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Berzerker Needs More Aoe In The Ulti.


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Great warframe loads of fun but sometimes you swing your claws with hundreds of enemies around and hit no one. An aoe fix would be appriciated DE. Because it is broken at the moment. This is a neccesity. Everything else can come in time or needs not to be implemented.


Optional fixes!!


It does need some range as well with a bit of a damage boost.


As far as the frame itself.


1. Needs more base speed. (super important upon testing she needs faster or on par with loki!!!)

2. Should have had more armor if she is going pure melee.

3. More range on buffs and time duration on mobs.

Edited by tripletriple
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if you mean overload/molecular prime AOE, then no.


if you mean making the attacks have a larger range, then i guess yes? im not so sure

Right now, the claws seem to miss enemies often for no discernible reason. You can take several swings at an enemy and only see two of them hit, as well as not doing much to anything around you despite having an energy pulse effect.

Edited by gallowsCalibrator
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Right now, the claws seem to miss enemies often for no discernible reason. You can take several swings at an enemy and only see two of them hit, as well as not doing much to anything around you despite having an energy pulse effect.

I notice that to, spent a whole power duration killing 4 enemies out of 10.. :(

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There's no point behind having:


If there isn't some kind of large cleave to it.


Remove the failed attempt at a Devil May Cry air-juggle,

Add a nice big, meaty, cleave, which it lacks.
And add knockdown immunity during the ultimate.


The Invincibility isn't necessary and I see that probably getting nerfed from causing issues in the future, as per how DE handles ANY kind of invulnerability. But if that MUST be removed, I recommend giving the ult the ability to multiply your current and maximum health by +50% to +200% during the duration of the ability, along with a buff to her natural health.

Edited by Yg-Dosst
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Yea it seems to be a really fun frame but it really is weak compared to most everything. The invuln is nice, but as a melee frame she should have some sort of knockdown immunity that has a really high uptime. Also "Berserker" or not making a character have such low shields when they are going to presumably be in melee range more often is a bad thing even if she has armor and respectable health. I think it would have been really neat if instead of the mostly worthless stun they gave her an equally cheap buff that gave her some form of life leech on melee weapons that also gave her knockdown immunity for X duration, they could even make it a toggle because frankly even with complete knockdown immunity at all times she would still be at a disadvantage versus ranged damage oriented characters. Melee is not at all viable in most situations even with her buffs due to the fun mix of doing less damage than ranged while being in a position to take more damage from enemies and the high chance that you are going to be chain knocked down. A Rhino with a Gallatine is arguably a better melee character still and he still has all the other stuff that makes Rhino great.

Edited by thejingle
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Yep. AoE needs to be increased to at least rival the hit-detection of a long-sword.

Wouldn't want to have too much AoE though, you've already been granted invincibility for a good 30 seconds, which allows you to keep 100% upkeep fairly painlessly.

The Ult should be valued only for its ability to kill, not the invulnerability.

Remember she's melee damage, not a tank.

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