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32 minutes ago, Stoner74 said:

Raikeran owns a potato farm.

What really? Sir Raikeran, I would like 10 blue potatoes please.

That^^ is what I asked Raikeran and he called me a son of a **** :(

Edited by AlphaPHENIX
time for ninja
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1 hour ago, Plushy said:

Itsy has the same issues with the same mommy. This must mean... Itsy is Alphas long lost sibling!

Plushy still doesn't realize she is the mother...what you think its sad? Trust me. its been worse.

Edited by AlphaPHENIX
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1tsyB1tsyN1nja (am just going to call you ninja for now)

Falconreach, the peaceful kingdom of great magic. For millennia the great power of the Elemental Orbs was bestowed to our world with great magic and progression that had leapt mankind into a new era.

At first, humanity wasn't blessed with great gifts from deities. We were weak once. The monsters that roamed the world were bringing mankind to their brink extinction. Forcing a small group of people to hide in underground caves. Overtime the people had created a city, a community they called home. they called Revanloss. As short time has passed the people were starting to fall ill from lack of sunlight; they were slowly dying. As young child passed away, a great being appeared in front of them. She was bright and beautiful as if she was the sun herself. She had given the people an shining Orb. She said, "use this to heal your people and learn to defend yourself. More will come in due time". 

The struggles had taken the gracious gift they were given. After years has passed ever since the Sun Deity appeared. The survives learnt how to make their own artificial light by infusing the magic of Sun Orb with the trees surrounding them. They had food for cockroaches and bugs for breakfast, lunch and dinner , they were surviving but they were still weak.

A small group who were in charge of last remaining humans. They called themselves the Headmasters, they had decided it was time to fight back. As years had passed, they had developed a new Warriors; called Soulweavers. They were skilled warriors that had mastered a new technique in manipulating souls of their opponent to their bidding. While each SouldWeaver were bonded with dead souls with no body to return to, these lost were called Soulers. The Soulers were passed Soulweavers themselves roaming Ravenloss unseen. The Soulweavers had used their Souler, they had fused with their partner into one living body holding two souls instead of one. As a result, they had gain more pure energy allowing new found abilities to manifest. With each ability being different from one and another, they had one thing common: they were destructive in nature. They pushed back the monstrosity that once made them hide in fear. They had shown they're dominance and determination to them. As they reclaimed a small damaged land. A sudden burst of light appeared. The Sun deity had emerged with four more deities.

The Sun Deity has spoken and had said "We watched how you were struggling to survive. The way how you formed a community, made bonds show the similarity between us and you humans. I am Adya, I govern the Sun representing life".

A strong void spoke, "I am Kek, I watch over darkness which is death". He was almost made of pitch black with his eyes only glowing.

Then a being made of Water said "My name is Airavata. I am the embodiment of the great ocean. My job is to look after planet's ecosystem is in check". Her figure was constantly wobbling never staying still while also having yellow eyes like Kek.

As one has spoken another spoke. "I am Egor. I represent the soil. I was given the duty to make sure nourishment is balanced on Earth". He was literally made of boulders that were floating with a green gem on his small rock that assumed to be his head.

One of the Soulweavers had looked at deity. She said, "My name is Camira. I represent the air. My duty to you is to make sure that the air does not fall corrupt or life will fall". She was the same as Airavata. Her body was small tornado revolving giving her form.

The most terrifying had spoken. "I am Edan. I represent the fire. I bestowed the duty make sure that the will of people never burn out". His form was threatening, he was made of blue flames. It was strong and fast but concentrated into a form. They all had one thing in common. They had coloured gems on their foreheads representing the colour of their element.

As Adya had said, "We want to thrive. You are great spices that could return the balance of the world. As I already had gifted you with my Orb. They give yours".

The other four deities had summoned a glowing Orbs into their hands. They had given it to the five Soulweavers they were speaking to. These Soulweavers, we're legends; the ones who had changed the world for the betterment of mankind.

As centuries had passed. The world was divided into nations and kingdoms. The Sun Orb is owned by The Anubis of Ibis. Fire Orb is in the ownership of Pheonix Empire. The Darkness Orb is somewhere in Ravenloss. The Earth Orb is in the mountain of Eurasian. The Wind Orb is possession of Falconreach.

"As time passed. The promise of the Orbs powers had brought war to our lands. The fires came, everywhere and all at once. As our duty is to keep the balance, you N1nja have been given a solemn duty to reclaiming the Orbs. These orders are coming directly from Headmasters from Soulweaver institute. But be worn, a new form of magic has been formed. Be stay safe and Ush'ter (good luck), N1nja"

Edited by Ibro156
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N1nja doesn't have good sense of taste, ninja thinks that poop counts as food.

7 hours ago, Plushy said:

All lbro did was take "then everything changed when the fire nation attacked" and turn it into a long and completely unrelated story.

Well at least it was fun writing it

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