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Good MR 9 Weapons



So, I’m MR 9 and ever since MR 3 (I believe) I’ve had the Boltor, which, to say the least, is simply not working for me anymore. It takes many shots to even come close to killing any of the enemies Im fighting or that I need to be fighting. I usually have to rely on the Broken War (sword) which I am also getting burnt out on. Gladly, as for my secondary, I just recently got the Akvasto with greatly increased crit chance and damage to spice things up a little. At the moment I am also farming the Athodai which will probably be what I stick with for a while once I get it. Regardless, I need some recommendations for good primary and good melee weapons that are less than or equal to MR 9. Thanks in advance!

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17 answers to this question

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11 minutes ago, Kaleb.356. said:

I don’t even really know what to consider. My mods aren’t good enough as it is to make my Boltor any better and I don’t have the capabilities right now to get any mods that will help me. I’m kind of not great at weapon mods (besides melee) and I more just throw stuff together that seems good not considering anything in the bigger picture really. It sounds stupid but I don’t really know how to configure stuff in the first place. Especially not with the basic mods that you get from enemy drops and stuff. I have a few corrupted, only one for secondary but other than that I’m likely considered broke

Just to keep it simple, you want to mod according to the weapon.

Weapons that are critical base put on critical chance, critical damage, multishot, and elemental damage mods. You can add hornet strike, fire rate, bane mod, etc.

A weapon like the Phantasma, mod for status instead of critical.

Experiment 🙂

10 hours ago, NinjaZeku said:

Mind you, the biggest difference is gonna come from your Mods rather than just getting a new shiny toy


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20 hours ago, Kaleb.356. said:

My mods aren’t good enough as it is to make my Boltor any better and I don’t have the capabilities right now to get any mods that will help me. I’m kind of not great at weapon mods (besides melee) and I more just throw stuff together that seems good not considering anything in the bigger picture really

Most, if not all, weapons need 4-7 formas to wreck stuff. .y suggestions :

for now, accumulate formas. Get a forma in the foundry everyday. Accumulate some forma BPs.

if you like a weapon, build it up. I liked Xoris and Dex Dakra. Both have 5 and 4 formas. Xoris allowed me to get AoE and massive damage. Got me through the star chart. Still use it today for certain missions so it was not wasteful in my opinion.

if you're almost done w star chart, wait to put formas on prime weapons and MR12+ weapons. Build up a nice primary, secondary and melee *that you like* and get used to using all three. Another hint is kitguns and zaws . You get an extra arcane slot and with 5 formas they can be the strongest weapons in the game and are accessible now. Get more mods, Baro primed mods, and farm some Endo to build up the forma'd power of your main chosen weapons. Then you can pick and choose after. Also, at mission end, enter the stats screen and hover over each squad member. You'll see their buildout, how much damage they do, and you'll start to identify a trend and see the same weapons more and more. Very helpful.

Circuit will allow you to test unforma'd weapons that have been potatoed (reactor) so you don't have to use your resources (not available to me at the time and it pisses me off that DE structured circuit to be so beneficial to new players negating much of what I struggled with). Their standard buildout with 60points have decent loads and you'll know immediately if you like it or not. View the stats and pick weapons that are high Crit/low status or high status and low crit. Weapons that have med of both are harder to build up. Circuit also allows farming a frame while you're at it...making getting new frames so easy, ugh. My first Octavia took 6 months. Circuit got me my second Octavia in less than one two hour game session. DE should really rethink that. I'm really pissed off they did that. Maybe limit it to 3 frames total then offer something else like 500 Endo instead of a BP. Take advantage while you can.

Good luck.


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5 hours ago, RafMatador22 said:

Alright, I said it in a joking way lol, why did you say that after getting the kuve weapons and etc, you wouldn't need to use it anymore, but I confess that I didn't find Innodem so impressive.

I changed it to “might not use them as much” which is just to say that more options will become available later on. I did realize you were joking, lol.

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21 minutes ago, m_a_r_c_h_ said:

No, it’s still one of my favorites and uses what is probably the best stance for melee. Just that Innodem and Prisma Skana Incarnon are stronger in just raw damage. The Innodem also gives a speed boost. Better players than me will also use melees like the Nikana Prime to level cap, so it depends on how you like to play. All the zaws are worth getting IMO.

Alright, I said it in a joking way lol, why did you say that after getting the kuve weapons and etc, you wouldn't need to use it anymore, but I confess that I didn't find Innodem so impressive.

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47 minutes ago, RafMatador22 said:

I'm mr26 and I still use Sepfahn Nikana, am I wrong?

No, it’s still one of my favorites and uses what is probably the best stance for melee. Just that Innodem and Prisma Skana Incarnon are stronger in just raw damage. The Innodem also gives a speed boost. Better players than me will also use melees like the Nikana Prime to level cap, so it depends on how you like to play. All the zaws are worth getting IMO.

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8 hours ago, m_a_r_c_h_ said:

At that level, I recommend the Acceltra for primary, the Sporelacer as secondary and the Sepfahn Nikana for melee. You won’t use them once you get the Kuva, Tenet and the incarnon weapons later. Once you hit steel path, do arbis and get the galvanized mods.

Alternatively, you can just use Titania’s pistols 😊

I'm mr26 and I still use Sepfahn Nikana, am I wrong?

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7 hours ago, Kaleb.356. said:

I don’t even really know what to consider. My mods aren’t good enough as it is to make my Boltor any better and I don’t have the capabilities right now to get any mods that will help me. I’m kind of not great at weapon mods (besides melee) and I more just throw stuff together that seems good not considering anything in the bigger picture really. It sounds stupid but I don’t really know how to configure stuff in the first place. Especially not with the basic mods that you get from enemy drops and stuff. I have a few corrupted, only one for secondary but other than that I’m likely considered broke

Mods for the most part are fairly self-explanatory; Serration makes gun hit harder, Multishot makes multiple bullets shoot out, etc. Different ways to increase your gun’s damage or augment its feel/mechanics when you need/want it (do take advantage of the times when damage is sufficient and you’ve got mod slots/capacity to burn for the fight you’re doing to augment how your gun performs or build how you want, same for Warframes and survival)

Where things need to be a little more considered is damage types and what they do versus what you’re fighting, where things like elemental mods can modify the damage type your weapon does and your weapon will do more or less damage depending on what you’re fighting according to what damage types it uses. It’s a lot simpler to grasp once you get the basics and start becoming an independent builder to get more out of the game, and understanding fundamentals like damage types and good movement/positioning will go a long way towards streamlining your gameplay and letting you build in more ways and take the results to more places

Grab a scanner and scan enemies into your Codex to learn more about what they’re weak to, and not every enemy type even within the same faction is weak to the same thing.

Have you met Simaris? He offers some ways to further your build testing, like an arena you can spawn scanned enemies to test against as well as an upgradeable scanner that can be upgraded to show what enemies are weak to when you point it at them in-mission, which can work extremely well as a reference if something feels off about your damage

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1 hour ago, m_a_r_c_h_ said:

At that level, I recommend the Acceltra for primary, the Sporelacer as secondary and the Sepfahn Nikana for melee. You won’t use them once you get the Kuva, Tenet and the incarnon weapons later. Once you hit steel path, do arbis and get the galvanized mods.

Alternatively, you can just use Titania’s pistols 😊

Thank you! Now i gotta screenshot this

2 hours ago, _Hefty_ said:

Just to keep it simple, you want to mod according to the weapon.

Weapons that are critical base put on critical chance, critical damage, multishot, and elemental damage mods. You can add hornet strike, fire rate, bane mod, etc.

A weapon like the Phantasma, mod for status instead of critical.

Experiment 🙂


Thank you! will do!


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At that level, I recommend the Acceltra for primary, the Sporelacer as secondary and the Sepfahn Nikana for melee. You might. It use them as much once you get the Kuva, Tenet and the incarnon weapons later. Once you hit steel path, do arbis and get the galvanized mods.

Alternatively, you can just use Titania’s pistols 😊

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1 hour ago, (NSW)Greybones said:

Outside of SP, what considerations have been given to your builds and how you’re approaching a mission? Our gear only goes so far modless regardless of the weapon or Warframe, and it’s the builds on your loadout and where you take it and how you use it that has the biggest impact on your gameplay; you may already have the means to go further with your Boltor, and just need to build differently for the mission and/or use your entire kit in tandem alongside general survival movement and basic game mechanics


I wouldn’t recommend using SP as anything other than a build testing game mode if you happen to come across a particularly powerful build combo you want to test while playing the standard game and earning things; the game mode is highly unbalanced and limited in ways to build and play, and a lot of the rules established by the rest of the game don’t really work

I don’t even really know what to consider. My mods aren’t good enough as it is to make my Boltor any better and I don’t have the capabilities right now to get any mods that will help me. I’m kind of not great at weapon mods (besides melee) and I more just throw stuff together that seems good not considering anything in the bigger picture really. It sounds stupid but I don’t really know how to configure stuff in the first place. Especially not with the basic mods that you get from enemy drops and stuff. I have a few corrupted, only one for secondary but other than that I’m likely considered broke

10 hours ago, (PSN)rexis12 said:

If all else fails.


You can use the Hek.

I will look into it

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1 hour ago, Kaleb.356. said:

Usually Rank 40 all the way to 100. Plus I’m preparing for Steel Path since I’m almost done with missions and star chart

Outside of SP, what considerations have been given to your builds and how you’re approaching a mission? Our gear only goes so far modless regardless of the weapon or Warframe, and it’s the builds on your loadout and where you take it and how you use it that has the biggest impact on your gameplay; you may already have the means to go further with your Boltor, and just need to build differently for the mission and/or use your entire kit in tandem alongside general survival movement and basic game mechanics


I wouldn’t recommend using SP as anything other than a build testing game mode if you happen to come across a particularly powerful build combo you want to test while playing the standard game and earning things; the game mode is highly unbalanced and limited in ways to build and play, and a lot of the rules established by the rest of the game don’t really work

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8 hours ago, (NSW)Greybones said:

What are you fighting?

Usually Rank 40 all the way to 100. Plus I’m preparing for Steel Path since I’m almost done with missions and star chart

6 hours ago, NinjaZeku said:

Mind you, the biggest difference is gonna come from your Mods rather than just getting a new shiny toy,
but here are some MR9-and-below options I might recommend:

Ignis Wraith
Sobek (with the Mod from Sedna boss)
Soma Prime

Ocucor (get that Mod from Nightwave)
Twin Grakatas


Also look into Kitguns, talk to Zuud in Fortuna / Father in the Necralisk.
Lich / Sister weapons have no practical MR locks, but you likely are not ready for that content yet.

Okay thanks! I’ll look into those. I already have the Xoris just haven’t been able to make it worth anything. I’ll look into some mod builds to try to make it better as well.

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2 hours ago, Kaleb.356. said:


Mind you, the biggest difference is gonna come from your Mods rather than just getting a new shiny toy,
but here are some MR9-and-below options I might recommend:

Ignis Wraith
Sobek (with the Mod from Sedna boss)
Soma Prime

Ocucor (get that Mod from Nightwave)
Twin Grakatas


Also look into Kitguns, talk to Zuud in Fortuna / Father in the Necralisk.
Lich / Sister weapons have no practical MR locks, but you likely are not ready for that content yet.

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First of all make sure you're modding right, of course, because that goes a long way in damage output

As for MR9 specifically, Phantasma, Ogris, Mara Detron, Quatz, Twin Grakatas, and Twin Rogga get my recommendations.

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MR 9 has a limited selection pool. My suggestion: bump a bit to maybe MR 12 for some of the good stuff. Anyway, here are my favorites for MR 9.


These prime weapons are always available and on the easier side to farm and craft. Not necessarily "the best" weapon early on but can certainly carry you through the star chart. You will get HUGE firepower upgrades for Braton Prime and Lex Prime via incarnon genesis (making these two some of the best weapons you can get) so I think the steep forma investment is justified.

  1. Braton Prime (~5 formas) - PRIMARY
  2. Lex Prime (~4 formas) - SECONDARY


  1. Ignis Wraith (~5 formas). Flamethrower with good range and damage with innate heat. It has punch through too! Probably the easiest one to get. Available from clan research. It requires Detonite Injectors that can be farmed from invasions. Don't bother with the regular Ignis.
  2. Phantasma/Phantasma Prime (~2 formas/~1 forma). My favorite Index weapon. Chaining beam weapon with innate radiation and very low reload speed. Low forma investment even for the regular variant. The blueprint for the regular Phantasma is from the in game market for 25k credits. The prime variant relics is currently available at the time of writing.
  3. Cedo (~3 formas). Great weapon with cool gimmicks but it's really hard to farm. I put this on the list since it requires MR 8.


  1. Atomos (~4 formas). Ignis Wraith as a secondary. It requires steep forma investment too. The blueprint is from the in game market for 30k credits. Just like Braton Prime and Lex Prime, it also has incarnon genesis upgrade so the investment is worth it.


  1. Xoris. You get it from a story mission for free. The heavy attack explosion is great and useful for a certain mission type related to the story mission you get this from. It packs a mean punch even at no forma investment.
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