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The Stalker Is Getting Out Of Hand


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Killed the stalker 4 times in the last two weeks. He is okay as it is.

For thoose who are leveling weapons or frames. Run! Run and find a box. Boxes are the stalker natural enemy. :D

If you run he pulls you in, staggers you and one-shots you. Same thing if you are in a place he can't reach.

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If you're going to give him OHK attacks, please TELEGRAPH the @(*()$ things, not 'hurr durr I randomly die for no reason'


Is it only me who had trouble understanding this?




dont see what the big deal is, cant u just die to him and then carry on with your missions

and if its on a defence or something your op team can kill him


This was sarcasm, right?

Edited by K_Shiro
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Beyond telegraphing his abilities somewhat I would actually like him be forced to adhere to a very basic rule he's ignoring: waiting for animations to finish.

As it stands he doesn't need to perform any animations really. He can be firing his dread, then fire his despair while he moves his bow like he's going to put it away, and then raise his bow again and fire his dread once more. All within a few brief frames and without ever needing to finish a single animation of weapon switching.

Here are a few basic fixes that are a MUST if DE is going to leave him in game:

-Make him need to finish weapon swapping animation before he can use the weapon he is switching to.

-Make him telegraph his abilities a little, and while they are at that make it so he cant slash-dash while kneeling

-Make him require LOS to use his abilities.

-Give his abilities a maximum range(Talking about teleport/pull/dispel here).

Edited by Tsukinoki
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Stalker was too easy before, the fact that a boss type enemy is difficult makes you mad? Go play some more pop cap games and let people be challenged once in a while here.

You have pretty low standards when it comes to "challenges", don't you?


Also, try reading a little before commenting, the reason we're so "mad" at his difficulty is just because of the simple fact that he's completely and utterly BROKEN. Still don't get it? His animations are glitchy, HE CAN SPAM HIS ABILITIES WITHOUT EITHER COOLDOWNS OR LIMITS, he doesn't even finish switching from one weapon to another before firing it, HE DOESN'T NEED LINE OF SIGHT, and his drops are underwhelmingly cheap and useless.

Killed the stalker 4 times in the last two weeks. He is okay as it is.

For thoose who are leveling weapons or frames. Run! Run and find a box. Boxes are the stalker natural enemy. :D

I also managed to kill him two days ago with a random Loki on my squad. Was reward with a -surprise- Slash Dash mod. Also, that box exploit doesn't work anymore, and run where, exactly? He can just Pull you or Teleport to you no matter where you go.


Stop pulling arguments from your butt, please.

dont see what the big deal is, cant u just die to him and then carry on with your missions

and if its on a defence or something your op team can kill him

No, we can't. I'd rather keep my revives for an emergency, thank you very much. And no, I don't have a trio of babysitters/butlers/bodyguards to constantly protect me from the Stalker, are you nuts?


As for the others, thanks for keeping this thread alive. DE needs to get a clear message, since they completely remained oblivious to the Stalker's current situation in the last Livestream.

Edited by RazorTip
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A true Tenno welcomes a worthy rival.

Too bad he's not one because he gets to cheat left and right. He ignores weapon animations when using them, no cooldowns or limits to his abilities, he can ignore line of sight when teleporting to you, and he simply does far too much damage and almost always drops -another- Slash Dash.


If he was a worthy rival, he'd be using the exact same rules as the players. He'd have four abilities, he'd be affected by our abilities, he could only use them so much before running out, his shields and health wouldn't be so insane (450 base shields and 200 base health I think, coupled with the insane scaling), and not punishing players for daring to bring Shade into a mission.


Honestly, posts like yours are so ignorantly stupid that I can only conclude that you haven't actually read any of the posts. That or you're just trolling, I'm honestly hoping for the latter to be true because I refuse for anyone to be -THAT- stupid when presented with all this evidence.

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i killed him for the first time in awhile yesterday

my team still got wrecked by his absorb because they're dumb

but he was left at half health so i was able to clean him up solo

the problem is his damage

normally his damage was pretty high but with the changes

if he crits you with a dread body shot you will die 100% of the time

because if you don't die from the upfront damage chances are the bleeding proc will definitely take you out even through your shields

i don't even wanna think headshots
i don't mind him being really hard, but him @(*()$ destroying the pod on defense with absorb or the terminal on MD really needs to stop

if he just starts using absorb in the wrong place even if you DON'T attack him he'll destroy the pod/terminal instantly

that is truly uncool and needs to be fixed

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This morning I was looking around the starchart, thinking about doing some online missions to level my rank11 trinity before work. I have been doing some boss murdering lately (scanning them actually) so without most of my friends online (5am is not the best time) I was like: if I go into a boss mission, I won't get xp but if I go into a regular one, I bet the Stalker would pop up and kill me.


I quit the game and came to the forums to read a bit about lanka and stuff (and occasionally whine a bit about stalker). I don't even feel like starting a solo mission or one with random people anymore because of the Stalker. If that's not a problem, I have no idea what is.


And don't make me start on what makes me seriously want to avoid him - if you don't know, try rereading this topic. All of those complaint are valid.

Edited by K_Shiro
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I killed a Stalker today with my Loki. Went invisible, hit him with a charged Galatine in the back for 20k crit damage. Instantly killed. What I do hate however is that he didnt drop a single blue print for me or my friend after the mission ended. Was lame as hell.



you wotm8?


may I ask what your build was? and whether or not you where the target of the stalker at the time?

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Stalker tried to get me again while I was 'testing' out the infestion invasions on Ceres to see what they were and I had just started what turned out to be a Mobile Defense.  I was going to try it, but then the stalker started his intro thing and I was like 'lol, nope' and aborted.  I hate Mobile Defense anyway....


Kind of sad that players like me would rather take the stat hit and abort a mission than deal with an OP stalker....

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you wotm8?


may I ask what your build was? and whether or not you where the target of the stalker at the time?

Something doesn't seem right. All evidence points towards the Stalker immediately using his dispel on any ability like Smokescreen, Iron Skin, Invis, etc, and then proceeding to do a 1.2k Slash Dash right in your face, followed up with the hideously lethal bleed proc from said Slash Dash.

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The thing about Stalker is for most players - especially those of us who have faced him pre-buff - he is TOTALLY UNNECESSARY. If I have all of his equipment, the game should recognize that and leave me alone, especially in Solo, where its just this one player who already has all of Stalker's stuff - what's the point of me fighting him again? Since the Stalker is carrying equipment that can randomly drop, he shouldn't be unbeatable. You have to fight him multiple times to get all of his drops - so why make it so hard to beat him? Yes - make it hard, but in a BALANCED way - not through cheapness, but through a real, thought out, achievable challenge. The Stalker should be a puzzle, and a puzzle should have a solution... right now the solution only seems to be... "get on a crate". And remember, there are boxes enemies can get on and others they can't, since DE decided to button up some of the camping spots (making it near impossible to be a sniper). There are still some maps that have machinery and other objects just outside of the walkways that will practically stop all AI, the enemies will just stand there stupidly - but who knows what map the Stalker will spawn? He definitely needs to have a more dynamic level, and much lower than it is now. He doesn't offer enough in one kill to be THAT challenging.

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Shotgun of ideas coming from a new player who has the navigation skill of a deaf bat.

I think Stalker should fit his label. Stealthy, scary, difficult to stop and lock down. Not sure how you'd make him scary/hard to kill without that absurd damage. More stagger, more teleporting without dragging you around. Running away? Suddenly he's in front of you, or slows you down so he's in range for a (more realistic) slash dash.

Dealing more damage if the target is running is an interesting idea, though I'm not too sure if it'd work well.

What do people want Stalker to be? So far, it looks like he needs to be challenging to fight alone, a bit easier in a group. Should he be purely skill-based? Negating all mod effects or having him scale according to current player stats would level the playing field.

Adjusting Stalker's abilities depending on his quarry could be interesting as well. Instead of negating abilities completely, his attacks could drain energy from the target (and/or nearby players), in addition to the Dispel he already has. Yes, still cheating, but in a more "balanced" way. Since your access to abilities is limited, he doesn't need to be as ridiculously strong to be balanced against a full party of 4.


Speaking of teammates... one option can be to make him take less damage from teammates who aren't the target so it's more of a duel. Or he could actually acknowledge their existence, locking someone down or otherwise disabling them so that he can hunt his target more effectively. (He could treat all non-targets with similar disdain, making it possible to actually have him CLEAR OUT enemies, or at least push them aside.)

Overall, it just seems like he's a nuisance right now. Lowering the annoyance while keeping the challenge and the lore is difficult. One of the easiest fixes to a major problem is to allow the targeted player to revive for free after dying to the Stalker. Revives aren't "realistic" anyway, and are more of an anti-frustration tool.

Edit: Looked through most of the topic.



On the topic of giving him the skills you use: that's way better than what we have now. I've suggested giving him one specific effect per "problematic" frame skill before. I think it could be more interesting and fun.


Examples -> Cloak: he goes invisible too / Absorb: he stops attacking you / Blessing: he turns invisible and stalks you for the rest of the mission until you are not invincible / Snow globe: he channels a power and a second later everything in the globe takes continuous electric damage as the sphere is filled with lightning. Stuff like that.

All of my yes. That might be hard to program, but the Stalker should be something interesting. Human-level AI, ignoring decoys, negating your powers in some way. I actually want to see him do an "execution" : When you run out of health, he'd teleport to you and ragdoll throw you to the ground. Teammates would have a second or two to stun him via melee attack before he shoots you, bypassing the normal "knockdown" timer and killing you.

He'd either flee after that, or continue the fight. Either way, he needs to be more fun to deal with.

Edited by Nyxem
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There is no reason why stalker should be immune to our powers. I've fought him 6 times n died 4. Twice that I killed him was because brakk was still op. Since then ive been leveling up the new weapon n have been unable to kill him. I try but he pulls n teleports, which cause instant death. I enjoy a challenge, but an enemy that cheats too much isn't fun to fight. I already have all his weapons so I just sacrifice myself n get it over with now. That isn't the way to deal with it though, and I dont enjoy that aspect of the game.

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you wotm8?


may I ask what your build was? and whether or not you where the target of the stalker at the time?

Galatine with Killing blow, reflex coil, pressure point, organ shatter, focus energy, rending strike, fury and molten, all maxed.

Loki with streamline, redirection, vitality, rush, quick rest, continuity, maglev, vigor and invisibility, all maxed.


My loki is a speed build made for max movement but paired with the galatine makes it a massive damage melee output. Great for T3 cap games or quick boss runs. Now I would like to point out I was the target of the Stalker, he disabled my invisibility multiple times, so I just decided to run circles around him while my friend *Rhino* shot him to gain his attention. After so many shots the Stalker stopped following me and started to attack my friend. I went invis and ran back to charge strike the Stalker behind the back and caused a 20k random crit hit. I usually get around 7k on average but for some reason I hit 20 with that hit. Stalker died and we continued with our survival game.


Thats pretty much how it went down.. I was surprised too that I caused so much damage to him but it happened. I was also mad that we didnt get anything from him for killing him.. so, yeah.. theres that.

Edited by shatteredwings
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You're quite amusing. First you say one thing and then you say another. Here:

Galatine with Killing blow, reflex coil, pressure point, organ shatter, focus energy, rending strike, fury and molten, all maxed.

Loki with streamline, redirection, vitality, rush, quick rest, continuity, maglev, vigor and invisibility, all maxed.


My loki is a speed build made for max movement but paired with the galatine makes it a massive damage melee output. Great for T3 cap games or quick boss runs. Now I would like to point out I was the target of the Stalker, he disabled my invisibility multiple times, so I just decided to run circles around him while my friend *Rhino* shot him to gain his attention. After so many shots the Stalker stopped following me and started to attack my friend. I went invis and ran back to charge strike the Stalker behind the back and caused a 20k random crit hit. I usually get around 7k on average but for some reason I hit 20 with that hit. Stalker died and we continued with our survival game.


Thats pretty much how it went down.. I was surprised too that I caused so much damage to him but it happened. I was also mad that we didnt get anything from him for killing him.. so, yeah.. theres that.

Then why didn't you say that you managed to kill the Stalker with the help of your allied Rhino? Your earlier post makes it sound like you solo'd the Stalker, and then you come and say something else? Make up your mind.

Also, you state in your second post that your buddy was also attacking the Stalker, ergo doing damage to him, ergo, reducing his health. It contradicts your earlier post that says :

I killed a Stalker today with my Loki. Went invisible, hit him with a charged Galatine in the back for 20k crit damage. Instantly killed.

Seriously? Be honest here, your first post makes it sound like you snuck up on the Stalker, dealt a charged blow that completely eradicated him at full health.


Sorry, but I find your tale to be either a load of lies or a massive load of bollocks.

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It seems fighting the stalker is more about managing to make his AI choose the least effective action. If I kill him it's because he did not pull me or teleport to me.


Real example a) I killed the stalker last week with my Nyx using a combination of Psychic Bolt spam (he apparently is not immune to this ability) and hikou bursts. I was running around the whole time and though he landed a few stray hits with his Despair, none of them were big enough to break my 700+ shield.


Example b) Today the stalker attacked me and I instantly died from one hit after managing to dodge his first attack. He teleported (not slash dash) on top of me while I was sliding and that was it; no melee attack animation or follow-up action. I was using a Mag with more than 950 shield and had not taken any shield damage prior to this attack.


He is an absolute nightmare in solo play if you do not get lucky with what his AI decides to do. I can't imagine how this is healthy for the game.

Edited by Leuca
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..I can't imagine how this is healthy for the game.


It is not. No opponents using ridiculous and illogical powers. It's like he is seemingly in same/similar league as we are but he is an admin abusing his powers. I mean what entitles him to flat out ignore our stuff?

Disabling is fine but not without any consequence. I really think a disable ability too should have energy cost or at least cooldown.


Last time I met him (was killed, yes) we tried fighting him with team but he was moving/teleporting after me so fast that 1 of us haven't even once seen him, and in the end I was killed after losing track of him. I would point out that the whole fight was in one room with a few pipes and railing, all i did was moving around and over the pipes and railing so I would evade his numerous slash-dashes. In fact I don't know what killed me - of course I was in a Valkyr so no surprise, a slightly warm breeze can kill her...

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It is not. No opponents using ridiculous and illogical powers. It's like he is seemingly in same/similar league as we are but he is an admin abusing his powers. I mean what entitles him to flat out ignore our stuff?

Disabling is fine but not without any consequence. I really think a disable ability too should have energy cost or at least cooldown.


Last time I met him (was killed, yes) we tried fighting him with team but he was moving/teleporting after me so fast that 1 of us haven't even once seen him, and in the end I was killed after losing track of him. I would point out that the whole fight was in one room with a few pipes and railing, all i did was moving around and over the pipes and railing so I would evade his numerous slash-dashes. In fact I don't know what killed me - of course I was in a Valkyr so no surprise, a slightly warm breeze can kill her...

The way I imagine the stalker involves him having damage that about matches the conclave of the player, but he is highly mobile ( e.g. teleports frequently), resistant to most forms of CC and has what I like to call ability penetration. Against "invulnerable" players, he instead deals half of his normal damage (just an example amount), and stealthed players will be revealed upon striking him. He also needs an immunity to red critical hits to prevent stealth players from simply one-shotting him with Galatine and the like.

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