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What is “Soulsframe?”


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6 hours ago, Felsagger said:


I don't have a my dog in such race. I don't give two rat asses if the game fails or succeed. I can't care any less. That is DE's doing not mine. If the boat sinks, I pick another, If the boat floats, fine, I have more games to play. 


It's pointless to be a fan of a game. Fanboyism is just as irrelevant and temporary like the clouds in the sky or the storms in the tropics. 

Let me show you an awesome game that people still like but it failed in numbers due to the launch window. 

This is how a cooperative game sounds. People still have fun because there is a purpose of doing PvE cooperatively. 


Do you have this level of engagement between players in Warframe? No. 

This is my critique. It's very simple. Why should we play a game online if cooperativism between players in an objective is missing? Why should I care for Soulframe if we are going to have a similar experience in the Peer to Peer department?




Don't quote me with your nonsense. Get help.

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7 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

Don't quote me with your common sense.  

(Fixed for accuracy)

Sue me. 

Now let me address other things that are more relevant. If we want a future on Warframe and Soulframe then DE must improve their 3D engine, far off distance, level of detail, connectivity between places and full 3D modeling of the places. 


Here is an overview of Unreal engine 5.0 and the game Chrono Odyssey. 


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48 minutes ago, CosmicHermitCrab said:

The hyped copium continues...fml 😭

Also, what about wayfinder? 🥺

We don't know if Chrono Odyssey is free to play. 

I hope is not. Free to play games market model sucks ass. That model needs to flop the worst way possible like the game E.T. 

Classical up front price is far better model because such model guarantees quality in the initial delivery. The GAAS game model is the worst crutch for developers. It's the "sell it first, fix it later" model. 

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4 hours ago, Felsagger said:

Classical up front price is far better model because such model guarantees quality in the initial delivery. The GAAS game model is the worst crutch for developers. It's the "sell it first, fix it later" model. 

Because that is never seen with B2P games right? *cough*cyberpunkbattlefieldthelistgoeson*cough*

As to Chrono Odyssey. Run of the mill asian MMO by the looks of it. It's as if Vindictus and Black Desert had a baby, and not in a good way. And it will likely end up in the same pile as every other overhyped MMO from the last 10 years or so, on the pile of dead within a few months if it ever releases at all. And if it is F2P and follows an asian model, well good luck getting anywhere without spending a ton of cash.

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6 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

Because that is never seen with B2P games right? *cough*cyberpunkbattlefieldthelistgoeson*cough*

As to Chrono Odyssey. Run of the mill asian MMO by the looks of it. It's as if Vindictus and Black Desert had a baby, and not in a good way. And it will likely end up in the same pile as every other overhyped MMO from the last 10 years or so, on the pile of dead within a few months if it ever releases at all. And if it is F2P and follows an asian model, well good luck getting anywhere without spending a ton of cash.

I'm afraid this is a topic that I DO NOT KNOW because I never touched classicals MMO in general. My experience is limited to Sekiro, Ghost of Tsushima, Dark Soul 1, Dark Soul 2, Dark Soul 3, Bloodborne, Elden Ring. 

Usually the games that I select are "the best in the genre" from companies that established their curriculum vitae in the market. Of course there are many underdogs or Indie developers that provide humble and unexpected surprises. These are many, I'm surprised about the amount of hidden talent on many of these developers. 

Since this is a topic that I do not ventured myself,  I am out of this loop in particular. I don't know what is Vindictus, Black Desert or any other game you mentioned on your known library. I'm completely out of that loop. 

But I do know about the GAAS F2P Peer to Peer epidemic that invaded the industry lately. This "Daemon" has been doing damage long time ago in the industry. The Asiatic Model sucks ass like no tomorrow. Never considered it a legit progress in the industry other than a clean action of fleecing customers with a product that improves over time. 

The player assisted model is another topic that harms games. It always makes double dribbles and loop redundant repetitions on the progress of such game. Some mistakes are constantly repeated while patching becomes the quick remedy. The illness that Warframe has IS NOT UNIQUE. Pirates, Sea of Thieves has this issue. 

The buy to play model for the cases you mentioned happened in THE PANDEMIC. They are NOT the norm. These three notorious cases where 343i Halo Infinite, CD Projekt Red's Cyberpunk and Dice's Battlefield 2042. 

The buy to play model is far superior than the free to play model by a longslide. Why? The player can detect, select, wait, compare and decide when to dive in. One classical case is the case of Hello Games' No Man's Sky. Their launch was problematic but the longslide was ENTIRELY SUCCESSFUL. It's called the comeback of the decade for a reason. 

But it doesn't end here. I don't play MMO because they are just a big waste of time, IN MY OPINION, so the  JRPGMMOs. I will never touch with a 15 feet iron pole games like the Witcher series, the World of Warcraft, League of Legends among few others. This is not my cup of tea. I entered the Soulsborne genre seeking challenge and I found it with From Software. 

I am NOT excited for Soulframe due to the curriculum vitae of the developers that we experienced with Warframe. I will NEVER EVER repeat a similar Warframe experience ever again. This will be the only F2P GAAS P2P game that I will play and the last one. If Chrono Odyssey is a free to play I'm out too. I will apply the same principle. Had enough spending time on such games. It's a one time experience not a TWO time experience. 



Free to play < Buy to play. Fact. 


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16 hours ago, Felsagger said:

I'm afraid this is a topic that I DO NOT KNOW because I never touched classicals MMO in general. My experience is limited to Sekiro, Ghost of Tsushima, Dark Soul 1, Dark Soul 2, Dark Soul 3, Bloodborne, Elden Ring. 

Usually the games that I select are "the best in the genre" from companies that established their curriculum vitae in the market. Of course there are many underdogs or Indie developers that provide humble and unexpected surprises. These are many, I'm surprised about the amount of hidden talent on many of these developers. 

Since this is a topic that I do not ventured myself,  I am out of this loop in particular. I don't know what is Vindictus, Black Desert or any other game you mentioned on your known library. I'm completely out of that loop. 

But I do know about the GAAS F2P Peer to Peer epidemic that invaded the industry lately. This "Daemon" has been doing damage long time ago in the industry. The Asiatic Model sucks ass like no tomorrow. Never considered it a legit progress in the industry other than a clean action of fleecing customers with a product that improves over time. 

The player assisted model is another topic that harms games. It always makes double dribbles and loop redundant repetitions on the progress of such game. Some mistakes are constantly repeated while patching becomes the quick remedy. The illness that Warframe has IS NOT UNIQUE. Pirates, Sea of Thieves has this issue. 

The buy to play model for the cases you mentioned happened in THE PANDEMIC. They are NOT the norm. These three notorious cases where 343i Halo Infinite, CD Projekt Red's Cyberpunk and Dice's Battlefield 2042. 

The buy to play model is far superior than the free to play model by a longslide. Why? The player can detect, select, wait, compare and decide when to dive in. One classical case is the case of Hello Games' No Man's Sky. Their launch was problematic but the longslide was ENTIRELY SUCCESSFUL. It's called the comeback of the decade for a reason. 

But it doesn't end here. I don't play MMO because they are just a big waste of time, IN MY OPINION, so the  JRPGMMOs. I will never touch with a 15 feet iron pole games like the Witcher series, the World of Warcraft, League of Legends among few others. This is not my cup of tea. I entered the Soulsborne genre seeking challenge and I found it with From Software. 

I am NOT excited for Soulframe due to the curriculum vitae of the developers that we experienced with Warframe. I will NEVER EVER repeat a similar Warframe experience ever again. This will be the only F2P GAAS P2P game that I will play and the last one. If Chrono Odyssey is a free to play I'm out too. I will apply the same principle. Had enough spending time on such games. It's a one time experience not a TWO time experience. 



Free to play < Buy to play. Fact. 


There is alot you dont know, yet you keep talking as if you do. Just this post debunks alot of what you've said in the past regarding alot of things. You should have stopped after admitting you do not know. A few points.

1. You previously have claimed a mobile port will hold back a game and set a floor. Well why did you go and post videos of an upcoming mobile crossplay game while also using it as an example of what WF needs to do? Yes I'm talking about Chrono Odyssey. So clearly mobile crossplay wont hold back a game, like others have told you.

2. "GAAS F2P Peer to Peer epidemic". So what makes Peer to Peer unacceptable to you for GAAS and F2P games when you are fully fine with playing Peer to Peer games you also pay for? Because I'm hope you are fully aware that co-op in all souls games work like it does in WF?

3. Why throw in "asiatic model" in the same sentence as peer to peer? You cant even talk about the "asiatic model" since as you've already admitted and stated, you dont know anything about that because you havent touched MMOs. Do you even have a single clue what the "asiatic model" is for MMOs?

4. The "player assisted" model that you talk of is in all games these days since players and equipment are just that many these days that a QoL team cannot remotely compare. Elden Ring and others also rely on the same model to crunch bugs.

5. There is no excuse for companies to release shoddy products even during a pandemic and ask money for it. Delaying like other companies did should be the norm in such a situation. And at the same time we also had companies like DE that did rethink their approach and adapt by releasing something else than planned, something that didnt need equipment locked behind the pandemic restrictions. They also did this in the span of around 6 months, going from changing their plans to releasing the content. Plus it isnt like these shoddy releases that cost big bucks were tied to the pandemic for those companies. The Witcher and Battlefield series have been plagued with bugs every new release. BF4 took over a freakin' year to get working properly for the sole purpose it exsists, which is PvP.

6. You are talking backwards regarding B2P and F2P. B2P will always be inferior since there is no chance to test the product properly before investing. F2P will always be the best option for the player since it allows unlimited free testing of the game until they feel happy to or in the need to spend.

7. How do you possibly know MMOs are a waste of time or not when you havent played them? You're aware that you are practically playing an MMO by playing WF even though it isnt one? Since what differentiates an MMO from a game like WF is simply the server structure and the world. The loop and progress etc. is the same as any other GAAS game.

8. Why do you burp out The Witcher and LoL in the same section where you talk about JRPGs and MMOs? Do you have that little of a clue regarding games outside of souls? You're aware that The Witcher 3 is a fantastic game with combat similar to souls games, just not as punishing? And with a story that can last you several hundreds of hours in a single play through.

9. And why do you use Chrono Odyssey as an example of a great looking game. It is asia visual puke on a screen, with cringe looking adults wearing baby/teen faces and k-pop hairstyles. With over the top combat moves that below in an anime show or some other bullS#&amp;&#036;. And I can bet that all the characters will sound like the devs have sampled sounds from a porno movie, no matter if they jump, fight or simply idle.

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11 hours ago, GrayArchon said:

There you go again.

Some people really do think whatever happens in their heads is Fact, it's a fascinating part of the human condition I love exploring, it's most of the reason I interact with game forums, to examine why people think what they think.

Especially the ones that think feelings and opinions are facts, or that their opinions are somehow in need of proving for validation.

This particular poster to whom you reply is a fountain of data in this area and has given me many fine examples over the years.

Some people just have to feel like they are 'right', it's fascinating. 

Happy Gaming.

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8 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

There is alot you dont know, yet you keep talking as if you do.

That applies to everybody, including you. 

I recognize which things I don't know and do something about it or state that I do not know them. 

8 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

Just this post debunks alot of what you've said in the past regarding alot of things. You should have stopped after admitting you do not know. A few points.

When you use references then that is more productive and informative. Your word can't be taken as the truth if there is no information to back up your discussion. When you post you should include references and works that explains what is not considered. Without reference the conversation becomes circulatory. 

8 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

1. You previously have claimed a mobile port will hold back a game and set a floor. Well why did you go and post videos of an upcoming mobile crossplay game while also using it as an example of what WF needs to do? Yes I'm talking about Chrono Odyssey. So clearly mobile crossplay wont hold back a game, like others have told you.

1. The whole ordeal of phones was solved easily. I do not discuss it anymore because batteries can't withstand the time that a player spend playing warframe. That battery will run out of steam fast and the life of it will be shortened significantly due to the charges and discharges that the battery will have. 

2. Warframe is not a game convenient to phones and so Soulframe. These are farming games that depends on resource gathering. The resource gathering takes almost 80 percent of the activity on Warframe. Everything requires a resource collecting and an RNG gate. That format for phones is not convenient. In phones you need games that are not that engaging. 


Game over. 

8 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

2. "GAAS F2P Peer to Peer epidemic". So what makes Peer to Peer unacceptable to you for GAAS and F2P games when you are fully fine with playing Peer to Peer games you also pay for? Because I'm hope you are fully aware that co-op in all souls games work like it does in WF?

The quality of a GAAS F2P game can't be compared to a full pay to play game. 



Horizon Zero Buring Shores


Game over. 

8 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

3. Why throw in "asiatic model" in the same sentence as peer to peer? You cant even talk about the "asiatic model" since as you've already admitted and stated, you dont know anything about that because you havent touched MMOs. Do you even have a single clue what the "asiatic model" is for MMOs?

This is another bait. I never related Peer to Peer with asiatic model. Those are two different ideas. I don't have knowledge on JRPGs and MMOs and RPGMMO. I don't play those games. But peer to peer is a connection network 


This has nothing to do with the asiatic model at all. The peer to peer model is more problematic than the client server model connection. Do not tergiverse my posts. Ask google for a translation. If google fails you, search for someone who knows better english and help you interpret what is written on the board. 



8 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

4. The "player assisted" model that you talk of is in all games these days since players and equipment are just that many these days that a QoL team cannot remotely compare. Elden Ring and others also rely on the same model to crunch bugs.


 Guerrilla Games has a forum similar to this one? Answer, No. 

Warframe is a player assisted model where the players reports the bugs and the glitches the game has. Every game uses forums for game discussions and interactions with the players. This game is particularly designed around bug feedback of the players and game performance. There are forums dedicated to this. 

Are you familiarized with the forum of this game? Do you know what is the structure of this forum and why is different than other common forums out there? Is the same dynamics of bug report and hot fixes the same than other games? 

The answer is NO. 


8 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

5. There is no excuse for companies to release shoddy products even during a pandemic and ask money for it. Delaying like other companies did should be the norm in such a situation.

This is off topic but the Buy to play model is always superior than the free to play. The purchase impies instant delivery of the product where the developer tested, reviewed and debugged the game. Good developers invest time debugging their game and cleaning their code. Robustness matters. 

Of course the case of CDPR is a novel one including 343i and Dice. These games were designed BETWEEN generation, ie, CROSS GENERATION games. These went cross generation due to the lack of hardware inception in the market. There weren't enough PS5 and not enough Xbox Series S to insert these games as next generation only. The companies always thinks on the return of investments when they launch titles. CDPR, Dice and 343i made a huge fiasco moreover in a pandemic time. 

When games are cross platform there are lots of technical debts and restraints due to the hardware difference of almost ten years between generations. Multi platform games are nowhere near the quality of exclusive titles. Why? Designing for one hardware or two hardwares is easier than generalizing a game that encompases different hardware BETWEEN generations. 

An example is Horizon Zero Forbidden West a cross generation title and Horizon Zero Buring Shores. 



8 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

And at the same time we also had companies like DE that did rethink their approach and adapt by releasing something else than planned, something that didnt need equipment locked behind the pandemic restrictions.

Working from home IS NOT THE SAME as working in the studio. 


8 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

They also did this in the span of around 6 months, going from changing their plans to releasing the content. Plus it isnt like these shoddy releases that cost big bucks were tied to the pandemic for those companies. The Witcher and Battlefield series have been plagued with bugs every new release. BF4 took over a freakin' year to get working properly for the sole purpose it exsists, which is PvP.

CDPR had the capacity to rebound with Phantom Liberty and a full review and improvement of the game. They were forced to save face with the worst start similar to Hello games. Dice is pulling off a good attempt with current updates and server fixes with Battlefield 2042. Now the game is fun and playable with a more complete set of weapons, map reworks and quality of life improvements on the game. 

These games took a beating but they made a comeback. These companies where recovering from the pandemic except 343i. Working from home had setbacks. Now these companies are recovering their investments in Cyberpunk and Battlefield. These are becoming great games on the long run. 




8 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

6. You are talking backwards regarding B2P and F2P. B2P will always be inferior since there is no chance to test the product properly before investing. F2P will always be the best option for the player since it allows unlimited free testing of the game until they feel happy to or in the need to spend.

Let us test that theory of yours: Horizon Forbidden West Burning Shores.


The level of polish in this game is more than satisfactory. 


Game over. 

8 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

7. How do you possibly know MMOs are a waste of time or not when you havent played them? You're aware that you are practically playing an MMO by playing WF even though it isnt one? Since what differentiates an MMO from a game like WF is simply the server structure and the world. The loop and progress etc. is the same as any other GAAS game.

Warframe IS NOT a MASSIVE MULTIPLAYER ONLINE. The maximum number of players on missions is four. In Halo 3 the MAXIMUM number of players in campaign mode is FOUR. 

Game over. 

8 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

8. Why do you burp out The Witcher and LoL in the same section where you talk about JRPGs and MMOs? Do you have that little of a clue regarding games outside of souls? You're aware that The Witcher 3 is a fantastic game with combat similar to souls games, just not as punishing? And with a story that can last you several hundreds of hours in a single play through.

I can't speak about Witcher 3. I simply mentioned it as an example. I haven't played Witcher 3 and I'm not interested either. 

I can't talk about this subject in particular since I haven't played Witcher 3. 

8 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

9. And why do you use Chrono Odyssey as an example of a great looking game.

Because it looks better than Dark Souls.


8 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

It is asia visual puke on a screen, with cringe looking adults wearing baby/teen faces and k-pop hairstyles. With over the top combat moves that below in an anime show or some other bullS#&amp;&#036;. And I can bet that all the characters will sound like the devs have sampled sounds from a porno movie, no matter if they jump, fight or simply idle.

You missed the point entirely. That example was used because the game uses the capability of the Unreal engine 5. Artistic values are subjective and personal preferences. If Chrono Odyssey goes F2P i'm not even going to touch it. 



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3 hours ago, Zimzala said:

Some people really do think whatever happens in their heads is Fact,

The graphics of Horizon Zero Forbidden West > The graphics of Warframe. 

The level of polish of Horizon Forbidden West > the level of polish in Warframe. 


Those facts can be seen in a TV screen. These are not personal perception. 


3 hours ago, Zimzala said:

it's a fascinating part of the human condition I love exploring, it's most of the reason I interact with game forums, to examine why people think what they think.

It's fascinating that your post doesn't have a single word about the topic such as Soulframe and why people think about Soulframe. 

Doesn't hurt to speak about the subject from time to time, you know. 

3 hours ago, Zimzala said:

Especially the ones that think feelings and opinions are facts, or that their opinions are somehow in need of proving for validation.

The word you are looking for is providing. If you change words you throw away the message of your post. 

3 hours ago, Zimzala said:

This particular poster to whom you reply is a fountain of data in this area and has given me many fine examples over the years.

If I want to gossip about other players this is not the place for it. Our subject here is WARFRAME and SOULFRAME, not your personal life. 

3 hours ago, Zimzala said:

Some people just have to feel like they are 'right', it's fascinating. 

Happy Gaming.

Some people uses rant alternate accounts because they don't have the courage to show their real account.


Happy gardening. 

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2 hours ago, CoffeeElemental said:

What even is this thread at this point?

Talk about what is Soulframe. 


We ended up here because DE likes to translate trends of other great games into Warframe without success. They go trendy as a starting point and then makes the whole thing a bit different with their touch. It's an acceptable way of designing games but the results end in being the jack of all trades master of none. 


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Dear OP, please fix the typo in the title. While I don’t care that it’s another thread that’s devolved into bickering from people who insist other games are better than WF (they are not), I keep seeing soulsframe and cringe every time. It doesn’t look like this post is going to die on its own, so for the love of lotus, please fix it. Thank you.

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4 minutes ago, m_a_r_c_h_ said:

Dear OP, please fix the typo in the title.


HE MUST NOT. That's the parody. SOULSFRAME is adequate. 


4 minutes ago, m_a_r_c_h_ said:

While I don’t care that it’s another thread that’s devolved into bickering from people who insist other games are better (they are not)

Sorry but they are. Other games are way better than Warframe by a long slide. Deal with it. 

But that doesn't make Warframe a failure or a bad game. Warframe IS AN AVERAGE game. 

4 minutes ago, m_a_r_c_h_ said:

, I keep seeing soulsframe and cringe every time. It doesn’t look like this post is going to die on its own, so for the love of lotus, please fix it. Thank you.


It's the parody and is well served. 

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11 minutes ago, Felsagger said:


HE MUST NOT. That's the parody. SOULSFRAME is adequate. 


Sorry but they are. Other games are way better than Warframe by a long slide. Deal with it. 

But that doesn't make Warframe a failure or a bad game. Warframe IS AN AVERAGE game. 


It's the parody and is well served. 

Dude, you realize that the player numbers for WF have been consistent for the last 4 years? You realize that this is a WF forum populated with people who like the game and some who don't? It seems you like other games better, so great, but I don't have to agree.

Like all art, it's all very subjective. You probably would think that the music I listen to is noise and horrible. I would probably think the same of whatever you listen to. It makes for a diverse world. Wanting everyone to like the same things is kinda going into fascism territory. Deal with the fact that others have their own opinions. WF may be average to you, but it's fantastico to me. Are you wrong or am I wrong? No, but we may both be right.

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3 hours ago, CoffeeElemental said:

What even is this thread at this point?

I don't even understand why people keep arguing with that user at this point, has been proven over and over again that this dude is only around to derail threads, eventually talking about ps5 games like they are a staple on the whole game dev history or something.

It's sad at this point, not even funny like eiriny or chaoticedge to name a few fellow strokeposting troll masters.

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27 minutes ago, m_a_r_c_h_ said:

Dude, you realize that the player numbers for WF have been consistent for the last 4 years?


Say again? 


27 minutes ago, m_a_r_c_h_ said:

You realize that this is a WF forum populated with people who like the game and some who don't?

So what? 

Everybody can express anything they want concerning the game. You do not need to be a fanboy to post in a warframe forum or a hater to not post in a warframe forum either. People critiques the game and have standard. It's usually like that everywhere. 

27 minutes ago, m_a_r_c_h_ said:

It seems you like other games better, so great, but I don't have to agree.

You are free to disagree and think or type anything you think about this game or any other game. No one stops you and no one should. 

27 minutes ago, m_a_r_c_h_ said:

Like all art, it's all very subjective. You probably would think that the music I listen to is noise and horrible. I would probably think the same of whatever you listen to.

One thing is preference, another thing is QUALITY and TALENT in any genre. No one will debate or judge you for your personal preferences. 

27 minutes ago, m_a_r_c_h_ said:

It makes for a diverse world. Wanting everyone to like the same things is kinda going into fascism territory.

That's true. Words on this forum should not dissuade you from playing any game. You do anything you like and think. It's your time and your life. 

No one should tell you otherwise. 

27 minutes ago, m_a_r_c_h_ said:

Deal with the fact that others have their own opinions.

Yes, this world is a stack exchange and transactional. They can have any opinion they want. 

27 minutes ago, m_a_r_c_h_ said:

WF may be average to you, but it's fantastico to me. Are you wrong or am I wrong? No, but we may both be right.

I am not arguing personal preferences. I'm talking about delivery, quality, level of polish, level of commitment among many other things. If we go with your logic, a fair one, I could say that Chess is the best game ever done. 


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6 minutes ago, vanaukas said:

I don't even understand why people keep arguing with that user at this point

Because they want to bait me. They can simply put me on the ignore list but they insist. I hold my ground effectively. 

6 minutes ago, vanaukas said:

, has been proven over and over again that this dude is only around to derail threads,

Wrong. I don't force other people to debate with me. They continue, I hold my ground. 

The discussion is what is Soulsframe. YOU ARE META COMPLAINING about a user. 

6 minutes ago, vanaukas said:

eventually talking about ps5 games like they are a staple on the whole game dev history or something.

It's sad at this point, not even funny like eiriny or chaoticedge to name a few fellow strokeposting troll masters.

And you are contributing nothing by derailing the thread. You are not talking about Soulsframe. Look at yourself in the mirror first before you critique someone else. 


SOULSframe is a trendy move that developers tried to cling on. DE is trying to stay relevant in that market because Warframe is losing steam. It has ten years. The developers wants to try something else but their move was not smart because they selected a saturated market where other good contenders have experience for more than 15 to 20 years. 

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5 hours ago, Felsagger said:

I'm talking about delivery, quality, level of polish, level of commitment among many other things

I'll take WF over any game that you say is more polished etc. since it's that good as I'm sure they will fix the bugs in Duviri.

5 hours ago, Felsagger said:


Say again? 


It is true, so I don't know why you say it's false. If you take the averages from 2019-2022 and granted we don't have the full results from 2023 you get:

2019-2022=81493 players

For 2023 peak players average for the months so far is: 78612 which is not that far off from the average of the last 4 years.. It was lower last year and the increase is real for this year. I think Duviri will attract more players as what DE did was show the new players where they could be by leveling up and so players won't quit because they get frustrated if don't see how they could enjoy themselves with little power.

I'm now going to go enjoy the SP circuit since I was on vacation and need to catch up. I played it earlier today and everyone was quite happy in the several groups I played with, so the complaints on this forum might not be representative of the player base. I suggest you do the same and try to find some fun again for yourself in the game. Constant venting on a forum cannot be good for you if I had to guess. Have a good one.

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2 hours ago, Hypernaut1 said:

It keeps it busy and contained in here. I'm fine with it. 

Trying that as a comeback? You can't even put up a satisfactory comeback other than a bait. 

I'm too fast for you and too smart for you. 

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