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Abyss of Dagath - Dev Workshop: System Changes and General Quality of Life


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41 minutes ago, D-Shear said:

I get where you want to go with your argumentation, but the harsh reality is, warframes just have 8 mod and 2 arcane slots. 

If you want to have ANY semblance of a (fun to play) build, you literally can't mod for health or shields, even more so because they are useless in SP. The game just isn't balanced like that. They try to get away with these bandaid fixes, because they are too lazy to restructure enemy stats and abilities. And surprise, this update will rob the bulk of all warframes of another mod slot, just to get back a baseline mechanic, that was perfectly fine and saved many frames from being borderline unplayable (or at the very least, very unfun to play).

But just to give you another quick heads up on that toxin situation: On steel path they deal such ludicrous damage, that you even get oneshot through 1k health in the early level and now you can list all warframes that even reach 900 with vitality slotted. You literally can't circumvent high level toxin damage with health, it's not possible and as the other guy stated, the mods and the arcanes are bugged for toxin damage, they don't work. And even if they would, it would be absolutely horrible to have to fit them into your build. 

I only play SP and have for quite a while now. I'm not experiencing early SP levels of 1k toxin damage per tick nor even slash damage at that rate from an Acolyte. Perhaps this is because I like to boost armor on squishy frames, which reduces toxin damage...which brings up an issue: Are some of you guys choosing to sacrifice decent reliability in order to create glass cannon builds...and then convincing yourselves that those builds are "the only way"? Are you also basing your builds on SP max endurance runs? Because, if so, then that is not how DE is going to base their rules on and they shouldn't. As I said before, it is our job to figure out the best high level SP builds based on what's available, but there is never just a single build. 

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6 hours ago, AxilliaPrime said:

Kullervo Pre: 1275 armor = 80.95% damage reduction / effective health multiplier: 5.25x / 3377 x 5.25 = 17729.25
Kullervo: 1820 armor = 85.85% damage reduction / effective health multiplier: 7.07x / 3374 x 7.07 = 23854.18

Grendel Pre: 1023 armor = 77.32% damage reduction / effective health multiplier: 4.41x / 3745 x 4.41 = 16515.45
Grendel 1036 armor =  77.54%  damage reduction / effective health multiplier: 4.45x / 3626 x 4.45 = 16135.7

don't really know how to factor in shields into correct EHP calculations.... but 75 at a factor of 1.25x does seem smaller than 95 at a factor of 1.50x

so, while you can argue grendel might have gotten a slight nerf, kullervo actually got a quite sizable buff.

and don't forget "who cares about base grendel when grendel prime releases the same patch?"

Thank you for the correction, I had gotten my formula messed up when I initially created it and didn't notice until you corrected me and I went and reread the wiki on armor calculation

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On 2023-09-28 at 9:02 AM, [DE]Taylor said:

Warframe Mod Changes:
As promised, here is the comprehensive list of Mod changes to go with the stat changes above. 
*the values below are at Max Rank!

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Health-Specific Mods:

  • Vitality: +100% Health (was +440%)
  • Umbral Vitality: +100% Health (was +440%)
    • +130% and +180% with set bonuses (was +550% and +770%)
    • The 2-Mod set bonus for Umbral Vitality is more substantial than it was before, so builds that use Umbral Vitality and only one other Umbral Mod should see a buff to their Health stat.
  • Archon Vitality: +100% Health (was +440%)
  • Physique: +20% Health (was +90%)
  • Gladiator Resolve: +40% Health (was +180%)
  • Nira's Hatred: +35% Health (was +150%)

Shield-Specific Mods:

  • Redirection: +100% Shield Capacity (was +440%)
  • Augur Accord: +70% Shield Capacity (was +180%)
  • Boreal's Hatred: +65% Shield Capacity (was +150%)

Armor-Specific Mods:

  • Steel Fiber: +100% Armor (was +110%)
  • Umbral Fiber: +100% Armor (was +110%)
    • +130% and +180% with set bonuses (was +550% and +770%)
    • The 2-Mod set bonus for Umbral Fiber is more substantial than it was before, so builds that use Umbral Fiber and only one other Umbral Mod should see a buff to their Armor stat.
  • Stand United: +25% Armor (was +25.5%)
  • Armored Agility: +40% Armor (was +45%)
  • Amar's Hatred: +25% Armor (was +30%)
  • Gladiator Aegis: +40% Armor (was +45%)
  • Mecha Pulse: +55% Armor (was +60%)
  • Ironclad Charge: +50% Armor (unchanged)

Energy-Specific Mods:

  • Flow: +100% Energy Max (was +150%)
  • Primed Flow: +180% Energy Max (was +275%)
  • Archon Flow: +180% Energy Max (was +275%)
  • Endurance Drift: +10% Energy Max (was +15%) 

Mods with Various Stats:

  • Vigor: +50% Shield Capacity, +50% Health (was +120% each)
  • Primed Vigor: +75% Shield Capacity, +75% Health (was +220% each)
  • Carnis Carapace: +55% Armor, +20% Health (was +60% Armor,+90% Health)
  • Jugulus Carapace: +55% Armor, +20% Health (was +60% Armor,+90% Health)
  • Saxum Carapace: +55% Armor, +20% Health (was +60% Armor,+90% Health)

The presented value for Umbral Vitality seems pretty weak. Instead of 180%, could we have it be buffed up to a nice even 200%?

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Either Buff brief respite from 150% to 650% and Augur mod effect from 40% to 175% or make Catalyzing Shields just replace Brief Respite Aura mod altogether. Casuals get their survivability and endurance players still shield gate the same way before the changes. Everyone's happy! We don't need Catalyzing Shields to take up one more mod slot that will restrict the freedom of previously working builds!

Edited by Ririn7
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7 hours ago, D-Shear said:


...If you want to have ANY semblance of a (fun to play) build, you literally can't mod for health or shields, even more so because they are useless in SP.

You literally can make health tanking work for EVERY frame in base steel path. And i am not only talking 2 minute capture or rescue missions, i am talking below 2 hours endless missions. You use Adaptation instead of rolling guard, and whenever a build uses Umbral intensify and then has stuff like natural talent or streamline in it, replace that with umbral vitality, BAM, there is your extra 550 health, getting you up to 775-850 health on most frames. that is usually enough to just flat out ignore heat or toxin dots, as they just run their course without outright killing you, or giving you at the very least a good 5 seconds or longer to react and switch out into operator mode.

yes, health tanking builds will not work for levelcap runs, but levelcap runs are not intended gameplay, it's something people who are bored do "to challenge themselves", the game has never and will never be balanced around that.

i personally have NEVER equipped a dragon key unless i was actually going for vault runs, or if a riven challenge required them, and i am glad that they and their stupid playstyle are going away before i ever ran out of things to do to get bored enough to find levelcap runs tempting.

Edited by AxilliaPrime
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15 minutes ago, KitMeHarder said:

So your solution is spamming short lived invulnerability sources?

I get the feeling you don't quite understand how toxin damage works... nor my point. I.E. Why should I put health/armor mods on my shield tank build, when I don't (there's little reason to) put shield mods on health tank builds?


My solution is using combinations that work to the benefit of your survival. Toxin bypass shields, yes...but not armor. Armor is damage reduction and both extra health and armor on ANY frame is going to fight back against toxin and rolling guard is going to quickly clear the proc. Tools for the job.

Now, as to why you would add shields to health/armor tanks and health/armor to shield tanks, it's simple: optimal EHP. It is FAR better to be able to take hits at SP level 100+ than to be one-shot at the minimal level, as you said happens. Again, I'm not seeing the quick deaths you may be experiencing due to my use of EHP.

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My only thing here is with Nightwave, specifically Nora herself.

The little chime-in thing she does whenever you complete an act is frankly such a terrible decision that I have no idea how it got through play testing or quality assurance.

What she says is of less than no value: It's intrusive, it's annoying, and it degrades her novelty. Having her say "Badassador" for the umpteen billionth time I pick up 20 resources just makes me not want to hear her voice anymore. Consequently, I have her volume turned all the way down, and because of this, she is silent during quests (such as the New War) and her own Nightwave exclusive content, which is really unfortunate since I like the stories she narrates. I just want her to keep her voice from sounding off during regular gameplay so I don't have to remember to unmute her when I want to interact with a Nightwave story or if I can't see into the future to know that she's part of some new quest or event. I also don't want her face blocking my game. This is most egregious in Railjack where any character speaking blocks the tactical menu (which is also still pretty scuffed in itself, btw).

TL;DR: Please add a "Nora act completion announcement" toggle so I don't have to rely on my lack of ability to see into the future to unmute Nora when she's important.

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1 hour ago, PsychoSunshine said:

My only thing here is with Nightwave, specifically Nora herself.

The little chime-in thing she does whenever you complete an act is frankly such a terrible decision that I have no idea how it got through play testing or quality assurance.

What she says is of less than no value: It's intrusive, it's annoying, and it degrades her novelty. Having her say "Badassador" for the umpteen billionth time I pick up 20 resources just makes me not want to hear her voice anymore. Consequently, I have her volume turned all the way down, and because of this, she is silent during quests (such as the New War) and her own Nightwave exclusive content, which is really unfortunate since I like the stories she narrates. I just want her to keep her voice from sounding off during regular gameplay so I don't have to remember to unmute her when I want to interact with a Nightwave story or if I can't see into the future to know that she's part of some new quest or event. I also don't want her face blocking my game. This is most egregious in Railjack where any character speaking blocks the tactical menu (which is also still pretty scuffed in itself, btw).

TL;DR: Please add a "Nora act completion announcement" toggle so I don't have to rely on my lack of ability to see into the future to unmute Nora when she's important.

To me Nora is no different than Ordis or Lotus, constantly chiming in with the same 5 voicelines.... now you can argue that you hate those as well, and turn them down as well, but really... all 3 of them are just background noise during repetitive content, You can mentally tune them out, or literally tune them out. But i don't think enough people feel "not strongly enough" one way or the other that they need a middle option between "never want to hear them again" and "don't mind hearing them" to where it's "only want to hear them when they have anything new to say."

Edited by AxilliaPrime
gramatical fixes.
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4 hours ago, (PSN)GEN-Son_17 said:

I'm not seeing the quick deaths you may be experiencing due to my use of EHP.

Again, you're completely missing the point.

You're also either being straight-up untruthful; Or you're sacrificing so much for this "EHP" of yours, that your offensive capabilities are likely horrendous by comparison.

For reference, my Protea, despite being a shield tank, builds for health on top of also having Adaptation... this is a level 50 Toxic Ancient.

Bullet jumping around a corner is simply one-shot death.

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46 minutes ago, KitMeHarder said:

For reference, my Protea, despite being a shield tank, builds for health on top of also having Adaptation... this is a level 50 Toxic Ancient.

Bullet jumping around a corner is simply one-shot death.

Hmm, I think I see your problem. You ran directly into the gas cloud. You probably don't want to do that.

Also, Protea has a starting armor of 125 which is paper thin. She's better for long range encounters. Imo

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2 hours ago, KitMeHarder said:

Again, you're completely missing the point.

You're also either being straight-up untruthful; Or you're sacrificing so much for this "EHP" of yours, that your offensive capabilities are likely horrendous by comparison.

For reference, my Protea, despite being a shield tank, builds for health on top of also having Adaptation... this is a level 50 Toxic Ancient.

Bullet jumping around a corner is simply one-shot death.

You say "builds for health on top of also having Adaptation" as if that's not just how Protea builds? Like, that's not a build choice, that's a build requirement because of how things interact. She scales far too strongly with both Archon Vitality and Adaptation, to not take them.

You take Archon Vitality (for its heat synergy) because you'd be heavily gimping yourself if you don't (due to Blaze Artillery).

You take Adaptation because it gives her shields damage reduction (multiplicative with their innate 25%, soon to be innate 50%), and because it massively scales the shields her drone continuously generates. Additionally, it'll be stacked up off your shields once they break, so anything hitting your health will be hitting a lot less (wiggle room to get your drone back online).

As for your video showing your issue with Toxic Ancients... I'm wondering how you're seeing that result. I've tried running your example multiple times on my end, and I always get consistent results. Shown here:

I have plenty of time to play in the cloud and still run away.

Also, one last thing. Is there a particular reason/logic behind running Corrosive Projection in your build? Protea doesn't need it (Blaze Artillery may as well deal true damage for how little armor matters to them), so she'd benefit more from some of the other auras.

1 hour ago, (XBOX)Shodian said:

Hmm, I think I see your problem. You ran directly into the gas cloud. You probably don't want to do that.

Also, Protea has a starting armor of 125 which is paper thin. She's better for long range encounters. Imo

The point @KitMeHarder is making is that you can't always decide not to run into the cloud, the Toxic Ancient could be around a corner (and thus no way for you to see it coming). I'm not sure how a level 50 one is killing them in their example, but that's beside the point.

Edited by Hexerin
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On 2023-09-28 at 11:02 AM, [DE]Taylor said:

Warframe Shield Changes

Options & First Impessions

I don't think you get it.

LISTEN - Less Shields means shorter recharge time without adding mods in builds.

- Adding additional shield recharge mods into build, takes away from possible augments or other core Mods: strength, duration, range and energy/efficiently to be included in builds.

-- iframes are great but your method just takes away power from builds to accomplish your goal: And its just not worth it.



Why is this change really needed in the face of so many other QOL changes that are needed?

Is there a statistical spreadsheet showing you the loss of revenue from level cap runs?


Final Thought

Why not just come out and say, you don't want players to go to level cap.

Edited by Snake
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you know, i think DE is doing the wrong choice in taking the MK-1 weapons from the start of the game. to me, the far better choice would be to simply gift ALL the MK-1 weapons from the start. so players can always have a silent primary and secondary.

then simply rename the MK-1 part to WORN OUT/AGED/RAGGED/DEFECTIVE.

IF possible, they could even have custom skin that is the same, but with visual defects, like the kunai having a broken or bent tip, the braton's white pieces broken exposing some of the inner body, or the paris having the string having a knot in the middle. those model changes would be minor, but it would be enough to show players that, yeah, they are not in a good state.

then, there would be a quest from darvo that he comment on how bad those weapons look, so he will offer to fix them up. which is basically a visit to the relay and his spot there. and after its done, we would get the main version of those weapons, (if they have the worn out skin, it could be gifted through the inbox to the player afterwards). this could even be something like "hey, those weapons look pretty old, tell ya what, if you max rank those worn out guns, bring them to me, and i will fix them for you". which would not only give new players an incentive to test and rank up all of them, but also tell players "hey this weapon is no good". Darvo could even tell the player "this is a special service, since i couldnt let you go around with that trash"



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54 minutes ago, Snake said:

Options & First Impessions

I don't think you get it.

LISTEN - Less Shields means shorter recharge time without adding mods in builds.

- Adding additional shield recharge mods into build, takes away from possible augments or other core Mods: strength, duration, range and energy/efficiently to be included in builds.

-- iframes are great but your method just takes away power from builds to accomplish your goal: And its just not worth it.

--- Until you bake-in Health, Armor and Shield; this change is useless and is just a Nurf. - Restricting mod possibility's.



Why is this change really needed in the face of so many other QOL changes that are needed?

Is there a statistical spreadsheet showing you the loss of revenue from level cap runs?


Final Thought

Why not just come out and say, you don't want players to go to level cap.

it COULD be preparing for mechanically difficult group content, you know... Stuff that is designed to be hard to tackle, as opposed to self-imposed challenges "beating" enemies that use obviously broken scaling curves, because it never was, and still isn't intended to be how to play the game.

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vor 2 Stunden schrieb AxilliaPrime:

it COULD be preparing for mechanically difficult group content, you know... Stuff that is designed to be hard to tackle, as opposed to self-imposed challenges "beating" enemies that use obviously broken scaling curves, because it never was, and still isn't intended to be how to play the game.

DE will NEVER put in mechanically challenging content. That is the nr1 thing they even said themselves they will avoid at all costs, because that design is working against 99% of their playerbase. 

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On 2023-09-28 at 3:21 PM, Dawn_Felstar said:

Isn't this just a straight up nerf to all stats (bar armour) for the itzal? it's already the squishiest archwing why the nerf?

This would make running Itzal in railjack basically pointless with the amount of damage enemies do there, meaning if you exit your ship with one you're dead almost instantly
wasn't this supposed to bring stats around to the same as current or am i misunderstanding something?

Running anything but Amesha is already pretty pointless in Railjack as the tiny movespeed difference Itzal offers is not worth giving up the only Archwing with decent survivability, the only reason to run Itzal these days that I can think of is quick loot collection during Eidolon hunts. Course that's still better than Odonata which is basically only useful for Fomorian and Jordas Golem, and Elytron, which is, well, I guess it's the fastest at clearing a few nodes on the starchart?

Really since they changed Itzal's 1, there's almost no reason to use it, as they often do, they tried to increase diversity by nerfing the popular choice, which  actually leads to less diversity a lot of the time. I could be wrong, but I'd bet if we could see Archwing usage stats in those yearly usage statistics they share, they'd have been something like, 75% Itzal, 20% Amesha, 5% everything else, and after the Itzal/teleport changes, it's probably 85% Amesha, 10% Itzal, 5% everything else, or something to that effect.

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8 hours ago, KitMeHarder said:

Again, you're completely missing the point.

You're also either being straight-up untruthful; Or you're sacrificing so much for this "EHP" of yours, that your offensive capabilities are likely horrendous by comparison.

For reference, my Protea, despite being a shield tank, builds for health on top of also having Adaptation... this is a level 50 Toxic Ancient.

Bullet jumping around a corner is simply one-shot death.

You are literally showcasing EXACTLY what I'm saying you can control. For starters, you have 125 armor. You are choosing to be paper thin. Your overall EHP is no different than a Grineer Lancer with 100% armor removed or, for better comparison, a Grineer Butcher. 

All I'm saying to do is to, at the very least, add some thickness to the frame to complete your overall guard against attacks. If you are aware of toxin destroying your 125 armor setup, then add armor. This is why I couldn't relate to your argument. No Warframe in my arsenal, except for Ivara, is not armor boosted. 

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19 hours ago, (PSN)GEN-Son_17 said:
20 hours ago, quxier said:

So if I take ANY damage Shield still won't recharge immediately? If that's the case, I think above mods won't be used often. Why bother with "reducing shield delay" and taking cover constantly, when I can simply use augur set & co to replenish full or at least some big part. And those mods (augur set) provide even more bonuses (e.g. +30% range or +24% strength)

Except for the Aegis arcane or the full auger+recharge mods set, our shields never immediately regen after taking a hit.

Oh, I meant "start recharging". Sorry for typo.

19 hours ago, (PSN)GEN-Son_17 said:


What's nice about this new system is that more shields = less delay AND faster recharging. This means that auger and recharge mods would be insanely effective with rolling guard, Vazarin school and the companion shield charger mods. 

The point I'm trying to make is that if you are getting hit constantly (even 1 hp/shield) then shield won't even start recharging. Even you recherge some part of your shield, augur set & co would do it faster (assuming you are using ablities and have energy) and they have other bonuses.

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On 2023-09-29 at 10:00 AM, DrinkingRock said:

Looking good overall, however I think you might want to reconsider the Duviri side-objective challenges. Multiple people in my Alliance do not enjoy Duviri and wouldn't be happy having to go back in and hunt down side objectives they've never done. 

Especially the "Do 3 puzzles" challenge. Random locations plus player confusion would make this pretty hard to do without being hand-held.

Fully agree - especially on Duviri puzzles, if the objective of all the nightwave changes was making them more fun and reducing the time commitment, including puzzles as a challenge will not achieve this objective. 

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Overall thoughts:

Focus Lens Conversion Buff
Glad to see it being less of a grind.

Nightwave Changes
While it is nice to see the addition of permanent missions, the changes are marred by Duviri additions to too great an extent for my liking. I am baised in this though, as Duviri was a disappointment for me in general and that's without accounting for the myriad of bugs players were subjected to with its release, some of which still prevails today.

Warframe Shield Changes
I don't want this to be misinterpreted one way or another - I enjoy the more active gameplay associated with Shield Gate builds. Despite enjoying it, I am not blind to the negative impact it has had on the game, nor will I pretend it is a good mechanic in its current state.

Shield Gate is a band-aid introduced in lieu of properly balancing shield vs armour/health builds and in lieu of properly balancing lategame enemy damage output vs player durability. While it succeeded in conditional improvement of durability, it also brought with it the inability for enemies to kill a player unless the mechanic is either bypassed, or the mechanic cannot be used. This leads to feast-or-famine gameplay situations. It also leads to the needless pigeonholing of durability loadouts towards Shield Gate builds at higher levels of play, which in turn renders various durability mechanics and features, such as health, armour and healing, moot - a needless waste of features that serves to grant this game greater depth, which is lost at higher levels of play. When players are effectively immortal by way of a mechanic such as Shield Gating (as well as other features in this game), one of the tools that is generally used to balance the level of difficulty, enemy damage, is rendered useless, leading to the gameplay experienced becoming needlessly monotonous even when the power of enemies faced is increased multiple times over. This is exacerbated by the fact that the level of skill required to make a shield gate build work when modded properly is far less than the skill required to succeed at lower levels of play, or in certain mainline Quests, as other tactics, such as movement, positional play and evasive play not longer play nearly as vital a role in surviving, as long as one can press a button on repeat in 1.3 seconds or less (consideration for various forms of lag required).

The Shield Gate changes are a disappointment, as I would much rather see DE properly addressing the massive discrepancy in relative frame durability, balancing that better, and balancing enemy damage output accordingly. This would allow for the removal of Shield Gating, whilst still presenting an experience akin to the more active playstyle associated with Shield Gating, but instead of it being by way of a specific feature, it is available by way of different features and thus strategies , whilst eliminating the imbalance of effective immortality, in turn allowing for greater levels of challenge to be introduced, This would also move away from the feast-or-famine gameplay, in turn allowing for more diverse tactics to be used,

Given the current mechanics of the game, it ultimately seems like Shield Gating is getting a slight nerf overall since a mod slot is to be used, with specific loadouts that replenish large shields instantly being buffed (eg Pillage builds). whilst the various negative aspects of the feature will remain. It is early days, but currently it seems Shield Gate duration scaling with shields won't be very impactful at the higher levels of play where Shield Gating builds tend to be used if not paired with instant large shield replenishment loadouts, as the effort and loadout cost required to have a large shield, fast recharge and low recharge delay just doesn't seem worth it compared to a Pillage build or just using the other broken option, Protective Dash. 

The increase of DR from 25% to 50% results in around a 50% increase in EHP for the shield. Time will tell how effective this ends up being, but considering lvl 120 Elite Lancers spit out around 640 DPS, Heavy Gunners do around 2256 DPS and lvl 120 Chargers hit for about 1929 damage, I don't see shields suddenly becoming much more reliable in SP content.

Time and resources spent on this would have been more wisely invested in addressing the actual imbalances, instead of trying to mask/treat the resultant symptoms from those imbalances.

Base vs Final Stats in Modding - Health / Energy / Shield / Armor Stat Overhaul
I'm happy to see the abysmal state of mod descriptions being addressed. I hope to see more of this in the future, as I believe it would especially help newer players understand builds better and lead to less frustration. As mentioned above, I'd have preferred to see a rebalance to the actual stats so you don't have to keep wasting resources on things like Shield Gate and instead scrap it.

Break Narmer Mission Improvements
I generally log into Warframe for warframe gameplay, not add-on content that ends feeling like a cheap imitation. An inferior distraction is fine now and then, but Break Narmer is far too shallow and far less enjoyable than actual Warframe for me to see it as more than that. Maybe others enjoy it and welcome the changes but said changes don't make the mode more alluring to me.

Archon Hunt Damage Attenuation Changes
Damage Attenuation (DA) leads to the confusion and frustration of players. It leads to the pigeonholing of builds. It leads to weapons that should perform well under certain circumstances, performing far worse than objectively worse weapons for that situation eg Rubico/Vectis performs worse than the Bramma vs an Acolyte, when that should be one of the few times the Rubico/Vectis excels due to vastly superior single target damage output potential. Why would anyone at DE that cares about the integrity of the game, or the enjoyment thereof, think a mechanic that leads to this is good? There are more cons associated with DA that I don't want to go into, but what about the pro's for the players as a whole? None. There aren't actually any pro's for the players as a whole. I know the purported pro presented: Decreasing the gap in power between higher-level and lower-level players so they can play together without the higher-level players trivializing the content, which basically means alienating the higher-level players for the sake of the lower-level players. Not only does DA fail in actually doing this, but even if it did, it isn't an actual "pro" for the players as a whole.

Make no mistake - I understand there are numerous benefits for the developer, from not having to pay as much attention to actual damage output balance, to not having to introduce different levels of challenge to accommodate the different levels of power various players have attained, to being able to present stats that would make it seem as though something would lead to an x% increase in performance, when that isn't really the case against enemies that matter etc, but all-in-all, DA is absolutely terrible in principle. The goal of DA of trying to reduce the gap in power between higher-level players and lower-level players artificially, or "behind the scenes", is terrible.

The worst part is the imbalances DA attempt to mask, are not that hard to address. Yes DE, it will take more effort to do it than it would to play around with the Archons' DA formula, but at this point DA has been revisited so many times over the last few years with different iterations being introduced on different enemies, you've likely spent more time and resources on revising this band-aid over and over and over, than you would have spent simply addressing the imbalances DA tries to mask. DE, you're just throwing good many after bad and it seems you are now the victim of the sunk cost fallacy by clinging to this feature.

It is ludicrous to bring out DA, then release Arquebex with a potential damage output of 5- 7 million DPS (I don't recall the number), then go back and change the DA, then release a weapon with a " 50% chance for 2000% extra damage if the hit is a non-crit", or to "increase damage by 1000% by activating Void Strike with 100% energy', only to then have to go back to change the DA again. Why do this? It isn't fun to fight DA enemies. It isn't fun to see weapons not performing as expected due to an artificial reason. It isn't fun to think the asset and loadout we've worked towards that had promise of a certain level of performance, simply doesn't have it due to an artificial reason. If you don't want that large a gap in power between players, stop giving it and stealth nerfing it. It creates distrust.

It is very disappointing to see you again revisit a feature that really only impacts players negatively and, in all honesty, appears to be affecting development negatively as well. 

Misc. Quality of Life Changes
These seem like improvements.

Final thoughts
Some of the changes look promising, but overall it seems a lot of time and resources are wasted on band-aids. I really enjoyed the game and believe it has a lot of potential yet to be unlocked, but Warframe feels as though it has regressed due to various decisions over the last few years, some pertaining to band-aids, some leading to erosion of gameplay, some due to an inordinate amount of resources being spent on add-on content as opposed to actual Warframe. I was really hoping with Duviri out of the way the team would move forward by paying attention to the much-neglected main gameplay, but these notes don't show me much to be excited for.

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I know this seems worthless to most 

But isnt lowering the mods max value worsen the lower ranked versions 

I use rank 9 umbra vitality and steel fiber for round numbers and less mod capacity same with r9 primed flow gave my frames even 400 500 600 800 energy 

So my suggestion is simple 

How about we leave armor with its mods the same 

Make vitality and redirection 110%

Change the base values to 

300 > 350 

375 > 450

450 > 550


Maxed umbra mods would be 200% instead of 192.5

Primed flow would be could be kept at +180% 

But how about we better adjust the base now 

200 instead of 190 

Or 175 and make primed flow +200%

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