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Insect Noises in Drifter Camp (Phobia)


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Hi, first time posting so I hope I'm doing this properly.

I recently logged in, and my orbiter was in the Drifter's Camp, I had gone into the main part of the orbiter to check my equipment, when I was caught off-guard by the very distinct noise of flies buzzing. 

I have a phobia of flying insects, in particular the buzzing sound of many such insects. This sound (which I had never heard in-game before) caused me to quickly remove my headphones in a panic at the apparent closeness of the buzzing. Phobias are irrational, after all, and though I've tried many times to rid myself of this fear, I've only been able to reduce the scale of my panic the sound of buzzing induces. A few years prior, I may have damaged my headphones by throwing them away upon hearing the sound.

That being said, I would greatly appreciate if an option could be added to the audio setting regarding background noises so that I don't have to be on guard while in my own orbiter, or while visiting one of the best boys in the game, Kahl.


Thanks for reading,



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