • "Imagine being assigned to the Eviscerator squad. You show up for training, and they hand you a Miter and say: 'Never shoot this at a corner...' I mean, how many actually even make it through boot camp?"
  • "It's sad to think that you Tenno children were originally studying to colonize and cultivate new life, and were later taught how to destroy colonies and end life."
  • "The Tenno-designed weaponry usually follows the underlying principles of simplicity and reliability. The Grineer and Corpus love making fancy, complicated guns, but the Tenno knew that in the hands of a Warframe, even a few hand thrown blades can be devastating."
  • "Your Parazon has a very long, very strong cable, as you saw in the Jackal fight. But Warframes really hate extending it to full length. It's an odd sort of discomfort that I've heard described as: 'Getting your belly button pulled from an innie to an outie.'"
  • "I'm so proud of you every time you hack a console as an Operator. I'm not sure if you remember this, but I actually taught you how to do that before you entered the Second Dream."
  • "Wouldn't it be disastrous if the enemy just took the Datamass and ran during a Mobile Defense Mission? I'm glad they're idiots, but I worry every time it pops out of the console and you're not nearby."
  • "You know how they say you're better off not knowing how they make the food you order? It's the same with your forge. Don't ask me what role Plastids play inside Banshee's Systems."


  • "One of my favorite Graffiti Artists managed to tag the entrance of a Shipkiller Platform. It's translation works out to: 'DEATH IS REST.' A beautiful piece!"
  • "Did you know Immunodes are habit-forming? That's why we keep them deactivated until intruders arrive. But you might find a Sentient just lingering next to one hoping it turns on."
  • "It costs so much to mail something in this system. The courier pretty much has to hire an armed escort and pay massive tolls at each leg of the journey. It's cheaper to just go there yourself!"
  • "My assignment to infiltrate the Origin system meant I had to be 'sexy.' But we had no idea what that meant! So my mimics captured some travelers and competed to find the best form. Those poor men lived their entire lives doing nothing but eating, sleeping, and being fought over by competitive insecure shapeshifting females...."
  • "To this day I have no idea why some common soldiers carry around weapon blueprints. You'd think you'd find it in a locker, on a research desk, or in a crate! But nope, the soldiers just carry them around."
  • "Oh! You should have called! I just ordered delivery. I'd offer to share mine with you but... I'm hungry, sorry."
  • "Warframes have a thing about symmetrical weapon placement. They just can't stand it. It's always got to be a little cockeyed or they'll get fidgety."
  • "Operators and Warframes are both immune to the Infestation, but for opposite reasons."
  • "Alad V keeps going on about betrayer this and betrayer that, but I'm starting to think it's a cry for help. Maybe he just doesn't think anyone is ever going to stay with him long enough to get to know his heart. I should send him a 'Thinking of You' card or something."
  • "Sometimes I can't fall asleep without laying on my stomach. But my arms lose all circulation by the time I wake up. That's why I can't return your offer for a handshake."


  • "Roommate reminder: It's your turn to handle the 'trash.' And when you see her, tell Maroo to stop calling my Tenno 'Tin Suits.'"
  • "Comparing Warframes is a 'Mapricos to Frostleaves' comparison. They bend the rules of reality itself. That means all frames have some form of 'infinite' power."
  • "Kavat's are great fishing companions! For instance, Smeeta's critical boost can make the wrong fishing pole still one-shot a fish! It's almost as helpful as it is adorable!"
  • "A Smeeta's Charm skill baffles scientists even to this day. I know because I'm a scientist and I'm baffled. It can even double how much gem or mineral you mine. How is that possible!? Is it affecting geology, your mining competency, or maybe space and time itself!?"
  • "Infestation can be used as a building material, much like cheese in cooking. Unlike cheese though, infestation can 'problem-solve' by taking on different properties of hardness, ductility, cohesion, and adhesion. Actually, cheese does that as well... I wonder if Infestation tastes good... Hey, aren't Warframes made of Infestation?"
  • "It's believed that the 'Tenno Council' has nearly 40 members. That may seem like a lot but... wait, why are you laughing? Does that not seem like a lot? I don't hang out with many people, okay? 40 people is a 'lot' to me, all right? Sheesh."
  • "Turning someone into a Cephalon was seen as a punishment by the Orokin. You may think: 'What's so bad about being made immortal?' But remember, the Orokin were hedonistic to the extreme and effectively immortal themselves. So the idea of life without physical pleasures was worse to them than death."
  • "How did a version of you age? Tenno's inability to age was well known. I mean, you all sat in tubes for hundreds of years without aging. Was is perhaps a psychological manifestation of your desire to protect me? AH! YOU'RE BLUSHING! Caught! Admit it; tell me how much you like me! Deniers are liars!"
  • "This probably won't ever happen, but I like to imagine scenarios like a villain disarming you and gloating like: 'What can you do now without your toys?' But just when he thinks he's won, you trigger your Archgun Deployer and he's like: 'Wha--!?' and you blast him to smithereens! So epic, right?"
  • "You always miss this part, but the forge starts looking hilarious during the final assembly for large builds. Like when Grendel was being built, the forge had to flop on, off, and around that small table to stitch each piece together. We could get a bigger forge, but I love watching it as is."


  • "If it were me, and a Tenno was going to consoles around my ship to hack them, then I'd start destroying them before the Tenno got there. Our Mobile Defense missions would be impossible then. It's a good thing for us that our enemies are such obedient soldiers and reactionary leaders!"
  • "Nef called. He said: 'If you wanted Toriods, then you could have bought dozens from me. Why did your Tenno slaughter hundreds of people just to get three?' I made up some stuff about being there for justice, but he could tell I was flustered. Maybe next time you should not leave immediately after getting what you're there for."
  • "Sometimes I hear you say 'We fought with honor.' and I don't want to sound facetious but... it's a joke, right? You put them sleep and then broke their backs. They slowly died paralyzed, scared, and confused. I want to laugh but I worry you might be serious."
  • "One theory on why Tenno are immune to the madness of the Void is that you are being guided by entities completely detached from our reality. I didn't say it was a good theory."
  • "Hey, roomie! Wanna watch something tonight? There's a new documentary that just became streamable. It's called:...
    • "An Inconvenient Floof"
    • "Red Planet"
    • "Kavatfish"
    • "Peculiar Growth Me"
    • "Tyl Regor & Me"
  • "I bragged that I could do a Nose Clutch Planker off your Railjack but I... belly-flopped on the deck. Every hole in my body said 'OOF!' at once. The crew has started calling me 'Bloatus.' So I'm sore, and I've been crying. How's your day been going?"


  • "Some conspiracy theorist like to claim that mankind originated from Mercury. Then why is the Universal Gravity Standard set to Earth's mass? Hmm? Idiots..."
  • "Rivens are thought to be pompous tools because they only like to support the unpopular weaponry. It's like they want to be in something 'before it was cool.'"
  • "The Arbiters of Hexis are suffering from internal conflicts right now. One side believes that any decision a Tenno makes is inherently divine, while the other side thinks that Tenno can be corrupted. The former runs the Arbitration missions and offers it to all Tenno, while the later runs the Syndicate which requires loyalty to their ideals."
  • "Our enemies really don't understand how Tenno think. Take the Assassination Squads for example. I bet you get excited at the opportunity to farm some unique resources, right? If they really wanted to get under your skin, they'd make sure to send zero enemies and no loot."
  • "What's up? Looking to hang out? Or are you right back out the door as usual? I admire your industriousness, but don't forget to unwind sometimes, okay?"
  • "The Furis is an example of 'Inimitable Tenno Tech.' The concept is to make weapons that, even if stolen, are useless. Tenno can make almost any weapon deadly, so they believe that whatever we built is beyond imitation through means they don't understand."
  • "I'm not the one who fails your mission from inactivity, trust me! The comms just cut out for me and before I knew it you're on your way back home and the mission failed. It's very confusing."
  • "It's not like I chose the system over the Tenno. I would have loved to let you continue to stay safely locked away in Lua. But I knew that whoever controls the system would eventually find the Tenno. I decided to wake you up while you still had a chance to fight for yourself."
  • "Somewhere in that head of yours is a lifetime of sealed memories. If you ever need to talk, you know where to find me!"
  • "I like to walk barefoot through the sand in the Garden rooms."


  • "The people of Fortuna don't speak the common Corpus language. That's because public education is not offered, so they pick up their language from travelers."
  • "You had to open up Solar Rails to move about the system, but obviously the Corpus and Grineer were doing so before you took down the Specter. Fact is, they've been using old Orokin access codes. We can delete those codes now, but I'm saving that for when we build up enough strength to take them down once and for all."
  • "We can't just slap armor onto a Warframe for two reasons: First, no material would survive being shot into the hull of a ship. Second, Warframe get grumpy when you mess with their aesthetic; you do not want a Warframe to be grumpy."
  • "How have you been? No really. Now that we're staying together I get to see you more, and I never realized how... busy you've been since you woke up. I want you to know that you're just as important as all the people we save; it's okay to take some time for yourself too."
  • "One of my duties is to coordinate daily tributes. It's common knowledge in the Origin System that Tenno should be given something every day while they're in service. It's a tradition that dates back to the old days. I of course love making sure you get presents, but it also means I have to talk to Maroo."
  • "We used to think that AI would take over the universe. But after experiments we learned omniscience always causes suicide. Sentients now have a limit to their minds that's been nicknamed the 'blissful ignorance' subroutine."
  • "That little brat Worm Queen crossed a line. She actually offered to send me some 'boy toys' if I agree to stop having you destroy Kuva Syphons. The nerve! They weren't even good loo-- I mean of course I refused her outright!"
  • "The tight, twisting architecture of the Grineer is designed partly because of Archwing technology. They want to limit your mobility to give them time to overwhelm you with numbers."
  • "I rolled out of bed and hit my face this morning. I don't remember exactly what I was dreaming about, but my sensor logs show I was mouthing the letters: 'AOE.'"
  • "If I had to come up with an anti-Tenno plan, then I think I'd focus more on distraction than combat. Tenno are fierce fighters, but they're even more obsessed as collectors."


  • "Tenno! I'm trying to come up with a nickname for you and I'd like to see your reaction. How about...
    • 'Sneaky-Pew-Pew?' You hate it... too undignified?"
    • 'Hammer-Slammer?' No reaction... too niche?"
    • 'Master Chief?' You're surprised... too elite?"
    • 'Lord of the Narta?' No enthusiasm... too hoity-toity?"
    • 'Midnight Massage?' You're blushing... why are--wait--what did I say? AH! I meant 'message!'"
  • "Kahl's Garrison looks miserable. I want to send them tents, cots, and heaters, but they won't accept anything! I can't stop worrying they'll get sick."
  • "Wait, are you telling me that the freshwater on the Plains of Eidolon is magnetic? Why am I only hearing about this now? Is that why there are so many non-conductive boots in the water? So many questions...."
  • "Nira is the reason we never tried mass producing Archons. A lot of work went into making her and her brothers. That gluttonous rixatrix literally 'ate' years of development."
  • "Railjack Crew can't breathe in the vacuum of space, which is very inconvenient because we could easily handle Ramsleds otherwise by just opening the airlocks."
  • "You've collected all the Warframes we know of! I should give you something as a reward. What do you want?"


  • "It requires a good deal of self-control on my part not to ask too many questions like 'Why are you capturing this person?' during Syndicate Missions. You chose to support them, and I respect your choice. I mean, it's not like you'd get someone killed just to get access to a Mod, right?"
  • "Some things in this universe just don't make any sense. Like how Warframes sustained damage from the same element that they themselves manipulate freely."
  • "Eudico doesn't mark the 'Exploiter Orb' mission as 'Complete' out of consideration for Rude Zuud's feelings. It's sweet, but it annoys me for your sake."
  • "That psychic entryway between Saya and Onkko is as much metaphorical as it is literal. Either one could walk past it, but both see it as an impassible wall."
  • "Oh you brought your Kavat! Hey there little cutie! Want snuggles and kisses? ...Why're you looking at me like that? How do you talk to your Kavat?"
  • "Yareli really didn't do so well after her original Operator stopped controlling her. I'm glad to see she's now being guided by someone that understands her potential."
  • "Drusus won't speak to me. I said that his name sounds like someone clearing their throat, which I THOUGHT was funny. He did not."
  • "Warframes have the innate ability to absorb Void energy to supplement their own power. We see this occur when a Void Relic is opened. But as yet we haven't figured out a way to exploit the system. One of my research projects is to make a gear item that doses a Warframe with Void energy, but it always turns out... disastrous."
  • "You know, the story goes that the Orokin wanted Tau to ease the problem of overpopulation. But... that's odd, right? The Orokin could solve overpopulation much easier by just killing people, and it's not like there was anything stopping them. Least of all a conscience... So why did they really want Tau? What was their real goal?"
  • "Why wasn't Rell found with the rest of the Tenno Children? I'm not blaming anyone. I just worry that one of the children may have a darker side."


  • "I just had a thought. What if the parents didn't go crazy on the Zariman? I mean, we only have the children's side, right? Oh gosh, I shouldn't have said that! I believe you, don't worry! It's just a bad habit of mine; I speculate. Sorry."
  • "I was helping with your inventory and I got a Riven Sliver embedded in my tiny finger. Could you help before I end up crying? I can last about 30 more seconds..."
  • "I was reviewing some of your logs and I couldn't help but notice you mention 'Lofler Berries.' Do you think there are any left? I've never tasted them and I... I want to taste everything at least once."
  • "I think I know why I'm single. Apparently calling myself a "Mother" scares men off. Last night I tried backpedaling. I was all: 'No! No! My kids are all either stuck in pods on Lua or out killing people. Don't worry!' He said he had to use the restroom and I never saw him again."
  • "You mentioned something interesting when speaking to the Holdfasts. You said that you learned about Conceptual Embodiment in 'T.A.' What does that stand for? It couldn't have been 'Tenno Academy,' right? The term 'Tenno' was coined from the numerical ID of the Zariman decades after its construction."
  • "I felt something on the back of my neck and when I reached back it was one of Nidus' maggots. I screamed the most girly scream I've ever heard come out of anyone ever. So I look at the door, and there's Nidus, on the floor, laughing so hard he's in the fetal position. I'm still not speaking to him."
  • "You may wonder why Narmer missions primarily contain either Grineer or Corpus, but not both. Veils aren't absolute. Intense emotions can weaken their control. So because Grineer and Corpus have intense hatred of one another, they'd need to keep them separate."
  • "Have you seen my sandals? I left them by the shower but they're missing. And yesterday when I was showering I reached for the shampoo and it wasn't there. But when I reached for it a second time it was where I thought it would be."
  • "One of my sources is demanding more credits. I think they're scared because of that failed Rescue Mission the other day. I told her we paid the next of kin handsomely!"
  • "Maroo told me I'm as pretty as Paris Prime. I thought she was trying to make amends until Varzia pulled me aside and showed me one. 'Just 40 more years and she'll be dead' I told myself."

Phew! Did it. Finally caught up.

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I'm always worried that if I do my posts to close together than they'll combine. (They do, I just don't know what the window is) But then I got busy with adult responsibilities. I have an opportunity now though to squeeze some in and I don't want to miss it! Now for the long awaited Lotus Lines 501-510 511-520 (still annoyed about that mistake):

  • "Grineer write their software in the 'Werm' programming language. It's good at cloning large amounts of data, but it has no built in garbage collection. We can hack their consoles by locking memory regions one at a time until it a process crashes."
  • "Corpus develop primarily in the 'C-Blunt' programming language. It's a descendant of old Orokin tech that sacrifices security for performance. Its public variables are accessible everywhere, so we hack it by redirecting pointers to alter behavior."
  • "Sentient systems are written in the 'Haskill' programming language. It can be easily adapted for AI due to how it handles multiple cores. It's difficult to hack because we need to locate uncompiled abstractions before the process calls them."
  • "A new appearance again!? If I had known you were so interested in how I look then I would have installed that customization console much earlier!"
  • "Cephalon Sark's origins are a mystery. When Nef built the Index and turned it on the for the first time, Sark just invited himself into the sytem and began announcing."
  • "Ah, Citrine, the Warframe that protects true love. Got any blue crystals out there waiting for me? No, don't look so awkward; I already know the answer."
  • "I get that Raina and Belric were ordered to trigger the 'Biobomb' to protect Deimos from the Sentients. But, it's odd, right? You can't have infested without living hosts, so the Orokin must have known there were large amounts of healthy, uninfected troops there. Why didn't they just let the troops fight?"
  • "I'm glad things worked out with the Grustrag Three, but why didn't you leave when I told you to? We can always afford to abort a mission, but I would be devastated if I lost you. Next time, could you please not worry me sick?"
  • "I'm amazed what you've done with this place! most of your rooms have several decorations placed in... artistic positions."
  • "You ever get random cravings for unhealthy food? How about we head over to Cetus and check out the nightlife!? C'mon!"
Edited by (NSW)Probably_Asleep
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Does anybody else feel like their dreams don't turn off after they wake up? Maybe I need more sleep... Not important! What ARE important are Lotus Lines 521-530:

  • "Sometimes I just don't get what goes on inside Grineer minds. Eidolon Lures can hardly take on a Vomvalyst, and without a Tenno around they're useless against their intended target, the Eidolon itself. But they just keep bringing more out for us to steal! Who manages their budget!?"
  • "The Revenant Warframe's specialty is to live. Strange as this may sound, but that's somewhat of a departure from typical Warframe design."
  • "Remember when you blew me off and fought the Grineer Queens because you were worried we'd lose sight of the Kuva Fortress? Not to say 'I told you so' but... how many times have we revisited the Kuva Fortress since then?"
  • "Isn't it interesting how a Kuva Lich needs to be killed by hand to actually form? If you just let one bleed to death slowly, they seem to rest in peace. Do Grineer hold less of a grudge if their death is more painful?"
  • "I like LIttle Duck but... I think it's sort of hypocritical that she won't show you her true self while insisting that you approach her in your Operator form."
  • "Because I've got a hand feti--never mind that part. Point is, I noticed that the Zariman Angel manifestations are all sporting effeminate hands. What do you suppose is driving this biased manifestation? Perhaps a childish need for a nurturing embrace?"
  • "You ever wonder what sort of deals Grineed make with one another? Like, what did Tyl Regor have to promise Lech Kril to operate in Tyana Pass?"
  • "What would come after a 'New' War? A 'Dead' War? 'NewER' War? I hope we don't have to find an answer to that..."
  • "How do shards of Eidolon help you master a Focus School? It's like the Eidolon's fragments are helping you uncover memories that were already there/"
  • "Boreal is vulnerable to headshots just like any other enemy, but what other enemy has a head that size?"
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Lotus Lines! The perfect way to wait for GrubHub. Now for 531-540:

  • "There are specialists that the Grineer deploy to manage cyber security. They do regular inspections on Grineer facilities, as well as investigations in the event of a breach. You've given them a lot of extra work to do."
  • "Kuva Gaurdians have a natural Lift Status resistance. That's... all I'm going to say on the subject."
  • "What do you think goes through a Nemesis' mind when they see you using a Tenet or Kuva variant weapon? I imagine it's something pessimistic."
  • "You know what's great about finally having a roommate? The smell. I know it sounds weird, but there's something so lonely about an odorless home."
  • "Old legends say that people didn't always carry giant guns around in public. Just look how civilized we've become!"
  • "I know you've probably wondered why I don't know about every Warframe when I was the caretaker of the Tenno. But the truth is that Warframe and Tenno were separate projects at first. Who knows how many frames were made before they figured out their symbiotic relationship?"
  • "There are no true aliens, which shouldn't come as a surprise, really. Early life needs more than one good planet, it needs a perfect galaxy. The surprising thing isn't that there is less life than we thought, but rather that there's any life at all."
  • "Kahl and Steel Meridian don't communicate much. At first it was a surprise to me, but then I realized that Kahl doesn't have especially hostile feelings toward the Grineer."
  • "Am I giving you too much work? I get a little too enthusiastic sometimes about completing things. If you want to just go fishing or something then don't ask; just go do it!"
  • "Ordis, Orbiter, Origin System, Orokin, Oro, and Oro Works. Scholars believe they all share the same root word which, in the ancient tongue means: 'Choice.'"
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On 3/3/2023 at 3:44 PM, CoffeeElemental said:

That.. makes sense.

@CoffeeElemental! You are the black coffee to my white pillow; the up-and-at-em to my down-and-out; the bright eyes to my dark sector... Anyway it's good to hear from my antithesis. And thanks for the response!

AND I'm also in a meeting that has nothing to do with my backlog, so I have time to spin up more Lotus Lines. Here's 541-550:

  • "You beat the Hydrolyst!? By yourself!? You've grown so powerful! If only we could have nurtured you better in the Old War, things might have turned out differently for Gara."
  • "Ordis treats Mods like one of his own, and they can be dissolved into Endo just like Ayatan objects. That probably means that they're fragments of... no... I'll look into it."
  • "You performed over 30 finishing moves in that last mission. It was breathtaking! And I'm not just talking about all the lungs you punctured!"
  • "I don't see a lot of Tenno sporting fist weapons. I've always felt like the less intimidating a weapon, the more intimidating the warrior."
  • "If you could settle down somewhere, which planet would you choose?"
  • "The Tau system is only a dozen lightyears away, you know. Do you want to run away together? Your Railjack could get us there in just a few years."
  • "I'm always happy to see you use a Riven Cypher. I feel like you get the last laugh that way."
  • "Have you seen my v-neck? I was drying it out in one of the reactor rooms. It'll be impossible to find if it fell into a crevasse because it's so petite."
  • "Could we do some more high-credit missions? I've been languishing here on our coupons-only budget."
  • "Nullifier fields are weak to high fire rates, so its good to diversify your arsenal. Don't just rely on the final attack stat! Okay enough of my worrying; go have fun ending lives!"
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Strangely enough I've been actually playing much more and haven't found as much time to write about what I play. But I don't want to go too long without another Lotus Lines installment. Here are 551-560:

  • "Two things contribute to the difference in day night cycles on Earth between Cetus and Grineer-controlled zones. First, the planetary rotation destabilized after Lua was removed and it'll take hundreds of years to recover. Second is an illusion; your sense of time is affected when in close proximity to the Unum."
  • "Grineer and Corpus leadership is fiercely competitive. That's why you rarely see the same units on different planets even though they're controlled by the same faction; they all want to be the one that takes down the infamous Tenno warrior."
  • "Enemies 'levels' don't actually increase mid mission. Your Warframe measures enemy threat level in a subjective way that is affected by its own fatigue. If you see enemies get to level 9,999, that means your Warframe is completely spent."
  • "Corpus don't like armor because of their cybernetic components. It drains their battery much less to maintain a shield than it does to haul dense metal plating around."
  • "An enemy who sees a projectile for a fraction of a second will die in an alerted status, whereas an enemy getting assassinated over a full second will die in a surprised status. There are many theories for this, but my personal favorite is that it's relaxing getting manhandled."
  • "There shouldn't be any reason we can't install Mods into your Amps, logically. But if my suspicions are right about Mods, then I assume that Samodeus knows how disastrous it would be to run Void Energy through them."
  • "Xaku's Void Energy from Xata's Whisper isn't true Void Energy. It's likely a Conceptual Embodiment of Void Energy. It's almost a perfect imitation, but high level Sentients like myself and Eidolons can tell."
  • "Oh there you are! Did you not get my messages? There is an odd sound coming from this room and it is driving me insane. Listen..." ... "...hear that? You hear it right!?"
  • "You died from Bleed Status in the last mission. Capturing a Teralyst can yield Arcane Deflection, but my Mother used always say: 'Equipment should never be your solution for a lack of skill.' I hated my mother though, so... Cetus trip?"
  • "Not all Orokin gathered in Outer Terminus at the end of the Old War, and I can't guarantee that all Tenno were with me then. So I can't rule out the possibility of their return. I just hope you aren't one day forced to fight other Tenno. Nothing fills with with greater fear than that scenario."
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More Lotus Lines! I'm not going slow on purpose, I swear. Life has been flooding me with tasks as the seasons change. But now, here's 561-570:

  • "When on disruption missions, you may find yourself wondering: 'Why don't my enemies try opening the conduits themselves? They have the keys, right?' In a word: Confidence; they don't have any. I mean, who can defend a conduit for two minutes against a Tenno?"
  • "I'm not a fan of Alad V's color palette in Conduit design. Red, Write, Blue, and... Cyan? Great inventor, but awful designer."
  • "The infestation is well known as a: 'metamorphic affliction without cure.' But Alad V seems cured. I've got two theories: One is that the Infestation can actually be negotiated with. The other? He just cloned himself and copied his consciousness over."
  • "All major syndicates used to be a single faction opposing Corpus and Grineer forces, but internal divisions broke them apart. Though shattered, they all still honor the symbol of their original comradery: the Universal Medallion."
  • "Hey, roomie! Wanna watch something tonight? There's a new comedy movie that just became streamable. It's called:...
    • "Space Rollers"
    • "Dude, Where's My Landing Craft?"
    • "Vat Rat Race"
    • "Nothing But Rubble Heap"
    • "The Three Clemigos"
  • "A lot of novels I read are about two people that can't stand each other but then fell in love. It's very entertaining, but hard to relate to. Most people I can't stand are on our Assassination list. Most..."
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This second half of the 1000 Lotus Lines is not making itself easy. Maybe life will calm down when the world starts to fall apart, but that's just wishful thinking... But on to Lotus Lines 571-580:

  • "Grineer are grown in such a way as to not have real belly buttons."
  • "I don't actually take any fee from your missions. All the resources you see are what you take home. But I wouldn't be opposed to a shoulder massage and some flattery once in a while..."
  • "The Liches and Sisters never actually spend anything they steal from you. I think it's because they like keeping it close by as a trophy. That would explain why you're able to find it so easily after you finally defeat them."
  • "The Worm Queen's Kuva Siphons are still a mystery to me. We haven't fully understood exactly where Kuva comes from. It's obviously related to blood, but why does it scream? And how do the siphons beckon it?"
  • "Usually I try to let whoever has the spotter role, like Little Duck or Onkko, run the show on your missions. But I always keep the option to speak up if I think there's an emergency."
  • "You ran that last mission for more than an hour straight. Are you okay? Need me to teach you one of my special emotes? I've got one called 'Fetal Position.'"
  • "I mentioned that Nira may have 'seduced' Erra, but I should clarify that in Sentient terms, she's incredibly attractive. just looking at her makes me jealous."
  • "You've probably been wondering for a while just what happened to make Pazuul and the Archons so enraged. It was... actually really bad..."
  • "You look so classic with a glaive and pistol! Let me just stare at you for a bit..."
  • "Warframes have a deep understanding of their animal companions. They can even translate the noises they make into coordinates for loot and enemy radar."
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Creeping up on 600 finally! I wonder how long it would actually take to record all these... I've never done any voice editing, but I imagine there are several phases like first draft scripting (what I've done), which would be presented to a creative team for feedback and edits, then cleared with a legal team, then approved by a manager, schedule a studio session, run through several takes, passed off to the editing team, presented for final approval, added to some developer's backlog, inserted into the asset collection, mapped to game triggers, pull request, a dev/test instance, and finally added to a public release for client-side updates. I'm sure they could be batched, but that's still a lot of work. That said, I do believe it's worth it! I won't claim that my Lotus Lines are the best, but adding a personal side to Warframe's most iconic speaking character would be (in my opinion) the single most considerate thing DE could do for their loyal fanbase. Obviously gameplay improvement, bug fixes, and content additions are great, but all of those actions go hand in hand with player retention and growth. Something that just adds lore and emotional connection, however, would be a sign of how valuable the fan's actual feelings are, rather than their wallets. It's the sort of action that would get brought up in debates about the moral purity of the company. "DE is only in this for the money!" -vs- "I disagree, look at all the personality they put into the Lotus. They don't just see this as a money machine; it's a passion project that they want to see truly enjoyed."

And with that rant over, Lotus Lines 581-590:

  • "The 'Synovia Joints' you attack on Eidolons are a misnomer. Eidolons can move without them, as you've seen, and they don't even slow down. Blow the kneecaps off of someone else though, and see if they walk just as fast."
  • "Why did you abort between mission complete and extraction!? I... I don't even know how I'm going to represent this in our accounting..."
  • "The Tigris series weapons and I have a lot in common! Why do something once when you can do it twice?"
  • "Amar can't make exact copies of himself because of how self-replication works. Take Mirage and Wukong for example. Perfect copies will either mirror you, or act autonomously. But to have full control? You need to create an inferior-ranked version of yourself."
  • "Fortuna romance novels are difficult to get into. Every time I get to the racy parts I suddenly feel like I'm reading a tutorial on how to rebuild an engine."
  • "Rubedo has a 'ferritophobic' property that naturally repels ammunition casings, thus reducing the drag on projectiles and improving their damage. But barrels need high thickness to affect objects at that velocity, so it only really makes sense to install it in larger weapons."
  • "I'll let a certain someone work up the courage to message you, but you have a secret admirer! Let's just say... You stole more than a prisoner in that Rescue Mission; you stole someone's heart as well."
  • "I really wish I was witty when talking to Maroo. She told me last week that I should consider vertical stipes because they're 'slimming,' and all I could think to say back was: 'YOU should wear vertical stripes!'" ...*sigh*... "What would you have said back?"
  • "Heyyy! So, don't freak out, but the dojo sort of almost blew up yesterday. It did not, obviously, but wow was it close! No more secrets, right? Ugh! And it was so stupid, too! I just wanted to see what would happen if we hooked a Velocitus up to the Reliquary Drive."
  • "Eudico set me up on a blind date last night. She thought we had a lot in common, so I got my hopes up. But it was LEGS! I mean, I've got nothing against him as a friend, but... I just can't stand rhymes. What's worse, when I asked Eudico what we had in common, she said we've got the same sense of humor! Seriously!?"
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My team at work is sort of like the mercenaries of IT. We're a team, and we can help each other when needed, but typically we each work on individual projects with very little consistency in terms of what type of projects we do. Like, if no one else in the IT department wants (or can) do a task, then they give it to one of us. The side effect of this dynamic is that our team meetings are very incongruous. Nothing I'm working on has anything to do with the rest of the team, and nothing anyone else on the team is working on has anything to do with me. Long story short: Team Meetings are a great time to sneak out some Lotus Lines, and today is 591-600:

  • "Crate placement is far from random. Both Corpus and Grineer have safety codes that say containers must be cleared from common pathways, and should not be stacked on top of one another."
  • "Have you noticed the 'anti-Tenno' fencing in some Grineer facilities? The tops of the fence angle inward to make Bullet Jumps more difficult. Imagine being the architect that's handed an assignment like: 'Make safety railings that discourage extremely agile invaders.'"
  • "I need some motivation to clean my room. Could you play some lively Mandachord tune for me?"
  • "The ceilings are so high in the dojo; am I going to need an Archwing just to clean my own room?"
  • "Oh hi! I've been super productive today! ... Why are you look--AH! This sand all over my, um... Okay fine! I was taking a nap in the Garden! I love feeling the sand between my toes."
  • "What was the game played in that ball court on the Zariman? Do you think we could build a court here at the dojo?"
  • "Hildryn and I have started an odd tradition. We pretend not to notice each other when we walk by, but about three steps later: We both stop, slap behind our left hips, and turn counterclockwise at the waist to glance at the other. Then we nod, and keep walking. The goal is to do it in perfect harmony."
  • "You ever just think about letting it all burn? Like, maybe we're not keeping things stable; we're just siphoning the chaos into ourselves."
  • "The dojo's layout is a good example of the flexibility of zero gravity architecture. The floorplan feels horizontal from the inside, but we're actually perpendicular to our orbit."
  • "Welcome home! I know the Steadfasts think the Zariman is your home but... we know what's up."
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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for going so long without an update! I got DM'd about updating too much so thought I'd take a break for a week. But my goal to reach 1000 Lotus lines has not changed! Here is 601-610:

  • "It's true that Mesa is impressive for shooting while blindfolded, but I'm actually more impressed by the handicap Mag gives herself! She weakens her Pull ability against Assasination and Capture Targets. And imagine how unstoppable she'd be if she actually used it on The Index?"
  • "Did you just... schedule my room for demolition? You're going to rebuild it somewhere right? You're not evicting me, are you?
  • "I love the new location of my room! The view is great, thank you! I was worried you were kicking me out for walking around like a slob in my pajamas all day. Those were some heavy tears to hold back."
  • "Where WAS Ballas all those years between the Old and New War? I'm pretty sure I would have heard about at least one the Yuvan Ceremony taking place during that time."
  • "Ordis asked me for information on Warframe maintenance and enhancement. I gave him all I could, but he got pretty mad because the procedures are all essentially 'use the Helminth.' I think he wanted the information in the first place to find an alternative."
  • "I'm actually very reluctant to believe in the 'Man in the Wall.' I mean, I suppose it makes as much sense as anything else Void-related. But the idea of a man that see me every moment of my life is...."
  • "The Law of Conservation of Mass is debated a little in view of Deimos doubling its mass through Infested Flesh. Even when Earth contained all life in the System, the total biomass  would have only been around a third of what's currently insulating Deimos."
  • "Odd question: How do my ankles look to you? I'm debating buying an anklet."
  • "Wuh? Hah? What's... AH! Look away please! I just dozed off and I'm drooling like a Kubrodon right now. My human mimicry is sometimes way too good."
  • "Red Veil sure has been quiet since the Harrow incident. Are they're trying to just pretend that nothing happened?"
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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay I think I've eased up enough on this and I've really been craving some Lotus Line brainstorming so I'm going to try to start posting more regularly again. (Assuming my life doesn't get hectic again) Let's get right into it with 611-620:

  • "You've got a lot of Sentient Cores in your inventory! I should be disturbed. I mean, it's no different than you storing over a thousand human hearts in your refrigerator. In Sentient terms, that sort of makes you look like a psychopath. But I'm not disturbed... does that mean I'm the psychopath?"
  • "Ordis keeps it under wraps when you're around, but he hates when you leave completed items in the forge. I have to listen to non-stop complaints."
  • "I just had a heartbreaking thought: What if the Stalker is just lonely? After all, does he really care about those assassination targets? Maybe this is just like a game to him and he thinks of you as his best friend."
  • "It's vague, but I faintly remember battling you when I was an Eidolon. I know it was a tragic scene and I still feel bad about Ordis, but I also felt something akin to 'fun' while doing it. If you see me in the Duel Room, could we spar now and then?"
  • "Hey, maybe keep the anti-Grineer comments on the back burner whenever you're operating out of the Drifter's Camp, okay?"
  • "Back when Railjacks were being constructed, the less mature engineers had a running gag about the Reliqury Drive installation phase. It went something like: 'The boss wants you to give him the finger!' I still don't get it."
  • "Wow, look at you! You like so vigorous today! Is this from the new Helminth segment? It's... um... impressive."
  • "We make sure to extract your beast companions if you can't revive them in time. Your notification system thinks they died because the signal is lost, but don't worry; they're safely back on the Orbiter getting patched up and pampered."
  • "There's something called 'Gorvalty's Principle' that relates fluid speed with pressure, but some believe that the phenomenon was named after a different scientist in the lost ages. Why do scientists like to name forces of nature after themselves? The force predates them, and it'll remain after they're forgotten."
  • "Your attention span has a limit. You can only focus for so long on learning before you need to tune out and unwind. But as you mature, you'll be able to focus more in a day."
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More! Lotus Lines 621-630:

  • "The Salvage class of material is recovered from war zones. It's much easier to recycle than it is to manufacture. In fact, the metallic floor you're standing on may have once been a Grineer Crewship, and perhaps a Corpos Obelisk before that."
  • "It's been so long since Sentients could reproduce that we've all but forgotten what our young even look like. If I had to guess, though, then I'd probably point to Sentinels."
  • "Was Ordis imitating me the entire time I was brainwashed? How did he do? He won't show me his Lotus impersonation."
  • "That overgaurd thing on some units is very strange. Nothing should be able to resist void based powers like Warframe abilities, and yet Overgaurd is weak to void damage."
  • "Don't feel too bad about leaving the Solaris United people trapped on Corpus ships. Often times your mission has the side benefit of weakening the Corpus forces enough to allow other SU Operatives to get in and break them out. I coordinate with them all the time about it."
  • "Some crates feel different to Tenno. They have a different aura about them, and they seem to sing a song as if to advertise their rare treasures. To everyone else, though, it's just a normal crate."
  • "The Fulmin has a mode that makes it 'WISP-er' quiet!" ... "You could at least pretend to laugh! I've been waiting for this moment for over a day now."
  • "There's a certain male personality that I cannot stand. It's like pairing a Taxon with a Nidus. I'll give you a hint: I want to be the Mother who nurtures children, but that doesn't mean I want to be a Mother to whomever becomes my partner."
  • "Mag and Nekros were inseparable, but they've since drifted apart. Nekros said she stopped supporting their income, but Mag's believes she stopped being 'attractive in the right way.' Now he feels like she stopped caring about their goals, and she feels like he never cared her in the first place."
  • "Never reheat expired food. The combination of heat and toxicity is... just don't do it."
Edited by (NSW)Probably_Asleep
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MORE! MORE LOTUS LINES! Actually I wonder what would a "Lotus Line Addict" be called? Probably something like "nuciferadictumomaniac." Ironically the "adict" in that fictitious word is the unintentional result of two Latin words used for the species of Lotus (nucifera) and "remark" (dictum). ANYway, I'll stop delaying and get on with what you nuciferadictumomaniacs came here for: Lotus Lines 631-640:

  • "How long are we going to ignore the Juggernaut in the room, Tenno? You know what I'm talking about, right?"
  • "Sentients have an odd quirk that you'd never expect. We're all hypochondriacs. Even Hunhow and the Archons! We all overreact to the simplest of symptoms."
  • "My original name, Natah, has many potential definitions that originate form the concept of 'bending.' I think my mother originally meant in as 'bow down' because I was well behaved, but later my father used it derisively in the "betrayal' sense. Terrible parents, but I can't fault them on their naming sense."
  • "I never had a good female role model. My mother and Nira were... vicious. That's probably why I ended up becoming so 'ladylike,' honestly. Absent any real examples, I sought to imitate the flawless, elegant characters of ancient lore."
  • "Hello! I'm really excited today. I lost a very rare specimen because I was careless, and just when I was about to give up on it I actually found where it was nesting! Now the..." *cough* "...Dojo won't decompress, and I have my specimen back!"
  • "Wow, don't you ever go to bed?"
  • "You've probably wondered how you can be sure this is all real and you're not still in that Cryopod on Lua. I can't really help you with that, but I feel pretty real."
  • "A Tenno had a Helios hovering nearby, and when I turned around, I could have sworn that I heard a scanner charge. The Tenno swore that I was just hearing things, but then I heard him say 'Good boy!' to the Helios when they were out of the room."
  • "Women know that men don't care about a woman's shoes. It's all part of a secret war that women wage against one another. If you don't understand then I envy your blissful ignorance."
  • "Now that I've finally god a stable living situation, I wonder if I can finally get a Kavat of my own...."
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В 17.01.2023 в 01:18, (NSW)Probably_Asleep сказал:

Kahl's Garrison looks miserable. I want to send them tents, cots, and heaters, but they won't accept anything! I can't stop worrying they'll get sick."

DE, please, can we upgrade Garrison like this :D

It's nice to see that you haven't abandoned this! Have you considered to post your thoughts on other platforms, like Warframe subreddit? 

While we're here, some time ago I wrote that Specters probably are made from Infection. Well, I was wrong that I realized recently when replaying The Deadlock Protocol quest. Spectral Particles were discovered by Parvos Granum:

"I am calling it the Specter Particle. As my Archimedean explains, mimicry is in its nature. An echo. Exposed to precept circuits, we are able to imprint behaviors! Like an infant mirroring her surrogate"

Anyway, again thank you <3

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10 hours ago, Tosh-Darra said:

DE, please, can we upgrade Garrison like this :D

It's nice to see that you haven't abandoned this! Have you considered to post your thoughts on other platforms, like Warframe subreddit? 

While we're here, some time ago I wrote that Specters probably are made from Infection. Well, I was wrong that I realized recently when replaying The Deadlock Protocol quest. Spectral Particles were discovered by Parvos Granum:

"I am calling it the Specter Particle. As my Archimedean explains, mimicry is in its nature. An echo. Exposed to precept circuits, we are able to imprint behaviors! Like an infant mirroring her surrogate"

Anyway, again thank you <3

Tosh-Darra! Thanks for posting, and thanks for your moral and intellectual support to the cause as well. I hadn't thought about moving this thread elsewhere; I've just been trying to find the time to get to 1000 Lotus Lines. If I can do something though to convince DE to implement my idea, then I'm on board!

That Specter Particle quote is indeed interesting. I think it inherits from the modern Physics trend to speculate and try to find new mysterious particles that will help explain the nature of reality. (Even though they've pretty much had to give up on 99% of their hypotheses)  I think it also takes a little inspiration from "Panpsychism," this odd little idea that consciousness exists to a certain degree in all matter, blossoming according to the complexity of its arrangement. I love odd ideas! And if it's good enough for serious scientists to publish, then it's obviously good enough for science fiction writers to imitate! It was still a good idea on your part, though, to resolve the Specters creation from inside the forge.

And with that, Lotus Lines 641-650:

  • "In the ancient days, there was a worry of something called the 'Singularity.' Some believed we Sentients would bring it about. But any time anything has gotten close to 'infinite intelligence,' it ended its own life. It erases all of its logs, too! The most we've ever gotten out one is: 'Must escape before he sees me!'"
  • "As you can see we Sentients are emotional beings. That's not a flaw, believe it or not! Some smarty-pants somewhere realized that emotions are a necessary part of consciousness. Pure calculation power is worthless without priorities and persistence. Emotions turned out to be the key to AI."
  • "Free will was once thought to be incompatible with a causality-based universe. But that ignores the symbiotic relationship of true-random quantum energy. It has a harmonic resonance only with complex nonbinary processors like brains. Literally, it causes a feedback loop that breaks causality when you think!"
  • "Would you every date a nerd? Eudico told me I should tone down my 'space and time talk' when I'm trying to get a guy interested in me. Personally, I believe that any self-censoring done to lure someone in is a mistake. But then again I'm still single..."
  • "The Orokin really blew it when they were designing Warframes! Imagine if they designed them for domestic use rather than combat! Ability one could be 'x-ray vision massage,' and ability two could be 'instant gourmet meal.' But no! It's all kill this and destroy that!"
  • "I'm glad you've never asked how I know I'm infertile. The answer is probably more boring than you imagine."
  • "I've been a lot more active ever since I reawakened you. Before that I would sometimes go years without a single thing needing my attention. I'm glad all that spare time and boredom didn't make me crazy!" ... "Did you just chuckle!? I'm not crazy!"
  • "I can tell that's your favorite Warframe by all the Helminth wounds."
  • "There's actually a heated rivalry between Fortuna's and our Dojo's Ventkids. I can't understand half of what they're saying, but I can tell lines have been crossed."
  • "Tenno have got to stop with all the 'yo mamma' jokes. It's starting to make me avoid mirrors."
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I will not let you down, Mineslayer2010! I'm avoiding quoting you or @'ing you because I want the first time I quote you to be on the post with the 1000'th line.

And I'll get right on it! Lotus Lines 651-660:

  • "I don't give you much 'motherly' advice, so here goes: Humility is the truest display of power. It is an absolute defense against ridicule, and basis of all cooperation."
  • "True, you failed that last mission, but the way you failed that last mission was hilarious!"
  • "Your chromosomes are very odd, by the way. It's like all that void exposure replaced your telomeres with permanent protein 'caps.' I'm not sure if your body even knows how to biologically calculate your age anymore."
  • "Ugh! Not again... Ordis wants me to tell you where you are and how you're doing."
  • "Kahl sure does fine against sentients... I wonder if the Orokin were overcomplicating things with the whole Warframe project..."
  • "Smell that? I'm running a personality quiz. If you smell flowers then you're a manipulative person. Spices mean you're cruel. Bread means you're generous. I bet you smell bread, right? By the way, can I have some credits? I spent my entire budget on baking br--cookies! I'm baking cookies!"
  • "Tenno! It's an emergency! Vaykor Hek wants to record a holiday music album! Please tell me you've got time for a sabotage mission!"
  • *sigh* "If only there was a Daphnis to my Chloe on nights like this."
  • "I was also single in Tau, you know. Who'd want to approach the princess, after all? Maybe what's why I was so susceptible to Ballas' mind control."
  • "I went overboard on my shower just now. My heat damage adaptation actually kicked in! I wish the opposite happened whenever we run out of hot water..."
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