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PSA: Heirloom Collection Platinum Changes & Lessons


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3 minutes ago, Fori_Tuna said:

Please please let me know if the money we spend on this bundle go straight into DE and not parent company's pocket, I know the price is high but I want to show my appreciation this way.

Since DE is owned by Tencent the money will go to Tencent and Tencent decides what money is appropriated to DE. If Tencent owns majority stock in DE then Tencent owns everything that consists of DE and anything they produce. When a company owns majority stock they are in charge. Tencent could theoretically liquidate DE and close it's doors if they wanted. 


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Yeah you guys didn't listen to any of the feedback from the players, right?

What people want is a bundle without useless things to inflate the price

Make a bundle with no AYA and no PLAT and put the price it should have.

You could also make separate bundles for Frost and Mag, but I guess that would be asking too much of DE at this point


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2 hours ago, Gladehart said:

I mean. It's just a skin. And only a skin. Ig you're that concerned about missing out on a skin then... I dunno man.

Plus, The Regal Aya is for the people that do not own the frames. Because they are both in prime resurgence currently.

There are many people who DONT need or want Regal Aya. At a certain point your most dedicated players are going to be running running out of stuff from Varzia to purchase.

That's where I'm at. I don't need Regal Aya or plat.

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1 minute ago, Xerachiel said:

Yeah you guys didn't listen to any of the feedback from the players, right?

What people want is a bundle without useless things to inflate the price

Make a bundle with no AYA and no PLAT and put the price it should have.

You could also make separate bundles for Frost and Mag, but I guess that would be asking too much of DE at this point


The plat you can sort of justify but for me the issue is the Aya. I have 0 use for it so its just a waste of money.

1 minute ago, (XBOX)ArcaneShadow869 said:

There are many people who DONT need or want Regal Aya. At a certain point your most dedicated players are going to be running running out of stuff from Varzia to purchase.

That's where I'm at. I don't need Regal Aya or plat.


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1 minute ago, Xerachiel said:

Yeah you guys didn't listen to any of the feedback from the players, right?

What people want is a bundle without useless things to inflate the price

Make a bundle with no AYA and no PLAT and put the price it should have.

You could also make separate bundles for Frost and Mag, but I guess that would be asking too much of DE at this point


I don't even need the color palettes. I've got like 10 others. The glyphs and sigils are cool but I literally never change mine. And these don't make me want to 

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2 minutes ago, Aky.Minowara said:

So, according to you, if I have the same opinion about one or another topic with the majority I have to keep quiet least I would be labeled as having a "hive-mind".

Basically, majority shut the fk up, you don't matter. Only us, moneyplayers are important. Not that is matter, but I probably spent more money than you in this game, so even after your standards I still have the rights to say whatever I want. Luckily is not for you to decide who can talk and who be silent. 

At any rate, in this way, soon, all your wishes will be granted: most of us will leave you alone to play a dying game an to approve like sheep everything the communist party will communicate to you. 

I didnt say to be quiet man, we should make noise for DE to notice they did a big oopsie. As I stated below:

3 minutes ago, BowserNC said:

We won't. There are a lot of people, here and on other sites that are talking about it and criticizing it for how much DE is charging for these bundles.

Some people like the bundles, some people don't, but there's always those who don't care and just read what others say and type the same stuff without knowing what they're talking about. That's what I was pointing about. 

Take care :)

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1 hour ago, DoctorChanka said:

It seems like the 5 people still defending DE on this debacle really has forgotten what the industry is like inside. 

No, people are not mad at DE for "a F2P game needs money to maintain" or "it's just a cosmetic" or whatever other excuse you throw out.

We understand, in fact probably all of us understand that as a F2P game, DE needs microtransactions to support their development. But you are the real point on why people are so rightfully infuriated. 

DE is not poor by any means of that word, they are one of the few successful F2P games on the market specifically *because* of how relatively fair their business model has been. They would not have been bought out by Tencent if they weren't a money printer and they also wouldn't be working on 3 projects if they were struggling at all. 

Just within Warframe itself, DE already has a wide range of revenue streams. Judging by the active trading community, the playerbase as a whole is clearly steadily buying platinum. On top of that, people are buying Prime Access every 3 months, the god forsaken Regal Aya, along with Tennogen and the half a dozen "supporter packs". DE simply isn't in a position where they "need" to monetise the bundle like this.

The reason so many people who buy these existing microtransactions do so is because we are have the mutual understanding that DE does need money to maintain the game and players (including myself) are happy to support a studio that respects its players and provides a good game.

For DE to now come out with such an overpriced, bloated, timegated bundle that exploits people's FOMO and its joke of a "fix", right after their convention where countless people have already splurged massively on WF merch. It is a massive betrayal to players, they are telling us that they no longer value their player's trust over short term profit, that the "lessons" they promised us they have learnt time and time again was all for naught. They are willing to exploit an emotional moment in warframe history, a celebration, to fleece players for more money. 

No, you cannot point to other games to defend DE because DE was supposed to one of the last bastions of fair monetisation in modern gaming. Pointing out $150 cosmetics in Apex does not make this any less predatory.

No, you cannot simply say "it's just cosmetics" when half of the WF end game is fashion frame, and when DE had always known how to fairly monetise cosmetics. 

No, you cannot say "this is a special release for the 10th anniversary" when all it does is point out how little DE cares about the community that has stuck with it for 10 whole years if it means they can get squeeze more out of their players over literal cosmetics.

This is my favorite comment on this thread by far. 100% spot on.

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I refuse to buy, I can't afford that, I know too many people who can't afford that.
General consensus from skimming 5 pages already seems to be:

  • We want separate packs for each skin.
  • We want separate packs that remove the fluff, we only want the skins.
  • This is a '10 year celebration' that excludes the community that can't afford a clearly inflated fomo product.
  • We want it last forever, its literally not a worth-while 'limited edition.' It's just gonna create a rift between people who could afford in a short time and people who couldn't. 
  • We want to allow everyone a fair chance to buy, its so bs that this 10 year exclusive is so exclusive it excludes a large part of its community who aren't rich. 
  • Adding more plat doesn't really help the case, if I want plat I'd just buy plat. I only want the cosmetics in this scenario.
  • Pls not many really care for the Aya, stop inflating the prices with it. 
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It's a shame you didn't fix the two things that are an actual problem with the bundle: The heavily inflated price by tacking on regal aya and platinum and the time limited aspect. I fear (and hope I'm wrong) that DE is going to push more overpriced FOMO items like this into the game and ruin it.

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3 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:


You still don't get it.
I don't want to have to buy $40 of regal aya or $30 of platinum to get TWO SKINS.
I don't want or need your bundle filler that takes up the majority of the cost of these bundles.

I want the Heirloom collection gear, not your regal aya bundle stapled on or platinum pack stapled on. I don't want to have to pay for things I can get from you in other places on your own website. In all seriousness, these aren't anniversary bundles. They're regal aya bundles,which take up the majority of the cost, with some items thrown in ontop of the regal aya. I have to spend much more money on the regal aya and plat than anything else in these bundles.

Your bundles are greatly overshadowed with regal aya and plat I have no choice but to buy if I want anything to do with the heirloom items.

Edited by wizardeiges
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2 minutes ago, Disasterchild said:

And you're doing so while seemingly expecting the long time period to be enough time for people to rummage around for money to buy the pack they want. But this way of thinking is missing the point. The Heirloom Packs don't need more value, they need more options for people that don't want to buy your premium currency but still want the cosmetics and want to support you. Which leads into the next part.

I bought the pack right after you put it up, because the value of everything in the packs was fair enough for the price it was sold at. I didn't mind the splurge at all. I also didn't even check the lower packs and just assumed one was just the skins with no premium currencies added, since that'd be the most sensible thing to do. Both to increase sales and to make players that can't buy the fat stack packs happy. But apparently not.

yes i agree that. why make the packs become more expensive and make other player just want the skin must buy whole plat too meanwhile plat is the reason make price is higher than must to be. if its reasonable price just for special skin i think its good enough to bait tenno to buy it. but in other hand i glad that pack not include prime frame too that will make price jump higher 😆 and i already have it. oh sorry if regal counted too its why so many player dislike it. the point is just want the skin only with reasonable price without plat or regal. if badge and cosmetic included still reasonable if the price cheaper than now.

but guys as you see that already release with that price and its won't be able make it cheaper that is why DE increase amount plat. if it make cheaper then all player already bought it will be angry and want refund to the same price. and in history game mostly they selling game currency too as pack/bundle so my opinion if not worth then don't buy. if you want to buy you must agree with that bundle. that is why increase value bundle since they wont sell skin separated without bundle or lower the price already release. its normal for the developer include currency too (like boost, etc that mostly player don't want it) in bundle.
if you think its not worth then don't buy or just ask for the bundle increase more valuable/reasonable for that price. if still not worth then don't buy it.
if you asking for skin only i think its impossible for now if they make it come true then player that already bought it will angry and want to refund. there is no end of this debate. we just can hope next skin is separated from bundle (that almost hard for developers)

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To be clear, once and for all:

- don't want pack, bundle or any other type of cumulation,

- don't need Aya, never did, really I don't understand why this thing exist,

- don't want extra platinum to increase the price,

- don't want time limit when we talk about MY money, 

- don't want others to say to me what and how to speak/write.

* That's all. Thank you. 

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12 minutes ago, PollexMessier said:

We're gonna drop them in the most not-okay state we think we can get away with, then use people that bought them in that state as an excuse to not fix the things we know are the actual problem


12 minutes ago, PollexMessier said:

They've had this problem before, multiple times. They know exactly what they're doing

Thank you! DE is no longer a indie company that listens to feedbacks a long time ago, but people still give them credit for it dispite their multi-dollar status. Business decisions like this doesnt just pop off someone's head, EVERYTHING was a conscious desicion, even mistakes. 

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Another Zenith owner here. Personally, I didn't see this pack as overpriced and never cared about FOMO. In fact, I think it's nice to have some in-game items that say: "I've been there when it happened".

I am supper happy you lads didn't decide to make those skins non-exclusive. 

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LOL, Hotfixing bundles now. There's nothing about fairness to ppl that bought the bundle. It's about you have to refund them and might get sued. So increase the contents a bit is the only option here and cost you nothing.  Warframe community is forgiving in general yet you just keep trashing them with this kind of stuff. 

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3 hours ago, Slainn_ said:

I gotta be honest, I didn’t think these were overpriced. As someone who has been playing apex for years, an heirloom(one single melee item) has always been $150 to minimum to acquire.

150 bucks for a weapon in a video game is stupid and comparing the two doesn't make it right or better.

150 bucks is groceries for the week for a two person home.

That's almost 7 tanks of gasoline in small cars.

It has no value whatsoever outside of the game. It's simply a piece of coding and pixels that cost you $150 because the people selling made that the price.

You are also a victim.

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44 minutes ago, ChronaticL said:

 Why of course it not a one time thing, I will start saving money for Ember&Rhino heirloom if I were you😴 

You are correct, but I'll focus myself on the part of "taking into account the feedback of the current Heirloom Collection".

Right now we can't do much but wait and accept an inneficient solution, and hope future Heirloom packs truly address the biggest issues with this one. Honestly, given how truly mesmerizing these Heirloom skins are, I do want more of them. Definetly. Just not the predation that came with this one.

However, one thing is for sure, I hope the community raises an even bigger stink if another pack comes with Founder Pack characteristics. These "test the waters" moments are crucial points for the development of the game. If the community allows for it, not even Warframe is safe from corporate greed.

Edited by (PSN)Hikuro-93
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I wonder how many of these people complaining will buy the pack.

It is a ten year pack if you like it buy it if you don't like the price don't buy it.


There are people at DE that has put hours into designing the cosmetics and they look amazing. THANK YOU

This is a celebration and you will get so much free content over the next year why not pay this price since you don't need plat and show the DE team that as community we love what the do.

There might have been a pack for each frame skin seperate but there is no reason to make 10 years of success feel bad because of a price someone don't want to pay.

This games gives people hours of enjoyment and it's free.

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Il y a 3 heures, Vortex a dit :

we value their job as everyone here wish to be valued on their own job

Oh my goodness. Are you brain dead ? Who do you think you are ? Some kind of benefactor ? Playing for nine years on console and 10 on PC is proving we value their job. Buying those bundles is just opening your wallet. Get off your pedestal.

Edited by (PSN)HeartCoreGamer
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3 hours ago, Gladehart said:

You and who?

me, I also asked for cheaper bundles, I want to give them my hard earned cash for mag skin, I dont even play mag that much but I enjoy her and can justify maybe purchasing mag to support them and because its a one time thing, I couldn't give a flying f about frost.

I would like a mag only pack, maybe some plat if they must to justify a slightly higher price otherwise it's a hard pass

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