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Pls Rebalance 4Th Skills, Op Skills.


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I like play Online..but mostly i play with friends. With Friend group we dont use this skills.. we have more fun with difrent way,

When i go play with random ppl im usualy find platers who stand on boxes and spaming 4th skills at every mob wave, it &!$$ed me off.. destroying whole co-op system and all teamplay.

Im mad because i dont have this skills.. no i have Mag or Frost.. and its borring.. realy...no fun with this.

My suggestion with Rebalance...

Set Maximum numbers of dmged mobs..

On Frost..

Ususaly on this skills we get numbers around 10.. so i think 3th lvl of this skills max 15 mobs will be damaged... on rest mobs this skill just freez them for a little time. - this skill still be usefull and very helpfull in group and rest team can do something.


Same.. 15 max numbers of dmg and the rest just CC.. clos in Air for a little.


Im bored with all defense mission when Frost/Mage stand on boxes and spam 4th skill.. rest team are for nothing.. no fun..

Im bored with ppl who speed run whole maps.. just to be as fast its possible to end it...

Game need more challenge and more dificult scaling with more party members..

How about You ppl..

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Guest VoltsofDawn

I like play Online..but mostly i play with friends. With Friend group we dont use this skills.. we have more fun with difrent way,

When i go play with random ppl im usualy find platers who stand on boxes and spaming 4th skills at every mob wave, it &!$$ed me off.. destroying whole co-op system and all teamplay.

Im mad because i dont have this skills.. no i have Mag or Frost.. and its borring.. realy...no fun with this.

My suggestion with Rebalance...

Set Maximum numbers of dmged mobs..

On Frost..

Ususaly on this skills we get numbers around 10.. so i think 3th lvl of this skills max 15 mobs will be damaged... on rest mobs this skill just freez them for a little time. - this skill still be usefull and very helpfull in group and rest team can do something.


Same.. 15 max numbers of dmg and the rest just CC.. clos in Air for a little.


Im bored with all defense mission when Frost/Mage stand on boxes and spam 4th skill.. rest team are for nothing.. no fun..

Im bored with ppl who speed run whole maps.. just to be as fast its possible to end it...

Game need more challenge and more dificult scaling with more party members..

How about You ppl..

I love useing the powers that are OP, but i only use hem when i need to, like if my team and i are surrounded or one is down and surrounded. useing them all the time is boreding
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There are certain people I have played with that get 100 kills while everyone else gets 20 at best when they are using the mags crush power. That thing is so OP it's hilarious. I think they should keep the powers OP but make energy much harder to come by.

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but its sad.. many many players just spam his skills ;/

the 4th skılls are good how they are atm... nothıng needs to be changed ımo

Prob ur the one of this players who only using power skills to fight.

This skills NEED big rebalance!!

Edited by Dreed
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I like play Online..but mostly i play with friends. With Friend group we dont use this skills.. we have more fun with difrent way,

When i go play with random ppl im usualy find platers who stand on boxes and spaming 4th skills at every mob wave, it &!$$ed me off.. destroying whole co-op system and all teamplay.

Im mad because i dont have this skills.. no i have Mag or Frost.. and its borring.. realy...no fun with this.

My suggestion with Rebalance...

Set Maximum numbers of dmged mobs..

On Frost..

Ususaly on this skills we get numbers around 10.. so i think 3th lvl of this skills max 15 mobs will be damaged... on rest mobs this skill just freez them for a little time. - this skill still be usefull and very helpfull in group and rest team can do something.


Same.. 15 max numbers of dmg and the rest just CC.. clos in Air for a little.


Im bored with all defense mission when Frost/Mage stand on boxes and spam 4th skill.. rest team are for nothing.. no fun..

Im bored with ppl who speed run whole maps.. just to be as fast its possible to end it...

Game need more challenge and more dificult scaling with more party members..

How about You ppl..

Pls rebalance spelling, OP grammar errors.

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I like play Online..but mostly i play with friends. With Friend group we dont use this skills.. we have more fun with difrent way,

When i go play with random ppl im usualy find platers who stand on boxes and spaming 4th skills at every mob wave, it &!$$ed me off.. destroying whole co-op system and all teamplay.

Different players have fun in a different way than you. Sometimes it's fun to try and get more kills than the spammers.

Im mad because i dont have this skills.. no i have Mag or Frost.. and its borring.. realy...no fun with this.

You might want to leave that bit of information out of your argument. Makes it sound like a child's tantrum.

Im bored with ppl who speed run whole maps.. just to be as fast its possible to end it...


I'm all for removing win buttons from skills and replacing them with more strategic skills, not to mention the initial backlash would be pretty damn interesting to observe.

Edited by Cakes
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The most hilarious fact concerning 4th Skill is that Mag and Rhino have the same Skill but Mags does a lot of damage and Rhinos doesnt.

One is a tank...the other is a "mage-type".

Tank vs DPS, I wonder who deals more damage?

Edited by Sollet
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i know that wtm game dont need tanks... support or healers.. Warframes have so big DMG on his skills than nothing more is needed... hope it will change soon..

Bout nerfing boosting.. we need to think about this.. what is better.. nerf something or boost all?

For me its better nerf some skills than boost the rest.. game need to be more challenge than atm realy is. All dmg ultis should be nerferd to limited numbers of mobs hitting at once. It make no sense.. why Frost and Mag or even Volt ulti has no limits but ember has... why Ash ulti or Excalibur cant kill whole room of mobs.. only specific number.

If all this ulti will have no limits game will be even more easy than now is.

All no dmg skills should have no limits.. but even big CC like Nyx Chaos is sometimes better than OP dmg skill from Mag/Frost.

All dmg ultis should have limits..

Thats is my opinion and hope that balance Weapon vs Power play will be important.. and for me Powers should be only support in fight not a primary source of warframes dmg.

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Considering they nerfed Ash's ult to max kill I believe 9... I wouldn't mind the rest of the frames get the treatment. Doesn't have to be 9 always, just as long as theres a kill cap or something keeping it from being "kill absolutely everything within x meters"

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Pls rebalance spelling, OP grammar errors.

Not everyone's first language is English. Calm down.

@OP: I agree, some ultimates need rebalancing. e.g. frost nerf, mag nerf, ember buff, rhino buff, etc. Remember, though, this is still Beta. Much balancing is to come.

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Arguably Mag gets way more for 100 Energy.

Tank Role is obsolete anyways, can't imagine any situation where Rhino would be handy.

Loki can solo every Boss easily with Invisibilty and a Team composed with Frost/Mag does every challenging defense mission in a breeze.

Sticking a role to Warframes wont serve any useful purpose so doesn't a pale comparison between DPS and Tank.

Think about what the objectives of the missions are, and what each warframe contributes, to accomplish these.

Ash; a highly mobile Warframe, which can spike melee damage with 2nd, 1st is kind of weak, 4th has its uses.

Ember; range and damage of every skill is very low 3rd at least gets rid of Rollers; altough a fire based frame doesnt excel at killing Infested. 4th Skill is a total Joke.

Excalibur; has a very good set of skills except for jump, you can contribute well to every kind of mission. 4th Skill does solid AOE damage on medium range but blind spot behind Player.

Frost; good defensive and offensive area of effect abilities, 1st skill even has a short stun and following slow for single target. 4th skill high damage high range.

Loki; good at distraction with 1st (also opens doors on Outer Terminus f.e.), 2nd kind of a cookie cutter very strong synergy with Dual Zoren, 3rd has its uses to trap bosses and troll players, 4th medium range, good duration, clusters up enemies because they are forced to go melee, good synergy with melee focused frame-build.

Mag; 1st good for trolling players, 2nd could be usefull *see Trinity*, 3rd helps with bosses and Gorgon/Shotguns makes every bullet hit on Range, 4th is a absolute blast with +60% Range reaches all corners of Outer Terminus room, kills almost all minions and disables all for good ammount of time

Nyx; can't comment haven't played

Rhino; 1st damage is medicore, 2nd could be good at tanking if you ever happen to get "aggro" or if you'd be able to get ahead of your team mates. 3rd has medium damage and very small AOE, 4th is a Mag rip-off without the damage.

Trinity, could be a very good supportive Frame, if her skills weren't so situational and the game actually had a good UI HUD showing teammates Shields/Health/Power.

Volt, good set of skills for defense, offense, mobility and range although other Frames excel more in each of these.

DE tried to make every Warframe more unique by changing their Basic Armor, Shield, Health, Power, Speed.

That just adds up to the fact that Rhino totally loses out to every Frame, except for soloing, which Ember imo is the worst for.

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DE tried to make every Warframe more unique by changing their Basic Armor, Shield, Health, Power, Speed.

That just adds up to the fact that Rhino totally loses out to every Frame, except for soloing, which Ember imo is the worst for.

And hope they dont stop :)

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Considering they nerfed Ash's ult to max kill I believe 9... I wouldn't mind the rest of the frames get the treatment. Doesn't have to be 9 always, just as long as theres a kill cap or something keeping it from being "kill absolutely everything within x meters"

Eh I think Ash should have a function where if there are no more targets you'll strike the same target multiple times.

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I like play Online..but mostly i play with friends. With Friend group we dont use this skills.. we have more fun with difrent way,

When i go play with random ppl im usualy find platers who stand on boxes and spaming 4th skills at every mob wave, it &!$$ed me off.. destroying whole co-op system and all teamplay.

Im mad because i dont have this skills.. no i have Mag or Frost.. and its borring.. realy...no fun with this.

My suggestion with Rebalance...

Set Maximum numbers of dmged mobs..

On Frost..

Ususaly on this skills we get numbers around 10.. so i think 3th lvl of this skills max 15 mobs will be damaged... on rest mobs this skill just freez them for a little time. - this skill still be usefull and very helpfull in group and rest team can do something.


Same.. 15 max numbers of dmg and the rest just CC.. clos in Air for a little.


Im bored with all defense mission when Frost/Mage stand on boxes and spam 4th skill.. rest team are for nothing.. no fun..

Im bored with ppl who speed run whole maps.. just to be as fast its possible to end it...

Game need more challenge and more dificult scaling with more party members..

How about You ppl..

Then quit playing defense missions against corpus? Avalanche and Crush are crap against infested ancients and most grineer.

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Currently some warframes are only viable due to their ult if they get capped or nerfed more then they have to have their overall kit changed or buffed.

Examples are Volt and Mag , Frost will be fine due to how usefull his snowglobe is.

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Then quit playing defense missions against corpus? Avalanche and Crush are crap against infested ancients and most grineer.

No they are not, it kills all infested chargers which make up a majority of the mobs that alone is granted a mag/ frost users atleast 20-30 kills not counting the leapers and exploding ones.

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No they are not, it kills all infested chargers which make up a majority of the mobs that alone is granted a mag/ frost users atleast 20-30 kills not counting the leapers and exploding ones.

I said infested ancients which spawn in hordes on Xini. Toxic ancients hugging the cryo pod are usually what kill it. Basically avalanche and crush will do little more than tickle any mid to high level enemy that has heavy armor. And pretty much any frame with damage based skills will destroy chargers, runners, and leapers. Also pretty much any weapon will do this as well. OP is basically complaining over 2 frames that are excelling in a scenario that is set up to favor them and and 1 of their skills provided they have enough power range mods.

Edited by UkyoSonoda
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One is a tank...the other is a "mage-type".

Tank vs DPS, I wonder who deals more damage?


And fyi the only reason people are instagibbing stuff is cause most of you players play on Earth and Venus farming mats or stuff. Few of you play on ERIS or PLUTO... Mag and Volt cant instagib things there without +Power mods. Since these mods are hard to find (I should know alot of hours played and have found 3 of varying strength), the likelyhood of every Volt or Mag having enough power to 1 shot stuff on Pluto and Eris is still pretty small. So my point is... play harder content for more strategic play and for higher difficulty and more fun. Stick to Earth and Venus and you will have a cakewalk and people will spam powers because they farm. I know I already 1 shot stuff as lv 20 mag on Venus. I know that my friends with a 30 mag dont 1 shot stuff on Pluto. Nuff said.

At least if you are gonna make an argument get your facts straight. I know my facts are correct cause I play on Pluto in Online mode, and I rarely have anyone join my games cause the damn Pluto system is empty!!!! I think 1-3% of our playerbase goes there at all.

Thanks, I´m done. You people keep being angry for no reason.

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