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Valkyr Uber Name Is Actually Highly Offensive On Historical Basis


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Again, self-referencial humor isn't nearly as damaging.  What about if a white Christian comedian made a greedy %!& joke?  That gonna go over well?  And again, hatred is not required for it to be wrong.
There's also no humor behind this joke so I'm confused as to why you're calling it a joke.
I didn't ask DE to do anything about the macro level trends, I'm asking them to check themselves and not create a micro level problem.  Out of curiosity, do you live in America now, and if so for a significant amount of time?  Because you could easily qualify as part of the in-group in this instance.  Also, there is no minority-majority struggle between Germany and America, so it's a different issue.
Fedoras are associated with a lot of things, but the MRA is one of them.  Nerds are another.  And I think you have a dated view of what a hipster is.
Feminism is not egalitarianism, yes.  Feminism does not assume people are equal.  In fact, inequality is necessary for feminism to exist.  The moment men and women are treated equally within society and under the law, feminism can cease to exist.  And I read your other post.
Feminism may not mean equal right, but equal rights is the goal.  The word is not meaningless, because women still have a long way to go before equality is realized.  I don't think any negative regard for the word is well earned.  And people would claim to be feminists because, again, context.  There is not yet a reason to eschew the term and the movement.  And also, as much as I would find it to be midly hypocritical, a feminist need not be liberal.  You could be very conservative leaning and still be a feminist.  Although not everyone is comfortable with the name (as of recently, Joss Whedon).
You might think it was funny, but I'm not sure it was a joke.  And I'm going to say one last time, and then I'm done saying it, that I was not offended, and I am not accusing DE of being sexist.


And Yg, I'm not the oppressed one.  So...yeah.


And with that I think I'm done for the night.  If this is still going by tomorrow, of course, I'd be happy to weigh in again.

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Again, self-referencial humor isn't nearly as damaging.  What about if a white Christian comedian made a greedy %!& joke?  That gonna go over well?  And again, hatred is not required for it to be wrong.

That happens all the time. In fact have you ever watched Family Guy? Greedy %!& jokes all over the place there. Nobody gives a damn because they know its not serious.

It's only wrong according to a few overly vocal people on this forum. The vast majority of us have no problem with it. Including the people (women) you claim are being indirectly hurt by it.


There's also no humor behind this joke so I'm confused as to why you're calling it a joke.

It's also not offensive so I'm confused as to why you felt the need to soapbox about it.


I didn't ask DE to do anything about the macro level trends, I'm asking them to check themselves and not create a micro level problem.  Out of curiosity, do you live in America now, and if so for a significant amount of time?  Because you could easily qualify as part of the in-group in this instance.  Also, there is no minority-majority struggle between Germany and America, so it's a different issue.

Its not even a problem in the first place.

Yes I'm American. I was born in Germany, but I live in America, and have lived here for quite some time. There is no minority-majority struggle between men and women either, at least not in America. Unless you are going to classify 50% of the population as a minority.


Fedoras are associated with a lot of things, but the MRA is one of them.  Nerds are another.  And I think you have a dated view of what a hipster is.

Pictured, a hipster and a fedora:



Feminism is not egalitarianism, yes.  Feminism does not assume people are equal.  In fact, inequality is necessary for feminism to exist.  The moment men and women are treated equally within society and under the law, feminism can cease to exist.  And I read your other post.


Feminism may not mean equal right, but equal rights is the goal.  The word is not meaningless, because women still have a long way to go before equality is realized.  I don't think any negative regard for the word is well earned.  And people would claim to be feminists because, again, context.  There is not yet a reason to eschew the term and the movement.  And also, as much as I would find it to be midly hypocritical, a feminist need not be liberal.  You could be very conservative leaning and still be a feminist.  Although not everyone is comfortable with the name (as of recently, Joss Whedon).

In theory equal rights is the goal of Feminism. In practice, women already have the same rights as men (legally, I'm not saying that sexism is dead, so read on). There are inequalities, but they aren't on the legal level as far as I'm aware of, they are on the corporate level (some jobs pay more money to men than women), which is difficult to fix although has been steadily becoming less of a problem, and on the societal level (different opinions of men and women, double standards), which is most easily fixed by promoting Egalitarian attitudes. I'm sure there might be some issues I'm missing, but if there are, then they aren't being promoted by Feminists. I mostly see Feminists... Well, do what is being done in this topic, and that is nitpicking about perceived sexism against women.

Yes, I can find websites devoted to Feminists fighting for some form of equality, but I have to actively look for them due to the flood of "non-issue" crusaders who slap the word Feminist on their website to disguise what they are really complaining about. When the "false" examples of an ideology outnumber the "real" examples, I think it is time to admit the ideology has had its meaning become corrupted. This is why, even though I support gender equality, I find the label Feminist misleading and a little offensive.

I can't believe I'm arguing about Feminism and gender issues on a website devoted to a video game about space ninja's. This should never have been an issue in the first place.

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You mean that disliking a Slactivist movement that's Bigoted and borderline a Hate group on the level of the Westboro Baptist Church basically means that they also hate all women?


I severely hope you realize the issue with that logic.


That is a standard feminist case of cognitive dissonance, and one I absolutely loathe.

Just because I don't see an issue in every little @(*()$ detail of reality, and dislike people *@##$ing about it does NOT mean that I hate women. 


EDIT: and before I get someone trying to point this out as an example of sexism.

I'm knocking on the political stance and activities of feminism as a whole.

Feminism =/= Women, which is what I'm trying to point out.


We already have Women's Rights Activists, Feminism is a dirty word for a reason.

Oh Jesus, the WBC. Do not say their name or they will find you. D:

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I came on today to see how the discussion of my own thread on the same topic was doing to find it locked out due to people flaming the hell out of the topic. This is typical backlash against a legitimate complaint about sexism.


So enjoy this thread before the bullies get it locked again.


Yep. It's just the usual "OMG FREE SPEECH" "OMG UR TOO POLITICALLY CORRECT" nonsense.


Hysteria is a very risky name for this. It could be seen as a feminist reclaiming of the name, but it's more likely a rather sexist joke, and not a nice one. I'd suggest either coming out and saying it's the former (which may be hard to take if it's a man claiming it, btw!), or changing it to one of the million other names suggested.

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Words only have the power that you give them.

If you make a set of words 'bad' and 'evil' and make it so that they are derogatory and offensive and sexist then they will remain that way.

If instead you ignore it and move on and dont give it any consideration it loses its power and meaning of being any of those things.

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The Warframe universe is only meant to empower all characters, and Hysteria is used only in the connotation of a powerful emotional state.


We are reading the feedback, but in no means is Hysteria meant to disrespect. It is simply her ability where she unleashes insane hysteria upon her enemies.


Thread is being locked due to needing a cleanup in terms of disrespectful posts towards players.

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