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EULA and legal mumbo jumbo on gifting



Gweetins and salutations.


My name is santa-- err Shadowradiance. *Eherm*


It has come to my attention, that i simply cannot GIFT stuff away to deserving tenno who does not for instance.. have.. say.. A Harrow Prime. 

I happened to do it in Region chat, as i see lots of new tenno, both starting players and with cross play active, since, well. The odds of it going to someone who -wants- it is DRASTICLY improved over someone who will slap on a 'for sale' sticker on it as soon as the trade has gone through in trade chat as i was directed too.


Frankly, who sits in TRADE chat for giveaways? I BET no newbie tenno will be doing that.


However, i wish to read said rules that state it clearly. I've searched inside the EULA and user agreement blabla. 

(The weblinks was linked in the games region chat) (But as we all know. We cant copy links from there so here i am! Sant *ahema* sorry, bad cough. Couldnt find the correct page that says i legit, cannot GIVE stuff away in a chat where lots of tenno is in.


Frankly, i could do it in >>Trade chat<< but as said, that would be like giving it away to someone who will pop back out of the dojo, shout in trade that "Harrow P set for sale!" 20 seconds later... its just.. santa does not understand. 


Santa is unhappy. Santa want to gift stuff to tenno that wants and needs it. Not slap a 'for sale' sticker on it.


Could some kind mod or soul link to the texts in question?

Cause i refuse to accept i -SANTA- cannot give stuff away!

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1 hour ago, rapt0rman said:

Did someone tell you that you can't give stuff away? Because you can give stuff away.


I was told i cannot say: 'Who here does not have a Harrow P and would like one? 👀 ' to be exact. I was kicked from region chat and directed to trade. 

I was told: as a trade window is -needed- to accomplish what i wanted. Thus re-directed towards trade chat. Where as stated above, i felt someone will just slap a 'for sale' sticker on with almost certainty.


I want to read where it clearly states, i cannot, how to put this in english. 

Im not even hosting a give away. If i could have directly gifted a harrow prime through the gift system i WOULD HAVE. But alas, i cant. The system wont let me. I even have too -urgh- accept a trash mod, or worse something else in return for said gift!

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TBH that's not a legal issue, that's just their chat guidelines.

You aren't going to find a rule in the EULA that specifically says "you can't use the other public chat channels to exchange goods" There's nothing legally binding about it, beyond the fact that DE is legally allowed to set and moderate those kind of rules.

The funny thing is... I don't think it's even written down anywhere. Not even in the chat rules that get posted at the top when region channel first loads. It does say "only recruit in recruiting channel" but says nothing at all about trading.

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26 minutes ago, -ShadowRadiance- said:

Could you direct me per chance to the relevant page where chat rules is then? i couldnt find it when it even

No page, it's at the top of region channel in-game, if the game has been running for a while it'll get bumped off due to total chat limit, so you might need to restart it.

And just to clarify, it's super basic stuff: no spamming, no profanity, be polite, only recruit in recruiting.

You aren't going to find a complete list of all the things you can and can't do in chat. but it's definitely weird that trading isn't mentioned at all.

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Then i am curious what the person in question was linking too if there is no page. 

And yes, there is only 'recruiting' mentioned at the chat top. I relogged in to confirm. 
Nothing is mentioned about trading.


But still, if i try i get kicked manually so.. il continue digging for a difinitive answer

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vor 6 Stunden schrieb -ShadowRadiance-:

Gweetins and salutations.


My name is santa-- err Shadowradiance. *Eherm*


It has come to my attention, that i simply cannot GIFT stuff away to deserving tenno who does not for instance.. have.. say.. A Harrow Prime. 

I happened to do it in Region chat, as i see lots of new tenno, both starting players and with cross play active, since, well. The odds of it going to someone who -wants- it is DRASTICLY improved over someone who will slap on a 'for sale' sticker on it as soon as the trade has gone through in trade chat as i was directed too.


Frankly, who sits in TRADE chat for giveaways? I BET no newbie tenno will be doing that.


However, i wish to read said rules that state it clearly. I've searched inside the EULA and user agreement blabla. 

(The weblinks was linked in the games region chat) (But as we all know. We cant copy links from there so here i am! Sant *ahema* sorry, bad cough. Couldnt find the correct page that says i legit, cannot GIVE stuff away in a chat where lots of tenno is in.


Frankly, i could do it in >>Trade chat<< but as said, that would be like giving it away to someone who will pop back out of the dojo, shout in trade that "Harrow P set for sale!" 20 seconds later... its just.. santa does not understand. 


Santa is unhappy. Santa want to gift stuff to tenno that wants and needs it. Not slap a 'for sale' sticker on it.


Could some kind mod or soul link to the texts in question?

Cause i refuse to accept i -SANTA- cannot give stuff away!

I mean just write: WTT Harrow Prime for ammo drum to new player. Problem solved, took me 1 second

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I get the intent and desire here, and its pretty noble and kind gesture to want to undertake. 

Arguably though, I think there are better ways to help players though, than just randomly giving away something. What you could try instead, is ask if there are any new players in Recruiting that need help? Look for lower level players with beginner level issues, and then help them, and talk to them about the game, what issues they are having, play with them, talk to them, etc and once you have learned a bit about them, after helping them with the missions or issue they have, ask them to come to your Dojo for a quick trade and then offer them the Harrow Prime (or anything else) that way. 

Not only have you helped them, and gotten to know them a little, you'll give them a nice warm feeling at the end, to encourage them, and they can have something exciting to build. You can also tailor what you give them too, of they have preferences. They might get more value being given a rare Mod for example, instead of a Prime Warframe they have no interest in. You also get to filter out people who, don't need the help or charity and would just resell the gift 5 mins later. 

Thats my approach at least anyway. Either way, your intent is sweet and kind. 

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They probably got confused by https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/WARFRAME_Wiki:Chat_Policy which is the wiki's discord rules, totally unrelated to the main game but still the top google result for any variation of "warframe chat rules"


The thing is, you also aren't going to find a post on the forums telling you that improperly placed forum posts will be moved to the correct sub-forum, because that's just... the purpose of sub-forums and chat channels.

Also, you're likely getting kicked automatically due to keywords you used, "does anyone want" "free" "giving away" etc.

Doing the "show me in the rule of the law where it says I can't do this" routine really isn't going to get you anywhere. Your time would be better served just submitting a feedback/suggestion on the forums requesting that casual gift giving be allowed in region channel.


33 minutes ago, AstrayRed84 said:

I mean just write: WTT Harrow Prime for ammo drum to new player. Problem solved, took me 1 second

This is the other thing I forgot to address, plenty of new players do use trade chat, and not everyone is a scalper looking to resell (nor is it really any less likely to happen in region)


I also like @(PSN)slightconfuzzled's solution :P

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