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Corrupted Mod idea: Frozen Trigger


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Type: Secondary (semi-automatics)

Polarity: Madurai

Rank: 0 (maxed)

Cost: 7

Effect: Semi-automatic trigger becomes Full-automatic  |  -20% Fire Rate


I got the idea from a glitch that let's you shoot automatic weapons without holding the fire key (silly and inpractical to setup so not really useful).

I first thought of having this for Primaries, and looking through the weapon list, I feel like it would only benefit Shotguns, where Secondaries have a whole lot of semi-automatics.

I also tried to make it fit the more conventional 3-rank mod format. The obvious -5% / -10% / -15% / -20% Fire Rate ranking was easy, but I couldn't find a satisfying way to increment the bonus part. The only idea I had was to have 2 / 3 / 4-burst / automatic as the ranks, but it sounds more complicated to implement compared to just having the weapon fire automatically.

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Just to say what I always do when this idea comes up.  Yes, I'd take it or something like it in a heartbeat over what we have now.   Hell yeah.  (Although your mod would need to be exilus to see much use.)

But semi-auto to auto  should be a setting, not a mod.  There should be no grind to acquiring it, nor any cost--not even opportunity cost--to using it.    Because the fundamental issue isn't game balance, it's player health.

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