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Add Collision Mechanic - If It Is Not Already


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I either:

  1. Don't understand a morsel of what you are trying to say here. Collision is a simple concept in the real world but in games you should pretty much always specific the type of collision.
  2. Do understand what you're saying and think you're a lunatic for even wanting this, do you really want to fly +5 or -5 meters during a jump because a grineer gunner/bombard is firing at you? Do you really want to play an MMO Looter shooter for its physics simulation?

"Collisions" that already are here:

  • Map/strucutre collisions (duh).
  • Entity or NPC collisions, this does not apply everywhere and there are plenty of abilities and melee combos that negate this to some degree. In general though, you can't just walk through a grineer grunt that stands in a door.
  • Ragdoll effects, K-drive collision into a wall, certain weapon projectiles on (dead) enemies and certain abilities.
  • Staggers, its literally what stagger mechanics in games are for, to create the idea/illusions of an object (bullets mostly) hitting the player/enemy.

Physics can be quite expensive (on processing resources) to model properly and often parts of it are left out on purpose. Often because doing a simpler, cheaper, faster simultion creates almost the same realism. On top of that real world physics can be terrible for the overall (gameplay) experience, but I guess anyone able to play games already has some experience with the downside of physics.

TL;DR; please rephrase and explain your idea a bit further.

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Weapons: bullet collision.  Enemy kinetic weapon vs tenno weapon kenitic, if collided would have a chance to negate or cancel one another.  Hope this clafifies things a bit.  I was thinking "weapons" and "bullets" then added melee.  I dont think melee would work though now that I think about it.  Hope this example helps.

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This is a thing when it comes to enemy bombard projectiles (you can hit them before they hit you). Adding this to all bullets however... to me that just doesn't make sense.

There aren't going to be any Corpus/Grineer firing their guns at the only single angle that allows a (full) stop/collision. That requires more precision than humanly possible. In which case the bullets simply deflect, changing their trajectory, but not negating nearly enough of the damage to be considered safe.

In Warframe we have such a huge plethora of projectiles, it wouldn't make any sense to try and make sense of how these would interact with each other. Especially given the immense unlikelihood of 2 projectiles traveling a high speeds hitting each other without proper planning. The resulting effects would not only be hard to ever see, but also consume considerably developer work on the game and its engine to actually support this even for the weirder weapons around. Don't forget we have: beam, flamethrower, thrown, arrow, bullet, rocket, grenade and possibly more types of weapons already. I hope I got most of them.

Now for grenades and rockets these mechanics already exist to some degree.
For most other weapon types I just don't see any use to adding them because of any (one or more) of the below reasons:

  1. They travel to fast, the chances of actually hitting another projectile are virtually 0.
  2. They are not physical, in which case it might not make sense for them to be stopped (flamethrower, beam)
  3. They are already not the best type of projectile, this change would make them even more obsolete to most players.
  4. We already have Jedi like bullet deflection on our melee, realistically we as players aren't going to feel any benefit from this.
  5. Having some of your bullets miss for what seems to be random isn't a great gaming experience.
  6. Adding it adds unnecessary bloat to both:
    1. Code complexity (read worse performance)
    2. Gameplay complexity
    3. Additions of new weapons/projectiles
  7. Projectiles of smaller sizes (and/or mass) would be blocking large projectiles (more mass?) or would further increase the complexity of this mechanic.

TL;DR; Not a fan.

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