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What are some systems, old or new that could do with having some form of "drain" or "sink"


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I was thinking about how a lot of value of Duviri has gone now that I've fully maxed out my Intrinsics, thought about Railjack intrinsics and even the Operator's Focus.

It made me realise, there's a bunch of systems that once maxed, can pretty much be neglected/ignored for the rest of the game or just completely lose their value from a Player standpoint as a result.

The 6 Enemy/Ally Syndicates come to mind as being a good example of one that always has value with its Relic Packs. While many are upset about the Steel Path offerings being limited to 25 a week (which is still a huge amount in my opinion) I've always found the Relic Packs offered by the 6 main syndicates to be a nice passive thing. At my stage in Warframe I can typically get about 2/3 Relic Packs a day without running the Syndicate side missions just by maxing out my Standing for the day. To others that probably seems like barely anything but I've always enjoyed them as an option.

Even if it was something as simple as Relic Packs, adding little things like Relic Packs, Forma bps or etc to systems in Warframe that don't currently have a Drain/Sink would give them more replayability beyond just maxing them out.

Both Duviri and Railjack, I'd want a Post-Intrinsics currency or something that I can use to redeem things such as Relic Packs or Forma.

Same goes for Operator Focus. It's kinda funny. Focus was made originally from my understanding to exist as a sink for excess Affinity in Warframe. And while that worked for a time, Focus Schools have been maxed, and even the Focus shops have been bought out. Don't ask me how it'd make sense to generate Void Relics just from obtaining focus but that's another way I can think of making the Focus farm interesting even past the initial grind.

Helminth is going to sound like a weird option, but I liked being able to gain "Helminth experience" or whatever it was called by feeding it resources, subsuming frames and getting Invigorations. If you want a "lore friendly" explanation. Perhaps subsuming Warframes with Catalysts, Reactors, Forma, Exilus, Lenses and etc allows the Helminth to learn the recipes for them, or regurgitate them from the Warframes they were taken from. Since currently, subsuming a Warframe with forma, reactors and etc just leads you to losing those along with the frame. Maybe you've already subsumed a Warframe but you made a mistake and want to regain Forma, Lens or etc those and are willing to destroy another of that Warframe to get them back. I feel like that choice should exist. (Exception or an Alternative that doesn't destroy for Primes and One-Time frames like Umbra)


Overall I just feel like these systems shouldn't be one and done things. Giving them consistant relevancy would in my complete opinion. Be improvements that could genuinely be healthy for Warframe as a whole.

For Duviri in particular. Why would I want to play "The Duviri Experience" once I've maxed my Intrinsics, obtained the Cinta and completed other misc stuff in Duviri? At that point you'd just run The Lone Story or The Circuit.

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I think their approach to the issue with the Focus Represent shops should be expanded and added to other systems. Basically putting in things like Relics, Forma, and decorations just so there's something to continue to spend it on. While adding the system to Railjack/Drifter Intrinsics.

Could even expand that sort of thing to Helminth. Like once you've subsumed every available frame you could feed it any base frame for something in return. Maybe having it spit out some Frame upgrade component like a type of Forma, reactor, or Exilus adaptor. Or to work alongside their existing systems, like turning a frame into a full restore to Helminth's resources or fulling up the Invigoration gauge so you could immediately apply one to any frame.

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Relics. for the love of the blue swirling Void, RELICS!

we get these damn things everywhere and for the most part 99% of them are useless, except when they're new; once you've got the new primes though, you don't need them again. trading them? I barely ever see anyone sell relics. we end up with MASSIVE stockpiles that cannot be removed quickly enough and it ends up making the task of finding a specific relic particularly annoying (thank god for the search bar).

I just want to be able to convert them into anything: Endo is fine, Kuva, Void Traces or Ducats would be even better. another alternative could be "Relic fusing" where putting together multiple of the same relic automatically refines it by a set amount, so for example:

3x Lith S1 Relic = 1x Exceptional Lith S1 relic

6x Lith S1 Relic or 2x Exceptional Lith S1 Relic = 1 Flawless Lith S1 Relic

10x Lith S1 Relic or 5x Exceptional Lith S1 relic or 3x Flawless Lith S1 Relic = 1x Radiant Lith S1 Relic.

this way we could really clean up our surplus and only have to worry about new Relics or those of particular importance for other reasons, such as Relics you plan on giving to a friend etc.

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2 hours ago, Zahnny said:

Helminth is going to sound like a weird option, but I liked being able to gain "Helminth experience" or whatever it was called by feeding it resources, subsuming frames and getting Invigorations. If you want a "lore friendly" explanation. Perhaps subsuming Warframes with Catalysts, Reactors, Forma, Exilus, Lenses and etc allows the Helminth to learn the recipes for them, or regurgitate them from the Warframes they were taken from. Since currently, subsuming a Warframe with forma, reactors and etc just leads you to losing those along with the frame. Maybe you've already subsumed a Warframe but you made a mistake and want to regain Forma, Lens or etc those and are willing to destroy another of that Warframe to get them back. I feel like that choice should exist. (Exception or an Alternative that doesn't destroy for Primes and One-Time frames like Umbra)

Forma, Lens, Potatoes etc were made as sink as well. Why you cannot extract them from frames/weapons? So you have to farm it again.

Helminth already is build as resource sink. Subsuming, infusing and invigoration takes resources, which you have to replenish. I guess that's not the kind of sink you want.

2 hours ago, Zahnny said:

Even if it was something as simple as Relic Packs, adding little things like Relic Packs, Forma bps or etc to systems in Warframe that don't currently have a Drain/Sink would give them more replayability beyond just maxing them out.

Trade-able things makes good sink imho. Especially if you don't have to use resource from some places (aka fully build). I farmed some stuffs to sell in Zariman because I liked that node.

2 hours ago, Zahnny said:

Operator Focus.

Not really resource sink but I guess they can prolong focus by making it modable:


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There's a few issues DE have to contend with. Player retention. Not everyone is going to max out Drifter intrinsics in the course of a few months. Because certain Tenno don't play that long. New Player being overwhelm. There's so much content to do, lot's of new player are going to skip most of it, get to the "endgame," then come back to it overpowered just so they can clear missed content faster.

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1 hour ago, (PSN)jaggerwanderer said:

There's a few issues DE have to contend with. Player retention. Not everyone is going to max out Drifter intrinsics in the course of a few months. Because certain Tenno don't play that long. New Player being overwhelm. There's so much content to do, lot's of new player are going to skip most of it, get to the "endgame," then come back to it overpowered just so they can clear missed content faster.

Easiest fix for this is completely hiding these "extra sinks" from view until you've maxed the base version of the system. It's pretty fair to assume someone with max rank Helminth or max rank Intrinsics understands how they got there in some capacity.

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3 hours ago, Voltage said:

Easiest fix for this is completely hiding these "extra sinks" from view until you've maxed the base version of the system. It's pretty fair to assume someone with max rank Helminth or max rank Intrinsics understands how they got there in some capacity.

I'd like to see Helminth expanded so when you hit 30, you can have up to 2  subsumed abilities on the one frame.

Also feed Helminth an ability augment to to have that ability act like it's already installed on the frame either permanently or have it work on some sort of weekly timer.

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3 hours ago, Voltage said:

Easiest fix for this is completely hiding these "extra sinks" from view until you've maxed the base version of the system. It's pretty fair to assume someone with max rank Helminth or max rank Intrinsics understands how they got there in some capacity.

I want to say yes but going to complete say NO. We already have tons of junk in warframe hidden from players or at the very least not listed for easy access by the player. How to beat Eidolon comes to mind.

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11 hours ago, (PSN)jaggerwanderer said:

I want to say yes but going to complete say NO. We already have tons of junk in warframe hidden from players or at the very least not listed for easy access by the player. How to beat Eidolon comes to mind.

Genuinely not trying to sound smug but, what do you propose? I merely suggest something incredibly simple such as a small post-shop to buy things that will always be in demand, such as Relic Packs.

Truth be told, I didn't "want" to max out my intrinsics so fast. But I wanted to farm for certain things in Duviri like the Adapters. Now that I can no longer obtain Intrinsics. One of the more rewarding parts of Duviri now feels meaningless. I just want somewhere for that stuff to still be calculated and have genuine value to a player like myself.

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More Ikeaframe would be easy to do. We've got plenty of assets that can be turned into decorations, and it's been quite effective at getting me to spend my resources in AotZ and to a lesser degree Duviri. Just turn boxes and crates and stuff into decorations. Sell me some new flooring or a good shelf.

We could also have more cross-content resource requirements. Why does everything in Deimos only cost Deimos resources? Or Zariman resources in the Zariman? Or Duviri in Duviri? Why not have some Duviri crafting/purchasing that uses resources from the Vallis? Etc. Mix stuff up a bit so players have reasons to run around to old content to get what they need. I'll go back and do something older if I need to do it to further something else, but if the game never gives me a reason to then I just won't.

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20 hours ago, PublikDomain said:

Why not have some Duviri crafting/purchasing that uses resources from the Vallis? Etc.

Same fundamental reason why recipes from The Burning Crusade use Fel Iron while recipes from Wrath of the Lich King use Cobalt and Saronite.

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