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Ghoul/Zombie Survival


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So, had a bit of an idea based the time of the month, and figured it would be cool if Warframe had ether a temp mission type or event where instead of wandering around the open world for ghouls you go right to a mission on earth.

This mission will primaraly have the ghouls, though they will be suported with some "Normal" Grineer here and there and on every five minutes a swarm of Manics rush the field. I don't know if we should involve the Kova forces but it could be interesting to mix things up maybe every 20 or so minutes. 

Maybe as a further thing that could be interesting is this isn't a rat maze mission but an arena, you sit down in a large area with your squad mates ready to take on whatever comes your way, no cover to hide you, no door to hide behind, just you, a tun of waves, and a big open area.

The last bit I can think of seeing this is ment to be something special, and yea I know I kind of sugested something for the 20 minute marks but maybe a mini boss spawns in, the clock freezes till you kill it, but your life support will keep counting down.

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