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Damage 2.0 Potato Guns Imbound


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i actually quite like it. It adds so much to an already complex game (i hope the tutorial gets a buff :/) that new players prolly wont know what do do with it until they're at Jupiter or Saturn.


However, it's a fun enough system that promotes experimentation and relying too much on 'old reliable' to do everything all the time. I actually solo'd a void mission with a dread and throughout i kept wanting there to be someone to complement my damage type (good against some, but not others).

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I don't have clans. My aklatos suck now. Do i throw all these euros in the ground or what? I'ts not better. Or that fking Warframe will give me back my euros or they will get back to older patch. And don't tell me that newest patch is better. If he's better why i have to sell my Aklatos? And other weapons? THIS IS BETTER PATCH? No. It;s not.

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I don't have clans. My aklatos suck now. Do i throw all these euros in the ground or what? I'ts not better. Or that fking Warframe will give me back my euros or they will get back to older patch. And don't tell me that newest patch is better. If he's better why i have to sell my Aklatos? And other weapons? THIS IS BETTER PATCH? No. It;s not.

How about you know... mod your guns properly? 

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I like the whole combination of elements thing its the nerfs that are through the floor on certain elemental mods. on high level enemies I used to hit 60+ with my ak boltos now I hit less than 10 making me useless. It is tedious to even kill one enemy. hell my 105% damage multiplier doesn't do anything anymore piercing shot/hit is nerfed from 60 to 30% making my burston a utter piece of garbage when it used to be fine on t3 void missions. It feels like im an Abrams tank in a war with a gun made out of playdough. atleast my etherswords are alright if im up against infested......

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my akbolto and burston used to be decent but now they are trash all my damage mods do nothing the elemental combos are too nerfed. Nerfed guns + buffed enemies = rape should have just buffed enemy health and left the damage how it was.3-rage-face.png


Iunno what you're talking about, my Gorgon has 100% crit chance and a 10% proc chance :P



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The Aklatos seem to have a lot of Slash damage compared to Puncture and Impact. After Hornet Strike and multishot mods, try putting on Razor Shot and the corrupted pistol damage mod. If that is not enough damage, add the elemental which adds the largest percent of damage, but don't expect to see any special effects due to the very low proc rate.


Then go use it on Infested enemies because they have no shields or armor.


I don't know whether this will make it as good as it was before, but it's better to use Razor Shot and an elemental rather than No Return only on this weapon (elemental damage is calculated off of Impact + Puncture + Slash, so increasing the highest damage of the three makes for a bigger increase in elemental damage).


Hopefully that helps, but until then take a primary with a lot of Impact and/or Puncture damage to take out shields or armored enemies (i.e. almost every Grineer unit). Also, headshot multipliers are your friend.


OT: If you tailor your weaponry to the faction you will have more success. A good guideline is to focus on Impact damage when facing Corpus, Puncture damage when facing Grineer, and Slash damage when facing Infested.


As for the weapons themselves, Burston does equal damage in all three areas, so just slap on the specific damage mods you need. However, for the Akbolto focus on Puncture damage and slap on an elemental mod so that it's not completely useless against light Infested.


Again, I hope this helps.


EDIT: Have you even tried the Gorgon on Corpus? The Impact damage should do wonders on their shields. And if the 50% crit chance is for real, then a crit build will make it do even more damage.

Edited by QuestComm
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My Braton Prime rank 15 with potato and just Serration (105% dmg) and Multishot (75%) needed over half a clip to kill single Grineer on lvl 35+ before the update. and that us assuming I'm aiming at the head. Now everything dies. And on top of that it's mainly slashing damage... it shoud be weak against everything but infested. But instead it murders everything.

What are Grineer weak to btw? One would assume puncture, but i'm oneshotting heavies with headshot with that Braton.

Oh and my Brakk (which is still lvl 17 btw) murders everything and anything in one shot. Any faction lvl 1-50 heavy or light unit.. doesn't matter, one hit into weak spot from reasonable distance = dead.

Edited by LocoWithGun
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