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Protea Deluxe weapons need to have less noise on them.


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For the short answer? Legit just the title.

For the long answer?
Protea Deluxe's Weapon Skins are digustingly heavy on sound.
To the point where if someone is using it? It's the ONLY thing I hear.

I can have my game on medium sound with browser music playing in the background.
If either of these weapons show up, it overpowers both music and game volume.


The biggest offender is THIS WRETCHED THING pictured above and it's abhorrent design. The thrown daggers are also a pain.
Now, I'm not here to talk about it's visual design.
While it's not my cup of tea-- what somebody wants to paint their gun as is very little business of mine.

But something I cannot avoid is the sound of it.

By a singular shot from far away? It's fine. Absolutely heard, but not troubling on the ears.
... but add Multishot and being near the receiving end of the AoE?

It goes from "okay" to "reverb hell".

All I'm asking DE... is just to take THOSE skins... and make their sounds less obnoxious.
Two skins. That's it.
There are PLENTY of bad offenders-- but these are the biggest and most notorious ones around.


... and before anybody says "Oh, just turn off your sound.

The point is that no matter what my volume is, those skins are loud as hell.
Besides, do I REALLY have to turn off my game volume for someone else's poor choice of skins?
I think not.
I'd fix it myself if I could, but last I checked? Changing sound files is a ticket to a ban so I think I'll just ask DE to do their end of things.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So apparently DE must've seen this post just before Duviri because the new Duviri Melees are extremely loud.

God damn it, I wasn't asking for LOUDER weapons-- I was asking if they can tone them the hell down!
Would it be that difficult to just... take the volume slider for the sound emitted and just... push it down in 3% increments until it's not ear-grating?

I don't want to mute the ENTIRE game because of a few weapons being obnoxiously designed.
It's not like these weapons are inherently bad. All of them look amazing and Syam is one I grew fond of quick-- but I cannot justify it with how much sound it takes up!

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