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new warframe idea. a 1 armed necromancer named Caverra


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necromancer theme
name "Caverra"
lore: lost her right arm to the infested, while studying their ability to manipulate the organic bio-matter of the dead.
appearance: wears a 'single-shoulder cape' over her missing right arm. uses summoned ethereal skeletal arms to wield her weapons.

base stats at rank 30
armor 100
health 450
shield 525
energy 188
sprint speed 1.0
progenitor element: radiation

passive: weapons reload while holstered at a rate of 25% of magazine per second.
reserve ammo is also directly loaded into magazine at a rate of 1 round every 1.5 seconds while the firearm is equipped. reloads will not be interrupted by this (for example on an empty magazine, when your character automatically reloads).
+60% recoil control with firearms.
lastly, all of her abilities can be cast as a 1 handed action (she uses her left hand, only for casting abilities. all weapons are wielded with skeletal arms).
flavor text: Caverra's skeletal arms reload her weapons while she uses them, as well as, when their stowed. their rigid bones also control the kick of any weapon superbly.

first ability: buried grasp
skeletal hands grab enemies legs, holding them in place. held enemies take 25% increased damage (multiplicative) from firearms. enemies flail in a manner similar to an electric status effect's stun.
duration: enemies are held for 5 seconds. they flail every 2 seconds, for 1 second long.
range: 7 meter radius. 20 meter casting range.
energy cost: 25
casting speed: quick
scales with: duration (the time held, but not the duration of the 'flail stun'). range. strength (the amount of increased damage the held enemies receive).

second ability: cadaverous mail
Caverra's body becomes covered in bones granting her 50% damage reduction. when an enemy melee attacks Caverra while she has bone armor, that enemy's legs are grabbed by skeletal hands from the ground (these skeletal hands function identically as the ones created by her 1st ability).
duration: 25 seconds
casting speed: slightly longer than average
energy cost: 50
scales with: duration. damage reduction caps out at 90% when at 250% strength. can go as low as 20% if deep in negative strength.

third ability: forearm smackdown
Caverra summons a large Teralyst arm that sprouts from the ground. this arm constantly smashes enemies on the ground in an area. Slams create shockwaves to visually show how far the ability's range can damage enemies (for example, when at +300% range, the eidolon arm will stay the same size but, the shockwave will extend further). each subsequent slam, increases the damage of all following slams by +100% (of base damage). slams occur every 1.5 seconds. enemies killed by these slams have a 75% chance to drop a health orb. enemies suffer a forced magnetic status effect each time they are smashed by the eidolon arm.
damage: impact 800, magnetic 200 for first slam. 1600, 400 for 2nd, 2400, 600 for 3rd, 3200, 800 for 4th etc etc.
range: 8 meter radius.
duration: 8 seconds.
casting speed: slightly faster than average
scales with: strength, duration & range
energy cost: 75
***this will be Caverra's helminth ability. reduced base damage of 600 impact, 100 magnetic when subsumed onto other warframes.

fourth ability: unspeakable conjuring
Caverra infuses the bones of the long-dead with her own energy, raising them from their slumber. this is a cycle-able ability, with the following 3 choices:
1. a single infested thrasher with +200% health.
2. a pair of drekar elite lancers each with +50% health.
3. 3 corpus prod crewman each with +500% health. these crewman do not have shields.
these entities glow blue & have skulls & bones adorning their bodies. they will spawn near current enemy level, with negative strength spawning them below current enemy level & high strength spawning them above it (similar to the different tiers of specters...vapor, force, cosmic etc etc).
ability cost: 100
casting speed: long
scales with: duration. strength scales the additional health they receive.
duration: 20 seconds
only 1 option of cycle-able ally choice can be active at a time.

augment mod for first ability
name: "treacherous betrayal"
enemies held by skeletal hands suffer from a radiation status effect while held, causing them to attack each other, as well as, causing un-grasped enemies to attack them.

augment mod for fourth ability
name: "beguiling servants"
the 3 cycle-able choices are changed to:
1. a single eximus blitz grineer scorch with +50% health, wielding an ignis.
2. a single eximus shock corpus tech with +300% health, wielding an opticor. this corpus tech has no shields. & also, does not summon a shield osprey because Caverra can't manipulate robotics or shields, only organic material.
3. 1 ancient disruptor & 1 toxin ancient each with +200% health. the disruptor adds +25% bonus magnetic damage to your weapons while summoned. The toxin ancient increases the toxin damage your weapons deal by +100% (added to elemental mods) while summoned (you have to have toxin damage on your weapon to receive this benefit).
only 1 option of cycle-able ally choice can be active at a time.

augment mod for fourth ability
name: "accursed horde"
ability is changed to a 'hold to cast' ability. now summons 1 thrasher, 2 drekar lancers & 3 prod crewman all at once.
each summoned ally entity will now have 33% reduced *base* health (so, they still will receive the increased health boosts that scale with strength).
this augment also gives Caverra +20% ability duration.

signature primary weapon
full auto rifle
name: "spine marrow"
fire rate: 3.0
damage: 75 radiation
10 impact
5 puncture
multishot: 2
reload speed: 1.8
crit chance: 10%
crit damage: 2.4x
status chance: 4%
magazine size: 30
unique effect: adds a flat +1 multishot (added after mods) for every 2 allied entities within affinity range.
for this effect, allied entities include: teammate warframes. entities spawned by Caverra's fourth ability. warframe & syndicate specters. railjack on call crew members in regular missions.
in Caverra's hands: additionally gains the following effect:
gains a flat +10% crit chance (similar to arcane avenger) for each allied entity within affinity range.

signature melee weapon
new weapon type: 2 handed ninkondi
(3 piece ninkondi instead of 2 pieces. each individual piece is longer than an individual '1 handed' ninkondi piece. sometimes called '3 piece staff').
each sectional piece is made of leg femur bones. for stances & attack animations...watch 'ong bak 2' final fight, on youtube. there is a part that beautifully showcases a 3 piece nunchaku. take all of those moves please   :)
name: "osseous matter"
crit chance: 22%
crit damage: 2.2x
status chance: 20%
attack speed: 1.1
damage: 30 slash
35 impact
35 puncture
combo duration: 15 seconds
in Caverra's hands: gains a flat +50% status chance (added after mods) on heavy attacks.

Edited by Brian_with_a_Buh
took user Traumtulpe's excellent advice
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Apart from the fact that we already have  a necromancer frame, there are a couple of issues that I think you'll agree with:

  • Damage reduction shouldn't start at 90%, else why put ability strength on the frame at all?
  • Third ability seems terrible, small range, high cost, obsolete effect (1 is better CC, less damage than a weapon would do and in a smaller area).
  • An ability cannot be modified by more than one augment at the same time.
  • DE has nerfed summons (Wukong's clone) because they specifically do not want for AI companions to do the killing for you. The best you can hope for in summons are damage soaks.
  • I'm not sure it makes sense for a necromancer to summon warframe specters, as they aren't really alive in the first place. Unless he had access to the original body, but that would require retroactively changing the lore.

I think the style you were going for is cool though.

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10 hours ago, Traumtulpe said:

Apart from the fact that we already have  a necromancer frame, there are a couple of issues that I think you'll agree with:

  • Damage reduction shouldn't start at 90%, else why put ability strength on the frame at all?
  • Third ability seems terrible, small range, high cost, obsolete effect (1 is better CC, less damage than a weapon would do and in a smaller area).
  • An ability cannot be modified by more than one augment at the same time.
  • DE has nerfed summons (Wukong's clone) because they specifically do not want for AI companions to do the killing for you. The best you can hope for in summons are damage soaks.
  • I'm not sure it makes sense for a necromancer to summon warframe specters, as they aren't really alive in the first place. Unless he had access to the original body, but that would require retroactively changing the lore.

I think the style you were going for is cool though.

never messed with a damage reduction ability, so lack of experience on my part. i've almost never even used them in game haha. favoring modded defenses instead of ability granted damage reduction. or vazarin full-on immunity. so yeah, totally agree with you, on this point.

i wanted her raised army of minions to function more as a hindrance to the enemies rather than wukong twin-style akarius'ing all of them to death. only reason i gave them "+x% damage" was because i imagined that their base damage (from the enemies they're based off of) would be laughably low. warframe is definitely different than a necromancer in diablo immortal. where in that game, your minions do everything & you throw in a bone spear every few seconds (which is even less often, when you're constantly casting minion summoning abilities again, when their durations expire). in warframe, we are the damage. so, minions have to function more as 'utility'.

yeah, i guess summoning warframe specters is weird. but, there pretty much aren't any other complex types of AI companions. maybe they could instead be an ancient healer & shield osprey...but, at that point, Caverra's just summoning stuff we can already do by ourselves (which, admittedly can be said about a volt/mag/excal specter too). i wanted some kind of summoned allies who had "abilities". but, the enemy types who do, we already have specters for (going back to the shield osprey, ancient healer thing. or even the bombard specter than has a little shield drone). also, didnt want to step on Caliban's toes with his conculysts. it's weird lol. trying to transfer necromancy into warframe. been playing necro in diablo immortal & D3 & got a spark of creative inspiration. but, AI companions are a lot more tricky in warframe.

i think I'll combine the 2 'fourth ability' augments. it will instead summon multiple entities & just be different entities than the base ability. I like the base ability 3 choices. I'll try to come up with some for the entities for the augment. something i was having trouble with, was wanting to use organic enemies as a base. so, that cuts out all robotic enemies like moa's, bursas & ospreys.

oh yeah...the 3rd ability was 1 that i wasn't all that proud of. struggled with it. was trying to emulate a large flesh golem (again, diablo inspiration) but, couldn't figure out how to do it. if it was a massive creature, it wouldn't fit in small corridors & hallways in 'grineer ship' tilesets. if it was too small, if wouldn't seem like a hulking golem. i settled on the teralyst 'tree branch smackdown' in the end, because i couldn't think of any other way to do a big golem slamming the enemies. I have to ask, if you'd be so kind to answer...is it the ability itself that is not amazing? or does it have potential 'as is', just with some number changes & possibly some kind of added effect to increase synergy with the rest of her kit. or, some kind of added effect to increase its own viability. also, i made it kind of underwhelming because I pretty much didn't want to make any of her other abilities the 'helminth' choice. her 1 would be too similar to harrow's 1 in helminth. her 2...I've already made a defensive ability on another warframe i created (Qulia), his helminth ability...so I didn't want to do it again. & her fourth is of course, her flavor & theme, so i wouldn't want to give it away. trying to make this ability 'the helminth' ability, played a big role in the way it ended up being lackluster.

lastly, thanks so much for the feedback. appreciate it

Edited by Brian_with_a_Buh
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most of these 'warframe ideas' or reworks are all things i come up with, when insomnia is keeping me awake, lying in bed. so, critique is really awesome & no feelings will be hurt lol.

i don't want to just be in the echo chamber of my own head lol. the "damage reduction shouldn't start at 90%" comment is a great example. i was just, way out of my depth when it came to that one. I never mess with ability granted DR & just vazarin dash i-frames all day lol. Plus...the whole 'inaros main' thing, probably hinted at my lack of DR ability use   :P

i know there are a few summoner warframes already like nekros' 4, caliban's sentinels, nyx's mind control & wukong twin. so, i wasn't "trying to fill a niche that wasn't filled". instead, i kind of just wanted to throw my hat in the ring & try to come up with a summoner frame myself. Caverra actually started as just...a 1 armed amputee frame idea i had. with skeletal arms holding her guns. then, that became the necromancer theme afterwards.

Edited by Brian_with_a_Buh
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