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Suggestion for ease of access


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Put all the warframes, weapons (accpet Zenistar, Azima, Zenith, and Sigma & Octantis), Odonata Archwing, and Mandachord in the Dojos Tenno Lab after completing the quests that unlock them as these items do not need to be at Cephalon Simaris due to the fact that most players will not try and get them more than once but it will make it easier to get the parts that do not come from bounties as parts that come from bounties would have to be earned from the bounties before they appear in the Tenno Lab

There is also Sanctuary Onslaught and Elite Sanctuary Onslaught that should grant standing for Cephelon Simaris

Sanctuary Onslaught: 25,000 standing after every second A rotation and 50,000 standing after every C rotation

Elite Sanctuary Onslaught: 50,000 standing after every second A rotation and 100,000 standing after every C rotation

Standing amounts above are only suggestions and are not expected to be this high if implimented but would make getting things from Cephalon Simaris a bit easier as you would no longer have to depend totally on the RNG of his targets spawning in missions and this might actually make these modes get played more often and by more players. This would also make getting the warframes from him easier as you would be able to build his standing up a lot faster

Remove the daily standing cap only for Cephalon Simaris as he does not actually require ranking up


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If you want Samaris standing to be easier, an old trick is to fly in archwing to temple of profit. If you get about 150 meters away, you’ll get spawns and they don’t move, so they are easy to scan. If you get too close they move. You can get about 15 scans, fly far enough away to reset, come back and rinse and repeat.

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But is making them easier to get really necessary? The only things like that a player "needs" to get from his shop is each frame once assuming they want to subsume them before getting their Prime and want to keep the base frame.

As for Simaris standing it's already a very fast grind if you employ stealth scanning. Just slap on any frame that can go invisible and run around any mission scanning unalerted enemies.

And the standing cap is something that'll almost certainty never be removed for any syndicate. It's both there to incentivize MR and to pad out content for daily play. Which even plays into the standing costs of a full frame from him (which admittedly is high for taking multiple days per frame) in further padding out the content.

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The point with it is why make it a grind at all when you have to do a quest to get them in the first place and some of the quests have a bit of a grind involved in completing them. Then you have some that the quest only gives you the BP and you need to farm the other parts like Harrow for example.


BP from the quest and farm the parts

Gara, Harrow, Octavia, Nidus, Revenant, Garuda, Protea, Sevagoth, and Xaku

Put these BPs in the marketplace for credits after completion of the respective quest

BP and Parts from quest or parts from quest anf BP in Market for credits

Odonata, Titania, Inaros, Chroma, Mirage, and Limbo

Put these in the clan Dojos after completion of the respective quest


With the SO and ESO granting standing for Simaris is cause it is linked to him so why don,t we get Cephalon Simaris Standing from it as is. Like I said I do not expect the amounts I gave in my examples


At Least lower the standing cost for the frames to a more reasonable amount Component parts shonld be lowered to 5,000 or 10,000 standing and the BPs lowered to 15,000 or 20,000 standing

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Maybe if Sanstuary Onslaught and Elite Sanstuary Onslaught granted Cephalon Simaris standing as that would make farming the standing a lot more efficient than scanning targets that may or may not spawn in missions or just scans and stealth scans on random enemies as you play the missions

Making it cost 125k for an entire warframe makes it take longer than being able to farm the parts from specific missions


these frames are alrady farmable from missions and their BPs could just come from a mission that the parts come from

Mesa: Mutalist Alad V Assassination should also drop the BP (Remove the key for this mission to make it easier to farm)

Atlas: Jordas Golem Assassination should also drop the BP

Harrow and Nidus: Bp should drop from the same mission as 1 of the parts

Frames that the BPs could be rewarded from bounties

Gara and Revenant: BPs could be added to the bounties in Cetus/Plains of Eidolon (Gara during day cycle and Revenant during night cycle)

Garuda: BP could be added to bounty rewards for Fortuna/Orb Vallis bounties

Other frames that do not meet above criteria

Titamia: Parts and BP could be made farmable via the Silver Grove Specters

Limbo: Parts could be added to loot pool for completing excavators during excavation missions

Odonata: put in tenno lab at clan dojo

Protea and Sevagoth: make BP farmable in the same way as the other parts

Mandachord: not a warframe but an item required to craft Octavia put it in the market for credtis after completion of Octavia's Anthem quest

Chroma, Mirage, and Inaros: create new assassination missions for these 3 frames where you actually battle the frame to acquire the parts and BP These missions unlock after completion of the respective quest


I would be happy if Sanstuary Onslaught and Elite Sanstuary Onslaught granted Cephalon Simaris standing as this makes the standing farm a bit more efficient and quicker this would also be a lot easier on the developers end

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