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I can't do Spy missions



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On 2023-09-05 at 7:51 PM, Hexerin said:

You can't do enough damage to one-shot the Eximus Sensor Regulators, even on normal star chart. They have specifically massively inflated base stats that overpower anything the player can build

I've one shot them plenty of times. With different weapons (high CC CD). It can be done. In SP I'm not sure. I always pick Ivara for SP spy and just go to the vault with invis

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28 minutes ago, Tiltskillet said:

Also curious about what Corrupt Charge build would do this.  I tried with Arca Titron because it has high base damage and a riven, but wasn't even able to one shot non-eximus.  Not an ideal build for this, but it makes me skeptical about "most heavy attack melees" even if there are a few that can.   Is it Wrathful Advance or something?

It is not. Just ordinary corrosive build. 1 forma.


Here is my footage for SP non-eximus (i am bad at capturing video): https://streamable.com/k7uayu

Wrathful adance would be cute idea but i got already Golden Instinct subsumed on this. And it will stay until i get all the collectibles.

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1 hour ago, Hexerin said:


I stand corrected: normal SP 1shot. eximus SP 2-3shot. Eximus normal 1shot.

Ivara + Corrupt charge Fragor Pime built for corrosive (i used tha combo for RJ farming).

PS: Wukong clone can cheese it (it can shoot it however many times you want and it doesnt trigger)

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7 hours ago, Zakkhar said:

Most heavy attack (corrupt charge) melees can easily 1shot them even on SP. So can Felarx build for Archon 1shot or any 1shot Demo weapons.

What's your Felarx build?  Even a Blast / Electricity (anti-Grineer Machinery loadout, lol) Felarx isn't killing Kelpie spy vault Eximus Sensor Regulators for me.  I don't have Roar, Xata, or Eclipse on that build, but it's more than 6 shots with full stacks, so those wouldn't push it to one shot.

Also curious about what Corrupt Charge build would do this.  I tried with Arca Titron because it has high base damage and a riven, but wasn't even able to one shot non-eximus.  Not an ideal build for this, but it makes me skeptical about "most heavy attack melees" even if there are a few that can.   Is it Wrathful Advance or something?

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11 hours ago, Hexerin said:

You can't do enough damage to one-shot the Eximus Sensor Regulators, even on normal star chart. They have specifically massively inflated base stats that overpower anything the player can build.

Most heavy attack (corrupt charge) melees can easily 1shot them even on SP. So can Felarx build for Archon 1shot or any 1shot Demo weapons.

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2 hours ago, Hobie-wan said:

FWIW, if you do enough quiet damage to one shot them, they can't set off the alarm. This is a use case for a silent crit-tacular bow.

You can't do enough damage to one-shot the Eximus Sensor Regulators, even on normal star chart. They have specifically massively inflated base stats that overpower anything the player can build. I wouldn't be surprised if they were made this way specifically to counter players trivializing the vaults by tapping everything in the early days of power creep. Nowadays we have solutions like Ivara's Infiltrate and such, of course.

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You don't need Ivara or Wukong or anything to do spy. They were hard for me but you can do them with any frame. There's hidden chutes or ways to get around obstacles like lasers. You can also use your void body (operator). The operator will still trigger lasers but helps in many situations.

Funny, by the time i got ivara i didn't really need her. The forum helped me understand her to get her invisibility to last longer. That helped her usage in SP where she is very vulnerable and weak. Definitely not tanky

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I Ivara cheese these days myself, but you either have to buy her or......farm spy missions to get her prints.

There's a good few spy missions in the story missions too, so you'll have to deal with them at some point AND have to clear all three.

One thing though, you don't have to stealth the whole way through you can get close enough and brute force your way through.  There's at least one story mission where the alarm is triggered regardless.


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Spy vaults are a stealth game. Don't rush through them. Take your time and observe what's happening. Most of them boil down to little more than finding the path you need to take, and timing going through laser walls and around cameras. A lot of them have hidden shortcuts that skip most of the hard parts. Some of them are short enough that you can trigger the alarm as soon as you walk into the room and still clear them with ages left on the timer, once you just know where you're suppose to be going. One of them is literally built to encourage you to do this, the conveyor belt one, Having a laser wall blocking a shortcut that skips the entire vault. If you have an opportunity to kill an enemy or destroy a camera without getting spotted, take it. But don't do this with the drones cus will auto-trigger the alarm as soon as they take damage.

You will need to get good at these without relying on frame gimmicks... or you will get stuck in the new war down the line. Just do some solo and take your time practicing them.

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On 2023-09-03 at 8:25 PM, TurjanMi.ir said:

Farming Ivara takes ages

She is in normal circuit this week. So it would take ~2 hours. You get the augument on the way as well.

In my opinion it is better to learn with normal frame and then shortcut with Ivara than try to shortcut imidiately.

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Farming Ivara takes ages, and as she drops from spy missions (the irony), you basically solved your problem already at the time you build her.

Wukong can just be bought from the clan dojo, and he is arguably the better spy frame, anyway.

Edit: Just one tip for the first spy mission on Earth: Do it during the day on Earth (Earth's day and night cycle is different from Cetus). At night you have those sentries that immediately sound the alarm, while you usually have enough time to deal with Grineer guards during the day, in case they spot you.

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Ok, how about some actually helpful advice.


Spy missions seem inviolable, but every vault has a route. Oftentimes several. I genuinely do not have time to go into every route, but most have secret passages. Some examples.

There's a grineer spy vault that consists of two long hallways you must travel up and down, with two sensor regulators. In this vault, if you travel right instead on entry, you'll see three grates. You can slide through these to access a secret passage with a laser grid that travels up and down. Dodge the grid and parkour through the whole passage and up through a vent, and it'll take you to the rafters above the second hallway. There's another vent on the other side of this, which will take you right to the console.

In the Corpus vault with the tower, you can usually sneak through vents that are in the lift shaft itself. This will avoid most of the initial security. Climb to the top of the tower, and there's a series of laser grids that move, opening gaps. Drop down carefully to access the vault.


A trick to finding these is to attempt a vault, then pass or fail, look around the whole thing for the secret passages. In this case though, completing a vault will open a passage through to the entrance, so bare this in mind! After a while, you should have the shortcuts found and in mind whenever you attempt them.

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