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Circuit Reward Offerings This Week + Next


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3 minutes ago, Tsukinoki said:

And it could have behaved differently on the test server and not production server because some script didn't get published out correctly....or for any number of other reasons.

This is something that easily could have gotten missed in a test environment simply because it isn't production and as people went through and checked off a list for deployment missed a small script somewhere that meant it worked in test but not in the published environment....

We've both been playing this game forever, you and I both know that DE doesn't test anything lol, c'mon now.

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8 minutes ago, (PSN)les2zamours said:

that's by far the worst solution you could have came up with, I'm guessing you didn't want to put in any work towards a fairer solution. See, I was unable to get my week 1 Incarnons because the update was the so buggy I literally couldn't play enough, because I work. By the way, this has been the buggiest update ever, and that's coming from a 7 years veteran. So now, just because you decided to time-gate weapons on a 6 weeks rotation (never saw such time-gate, and I played a lot of different games), I will have to wait 7 WEEKS, ALMOST 2 MONTHS, for a damn Braton and Paris. We were a lot to wait for week 1, I know that for a fact, oh well, one more bug to add the pile. 

Thank you DE, such a blast to play this game.

And what would such a "fairer" solution be? Lets go over the options real quick:

  • They change the rotation to week 1, everybody has to pick again. This is unfair to people who didn't acquire anything from the duplicate rotation already.
    • They do this but take away the incarnons earned during the dupe, this is unfair to those who put in the time and effort already.
  • They change the rotation to week 1, but anyone who has selected their incarnons already is locked out of picking the week 1 stuff. This is unfair to those who picked stuff already, as they are now locked out of them for another full rotation.

By leaving this week as is, and simply delaying the rotation to next week, everybody gets a fair and equal chance at the dupe rotation and the week 1 stuff, next week.

You will not have to wait "7 WEEKS, ALMOST 2 MONTHS", you will have to "wait" 1 week, during which you can instead get 2 more week 6 incarnons.

(also this is hardly the buggiest or least playable update, if you are a 7 year veteran you should remember Specters of the Rail and Empyrean)

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It would have been really unfair if some players got to complete two weeks in one if we got week 1 rotation today 😅so this is the expected outcome. It's a good week to repeat early because there are no variants of the stalker set or Zylok/Sibear (yet), so we get a circuit vacation 6 weeks from now :)

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So a bug enables us to complete the incarnon Stalker set (Where the hell is Incarnon War tho...) and have the set bonus active without having to wait 6 more weeks. 

Meanwhile everyone is acting like the world is ending cuz they have to wait 1 more week for the 1st week incarnons, which are already outclassed by incarnons from other weeks...

Oh the tragedy...

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hace 1 minuto, (PSN)les2zamours dijo:

that's by far the worst solution you could have came up with, I'm guessing you didn't want to put in any work towards a fairer solution. See, I was unable to get my week 1 Incarnons because the update was the so buggy I literally couldn't play enough, because I work. By the way, this has been the buggiest update ever, and that's coming from a 7 years veteran. So now, just because you decided to time-gate weapons on a 6 weeks rotation (never saw such time-gate, and I played a lot of different games), I will have to wait 7 WEEKS, ALMOST 2 MONTHS, for a damn Braton and Paris. We were a lot to wait for week 1, I know that for a fact, oh well, one more bug to add the pile. 

Thank you DE, such a blast to play this game.

So it's the worst fix because week 1 was too buggy for you and after being a veteran for 7 years, waiting 7 more days is too much.

Incredible, very useful.

But do share how keeping this week's rotation is less fair than changing it.
If anything, changing it now would be unfair to the people that didn't rush to get a second helping of week 6.

And taking incarnons away from people that did rush it would be taking away something they earned even if it showed up thanks to a bug.

Leaving it be for a week is the best option.

You claim to have all this time in warframe but you're complaining over 7 days while casually forgetting Specters of the Fail, Railjack on release or Plains of Eidolon on release which were considerably worse for many more reasons... some of which managed to linger to this day imho.

I do not care how much time you say you have when the maturity of your comment demonstrates otherwise.

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18 minutes ago, (PSN)les2zamours said:

that's by far the worst solution you could have came up with, I'm guessing you didn't want to put in any work towards a fairer solution. See, I was unable to get my week 1 Incarnons because the update was the so buggy I literally couldn't play enough, because I work. By the way, this has been the buggiest update ever, and that's coming from a 7 years veteran. So now, just because you decided to time-gate weapons on a 6 weeks rotation (never saw such time-gate, and I played a lot of different games), I will have to wait 7 WEEKS, ALMOST 2 MONTHS, for a damn Braton and Paris. We were a lot to wait for week 1, I know that for a fact, oh well, one more bug to add the pile. 

Thank you DE, such a blast to play this game.

I didn't take this post as meaning next week is week 2 selections. But it would be good for them to clarify.


Definitely a bit of an over reaction on your part though.. 

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i need to know what drugs y'all are taking to consider this the unfair/worst solution.

this is the first rotation, not one single player has every warframe/incarnon offered each week yet. you now just get to pick another option which saves picking them later down the line.

waiting an extra week for braton incarnon isn't that bad of a trade off.

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1 minute ago, -Ryuurei- said:

And what would such a "fairer" solution be? Lets go over the options real quick:

  • They change the rotation to week 1, everybody has to pick again. This is unfair to people who didn't acquire anything from the duplicate rotation already.
    • They do this but take away the incarnons earned during the dupe, this is unfair to those who put in the time and effort already.
  • They change the rotation to week 1, but anyone who has selected their incarnons already is locked out of picking the week 1 stuff. This is unfair to those who picked stuff already, as they are now locked out of them for another full rotation.

By leaving this week as is, and simply delaying the rotation to next week, everybody gets a fair and equal chance at the dupe rotation and the week 1 stuff, next week.

You will not have to wait "7 WEEKS, ALMOST 2 MONTHS", you will have to "wait" 1 week, during which you can instead get 2 more week 6 incarnons.

(also this is hardly the buggiest or least playable update, if you are a 7 year veteran you should remember Specters of the Rail and Empyrean)

As a fellow founder...there has been WAY buggy issues that have happened, (I agree with Ryuurei), and THEY FIXED THEM. I do not for the life of me understand why people who have 0 clue at code or any other type of computer information Instantly pick apart a company that is 100% free to play....if you want to complain (You know who you are). then stop playing this game, please.

"Be a professional victim on twitter"

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17 minutes ago, (PSN)les2zamours said:

that's by far the worst solution you could have came up with

Well I'm sure people who were hoping for free adapters aren't happy about it.   And it sucks for people who really wanted the week 1 rotation, especially if next week doesn't work well for them.  But c'mon,  It's not even close to the worst possible solution.  :P

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1 minute ago, EdinaMonsoon said:

i need to know what drugs y'all are taking to consider this the unfair/worst solution.

this is the first rotation, not one single player has every warframe/incarnon offered each week yet. you now just get to pick another option which saves picking them later down the line.

waiting an extra week for braton incarnon isn't that bad of a trade off.

I know for me the rotation of frames just so happened to be the only week where i already owned all three allready, but waiting a week is not that bad I agree


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I just think it's a little sad that those who missed week 1 rewards because they took their time enjoying the quest and open world slowly or didn't start day 1 are losing because greedy people want double rewards for week 6. It seems a bit unfair because a LOT of people missed week 1 for a wholesome reason and are being punished TWICE for it because some people just want more and more of stuff they shouldn't even have yet. :/

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32 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:


Sunday night, we confirmed reports that the Circuit rotation did not roll over and was a duplicate of the previous rotation.

After discussing a resolution this morning, the team has decided to keep this week as a duplicate, as many of you are working towards those rewards and wish to continue. Next week it will rotate as intended.

Apologies for the blip in the rotations!

Welp. i won the local betting pool on if the rollover would be smooth or not.

No worries guys. Sure it's a bug but is it crippling and game breaking? Nah.

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1 minute ago, at35z said:

Which is why you should switch to a model that rotates individually for each player, upon the completion of the reward, similar to how Login Rewards work now.

That solves one set of issues by introducing an entirely new set of issues.

What if, for instance, someone got to what is the Week 6 rotation, but didn't want any of the rewards that week? None of those five Incarnons interest them, in other words. Well, sorry... they can't just "skip a week", they've got to actually pick two of those and grind out ten tiers before the next set of Incarnons -- the one they care about and actually want something from -- becomes available.

This is, I believe, how the Kahl missions work, in fact -- if you skip a week, it doesn't advance the mission rotation. For instance, I had stuff come up and didn't get around to doing Veilbreaker last week, which was the Murex "Prison Jailbreak" mission for me... this week's is also the Murex one, because I didn't get around to doing it last week.

It hasn't always been a popular choice, because there are some people who hate a specific mission -- really hate the Thumper mission, or the Sneaky Sabotage one, or the Murex -- and don't like that they can't just wait a week to skip it.

17 minutes ago, (PSN)les2zamours said:

that's by far the worst solution you could have came up with, I'm guessing you didn't want to put in any work towards a fairer solution.

I admit, I personally am also a little disappointed because I was really looking forward to snagging my next two of the week 1 rewards. However, I actually think this was the most "fair" option available. There's a lot of people over on the official Discord who were like "Oh, good, I can get the third Stalker weapon early!" or who went "Oh, well, I guess they aren't going to fix it because they said no hotfixes until the next main update" and picked two and started in on the Steel Circuit already with the second set of Week 6 incarnons.

So if you do cycle the rewards now, how do you handle those folks?

Do you say "Oh, well, if you already started, you just keep that set of rewards; if you hadn't picked yet, you can pick from week 1"? We don't know that the Circuit supports that, under the hood -- it might be an all-or-nothing, where they have to reset everyone or reset no one. And if that's the case -- if they had to reset everyone -- then you would have folks complaining that they wasted time last night grinding towards a reward tier that got reset on them.

(Or alternatively, folks would complain that the folks who did grind out up to tier 5 or even 10 last night were getting an "extra" incarnon adapter if they got to keep those and that there was a reset -- that it was unfair folks who had more free time last night get 1 or 2 more Incarnon adapters than anyone else could have.)

And it's not like they can easily make a quick code change to support the Circuit working that way, if it required a client change -- the client code is frozen until the next big update, because of how the console certification lifecycle works. (And yes, because of crossplay, PC releases are now dictated by console certification lifecycle as well.)

Even if you can reset the available options but let people who already started keep their current reward choices, you'd have people who were like "Well, I really wanted week 1 rewards, but now I can't get them because I already picked from the week 6 rewards again!" And worse still, if you reset to week 1 this week and then advanced to week 2 next week, those folks who already picked rewards for this week are out week 1 rewards entirely for the whole rotation -- this week they'd have Week 6 rewards, next week they'd have Week 2 rewards.

This way, the folks who already picked rewards from "Week 6 Episode II: Attack of the Stalker" aren't screwed out of the next round of Week 1 rewards, and the people who took a wait-and-see approach are able to get the same rewards as those folks, and everyone gets moved on to Week 1 next week. And while, yeah, it's not fun needing to wait a week for the Week 1 incarnons if you really wanted one, it's not like they're skipping them; we're just getting them a week later.

And realistically, I don't know that there is a "fairer" solution -- this one seems about as fair as it gets.

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2 minutes ago, ShadonicX7543 said:

It seems a bit unfair because a LOT of people missed week 1 for a wholesome reason and are being punished TWICE for it because some people just want more and more of stuff they shouldn't even have yet. :/

I mean... they're gonna still have Week 1 rewards available next week? It's not like we're skipping Week 1 entirely.

Think of it like someone accidentally putting the last track on a playlist there twice -- the playlist will still loop after the second time the track plays, it's not like the extra track somehow replaces the first track after it loops.

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4 minutes ago, ShadonicX7543 said:

I just think it's a little sad that those who missed week 1 rewards because they took their time enjoying the quest and open world slowly or didn't start day 1 are losing because greedy people want double rewards for week 6. It seems a bit unfair because a LOT of people missed week 1 for a wholesome reason and are being punished TWICE for it because some people just want more and more of stuff they shouldn't even have yet. :/

This isn't about greedy people, there are plenty of people who do not come to the forums or take part in Warframe content anywhere but in game that could have already selected their adapters this week. 

If people can't handle waiting an extra week for the first repeats they really shouldn't be playing a game that makes you wait all the time for stuff. Timers are everywhere in Warframe. 

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1 minute ago, Packetdancer said:

I mean... they're gonna still have Week 1 rewards available next week? It's not like we're skipping Week 1 entirely.

Think of it like someone accidentally putting the last track on a playlist there twice -- the playlist will still loop after the second time the track plays, it's not like the extra track somehow replaces the first track after it loops.

Yes, next week will be Week 1 rewards.

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3 minutes ago, Packetdancer said:

Think of it like someone accidentally putting the last track on a playlist there twice -- the playlist will still loop after the second time the track plays, it's not like the extra track somehow replaces the first track after it loops.

But you can delete or skip the extra track to continue from the beginning again. Nice try with the analogy, though.

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36 minutes ago, 16Bitman said:

This is literally the best rotation to be duplicated!

Thanks a lot for not changing it now so people that were busy working all day can still get their missing Stalker weapon.

Best by which metric? 50% of the weapon variants are exclusive to the first 2 weeks of the reward structure. You'll have all the weapons from weeks 4 and 6 well before you earn the variants from weeks 1, 2, 3, and 5.

I do appreciate the fact that DE's solution doesn't punish people for their choice on this week.

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37 minutes ago, 16Bitman said:

This is literally the best rotation to be duplicated!

Thanks a lot for not changing it now so people that were busy working all day can still get their missing Stalker weapon.


36 minutes ago, (PSN)Lil-trashcans-_- said:

YIPPIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE the worst week  gets to last an additional week, just what we all wanted

The duality of warframe.

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