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Enemy sound designer overhaul - PLEASE DE! THINK ABOUT IT!


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Greetings dear DE!


Many times I, like other players, feel that the warframe is extremely repetitive and for that reason I stop playing once in a while. Currently there is a lot of good content in the game and a lot of variety of activities and I've always wondered why it's still repetitive. It seems that from the beginning we're always killing the same enemies with the only difference being that the level changes and  some design variations but, the feeling is that you are always doing the same thing you do since the beginning. And one of the reasons is, in my opinion, caused by the repetitiveness of the sound that enemies do when they die. Causing an unconscious feeling that everyone is the same. So, if you have a different death sound for each type of soldier, the Grinner for example, it will cause a much greater sense of variety to the gameplay. Player perception will be affected and the sense of enemy variety will be increased. My suggestion is "simple" to be implement and I know, it will work.


kind regards!



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There are differences in death sounds and enemy sounds in general. The problem is that, this being a horde shooter game where enemies die by the dozens if not hundreds, you run through any reasonable variety really quick. Nevermind missions slanting toward 2-3 units for most of that horde, only sprinkling in things like Eximus and heavy units. And that's assuming you pick them off one at a time: any AoE creates a cacophony of death sounds that'll sound just about identical from boom to boom.

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On 2023-01-29 at 2:08 PM, Tyreaus said:

There are differences in death sounds and enemy sounds in general. The problem is that, this being a horde shooter game where enemies die by the dozens if not hundreds, you run through any reasonable variety really quick. Nevermind missions slanting toward 2-3 units for most of that horde, only sprinkling in things like Eximus and heavy units. And that's assuming you pick them off one at a time: any AoE creates a cacophony of death sounds that'll sound just about identical from boom to boom.

Man, the Grinner all sound the same. ther is no enemy varaity. We kill the same dudes since 2013. there is more activities, new stuff but all feels to repetitive, no new enemy factions ... 

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