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Star Chart Dojo Showcase - Autumn 2023 [WINNERS ANNOUNCED]


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Give your Dojo a place of honor on the Star Chart!

1. FeaturedDojo_1080p.jpg
What Are Showcased Dojos?
Every month, a new set of Dojos appears on the Star Chart for all Tenno to visit! The Warframe team selects these Dojos based on designs shared in this quarterly event. Share your Dojo with us and it could be next to receive a place of honor on the Star Chart!

There are two submission categories: Star Chart Ascendant and Star Chart All Stars. Read on for more details!

Guest Judge, Bobay joins us to select this round of Star Chart Dojos.  Bobay is an Xbox Tenno who’s especially active in the Dojo community. His designs have been showcased on the Star Chart with his Clan, Children of Asgard!

Star Chart Ascendant Category
The original category, based on the Featured Dojo Contest of the past three years. In this category, Dojos that have never been showcased on the Star Chart are given priority.

There will be three winners selected per Clan tier per platform: 
PC: Ghost, Shadow, Storm, Mountain, Moon x 3
PS: Ghost, Shadow, Storm, Mountain, Moon x 3
XB: Ghost, Shadow, Storm, Mountain, Moon x 3
Switch:  Ghost, Shadow, Storm, Mountain, Moon x 3

Star Chart All Stars Category
Clan Tier does not apply to this category. All Dojos compete based on designs alone. By submitting a Dojo that has been on the Star Chart in the past, your submission is automatically included in both the Star Chart Ascendant category and the Star Chart All Stars category.

There will be one winner per platform:
PC: Any Clan Tier
PS: Any Clan Tier
XB: Any Clan Tier
Switch:  Any Clan Tier

Each Clan can only win in the Star Chart All Stars category one time, but there’s no limit to the number of times Clans can win in the Star Chart Ascendant category. Feel free to submit to future rounds!

How to Enter
Take us on a tour of your Dojo in the official contest thread! 

Rules for Submissions

  • One submission per Clan
  • Must list your Clan’s name, tier, and platform with your entry
  • Must list your your Clan role (Must be the Founding Warlord or have Architect permissions)
  • Must not exceed 10 images. Show us your Dojo’s best! We recommend uploading images to a host website like Imgur and sharing the link.
  • Video tours must not exceed 3 minutes. We recommend uploading video to a host website like YouTube and sharing the link.
  • Dojo theme and presentation must be appropriate for the community forums
  • Write your submission in whatever language is most comfortable to you! Make sure, however, it is posted in the official English contest thread. Submissions posted elsewhere won’t be seen.
  • Do not reserve spots in the official contest thread
  • Submissions that do not follow these rules will be disqualified

Please keep in mind that, if your Dojo is selected, all players will be able to access your Clan Dojo while it is on the Star Chart!
3. SectionHeader_Prizes.jpg

Star Chart Ascendants receive the bronze, silver, or gold contest trophy and massive stockpiles of resources! The number of Resources awarded to each 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place Dojo is determined by Clan size. Resources, platinum, and trophies will arrive in the clan’s Dojo Decoration Menu! 

Star Chart All Stars receive the platinum contest trophy and 3 months featured on the Star Chart.
4. SectionHeader_Rules.png

Rules for Dojos Selected for the Star Chart

Given the number of players who will visit, we have a different standard for content in Dojos showcased on the Star Chart than we do for Dojos that aren't open to everyone. We may ask selected Clans to make small changes to their Dojos for the time they are featured based on the following:

  • Nothing vulgar or offensive can be included in Dojos while they are featured on the Star Chart
  • Star Chart Ascendants can only increase their Clan Tier while being featured on the Star Chart.
  • This rule does not apply to Star Chart All Stars, because Clan Tier does not affect their selection process.
  • Clans who disregard these rules while their Dojo is on the Star Chart will have their Dojos removed from the Star Chart. If deemed necessary, increased disciplinary action will also be taken

This round of Dojos will occupy the Star Chart from December 2023 to the end of February 2024.

Star Chart Ascendant Dojos will be showcased for one month each.
The Star Chart All Star of each platform will be showcased for all three months.

5. SectionHeader_Winners.png

How We Select Dojos

Phase 1: After submissions close, a group of Warframe Community Team members and the round’s Guest Judge will take one week to review all submissions. This process includes:

  1. Organizing all submissions by contest category, Clan Tier, and platform. Star Chart Ascendant submissions only compete with Dojos that share their Clan Tier and platform. Repeat submissions are automatically included in the Star Chart All Stars category, where submissions only compete with Dojos that share their platform but Clan Tiers are not considered.
  2. Confirming submissions obeyed the rules listed above.

Phase 2: Once preparations are complete, the selection process begins! We begin by narrowing down submissions to top submissions. The team looks for two traits above all in this process: creativity and quality.

  • Creativity: We love unique designs! Whether your decorating style focuses on small details or big structures, we appreciate the creativity you put into your work. Please keep in mind that original designs are prioritized. If you are making an exact replica of another room please add 'replica' or 'recreation' to the room title and credit the original designer.  (*Dojo rooms reported to be direct copies of another Dojo are reviewed by DE)
  • Quality: Only filling a room with decorations will not secure your victory when there’s stiff competition! Be thoughtful about how you choose to place decorations. The best Dojos we’ve seen have conveyed stories and themes. Make the decorations your own!

Phase 3: Community Team members and the Guest Judge will closely review and compare top submissions a second time to select those that will be featured on the Star Chart. During this stage of the process, additional factors are considered:

  • The number of times the Dojo has been showcased on the Star Chart. Dojos that have never been showcased are given priority in the Star Chart Ascendant category. Dojos that have been selected as Star Chart All Stars in the past are not eligible to be selected for that category again.
  • In the Star Chart Ascendant category, if a higher Clan tier category (Mountain or Moon) has only received repeat submissions, we consider giving a larger tier Clan’s slot to a smaller Clan (Ghost, Shadow, or Storm). 
  • Large structures are impressive, but keep in mind that small details set winning submissions apart from top submissions. Focus on creating an immersive atmosphere with details we can’t ignore. Make your Dojo a testament to your unique Clan!

Seeking inspiration? Here’s advice from architects whose Dojos have been showcased on the Star Chart!
6. SectionHeader_DojoWinnersAdvice-1.jpg

Winners will be announced in November during our community live stream at twitch.tv/warframe

This contest starts now until Friday November 24th @ 1:00PM ET

All players from PC, XBOX, PlayStation, and Nintendo Switch can participate!

A huge thanks to our guest judge, Bobay, as we conclude the Autumn Dojo Showcase Contest! This round's creativity and attention to detail were truly impressive. We saw decorations used in ways we could have never imagined- that's true artistry! See you in February for the Winter 2023 showcase 
Check out PrimeTime 371 for a sneak peak of our upcoming Starchart. 
Here are the winners: 



_Autumn 2023 PC Selected Dojos .png

_PSN Autumn 2023 Dojo Selected Dojos .png

_!Xbox Autumn 2023 Dojo Selected Dojos .png

_Switch Autumn 2023  Selected Dojos.png


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Hey everyone!

Here's our submission:

Clan platform: PC
Clan tier: Storm
My role: Founding Warlord

Our dojo is slightly inspired by Warhammer 40.000, which is why we went with a rather dark theme. Here are the 10 images: https://imgur.com/a/ZudOSsX
The dojo has much more, and each single accessible room is decorated, including connectors. The entire dojo features a similar style to keep the theme.
Most of our players are from the old times of Warframe, which is why we value a grimdark style.
I've added a small description to each image.

Good luck to everyone!

EDIT: Added clan platform

Edited by -Onyx-Tao
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Clan Name: - Black Paper -

Clan Tier: Ghost Clan

Clan Platform: PC

Clan Role: Founding Warlord


  • This clan size tier is ghost, this is important to mention because we have a ghost and shadow tier trophy decoration, yet we were never shadow tier. No idea if it was a script error or assuming we were shadow tier at one point.
  • The dojo is easily explorable, it's not a hallway simulator with oversized (aka tables made for giants) obstacles, it isn't a grid of 10x10 large rooms with half of them empty, it's not a mess of elevators and warps all over the place. It's a simple square for the most part, functionality is key, decorations add imersion, not clutter, meaning you will also not find giant contraptions made from dozens of energy capacitors, conduits or orokin tech emitters.
  • It is meant to be a dojo 1st, not a maze, any player entering (new or old) can easily navigate (both by walking and by warping) without being lost, certain rooms may also include directions for points of interest like Railjack, rooms are also identified to better indicate what portion of the dojo you're in.
  • While the dojo is heavily decorated, the goal is mainly to showcase clan members (and other players) what they played and achieved, each room is a trip down memory lane due to events and certain updates, as such we showcase the clan itself, a reflection of what we did.
  • While unintended, rooms are less prone to visual glitches (like unusual shadows) regardless of update, what you see is what you get. (there aren't lots of decorations near light sources)
  • Unlike many featured dojos, you will not enter empty rooms that signify you are in the wrong area of the dojo.
  • Dojo contains a unique sized tenet panel, likely the only one in all dojos and has been adapted into a screen to add imersion to the room.
  • We did not purchase (via favors, plat, patreon benefits) any sort of decoration service, the rooms resources and looks are done via it's clan members.
  • Likewise members of the clan are not responsible for decorating other featured dojos.
  • Also, dojo not visited by Rebbeca&Megan in Primetime In previous contest due to assuming they had already visited it.
  • Changes to rooms have been made since last time, especially small hallways, decoration optimization was made so the ground is very different.

Main spawn room:














Edited by KIREEK
Replaced some images
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On 2023-11-06 at 9:49 PM, [DE]Ronnie said:

Give your Dojo a place of honor on the Star Chart!

1. FeaturedDojo_1080p.jpg
What Are Showcased Dojos?
Every month, a new set of Dojos appears on the Star Chart for all Tenno to visit! The Warframe team selects these Dojos based on designs shared in this quarterly event. Share your Dojo with us and it could be next to receive a place of honor on the Star Chart!

There are two submission categories: Star Chart Ascendant and Star Chart All Stars. Read on for more details!

Guest Judge, Bobay joins us to select this round of Star Chart Dojos.  Bobay is an Xbox Tenno who’s especially active in the Dojo community. His designs have been showcased on the Star Chart with his Clan, Children of Asgard!

Star Chart Ascendant Category
The original category, based on the Featured Dojo Contest of the past three years. In this category, Dojos that have never been showcased on the Star Chart are given priority.

There will be three winners selected per Clan tier per platform: 
PC: Ghost, Shadow, Storm, Mountain, Moon x 3
PS: Ghost, Shadow, Storm, Mountain, Moon x 3
XB: Ghost, Shadow, Storm, Mountain, Moon x 3
Switch:  Ghost, Shadow, Storm, Mountain, Moon x 3

Star Chart All Stars Category
Clan Tier does not apply to this category. All Dojos compete based on designs alone. By submitting a Dojo that has been on the Star Chart in the past, your submission is automatically included in both the Star Chart Ascendant category and the Star Chart All Stars category.

There will be one winner per platform:
PC: Any Clan Tier
PS: Any Clan Tier
XB: Any Clan Tier
Switch:  Any Clan Tier

Each Clan can only win in the Star Chart All Stars category one time, but there’s no limit to the number of times Clans can win in the Star Chart Ascendant category. Feel free to submit to future rounds!

How to Enter
Take us on a tour of your Dojo in the official contest thread! 

Rules for Submissions

  • One submission per Clan
  • Must list your Clan’s name, tier, and platform with your entry
  • Must list your your Clan role (Must be the Founding Warlord or have Architect permissions)
  • Must not exceed 10 images. Show us your Dojo’s best! We recommend uploading images to a host website like Imgur and sharing the link.
  • Video tours must not exceed 3 minutes. We recommend uploading video to a host website like YouTube and sharing the link.
  • Dojo theme and presentation must be appropriate for the community forums
  • Write your submission in whatever language is most comfortable to you! Make sure, however, it is posted in the official English contest thread. Submissions posted elsewhere won’t be seen.
  • Do not reserve spots in the official contest thread
  • Submissions that do not follow these rules will be disqualified

Please keep in mind that, if your Dojo is selected, all players will be able to access your Clan Dojo while it is on the Star Chart!
3. SectionHeader_Prizes.jpg

Star Chart Ascendants receive the bronze, silver, or gold contest trophy and massive stockpiles of resources! The number of Resources awarded to each 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place Dojo is determined by Clan size. Resources, platinum, and trophies will arrive in the clan’s Dojo Decoration Menu! 

Star Chart All Stars receive the platinum contest trophy and 3 months featured on the Star Chart.
4. SectionHeader_Rules.png

Rules for Dojos Selected for the Star Chart

Given the number of players who will visit, we have a different standard for content in Dojos showcased on the Star Chart than we do for Dojos that aren't open to everyone. We may ask selected Clans to make small changes to their Dojos for the time they are featured based on the following:

  • Nothing vulgar or offensive can be included in Dojos while they are featured on the Star Chart
  • Star Chart Ascendants can only increase their Clan Tier while being featured on the Star Chart.
  • This rule does not apply to Star Chart All Stars, because Clan Tier does not affect their selection process.
  • Clans who disregard these rules while their Dojo is on the Star Chart will have their Dojos removed from the Star Chart. If deemed necessary, increased disciplinary action will also be taken

This round of Dojos will occupy the Star Chart from December 2023 to the end of February 2024.

Star Chart Ascendant Dojos will be showcased for one month each.
The Star Chart All Star of each platform will be showcased for all three months.

5. SectionHeader_Winners.png

How We Select Dojos

Phase 1: After submissions close, a group of Warframe Community Team members and the round’s Guest Judge will take one week to review all submissions. This process includes:

  1. Organizing all submissions by contest category, Clan Tier, and platform. Star Chart Ascendant submissions only compete with Dojos that share their Clan Tier and platform. Repeat submissions are automatically included in the Star Chart All Stars category, where submissions only compete with Dojos that share their platform but Clan Tiers are not considered.
  2. Confirming submissions obeyed the rules listed above.

Phase 2: Once preparations are complete, the selection process begins! We begin by narrowing down submissions to top submissions. The team looks for two traits above all in this process: creativity and quality.

  • Creativity: We love unique designs! Whether your decorating style focuses on small details or big structures, we appreciate the creativity you put into your work. Please keep in mind that original designs are prioritized. If you are making an exact replica of another room please add 'replica' or 'recreation' to the room title and credit the original designer.  (*Dojo rooms reported to be direct copies of another Dojo are reviewed by DE)
  • Quality: Only filling a room with decorations will not secure your victory when there’s stiff competition! Be thoughtful about how you choose to place decorations. The best Dojos we’ve seen have conveyed stories and themes. Make the decorations your own!

Phase 3: Community Team members and the Guest Judge will closely review and compare top submissions a second time to select those that will be featured on the Star Chart. During this stage of the process, additional factors are considered:

  • The number of times the Dojo has been showcased on the Star Chart. Dojos that have never been showcased are given priority in the Star Chart Ascendant category. Dojos that have been selected as Star Chart All Stars in the past are not eligible to be selected for that category again.
  • In the Star Chart Ascendant category, if a higher Clan tier category (Mountain or Moon) has only received repeat submissions, we consider giving a larger tier Clan’s slot to a smaller Clan (Ghost, Shadow, or Storm). 
  • Large structures are impressive, but keep in mind that small details set winning submissions apart from top submissions. Focus on creating an immersive atmosphere with details we can’t ignore. Make your Dojo a testament to your unique Clan!

Seeking inspiration? Here’s advice from architects whose Dojos have been showcased on the Star Chart!
6. SectionHeader_DojoWinnersAdvice-1.jpg

Winners will be announced in November during our community live stream at twitch.tv/warframe

This contest starts now until Friday November 24th @ 1:00PM ET

All players from PC, XBOX, PlayStation, and Nintendo Switch can participate!




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Clan name       : Miau after Tomorrow

Clan tier           : Shadow Clan rank 11

Clan platform  : PC

Clan role          : Founding Warlord 


Featured Image:   Wonderful Dream
Quill Prime:



Event Trophy Collection:



Cat Castle Entrance:



Cat Castle Harbor:



The Dojo Contest Shrine:



Ayatan Collection:



Horse Farm:









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Clan: Abyssus Invocat,  Clan tier : Ghost , Clan role: Warlord and architect,  Platform: PlayStation 

Clan created and decorated alone, on the theme of the North Mythology,  Enjoy your journey 🤗

( this replace the first one as I link the only video wanted) 


Edited by (PSN)Goddess__Hel
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Clan Name: CantGetRight

Clan Tier: Storm

Platform: XboX

Role: Architect/ Leader

hello warfare, I haven’t been able to really build anything new as right now and it’s my daughter’s birthday today so here is a compilation video of some of my work I’ve already completed! 


Edited by (XBOX)OGKuvaSage
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Clan name: Terror Troopers

Clan tier: Ghost

Platform: Playstation

Role: Founding Warlord


Our clan is comprised of four people, all of which are either family or close friends. As such, this dojo is not a product of random players making random things, but rather a home that has been forged through said familial bond. We hope you enjoy what we have to offer! (Side note: when we say there is a hidden Kuaka Floof in every room, we mean every room. If you can't find it, he's probably just that good at hiding.)

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Clan: Turian Sixth Fleet
Tier: Shadow
Platform: PC
Role: Founding Warlord

Now that that's out of the way, the Turian Sixth Fleet proudly present our dojo!


First off, our entry point, welcome to Valhalla.


The frozen cavern in "Phendrana Drifts" where winter is eternal

Explore the ruins of a forgotten era in the Martian Ruins

If you feel for a test of patience, orientation and tracking, try our Maze.

Wanna feel like a King or perhaps a Queen? Take a trip to our Gilded Throne in our "Lounge and Labs"

Need a break from all the adventuring, grinding and constantly helping Konzu get an early lunch? visit one of our two bars, our Club Lich and as featured in these pictures, our Club Vigor.

And what is a dojo without easter eggs? Try my own Game of Thrones by sleuthing these clues and find the thrones I have hidden around the dojo. (hint: I am not talking about the ones in center of a room with a teleporter)

This and much more will be found in our Dojo and there is always more to come!
Until we meet again, Turian Sixth Fleet wishes you all welcome.

Edited by Reican
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The smeeta fan familly
Tier: shadow
Platform: xbox
Role: designed by unicorncat20 warlord fonder 


Created dojo décembre 2022  i build à unique  dojo whit à Nice main room for fashion Frame even whit mutiple tradind station i even made a scafinder also had mac Donald but broken the navigation was design buy me unicorncat20 and tonton first time tryng to get show  évent

Edited by (XBOX)Unicorncat20944
Mauvaise vidéo mi je suis trompé
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