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The Word 'hysteria' Has An Ugly Past


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I'd like to point out that culture-wide beliefs aren't always true, as proved by the word BELIEF, and that men are in fact incredibly emotional. We just received the short end of the stick when it comes to brain chemistry. Women come equipped with the ability to handle emotion and experience it in a much clearer manner. This has been proven in multiple fields. Go read a psychology textbook, why don't you? Lots of information on your gender roles there.


You didn't see that Excalibur get ripped into pieces in The Profit?

Male Frames have two example of big beefy tanks. Two. Out of how many? And Frost is only really "tanky" because of his stats and abilities. Nothing about him screams "beefy."

I'd say you're the one thinking with a bias here.


How about you instead provide a resource to support your claim?  Because it's not my job to prove you wrong, or even to confirm that you're right.


An Excalibur got ripped to pieces, yes.  Your point?


Men actually exhibit the entire gambit of fantasy/sci-fi class archetypes.  Women are largely relegated to caster, and they're definitely not allowed to have anything but the same body type.  The male frames have at least four body types, arguably 5, and the women have the one, maybe one and a half.  Because, like, who would want to see a strong women with muscles?  Eww.


This is the problem.  Women are stuck within a safe little box, while men have no such restrictions.

Edited by Cursor
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Most rapists are men.  And by most I mean virtually all: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rape_by_gender


Again, you don't seem to understand what the word context is.  You also don't seem to understand what a majority is or what that affect that has in regards to discrimination.


And I'm with you, it actually is our responsibility to educate you, but you don't seem to want to have any of it.


 You really are hopeless aren't you?  That's...


I can't even properly word how blatantly stupid and delusional you really are.


 I'm genuinely sorry for every single person that you have ever interacted with. I feel sorry for your friends, your family, your co-workers, the people who share the road with you, the restaurant waiters and waitresses that serve you and anybody influenced by anything you have ever voted for.


Please for the love of all that is good tell me you are a zero-pop believer and that you will never reproduce.



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How about you instead provide a resource to support your claim?  Because it's not my job to prove you wrong, or even to confirm that you're right.


An Excalibur got ripped to pieces, yes.  Your point?


Men actually exhibit the entire gambit of fantasy/sci-fi class archetypes.  Women are largely relegated to caster, and they're definitely not allowed to have anything but the same body type.  The male frames have at least four body types, arguably 5, and the women have the one, maybe one and a half.  Because, like, who would want to see a strong women with muscles?  Eww.


This is the problem.  Women are stuck within a safe little box, while men have no such restrictions.


GO look at the Diablo 3 female Barbarian.


Then come back and apologize.


Then make me a damn sandwich.

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You keep saying "sexist" I don't think it means what you think it means.


It's sexist because of the cultural context it's happening in.  The privileged group are, by definition, immune to things like sexism and racism.  At least on any wide scale.  This is pretty basic stuff.


So the Holocaust was perfectly acceptable because the culture that it occurred in viewed them as the oppressors?

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 You really are hopeless aren't you?  That's...


I can't even properly word how blatantly stupid and delusional you really are.


 I'm genuinely sorry for every single person that you have ever interacted with. I feel sorry for your friends, your family, your co-workers, the people who share the road with you, the restaurant waiters and waitresses that serve you and anybody influenced by anything you have ever voted for.


Please for the love of all that is good tell me you are a zero-pop believer and that you will never reproduce.




That was the biggest nonargument I've seen in my life.

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GO look at the Diablo 3 female Barbarian.


Then come back and apologize.


Then make me a damn sandwich.


I actually always point to Diablo 3 and the female Barbarian as a rare and wonderful example of the use of both male and female characters in the in the same role to achieve the same effect without being diminished by their gender, and as a good example of varied body types that have the physique being appropriate to the role.


So yes, I did look at her and I think she's wonderful.  Make your own @(*()$ sandwich.

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So the Holocaust was perfectly acceptable because the culture that it occurred in viewed them as the oppressors?


The Nazis could say they were being oppressed, but that didn't change the reality.  Also, they were still wrong because genocide is never morally justified.


Also Godwin's Law +1

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Agreed. The moment I heard the name my brain skipped. Interesting note, the word itself is from the Greek word hysteros which means uterus. The greeks thought that the uterus moved around and attacked other organs, causing all sort of maladies.

Way to fall into one of the most sexist tropes ever DE.

Edit due to Ninja: It doesn't matter if language evolves until it has evolved so far we can't see it's roots. It's not something that should be overlooked when it could be easily changed for the better. If it has unfortunate implications, it's better to do someting about it rather than shut up and let it happen. That's how stupid S#&$ like this gets institutionalized in the first place.

well you could say that but thats the point of evolution of language, to move on forward with the use and intention of the language. its like people think DE did this intentionally, like seriously its already more leniant with the "uncontrollable emotions" definition than anything else. i mean there are so many words out there that should be taken offensive for their "histories" but nobody is making a protest about them

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How about you instead provide a resource to support your claim?  Because it's not my job to prove you wrong, or even to confirm that you're right.


An Excalibur got ripped to pieces, yes.  Your point?


Men actually exhibit the entire gambit of fantasy/sci-fi class archetypes.  Women are largely relegated to caster, and they're definitely not allowed to have anything but the same body type.  The male frames have at least four body types, arguably 5, and the women have the one, maybe one and a half.  Because, like, who would want to see a strong women with muscles?  Eww.


This is the problem.  Women are stuck within a safe little box, while men have no such restrictions.

Excalibur was the one that died. Mag lived. See where I'm going with this?

Also Amazons. Oh, and the DROW. F*** you, the drow are a thing and they ruin your argument.

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I can't wait until this political correct generation screws up an entire generation of kids by teaching them that perfectly ordinary words are "WRONG" and have a "POOR HISTORY". Jesus Christ, it's this kind of soft-mindedness that'll see our civilization destroyed at the hands of one that doesn't overanalyze every little word just so they can put the "smack down" on the "patriarchy".

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Because the word Hysteria and the supposed plight of women is comparable to mass murder. Typical beta-male babble.

Oh no, If this was ACTUALLY about a god damned word we would have stopped long ago.

But apparently this is about something bigger.


According to blue, Raping and torturing men is perfectly acceptable because of "Cultural Context"

My retort was an extended metaphor of his logic.


The Holocaust was foul and a tragedy,

Akin to rape and torture of ANY human being.

But Blue doesn't seem to believe that.

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I @(*()$ loved the name. It worked. I liked it. The whole thing screams "WOLVERINE'S BACKSTORY BUT A GIRL".

It's these tumblr-ific social justice crusaders who can't handle a little word-play.

Yeah, white knights ruin everything. Some people saw a problem here where there was none, so they decided to try to create a problem.

I saw the name and thought "Wow, that's a pretty funny joke, although most people won't get it". They see the joke and go "I MUST PROTECT THE WOMENZ BECAUSE THIS JOKE COULD HARM THEM SOMEHOW!"

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You realize that "hysterical" is used as a synonym for "hilarious" these days right?


Also, call me when they name it Wandering Womb, until then pointless thread.


Oh, and how many people in the average age bracket of this game even know about this history? It's not like it's common knowledge these days.. unless you fancy yourself intellectual or watch QI I guess.

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You realize that "hysterical" is used as a synonym for "hilarious" these days right?


Also, call me when they name it Wandering Womb, until then pointless thread.

Wandering Womb would actually be a cool name for an attack. Although I can't imagine what an attack named that would actually do.
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Oh no, If this was ACTUALLY about a god damned word we would have stopped long ago.

But apparently this is about something bigger.


According to blue, Raping and torturing men is perfectly acceptable because of "Cultural Context"

My retort was an extended metaphor of his logic.


The Holocaust was foul and a tragedy,

Akin to rape and torture of ANY human being.

But Blue doesn't seem to believe that.


Why are you so.... hysterical?

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Discrimination because of sex, although I'm also an opponent of genderism, which is often mistaken for sexism.  Also, please let's avoid the ad hominems.  It does nothing to strengthen your argument.


I'm sorry if you were offended, but I'm not concerned about strengthening my argument.


It's not thought policing to tell christian kids that they can't bully other kids for being (filtered: g a y).


If you mean physical and mental abuse directed at a person, sure it's wrong, and you'd be right in correcting behaviour. But it's not bullying to believe and state that a lifestyle choice is wrong. By the way, it's not just Christians who oppose ****sexuality, and the fact that you single them out, as well as the fact that we're talking about kids having any concept of sexuality in the first place, is very telling.


Do you think slavery was wrong?  Do you think it was still wrong when people were keeping slaves, or was it okay because people said it was okay?


Irrelevant, but sure, slavery was wrong regardless of what other people said in that time period. Just like I think it's wrong to thought-police.


If you're trying to defend sexism then by all means please just say so, so that I too can understand the kind of person I'm interacting with.


Don't put a strawman in my seat. I'm just someone who hates hypocrisy and double-standard, something activists such as yourself reek of.


Education and indoctrination are two different things, and in this case there are people who are woefully unaware of the harm their actions can cause on both the micro and macro level.


Forgive my ignorance, Omniscient Moral Authority. Educate me on how the world is harmed by a video game having an ability named Hysteria.


Are you referring to women?  Because I really hope that you're not.  But anyway, this is not a class thing.  Like, at all.  The problem is that there are denigrating, derogatory, and demeaning aspects of society that specifically rob women of power and agency that is afforded to men.  They're not being "protected" because they're struggling to dispel these inequities.


I'm absolutely referring to women, or anyone who is afforded special treatment because of an alleged social conspiracy. You might not THINK it's a class thing, but it turns into an issue of class because you're putting a segment of society into the categories of "the offended" and "the offender". The only thing that robs women of power is the belief that they are being robbed of power by a nefarious societal construct, and handing themselves over to victim culture.


But if you want to phrase it that way, then I have no problem admitting that this is my stance.  I abso@(*()$lutely want women to be protected from the wage gap, sexual and gender discrimination, and rape culture.


Wage gap is a myth, but that's lovely statement. Maybe someday you'll elevate yourself to caring about everyone.

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oh god, im ashamed to be a woman over this thread. If the name of an ability offends you, then you really shouldn't be playing games in the first place. This has nothing to do about sexism, this is about your inability to separate gaming from reality. How about Nekros' Desecrate and Shadows of the Dead ability names? Do you see religious folk thumping their bibles in the forums over how evil these words/meanings are?


Unbunch your panties and get over it! This is a GAME, if you don't like it then stop playing like any sensible person would.

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oh god, im ashamed to be a woman over this thread. If the name of an ability offends you, then you really shouldn't be playing games in the first place. This has nothing to do about sexism, this about your inability to separate gaming from reality. How about Nekros' Desecrate and Shadows of the Dead ability names? Do you see religious folk thumping their bibles in the forums over how evil these words/meanings are?


Unbunch your panties and get over it!


Well, without people like OP how would we know when to get offended. We'd live in moral darkness! Darkness I say!!

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