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Suspended from Region Chat for Pancakes VS Waffles?


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other topics to avoid, for future reference:

- the pronunciation of Scone, and whether or not jam or cream goes on first.

- Chevrolet vs Ford

- most words in the english language with -ussy added on the end

- talking about the moderators themselves

- comparing warframe to *insert online multiplayer co-op game here*

- obvious hard topics like religion, politics, sexual identity etc.

- basically everything else.

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I'm betting you got reported by someone and a bot just saw that you kept posting and it kept removing your messages no matter what they were, eventually leveled a ban just because of spamming.

Honestly for such a social game, it kinda sucks but it's best to stay away from Region chat... You can completely disable it in the settings I think.

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On 2023-09-22 at 12:17 PM, Atomic_Noodles said:

Initially it was about the word for an 'Eye Twitch' Disability. 

Sorry, but this instantly sounds suspicious, because disabilities are sensitive subject.

On 2023-09-22 at 12:17 PM, Atomic_Noodles said:

So I shifted discussions to talking about Pancakes or Waffles as the topic and the mod kept removing those too saying its inappropriate for Warframe. So after some more messages asking about other Breakfast foods in a meal (Bacon) I got suspended from Region Chat (NA one). So is Pancakes and Waffles such a touchy subject its comparable to more heinous topics?

And this sounds like a s*itposting (be it unintentional).

So, you attracted attention from a mod and kept poking the waters, hence the suspension. The rule about s*itposting is that once you get called out by authority, you back off and wait until the attention is off you. Social Awareness 101.

Edited by Hayrack
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11 hours ago, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

other topics to avoid, for future reference:

- the pronunciation of Scone, and whether or not jam or cream goes on first.

- Chevrolet vs Ford

- most words in the english language with -ussy added on the end

- talking about the moderators themselves

- comparing warframe to *insert online multiplayer co-op game here*

- obvious hard topics like religion, politics, sexual identity etc.

- basically everything else.

- It's like 'scown' because the 'e' after the 'n' extends the 'o'. Jam then cream.

- Ford

- Fussy

- Fabulous moderators

- Hello Kitty Island has better graphics

- All hail our lord and saviour the flying spaghetti monster. Ramen

- Sheep

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23 hours ago, Atomic_Noodles said:

idk if its an actual person if its something as simple as 'Why is Volt Prime so expensive???' which got purged from the chat in 2-3s after posting. Normally such messages aren't chopped off from experience.


I'm pretty sure that was because you aren't supposed to be talking trade chat prices in region so saying "how much is Ivara Prime" or "how much would my riven sell for" or anything similar will get deleted on sight. 

Now idk if the person was talking irl money or plat, but as I said the mod probably saw "volt prime" and thought trade chat.

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Look I don't want to get banned or have any moderators stalking my account and making an enemy of me, I like to avoid drama as best as I can... Just some friendly advice though... Well, its not exactly a secret but... How do I put this... Basically the Moderators are very intense and biased against various types of cake. Pancakes, Ice Cream Cake, Cupcakes, Oatcakes, Cheesecakes, Cakewalks, Poundcake, Fruitcake and so on. One of them even tracked my IP, broke into my apartment, and smashed my Birthday cake against the wall and left a message telling me to "wise up or else the cake won't be the only thing smashed", I called the police, but they told me nothing could be done, because they found the premise of the situation to absurd to be true. Look, I know accusing people of being racist is pretty severe and intense, so I will say they are sexist, against cakes. Their loyalty and bias towards waffles is... 

Look believe me or not (and I would say don't, since I am making all of this up) but I would never type the words cake in any chat ever, not even to your friends or clan, lest you bring John Wick levels of wraith down upon yourself. Warframe is an anti-cake zone (well, I mean except for Wisp and a few other Deluxe Skins of course). 

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3 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

Man the english language has some of the most perverse foods out there considering your slang for things.

Poundcake, Spotted $&*^, Cherry Cream Pie and so on... :facepalm:

How the #*!% was I not born english?


Hey, you are telling me, English is my second language, and I agree with you. 

Though also... this video.


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4 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

Man the english language has some of the most perverse foods out there considering your slang for things.

Poundcake, Spotted $&*^, Cherry Cream Pie and so on... :facepalm:

How the #*!% was I not born english?

Those things existed long before they were also used for slang for naughty things though. It's not like English has a lock on naughty euphemisms either.

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On 2023-09-22 at 4:55 AM, Atomic_Noodles said:

idk if its an actual person if its something as simple as 'Why is Volt Prime so expensive???' which got purged from the chat in 2-3s after posting. Normally such messages aren't chopped off from experience.

And if i remember that rule for WF related stuff is mainly more for Q&A chat if its not a question related to WF Help. Region Chat is allowed for all forms of talk as long as its not promoting something that violates the TOS like hate speech or harassment.

It sounds like you were being monitored more because you didn't back off and wanted to push the envelope. Maybe the vibe you were generating caused a mod to cut it short before things got out of hand? I don't know the full story of course but I get the feeling that they knew you were not going to stop trying to do whatever it was you were looking to do.

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16 hours ago, Hobie-wan said:

Those things existed long before they were also used for slang for naughty things though. It's not like English has a lock on naughty euphemisms either.

Well yeah of course. There are also the nicknames that likely pre-date the slang, maybe one came from Rick being a total $&*^.

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On 2023-09-22 at 11:57 AM, (PSN)ApoX95 said:

 Region chat is for forming groups to play Warframe. Q&A is for asking questions in regards to Warframe. This is not Facebook.


Region Chat is for general discussion of any topic not banned by TOS. Your talking about RECRUITING. Recruiting is where form groups to play Warframe. Q&A is for asking questions. Trade Chat is for buying and selling. Did you turn on your Region Chat in your preferences, because you go Recruiting mixed up with Region! 

In regards to comparing it to Facebook, yes, Region IS like Facebook, Reddit, Twitch and forums. Its a place that we aee supposed to meet, greet, get to know each other abd shoot the breeze with little content restrictions. But as in those places, it can get corrupted by humans with a preference to what they want discussed.

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20 hours ago, PrideB4TheFall said:

Region chat is for pre-teens and teens trying to cleverly, (without success.) Imply innuendo without getting banned. 

And the world keeps turning... unfortunately.

As a big fan and supporter of innuendos in all shapes, forms, sizes and places (does that count as an innuendo?) I have to say thank you for making me feel like a teen again!

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On 2023-09-22 at 11:57 AM, (PSN)ApoX95 said:

Although this statement is quite ironic when OP was talking about 'Bacon' (which is just a euphemism for the dismembered bodypart of an innocent individual that was forced to grow up in literal hell).

'oppressive' in that case would be the trivialization of the most horrible industry that exists in modern society by referring to this bodypart as mere 'food' although I doubt this is the reason why the messages were removed. They just indeed have nothing to do with Warframe.

calling the removal of such messages 'oppressive' is a heavy stretch though. Messages like this have no place in region chat, I agree with that - If one wants to discuss private matters in a game then they can do so in private or clan chats but not region chat or any other public chat like Q&A. Region chat is for forming groups to play Warframe. Q&A is for asking questions in regards to Warframe. This is not Facebook.

You are reaching really hard to try and justify the suspension. Most people consider Bacon to be a simple breakfast item.

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