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(Ic) Through the broken void (wip, chapter 5 update)


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These events take place just before new war.

Chapter 1

hollow sound of snow

The land of venus was white with snow the air fridged and cold small flakes of snow drifted down from the gloomy gray sky before landing on the sholder of a warframe, umbra it was still motionless observeing the corpus units below it as they moved cargo and supplys off of a ship. Takeing a rifle from its sholder umbra aimed slowly at the captian of the group their aim steady and true. That was until the guards around the captain begain to lose their heads as an unseen force cut through the ranks with expert persision and before long the captian was alone. umbra aimed at their leg leting loose a round that tore through the mucle and bone and whatever cybernetics where in its way. The captain fell to the ground clutching his leg desperatly searching for the attacker before he spoted what looked like a butterfly which begain to grow in size and in an instant a new warframe was standing over him its body consisted of a red, black, white, and a gold finish, there was little armor however the firey glow surounding them was more than enough for the courpus to know that his fate was sealed for what stood before him was the silent killer of the grove as the oroken had made it, titania prime.

"You know i could have just cut his legs off" the titania yelled as the umbra glided down from their perch remaining silent, "ok mister your going to tell me what i want to know where is the data you intersepted i know its here somewhere"

The courpus remaind silent which made the titania sigh before holding their hand out, the body of the corpus begain to spark and desolve his screams becomeing an echo in the wind as the remaining traces of him vanished.

"Hopefuly simaris can get some info from him" the titania grumbled faceing their partner, "dont look at me like that ok i got bored of wateing look il let you get any weapon you want once we get back to fortuna ok"

Placeing their hand to the side of their head the titania called for extraction and after a short wate the femilior sound of ship thrusters could be herd as the fog beneath the vally parted revealing the landing craft liset riseing from its icey embrace, once the two were inside the titania sat at the navigation station while umbra leaned against a wall, punching in the cordinates for the cave city the ship roared to life as it set off, and after an hour they arived at their destination, fotuna the city of the taxed.

Steping off the lift the titaina turned to their partner.

"Right i need to talk to Bizz you just keep yourself entertained and make sure none of the vent kids try and scrap my girl" the titana said before their body went limp and a figure steped out of it, female wareing a bright white cloke with accents of red and black their name "regalia"

Chapter 2

Life of the taxed

Fortuna cold, damp, cramped and noisy yet the place Regalia frequently found herself in the blue and purple light casting a calming atmosphear into the cave which regalia often found herself admireing. Strolling next to the coolent cannal she watched as the fortuna citezens worked, noteing that each one that was hevily agumented and made a mentel note to see ticker about them later however she was looking for someone in particular today.

"Bizz" Regalia yelled aprotching the conservationist.

"Ah tenno well met" Buissnes replyed closing the tank to one of his servofish aquariums "im assumeing your excursion went well"

"not even a little all the data we found was on stock prices and the captan wouldent talk so hes with samaris right now" Regalia sighed

"I almost pitty the fool" Buissnes replyed "but im assumeing your here to pick her up"

"Ya uuuum where is she" Regalia asked searching around the room "did she get in the vents again"

"Nono shes resting with Eudico" Buissnes explained.

"Thanks bizz oh and here" Regalia tossed a small chip to buissnes who looked at it inquisitivly. "Some hunter files on there might want to get your guys to track down the animals before Neff dose"

Nodding Regalia parted way with the fortunan wandering up towards the centeral lift before a scream rang out, reacting on instinct she summond titania to her takeing control of the frames body and grabing the zenith rifle from her back and sprinting up the steps before stoping dead in her tracks to the sight that she saw. An infested beast its face lacked eyes yet it was shaped like a sharpend blade atop its head sat two stalks with glowing yellow balls of puss growing from them, a frill of armord spikes plated around the neck leading down its desiesed yet functional body leading to a tail that split into multiple segments. It stood atop a fortuna worker clutching their arm with its razor claws.

"DAM IT TANYA GET OFF THEM" Regalia yelled wich caused the beast to imediatly hop off of the worker and run to its masters side. "What have i told you about playing this isnt deimos they arnt as strong as you" 

Scratching the bests head the panzer vulpafyla named tanya yaped happily leaing into their masters hand.

"Ok thats enough clear out debts not gona pay itself" a voise boomed from behind a gathered crowed.

"Hehe sorry Eudico ummm what happend" regalia asked adressing the leader of the vox solaris.

"This mucker tryed to steal some tools" Eudico sighed guestureing to the unconsious fortunan "your pal there took them down before any of us could do anything though theyl probobly need new inplants"

"Right il pay for the inplants and the tools i know how hard it gets down here" Regalia mumbled.

"Ya the mucking taxmans been pulling some wiard shipments recently so everyones on edge thinking we'l have another profit taker incident" Eudico explaind.

"Fear gives rise to panic, panic gives rise to desperation" Regalia stated.

"Dont know about all that but were all a bit spooked" Eudico responded.

"Il get ordis to send a becon down if anything happens ring it and il come" Regalia explained.

"Of cause tenno" Eudico nodded.

Walking to the main lift regalia turned to umbra.

"Its going to be a while till i get a becon made can you watch over them till its ready"

The frame did not respond apart from a small nod which regalia resipricated waveing them off as umbra turned towards the canals.

"Right whats say you and me get home hay tanya" 

With a happy yap the two assended the lift feeling the air turn cooler until they steped onto the plains of orb valis, and once again radioing for extraction the two passed the time by playing fetch with some rocks before the liset arrived wisking them away back to their home amoung the stars.



Chapter 3

Home among silent sky

"Operator you have returned" ordis chimed. 

"Good to be back ordis" regalia chuckled standing "anything happen while i was down there"

"The corpus ships outside almost (sideswiiii) impacted with our cloaking field rest asured i steared us away before more harm was done"

"Why were you that close anyway" regalia asked steping out of titanias body.

"I detected an odd friquency comeing from one of the ships i couldent decode it from where we were so i (said screw it) strateagicaly menouvered the orbiter to get a better reading" ordis explained

"What did you find" regalia asked

"Nothing" ordis said cheerfuly

"Right" the annoyance in her voise was obvious she hated when ordises curiosity took over.

"Operator is everything ok your missing (THAT DISSOBEATENT RU--) Umbra" ordis asked

"Oh hes still at fortuna i told him to stand guard while i made a becon" she also hated when he changed the subject

"I see well youl be pleased to know that the foundery has compleated a new wepon" oris chirped

"Thats good to hear ordis make sure to install a catalyst to it a-and" as the words left her mouth regalia felt a wave of tiredness wash over them as their vision blured and they fell to their knees.

"OPERATOR" his voise rang in her ears distorted

"I-im fine just need some rest" shakily standing to her feet she felt tanya walk beside her helping her to stand.

"Operator you havent taken a break since the lotus (abandond) left us if you so desire i could look to making your personal room more.."

"IM FINE ORDIS" regalia yelled just wanting him to shut up "just wake me up if something happens"

With the help of tanya regalia stumbled to the very heart of the orbiter where her lifeline lay but also her most hated possesion, siting down into the transferense pod she could do naught but hear herself breath as the walls closed in around her and her vison became dark as she began to dream.

A cyan light shon before her as she felt the grip of something against her arm until it was swiftly cut away and a voise a condisending and egotistical voise rang out from the black around her.

"You cannot kill the devil tenno" the voise muttered "...but you can send it back to hell"

A pain the which she had never felt before erupted from her chest spreading through her body causeing her to scream in pain it felt as if she had blades replace her blood she wanted to run she wanted to defend herelf but she was traped she screamed as the pod doors opend and she fell to the ground she looked around the room franticly before spoting a figure the figure of the person who took everyithing from her, the figure of tne person who had tortured umbra on his death bed, in a fit of panic and rage regalia fired bolt of energy which collided with the wall before her but the wall did nought but laugh

A sudden jolt awakend regalia from her delusion as she placed her hand over the sorce of her phantom pain.


Removeing their hand from their chest regalia steeled their nerves it was just a dream it wasent real "get the arcwing ready and set a corse for sedna" 

"What will you do operator" ordis asked

"I need to blow off steam and this is the perfect time to do it" Recalling titania to them they ran to the airlock of the orbiter and jumping through it she was met by the silence of space as the corpus capital ship floted before her, after a few short moments a compartment opend on the orbiter reliaseing itzel from its shackles and alowing it to glide effortlessly to its master. "Ordis il buy you time for the jump just make sure were ready to go by the time im done" 

"Yes operator please be safe (AND KICK THEIR AAAAA)" ordis replyed


Chapter 4

Dance between metal wings

Arcwings were a dance for regalia and the fighters were her partners the wepons her music each move she made she made with persision and grace carveing through the fighters ranks challangeing each to try and match her pase yet none could, and once the fighters were delt with it only left one the main ship, regalia had taken out many of these over her years as a tenno and this one was no different following her standard pattern she first attacked the engiens using her arcwings exeptional speed to dance between the broudside cannon shots before then useing her blade to cut through the thrusters the material she found alway yealded to her blade no mater what it was made of then following that she followed the top of the ship to the main control area readying her main wepon larkspur, she fired a single shot into the bridge causeing a chain reaction to occure which spread throughout the ship before finaly reaching the core, sitting down ontop of the orbiter regalia watched the fireworks as the ships core melted down and a flash of light iluminated the endless void around her, then nothing as the remains of the ship lay floating like a dead fish.

"IMPRESSIVE AS ALWAYS OPERATOR" The joy from the cephilon was always nice to hear after a mission well done. "We are almost ready for departure all thats left is to-" 

He never finished that sentence as the orbiter shook violently knocking regalia off and causing her to tumble brifely.

"WHAT NOW" regalia snarled before a shadow passed over her, another courpus ship but this one was different its was sleeker more streamlined with blue holographic extensions embroiding its hull, it had come out of nowhere and now it had the orbiter in its clutches stuned regalia could do nothing but watch as the ship passed overhead.

"OPERATOR THEY HAVE US IN A TRACTOR BEAM" The yells of the cephilon caused regalia to snap to her sense.

"Ok change of plans put all energy to defenses im going to take it out from the inside" flying up she noticed a small airlock enbeded into the ships side which she noted was sheilded but something that was bothering her was the fact the ship sat unguarded and unprotected small chunks of rock and debre bounsed off of it harmlessly as if it were nothing but another bit of floating junk but regalia dident want to wate for it to attack seting off towards it at full speed she easily doged the shapnel of broken veselss that she had carved through, unlocking the larkspur, she aimed at the airlock praying that the shot would go through the shield, leting loose the shot she watched it fly straight and true only to watch it get shot down by a lazer from the ships hull.

"Ok thats new" she grumbled fireing off another shot to the same effect "a projectile defense system"

Before she had enough time to for a plan she noticed the side of the ship light up as a beam of light passed by her bearly missing, instantly turning she flew away moveing in eradic patterns so the beams would miss trying desperatly to form a plan, she could not however for the number of beams seemed to increase each one getting closer to hiting her.

Then one made contact.

Tearing through her right wing regalia started to tumble uncontrolably and while desperatly trying to regain her balance another beam grazed her left wing causeing it to stop working meaning she was now a sitting duck, but she wasent out of options. Remembering the rocks that were hitting the ship she noticed a particualry large one floteing just close enough for her plan to work turning to face the nearby astoroid she fired an energy line form her harnis wich pulled her to it just as a beam passed through her previous location.

Manuvering herself behind the astoroid she hoisted the larkspur makeing sure to lower its energy as to not destroy the space rock.

"LETS SEE YOUR DEFENSES STOP THIS"  Regalia yelled in rage before unleashing a blast that sent the astoroid flying towards the ship, latching onto it with an energy hook she rode the astoroid as it drew closer and as she guessed her hunch was right.

 Jumping off just before impact regalia watched as the astoroid was not attacked by the defense systems as the astoroid tor through the hull, smirking to herself she used her energy line to pull herself to the enterence she had created.

"Who needs airlocks anyways" she chuckled.

Noticeing a destroyed vent duct she smirked as she found her way inside.


Chapter 5

A guilded tomb of silver and cyan

Courpus, tax collecters, or as regalia liked to call them bucket heads were a force that the tenno had delt with for years she knew how to deal with each rank of solder, but just like the ship these corpus were different, they seemed better trained with denser shields and extra firepower, watching from the vents she counted the patrols as they rushed to minamise the damage of her enterence.

"Ordis any sign of a core" regalia whispered.

"Yes 400 meters to the bow side" the cephilon replyed

Watching the last patrol pass regalia closed her eyes and focused on titania.

"Razorwing" opening her eyes she was now no bigger than a butterfly, soreing out of the vent she flew through the ship following the marker ordis had placed on her hud, however turning a corner she had no time to react as she flew face first into a dissruption field, feeling her systems rebel against her she regrew to her normal size landing in the center of a courpus patrol.

Without time to waste she instantly unslung the zenith rifle from her sholder and pulled the trigger.

2 seconds, 18 bodys, 1 mag, a clean exicution with no witnesses, with her systems returned to her she tryed to reactivate razorwing but found she lacked enough energy to start the transformation.

"Welp looks like stealths out the window" checking her map she noted she was only 100m away from the core however her skermish must have alerted the guards as she detected mutiple signals behind the door.

Smirking to herself she aimed her rifle and pulled a secondeary trigger launching a disc out of the weapon that landed just before the door, as the disc landed it let off a pulse which spread throughout the core room marking each of the courpus solders for death, one by one the heads of hr targets appeared through the wall marked by a simple circle.


Pulling the trigger the weapon fired unleashing a round of unstopable energy which passed effortlessly through the wall like it was not even there, strikeing a group that were lined up it tore through the helmets and skulls of each solder before enbedeing itself into the last ones heart.


Though these courpus were more equiped they were never as versitile as a tenno, their sheilds negated both physical and elemental damage however regaila had modifyed her weapon to perpously overload their shelds dureing her stay on venus, letting off a second shot she aimed for another group that in their panic had lined themselfs up for exicution.


Noteing how spaced appart the rest were regalia holstered her rifle and desided to end this, unsheathing a blade she had perpously made for slaying courpous the dragon nikana, rushing through the doors she instantly felt the sights of her enemys wepons lock onto her position, however none were fast enough to fire before regalia focused on a courpus solder in the center of the group she uttered a single word.

"Lantern" in an instant the solder floted upwards their body suspended by an unknown force, and glowing with an iridesent energy which captivated and enraged their allys as they abandond their ranged wepons in favour of close quarters combat, strikeing the suspended solder over and over their rage and afixiation never ending, and while they were destracted the solders not affected by the devils craft were swiftly cut down in a flash of steel and blood.


Landing just before the reacotors fuel chamber regaila turned to the sight of the courpus solders attacking an already dead body, she almost felt pitty on them, almost, as she raised her hand and clasped it into a fist the suspended body glowed brighter before a wave of energy burst from the corpse incinerateing the nearby solders and leaveing nothing but chared remains.


Now all that was left was the core itself, regalia knew she was on borrowed time so she needed to make this quick, pulling a fuel rod from the core she walked around reinserting it into the cores other slot, afterwords she made sure to knock out the coolent tanks to guarante a  meltdown, jumping into the control room she walked up to the cores control pannel and with a swift movement unsheathed the tennos main weapon against technology, the parazon, inserting it into the console she overode the cores systems giveing it an order to divert all fuel from all systems back to the core, but before compleating the prosses she noticed a file hidden in the ships systems,

"Deadlock protocall" 

Snatching the file regalia copyed all useful data and bluprints she could find before compleating the hack, and to make sure that the courpus couldent undo her work she made sure to destroy the control pannel and serounding consoles, and as she finished destroying the last one she felt the room around her shake as the core began to melt down.

After her battle regalia had gathered enough energy thanks to siphoning it off of the courpous solders and with her extract marked she yelled out and ordered her warframe

"RAZORWING" within seconds she was gone flying through the corridors and halls of the doomed vessle avoiding ruptured fuel pipes as they burst spraying superheated flames onto anyone unlucky enough to be close to them, darting between fallen beams and burnt bodys as she reached her exit, useing her gatherd speed and momentem she summond one of her exalted weapons "diwata prime" its sharp eadge cutting through the airlock door with ease allowing her to sail through and out of the ship just as her energy ran out and she returned to her normal size.

Tumbleing through the black void she grabed onto a nearby chunk of metal to steady herself as without her arcwing she could not safely return to her orbiter.

"Ordis" regalia panted "i need a pick up"

As she clinged to the scrap she watched as the ship collapsed from the inside out and all she could do was wonder as to how the courpus aboard felt about their new tomb.

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  • (PSN)huski_h3rd3r changed the title to (Ic) Through the broken void (wip, chapter 5 update)


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