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The Seven Crimes of Kullervo: Hotfix 33.5.4


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13 hours ago, DavidDragonS said:

Please add an option to discard weapons in Duviri. Or at least to disable the appearance of weapons I don't own.
I mean. I have weapons that I don't use at all and only keep for collection, like the carmine penta or the cadus.
I want to be able to use my securapenta  which has a better build or to be able to have a better weapon than the cadus.
The default settings do not suit the steel path.

The Steel Path is meant to be a gear check, ideally you will not be using any loaner gear for Steel Path. DE has already made it so that any mastered weapons you sell have a lower chance to appear as an option in the cave. They've also enacted priority based on forma count and whether an incarnon adapter is installed to help with that issue.

I don't know what more they can do besides entirely reworking the system, which I don't think will be happening.

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23 hours ago, [DE]Momaw said:

Overguard does not benefit from the damage reduction effect of the [Adaptation] mod, this is by design. Nor should it benefit from any other type of Damage Reduction. Or your Armor value. Hits taken to Overguard can *build up* Adaptation stacks, which means that your Health will be much more durable if you start taking hits to Health.

Is it also not supposed to resist status effects? Cuz that creates inconsistencies with the other newly minted forms of overguard in Rhino, Atlas, and Frost's abilities and augments which leads to confusion rather than clarity and exposure about how the mechanic works. Also, does damage that spill over from overguard and into health calculate armor and damage resists when affecting health or does it bleed over like how it used to on shields? This can drastically change how lower value overguard works and turn it into a self debuff in higher lvl/damage dealing content.

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11 hours ago, Voltage said:

Plenty actually. Every update has its bugs, but many updates in the past are well received overall. Plains of Eidolon, Fortuna, Jovian Concord, Lua's Prey, Operation: Plague Star (the first run of it), The Second Dream, The Sacrifice, The War Within, and probably others I cannot remember. People just tend to cling to and comment on the bad ones because negativity is often more likely to be shared.

I'm ignoring the rest of your post because internal management of how DE works isn't for me to comment on. Their business model is profitable, no matter how bad it feels on our end.

Yes, indeed life itself is a 50/50 ballance. We can't have the answer of all our questions. I can't pretend to have all the answers either, otherwise I would be an entitled privileged individual. I do remember that there are good updates that where well received. I acknowledge that. I just asked because we tend to harp on the negative ones. Maybe it's a bad behavior we got recently from the pessimistic atmosphere we are living in a daily basis. 

I would like to change that too. The approach I have now is to simply drift with what I like and leave behind my disappointments in a shelf. Of course we must be cautious with what we write but somehow I have my mistakes and at least I want to learn from them. You are absolutely right, my vision should be limited as a player and how I experience the game on my terms. How other people makes their architecture should NOT be my concern anymore. 

The quest of being a fair adjusted individual is always hard when many things within us and this world makes us take skewed turns. 


Thanks for the honest reply. 

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13 hours ago, DatDuckSaysQuack said:

That isn't a 500% AS cap on all of the Decrees, but just for Fortifying Will.

yeah, the decrees I mentioned were the ones that GIVE ARMOR. The 500% cap on Fortifying Will means there's no reason to pass 1700 armor, meaning armor buffing decrees are useless for the majority of frames that would take Fortifying Will in the first place.

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I didn't see mention of Forma Blueprints being fixed from Acrithis' Shop.

However in the event they've still been overlooked:

Attempting to purchase 10x Forma Blueprint from Acrithis' Shop will consume 10 Parthos Clamps but not give the player 10x Forma Blueprints or 10x Formas. It gives neither, it consumes your Parthos Clamps and gives nothing in return. Whether in the Duviri Paradox after the Oroworm is slain or in the Dormizone's shop.

Recommendation from an afflicted Tenno is to remove Forma Blueprints from Acrithis' shop until fix, in hopes of preventing future victims. This not only removes a bugged item from the shop's pool, it prevents players from being actively scammed.

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3 часа назад, iPathos сказал:

I don't know what more they can do besides entirely reworking the system, which I don't think will be happening.

Leave appearance of unmastered weapons for regular Circuit.

Remove appearance of unmastered weapons from Steel Path Circuit.

Make owned only AND forma'ed at least once only weapons appear in SP Circuit.

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7 hours ago, Slayer-. said:


Go reread my post again, I'm not being dull or lazy or standing still, you have Ensare which works great in Steel Path for the mobs, I haven't got around to a Helminth ability yet, I'm playing a default build with no Helminth CC.

I'll look at the video later when I've got time. :)

I'm still testing it but at the moment I'm on the fence, what's your build for comparison?

Do me a favor and count on how many times I am using ensnare and how often it literally does benefit me in doing so. Spoiler: not quite often.

As you can see by my health value, it drops extremely slow, which can be EASILY compensated by either using the new arcane Reaper (instead of energize) or simply spamming operator magus.

Just because there is a subsumed ability doesn't mean it is the key of survival, this can be easily determined by really trying to comprehend the gameplay. I even switched back to his regular overguard, as this will help me more not getting knocked around like crazy, when eximus spawning in heavily.

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9 hours ago, Halo said:

Just logged in for the day and these are current findings: 

1. Ran to arsenal and swapped loadouts to Chroma (Still Untouched and set to Cold)
2. Ran to Sim immediately
3. His abilities are working as intended (Gaining Armor and such)
4. Decided to chance colors while still in the same Simulacrum Instance (Changed to Heat [red coloration] in Emissive Look A)
5. Retained only the cold Buffs
6. Left Sim in that state back to my orbiter (Still now set to heat, but gained cold buffs) 
7. Ran to E-Prime to see if anything mission-wise does anything
8. His abilities now are providing the Heat percs of Elemental and Vex
9. Aborted the mission back to orbiter
10. Straight back to the arsenal and changed the color of my emissive back to white (for the cold percs)
11. Went back into E-Prime
12. I am now receiving the cold percs. 

As per your questions above in accordance to my playstyle: 
1. I change no controller or key-binds, as I stick to default usage on my Xbox Elite II Controller / keyboard if required. 
2. While within the SAME instance of Simulacrum and swapping between looks, it persists. if I leave and go back in, it fixes itself, but then reverts to staying on the one last when entering
Example: Enter with Cold, Cold Works, Swap look with different element, still only Cold, swap to another look with different element, still cold
3. It breaks the second I decide to change my emissive or look (with a different element) to a different element, staying as the element I entered with. 

Semi-Current Conclusion
- Steps 4-6 should not be occurring. 
- The Simulacrum is causing problems for those who are testing Chroma and want to swap between elements while still in there. 

Personal Opinion: This should be fixed because having to leave and re-enter the Sim for Chroma testing purposes would be tedious

Overall Issue: This does not aid that people are not getting Cold, Tox, or Elec when selecting Chroma within the Cave for Duviri, which is a major issue. 

As I have not had Chroma appear in my own personally within the past day or so, I have not been able to document such. However, players have told me that they are not getting Cold or Toxin for Chroma, but a forced Heat when entering the cave, with their emissive colors correctly set, as well as having their 1 subsumed off. This is what we need being tested more-so. 

Overall Conclusion: 
1. Chroma's Emissive Should Not be breaking within the Same Instance of Simulacrum Play (Swapping looks or changing Emissive Coloration)
2. Chroma is not Changing to his According Emissive when being Selected in the Cave (Forced heat from what people have documented) 

The second conclusion needs to be looked into WAY MORE than the first, but none of these should be occurring in the first place. 

First point is just cause buff is still lingering, let it expire before swapping, happens with subsumed ward as well and several other buffs.

Ive gotten chroma a bunch, my appearance slot A is cold, and i get cold, like i want, with his 1 subsumed off.

Never heard anyone else comment on the element being wrong either and quite a few people i play with played chroma a decent amount for the armor to strength shenanigans the last week or so, everyone uses cold and its been working perfectly as far as ive heard.

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suggested easy changes :
Streamline defense as a whole like you, thankfully, did on Duviri .
do the same for survival it got extremely outdated by now.
rework overguard, now that everyone used it everyone realized how bad it is, make it at least be affected by armor as all the overguard users have armor. 

suggested dream-like changes(game altering):
rework enemy variety to better reflect weapon types (all types boil down to aoe-one shot or aoe-lawnmover in 1 second) ie; widen the gap between light and heavy enemies.
flatline damage scaling to JUST under one-shotting the squishies then remove the dmg reduction stacking madness that's been implemented as a band-aid 'fix' for crazy dmg scaling; making healing abilities work as intended; clearing the path to fixing core issues with melee (ei having so much dmg but when it matter you just die,unless dmg reduction stacking madness).

some decrees should have been mods , sets, abilities, augments by now (if scaled correctly).
disjoint crit dmg from status dmg , add mods for status damage and effect accordingly to FINNALY make pure status weapons viable .
these things should pave the way to naturally remove or adjust stuff that's been added to fix bad stuff not working properly in the past and they contributed to a lack of variety by dmg power creep

these are just a few of the changes that'd make warframe WAY more enjoyable that it already is hate me all you want for wanting less op stuff but we have op stuff to deal with brainded bullet sponge enemies 


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5 hours ago, iHeuksal said:

Do me a favor and count on how many times I am using ensnare and how often it literally does benefit me in doing so. Spoiler: not quite often.

As you can see by my health value, it drops extremely slow, which can be EASILY compensated by either using the new arcane Reaper (instead of energize) or simply spamming operator magus.

Just because there is a subsumed ability doesn't mean it is the key of survival, this can be easily determined by really trying to comprehend the gameplay. I even switched back to his regular overguard, as this will help me more not getting knocked around like crazy, when eximus spawning in heavily.

I don't have Arcane Reaper either yet, so I'll just have to give it another go again and harden the fk up. lol

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2023/6/29 AM3点22分 , [DE]Megan 说:

Fixed always getting the same Arcane (and possibly the same resource) from all available side objective Undercroft Portals in The Duviri Experience. 

Life is meant to be diverse? no! Life is meant to be identical!

Because now the side undercroft missions are always the same in a row!

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On 2023-06-30 at 2:12 AM, bl1te said:

Leave appearance of unmastered weapons for regular Circuit.

Remove appearance of unmastered weapons from Steel Path Circuit.

Make owned only AND forma'ed at least once only weapons appear in SP Circuit.

I'm kinda on board with this. I do appreciate that the random nature of the cave forces us to adapt or prepare (less/not so important on base circuit, practically required on SP) as it's variant rather than just throwing the same crap at the wall as normal. However I've also had absolutely trash luck on some rotations where even my best option for weapons is only a couple forma deep vs something like my Incarnon Genesis weapons.

Giving the player a bit more control over this would be nice, but I feel like being able to mod in the cave will help a lot on its own.


On 2023-06-30 at 12:01 AM, Hodor_Roe said:

yeah, the decrees I mentioned were the ones that GIVE ARMOR. The 500% cap on Fortifying Will means there's no reason to pass 1700 armor, meaning armor buffing decrees are useless for the majority of frames that would take Fortifying Will in the first place.

To be entirely fair on this point, there's only two decrees that give you armor which maxes out at +1400 armor for the drifter (on top of innate access to armor this hits about that 1500 armor limit) while Warframes benefit from triple the bonus from Tamm's Fortune (for 1500 armor). This however is ignoring our access to Fragile Vanity, which sacrifices half your armor to increase base damage on shots.

It actually feels like the limit was decently thought out here.

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Please fix dx11 too, still eats more ram than ever, still staggers and freezes causing disconnectes, its borderline unplayable since Kullervo update, its like Im back on my 12 year old pc with no ssd and only 8 gig ram.




its unplayable



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@Monolake Could you turn on the "enable FPS" option in game and show how much RAM the engine says it's using currently? Anything outside of that should mostly just be pre-cached in case it'll be called, and can be instantly freed. Unused RAM is generally wasted RAM, so I could imagine devs loading as much as they can during downtime to prevent stutters or hitches during gameplay.

I've had no issues on DX11 (outside of spot loading, which is to be expected in many parts of Duviri). I'd recommend verifying and optimizing the install from the launcher settings too if you haven't. Otherwise, if everything "freezes" it might just be a network issue, I'd need a video or something to see exactly what the described behavior is.

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On 2023-06-28 at 3:22 PM, [DE]Megan said:
  • Fixed extremely high damage numbers caused by the Fortifying Will Decree interacting with Armor buffing abilities (e.g. Rhino’s Iron Skin and Chroma’s Elemental Ward/Vex Armor). 

    • Fortifying Will grants 15% (at max) Ability Strength for every 50 Armor, which was creating an endless feedback loop with Armor buffing abilities and causing extreme numbers to be reached (at times reaching the billions). In order to fix the above and prevent any further issues, Fortifying Will now has a 500% Ability Strength cap. We want players to continue to enjoy the power that Decrees grant without exceeding levels that are game breaking. With the change above, we have also fixed the following issues: 

      • Fixed the aforementioned abilities not working at all after several casts. 

      • Fixed infinite and permanent armor stacking gained from casting Rhino’s Charge back to back with the Ironclad Charge Augment Mod equipped.


So, if DE doesn't want to allow chroma/rhino to have cool interactions, then will you also nerf all the other decrees so that they don't work as well with other frames? There are tons of damage frames that have some crazy synergies. It seems unjust that a decree was added that gave rhino/chroma the ability to scale their tankiness, to the point where they could be an effective EHP tank at high levels, was nerfed, while other frames were allowed to keep their busted decree interactions. Why not just cap damage buffs in the circuit and allow these tank frames to get as tanky as they want? Shield gate frames can and will surpass traditional tanks in terms of longevity, and still have amazing tile clearing power even at high levels.

If you need to cap it, then cap it, but not at something as small like 500% AS while there are other frames doing crazy things. There are so many busted combos of decrees on a ton of frames, let chroma/rhino have some fun and have their own busted combo. I would just cap the damage buff from vex and roar while in circuit, but other than overflow, there is no reason to stop them from getting super tanky.

DE should see this as a sign to take a look at tank frames and give them some way to not be completely invalidated by shield gate frames. A mag/mesa/saryn should never be able to last longer than an inaros or chroma in high level content.

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6 hours ago, Monolake said:

Please fix dx11 too, still eats more ram than ever, still staggers and freezes causing disconnectes, its borderline unplayable since Kullervo update, its like Im back on my 12 year old pc with no ssd and only 8 gig ram.


I feel your pain, I'm not getting host migrations but the RAM usage has gone crazy on DX11. 25-06-2023_003502.png <--- While the game is running.

CPU QuadCore Intel Core i5-3570K, 4200 MHz (42 x 100)
Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate (64-bit) Service Pack 1
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 SUPER Memory Size 6 GB
Corsair XMS3 CMX8GX3M2B1600C9 - 16 GIG

Without the game running.
Total    16335 MB
Used    3233 MB
Free    13103 MB
Utilization    20 %

There's a forum thread somewhere that might help, I was told about it a while back.

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sit in chair emote when? you have chairs you cant sit in then and some have collision which is unfortunate and some are paid for decorations with plat and still cant sit in chairs.

also facial expression idles when? maybe i want my tenno to also grin all the time, you spent the time to put teeth in their face, let there be means to see that level of detail.  :p

Red colored skin when, idc what steven wants. Devils of the galaxy! Lets Go!

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Hey now that you guys are interested in, how about fixing FSR quality modes , because disable i can see an "Ultra Quality" mode that when you trun FSR 2.2  it disappear ...................

Fix that thing DE is very stupid not having the full range of a software feature when you already have it 😑


On 2023-07-01 at 6:15 AM, Slayer-. said:

I feel your pain, I'm not getting host migrations but the RAM usage has gone crazy on DX11. 25-06-2023_003502.png <--- While the game is running.

CPU QuadCore Intel Core i5-3570K, 4200 MHz (42 x 100)
Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate (64-bit) Service Pack 1
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 SUPER Memory Size 6 GB
Corsair XMS3 CMX8GX3M2B1600C9 - 16 GIG

Without the game running.
Total    16335 MB
Used    3233 MB
Free    13103 MB
Utilization    20 %

There's a forum thread somewhere that might help, I was told about it a while back.

the game has been always crazy with the RAM whats happening is that he is touching the limits of it.......................................................................................

you leave it alone with 32GB of RAM  and he will use a maximum of 19GB of RAM......................................................... yeah is quite nuts but that's the nature of the game for now

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On 2023-06-29 at 7:44 PM, B2-Banger said:

Attempting to purchase 10x Forma Blueprint from Acrithis' Shop will consume 10 Parthos Clamps but not give the player 10x Forma Blueprints or 10x Formas. It gives neither, it consumes your Parthos Clamps and gives nothing in return. Whether in the Duviri Paradox after the Oroworm is slain or in the Dormizone's shop.

Sorry, can you show an image of why you think it should be giving you 10 Forma Blueprints? As it's set up, the Acrithis shop is supposed to be 1 forma blueprint for 10 pathos clamps.

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